Adventure Awaits in Neverland

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Lets say that Peter Pan was never Rumplestiltskin's father but instead a boy who wished to never grow up and... Mehr

Chapter 1: The Never Ending Nightmare
Chapter 3: Lets Play A Game
Chapter 4: Aim and Shoot
Chapter 5: Laughter Fills the Air
Chapter 6: A Blushing Storm
Chapter 7: New People
Chapter 8: Death Knocking On My Door
Chapter 9: The Cave
Chapter 10: I Don't Care
Chapter 11: The Potion

Chapter 2: New Arrival

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Luna's POV

I looked above the waters at the sky, oh man, what a beautiful shade of blue. I looked straight ahead and saw this island, that must be it. I dived back under the water and swam the fastest I ever had in the direction towards the island.

When I climbed onto the sand of the beach, I collapsed, tired of my journey here. A cloud of purple smoke circled around me and I looked down to see that my tail had turned back into legs and that, thankfully, my pants were sill intact. I mouthed a silent "thank you" to Rumplestiltskin. I reached towards my back to make sure my bow and arrows were still there, yup, still here. Wait, am I for sure in Neverland? I started to scan the ocean; Rumple said that I would know that it was Neverland if I see a big rock/cave that looks like a skull on the water in the direction that I swam from. Hmm.

Oh! Found it! It's not very inviting is it? Mental note: try to stay away from the skull cave... or what Rumple called it, skull rock.

I looked behind me, woah, lots and lots of forest. My stomach began to growl at me, guess it's time for lunch. I took out an arrow and set it on the bow having it ready to shoot at anything that looked edible. I ventured off into the woods, my eyes set on whatever were to move around me.

After walking for about ten minutes, I spotted a deer, sorry buddy. I let my arrow fly and it shot the deer right in the eye, it collapsed to the ground. I walked over, knelt down next to it, and whispered as a tear rolled down my face, "thank you for your sacrifice."

"And thank you for yours." A deep voice said from behind me.

Before I could turn around, a hand was clasped over my mouth and then I was thrown over onto someone's shoulder. Before I screamed to be let go, some sort of dust was blown into my face, knocking me out.


I woke up and patted my hand next to me, I'm on a bed. Oh, I guess going to Neverland was just a dream. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up in bed and cracked my neck. I looked around me... I'm in a tent? Then I heard two faint voices that I didn't recognize talking outside.

"Yeah, so I grabbed her and I brought her here."

"Don't you think Pan will find out? I mean what if she's the person he's looking for? The person that just arrived at Neverland this morning?"

"Well I'm not going to tell him, and neither are you."

"Fine" said the guy, then he started to walk away.

Okay, so then Neverland isn't a dream and this is all actually happening right now, and I'm being kidnapped. Oh god, I'm kidnapped, what do I do? I began to frantically search the room to see if there was another way out besides the entrance. I got up quietly from the bed hoping to not make any noise as I walked to the other side of the tent. Unfortunately, that didn't work out very well because somebody grabbed me, spun me around, and pinned me up against the side of the tent.

Uknown's POV

I held her against the side of the tent as she squirmed under my arm, "there's no way I'm letting you get away."

"Please, just let me go." She looked upset, and scared.

I whispered in her ear, "I'm not going to hurt you."

She stopped squirming and I studied her. She was absolutely gorgeous. She had this long brown, wavy hair that went to her waist, stunning green eyes, and lips that looked ever so soft. She was shorter than I, about 5'5" so it was pretty easy to hold onto her.

Her delicate lips parted as she said, "What do you want?"

I removed my arm from her chest, placing my hand on her face as I stared at her lips. "I-I-"

I leaned in and kissed her.

Luna's POV

The stranger's lips met mine and I started to kiss back until I realized what was happening. I pushed him away from me, "Excuse you!"

His hood fell away from his face revealing a teenager that looked about 18. He looked down at the ground and mumbled an "I'm sorry."

I walked up to him and looked at him in the eyes though I had to look up at him because he was about 6 feet tall. I placed my hand on his face and traced the scar that ran down his right eye. I wonder what could have caused this. He then bent down and pressed his lips against mine, this time I pulled away immediately and slapped him across the face.

He rubbed his cheek, "What was that for?"

"I didn't say you could kiss me! I don't even know your name!"

He smirked and said in his deep voice, "It's Felix and what might yours be, beautiful?"

I could feel my face turn a bright pink, I managed to squeak out, "Luna."

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl." Then all of a sudden, he picked me up and threw me on the bed and pinned my arms above my head.

I tried to shake free but his grip was too tight, "What are you doing?"

"When I see something that I want, I tend to go after it."

He then kissed me, again. I turned my face away but that didn't stop him because then he just started to kiss my neck.

"Stop!" I screamed.

But he didn't, so I kneed him in the groin which made him topple over onto the floor in pain. I shot up from the bed, grabbed my bow and arrows that were on the floor, and then ran out of there as fast as I could. I found myself in the forest and I just kept on running and didn't look back. I saw a big tree at the end of my path and decided to climb it so I could hide.

Felix's POV

She ran out of the tent with such haste that there was no way I'd be able to catch up to her in time. I laid on the ground for a while moaning becasue she got me pretty good. It hurt so bad that I felt like I was going to throw up.

I saw a pair of legs walk up to me as a familiar voice ringed out, "What is the meaning of this?"

I sat up and cringed at the pain of movement, "Pan. I was uhm and uh-"

He tapped his foot impatiently.

"It was this girl, and I found her so I brought her here. I thought she was really pretty so I kissed her and things didn't end up that well, she kicked me and yeah," I trailed off.

Peter Pan then started to laugh, not the reaction I was expecting.

"What's so funny?"

"Well I never thought that you'd actually get to kiss a girl, and when you did, it just ended up you getting kicked in the nuts."

This angered me a bit, "Like I don't already know that! But it's not my fault! The same thing would have happened to you if you met her!"

Pan stopped laughing, "Are you saying I never met her before?"


"Dammit, she must have been the person that I felt arrived in Neverland this morning. I've been looking for her everywhere, and you let her go?!"

I held up my hands in defense, "How was I supposed to know that she was the person you were looking for?"

"Felix," He clenched his fists, "maybe because no one has ever seen her before and we both know every single person on this island."

Peter was starting to get frustrated, "Oh well, uh, I'm sorry. I should have brought her to you. I can-"

Peter held up his hand and said, "You've done enough. I'll send out the other Lost Boys to find her and bring her to me. Now, go get some ice for yourself."

He waved me off and then walked out of the tent. Thank god I didn't really get into trouble for that stunt.


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