Ellas Mistake( On Hold)

By CupCake323

918 35 2

All Ella ever wanted was to find her prince charming and live happily ever after. And she did. Or so she thou... More

Ellas Mistake
Ellas Mistake Chapter 2
Ellas Mistake Chapter 4
Ellas Mistake Chapter 5
Ellas Mistake

Ellas Mistake Chapter 3

96 4 0
By CupCake323

Chapter 3

After the misfortune encounter with Betty's cousin and her lover I left back to the garden and stayed there a while. It was peaceful here and I like the sollituied it offered, I felt really tired. So I sat beneath the nearest tree and laid against it. Mayhaps I shouldn't have gotten up too early.

I yawned laying against the tree feeling so tired I felt I could sleep for days. The Master and his Lady wont be here for another few days so I am sure I falling asleep wont be a problem ... just just for a little while ...


"No .. no don't get away ... get away! NO!"

I felt hands wrapping around my arms shaking me.

"No let me go!" I thrashed trying to get free from him. I need to escape he would hurt me again!

"Enough woman open your eyes!"

I stiffen when I heard that voice. That wasn't Anthony.

I opened my eyes and gasped. This was defiantly not Anthony, this man was more buff and even more handsome than Anthony. I couldn't help my eyes travel his body, he was unlike any other man I had ever seen so handsome so manly my mouth went dry but when I reached his face all I saw was anger, I couldn't help but flinch, reminding me of Anthony's hate.

"Who are you, and why are you in my lands?" the handsome stranger said .... wait this was the Master?!

God he was so ... handsome ... so big .... I blushed at my thoughts his eyes were black as a starless night sky, I couldn't help but shiver as his gaze held mine. he had long curly hair that was untied, his skin so rough and tanned but what most beautiful lips he had .... how would it feel to have his lips against mine?

What?! What were these wonton thought coming from?

"I.. I ...I"

"Trevor, dear enough you are frighten that poor woman, stop being a brute and unhand her." a sweet voice came from behind this enormous man that had his hands on me.

"Madeline, stay out of this-"

The woman gasped "Trevor! How dare you, unhand her this minute or I will beat you with my fan! You are being unreasonable."

The man known as Trevor ignored whom I thought was his wife and keep his cold eyes on me, " Answer me woman what are you doing in my lands!" he yanked me off the floor only to press me up against his hard rock body.

I couldn't concentrate with him this close and his hot breath fanning my face and neck "I ... I work here .... Gretel she - she hired me and my friend yesterday."

He kept staring at me with his cold coal eyes. For a few more seconds only to shove me away from him as i stumble to regain my footage I yelp as I trip over on one of the many roots.

"Ahhh!" I cry out when my hip hit a thicker root the stuck from the ground.

"Trevor! Look what you have done?!" the young woman who suspected to be the Masters wife Lady Madeline rushed over to me as she knelt down onto the dirt, dirtying her beautiful baby blue dress that went well with her soft light almond color skin and blonde curls. At that moment I knew she was kind heart.

"Trevor, you brute, how could you?! " she looked back angrily at the Master. "Help me with her, and take her to one of the guest rooms-"

"Have you gone mad Madeline?! I will have no servant sleep in -"

I flinched at being called a servant, did I mean less for being one in his eyes? Why did I even care? Why did it pain me for him to not care?

"Trevor! " the young woman gasped looked horrified at him. "This woman is injured an injury you and your animalistic ways have done! Now help me and call for the doctor this instinct! "

I shivered as the Master gaze pieced through me. With hate? What have I done to have him hate me?


He tore his gaze from me to only curse under his breath as he made his way towards me and picked me up not to gently as I whimper back a sob hold back the tears as my injured hips was pressed up against his warm rock hard stomach.

"Trevor for heavens sake careful!" Lady Madeline scowled at the Master as she followed behind us.

I blushed "I -I feel fine I co- I could walk myself." I blushed as the gardeners and the maids that were outside washing clothes were now glancing our way.

"Of course you can't dear, I've had a similar accident when I was a child and I could not walk without wincing in pain." Lady Madeline frowned all anger and emotion gone from her face except sadness, even the Masters scowl had soften a bit.

Once we were inside Gretel came rushing towards us confusion written all over her face as she look at as all three especially at me and I knew what was going through her head.

I blushed wanting to hid my face in embracement but I knew tucking my face into the Master neck would be more inappropriate then being carried .

"Gretel please have one of the maids ready to make a room for this woman please she has been injured and call for the doctor at once." realization crossed the old woman's face as well as worry as she nodded and left to do as told.

"For now we must place her in my room Trevor c-."

"Madeline that is enough! She is a servant not the bloody queen of England, she doesn't need to be treated as such-"

I couldn't help but flinch again as he called me servant, why should I care?

"Trevor." Lady Madeline was now in the verge of tears and her hands were shaking by now, but she kept her voice strong "Have you not remembered my accident, how dare you stand there and not feel any kind of remorse much less care even though she is a maid or if she is a Lady of Society. No one , no one deserves what happened to me after my accident. No even her." tears were already sliding down her face and it pained me to see her cry, I felt like I shouldn't have been here while they talked about such personal things.

The Master stood quite even his scowl was completely gone he looked quite pained and sad and it seemed as for a second he had forgotten I was in his arms.

I should leave, with that I tried to wiggle out of his arms only to whimper in pain with that there attention was snapped back to me, Mayhaps I should have stayed still.

The scowl was back on his face as he began to walk up the stair case.

oh no, i looked frantically as Lady Madeline followed behind.

"Please I insist I am fine, put me down I'll just go to the room I was assigned to and rest a spell, I should be better by morn." I tried the swing my legs off his muscular arms only to have him tighten his grip which I bit my tongue to keep from moaning in pain.

"Please uhh ... I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your name ..." Lady Madeline sadly smiled as she walked beside us.

" Larissa .... Larissa Mitchell. "

" Well Larissa Mitchell, I am truely sorry but we must have the doctor check you just to be sure. Beside it is Trevor's fault you are injured it is the least we can do." she smiled sadly.

There was silence after that, as we headed towards the bed chambers. I felt uncomfortable for many reasons but mostly was being in the arms of that man that was carrying me.

I couldn't help but look at him from the corner of my eyes, and I couldn't help but shutter at how cold and lifeless his coal eyes looked. No emotion were on his handsome face ... I blushed as I looked at Lady Madeline ... how could I be thinking of how handsome the man who had me in his arms handsome? His wife was right beside him and she was showing me a stranger kindness while I had such wonton thoughts of a man who wasn't mine ... but hers.

"Here we are."Lady Madeline opened the door to the most beautiful room I'd ever seen. Everything around me was pure white the walls, the furniture, even the bed was covered with cotton white sheets.

As he headed for the bed I looked down at the plain dirt cover dress, "I ... nno I'm dirty I'll dirty the sheet."

"Its alright Larissa sheet can always be cleaned." Lady Madeline smiled setting her fan down and moving pillows as the Master set me down as I winced as my side ached. Once I was set on the bed he left without another word.

"I could have stayed in the room I am staying at and my friend will be worried. I assure you I just feel pain I feel alright now." I tried to move my leg I felt no pain but as I sat up I couldn't help but whimper and hold onto my hip side.

Lady Madeline was at my side in a matter of second " Please Larissa, stay still, you could injure yourself further. Now is there anything you need?"

"I ... no ... I am fine thank you." I nodded smiling softly ignoring the pain.

"Well I'll go down stairs to see if the doctor has arrived. " she patted my hand and soon after disappeared behind the double door.

I sat there shocked at how nice and kind hearted Lady Madeline was and how rude and cold hearted the Master is ... it confused me how they could be together.

Knock Knock

"Come in"

The door swung open and there in tears was Beth.

"Oh Ella!?" she rushes towards the bed only to crush me into a bone crushing hug. I couldn't hold in the cry of pain in.

"Oh Lord Ella once I heard the maids talking about the Master carrying you in a-and how you were hurt all I thought about was Master Anthony had found you and had hurt you." Beth grab ahold of my hand as tears streamed down her face.

I felt guilty that I woke up without telling her where I had gone, that I couldn't sleep and left early but I also didn't expect to fall asleep in plain daylight.

"Beth I am sorry, I am fine, I'm alright I promise. This is nothing if it were up to me I would have gone to the room but Lady Madeline wouldn't hear it."

Beth nodded whipping her tears away with her handkerchief. "How- how did you get hurt?"

I chuckled weakly " You know me being clumsy. It was my fault, I shouldn't have slept outside but I was so tired and it had been a while since- "

Knock Knock

"Come in."

Lady Madeline bright cheerful face appeared as she walked in with a young man ... perhaps around his early 30s he had blonde wavy locks and he was good looking perhaps not like the Master but he was good looking enough.

"Larissa this doctor Aaron Clayworth. His father was our family doctor before he passed away."

"Hello, now let see that injury, shall we . Where are you hurt?" he said as he walked over towards the corner of the bed offering me a warm kind smile. He had a beautiful smile along with a perfect row of white teeth. But Anthony had that same smile, one that charmed me to my mistake a mistake that wont happen again.

So I offered him a small smile, "Uh on my left side of the hip."

He nodded opening his medical bag and turned to Beth and Lady Madeline. "I may need your help undressing her. And perhaps you could bring me a pot of warm water." he turned to Beth who nodded looking at me worriedly as I nodded incouragely, assuring her i'd be fine with that she did a quick bow at Lady Madeline and left.

But I couldn't help but blush, as a child I was always healthy so I had no need to be seen by the doctor ,the only man who has seen me naked was Anthony ... its not that i didn't trust this man but it made me feel embracement. .. I gasp. The scars!

"I- I- is that necessary, I am well, I am sure my side is just sore." I tried to sit up but cried out whimpering

" I am sorry but its better safe then sorry." with that he quickly glanced at Lady Madeline who just looked away.

"I assure you, I am -"

My arguing was stopped by banging of the door as the devil himself had just bursted through the room "For devils sakes woman just let the man check if you are injured."

I didn't know what over came me and I haven't felt as brave since marrying Anthony.

"Yes an accident that you caused, now I said I am well now please," as anger ran throw my veins "I must get to my duties." I through my legs off the mattress and marched -more like limped- myself out the beautiful warm rose scented room.

But I didn't get much far before the man stopped me gripping my arm in a steel hold.

"You stubborn silly child, how dare you answer back at me!"he roared all bravery I had once felt fled from my body, my legs began to shake underneath my shirt but I wouldn't him -or any other man again- abuse me.

All I felt was Anthony's discusting hands on me "Unhand me, you animal! How dare you touch me?!" he looked shocked but that shock soon was replaced by anger.

"Why you-"he looked ready to lose control as he began to lift his hand, a small gasp sounded in the room. And I couldn't help but fear him hitting me. It suddenly wasn't Anthony's touch I felt it was him and I couldn't help that my heart ached at the thought of him laying a hand on me.

"Trevor please control your temper and release her your hurting her!"

I had forgotten they were here but I tried to free myself. I looked to see Lady Madeline ready to faint and in tears as the doctor stood close by to calm her down.

Lady Madeline sobbed catching the attention of the Duke of Chambrige I took this as my chance to escape his grip as I tugged my arm away and an as far as my limp would let me.

I didn't get as far as I would have liked by the time I reached the top of the stair case I was covered with a small layer of sweat as I kept in the moans of pain. I was jurked to a stop only to be thrown up against the cold hard wall. I finally cried out the pain I had been holding in.

"Where in hell do you think you are going woman!" he yelled pinning me up against the wall and his strong body. I blushed at how closes his body was to mine ... his warm hot body pressed up against mine-

No Ella, no run, escape, NOW! Be strong!

"Away from you! Let me go!"

"Trevor that is no way to treat a Lady-"

He barked out laughter a cruel like laughter.

"Well forgive me good friend but the only lady I see her is Madeline, she is only a peasant who I am sure has rolled in the hay a few times no worth being called a Lady." he said while looking into my eyes.

I felt crushed and humiliated as tears clouded my eyes so out of anger and humiliation I did what any woman with pried do.


I heard a few in take of breath and looked to see some of the maids had seen me hit there master, some looked in disbelief while others whispered amongst each other. All waiting to see what there Master would do.

"Leave before I do something I will regret." he whispered in a deadly low voice that made my skin crawl in fear.

"But I-"

"I said leave my land before I lose what little control I have!" I winced as I looked at him, where should I go? I was being kicked out and I couldn't drag Beth with me.

I must have lost in my thoughts as the man roared grabbing me by my arm and be gain to hall me down stairs with force yelling back at the nearest maid, " Collect her positions and throw them into the streets I want her gone, out of my lands!" Maids scattered as I stumbled down the stairs trying to keep up with my injured side.

"Trevor wait please, you are overreacting!" yelled Lady Madeline as she ran down stairs as she tried to catch up with his pace.

"Madeline I forbid you to interfere in this it doesn't concern you." he ignored her only when we go to the bottom of the stairs there was Beth frozen she looked ready to help me but I shook my head. I mouthed Sunday at the mass at 12:00pm.

She frowned looking unsure but she didn't have much of a choose and nodded. A maid I have never seen or meet before stood quietly behind the master once we reached the front door only to shove me with force causing me to stumble on my skirt and onto the floor. I cried out as my belonging were thrown beside me.

"I looked back only to feel more shame as the doctor and Lady Madeline looked at me in pity. My gaze finally rested on him.

"Never step foot in my lands again." he hissed as he grabbed onto Lady Madeline's arm as she begain to protest as he lead her in shutting the door behind him leaving me and the doctor and hundred servants looking at me.

I stood up holding back the moans of my aching body back, whipping away all the useless tears as I picked up my things and limped with my head held high.

"Miss Larissa, please wait!" I turned to see the doctor in front of me, "I take it you are heading towards the town, but I am afraid it is not safe for you there, I would gladly let you stay a few day at my home until you know where to get settled."

I smiled, I haven't felt this much concern is a long time besides Beth and it felt nice. "I thank you, but it is not proper for a woman and a single man in the same room much less a roof."

He smirked and nodded "I would at least like to help you some way I know Lady Madeline would never forgive me for leaving you to fend for your self. How about a ride into town?"

"I would be most grateful but I don't think my body can handle being on hoarse back-"

"Not to worry I have a the a buggy to take us to town."

I sighed softly and nodded. "Alright."

He smiled and headed towards the doctors buggy it was small and could barely seat us two. But I was now suddenly gretful he was giving me a lift into to town, the walk would have taken me a few hours.

He assisted me into the buggy and off we went. It was a very akward ride of silence. He looked uncomfortable and now I was regrating my choice.

"I am sorry about the way Trevor behaved but tis the way he's been -"

"No, it was my fault I shouldn't have answered back at him like that, he is the Master after all" I said looking down at my hands embarrassed to look at him in the eyes.

"Well the offer still stands about the job if you can not find one I have no trouble finding you a job."

I looked up surprised that he would still help me, a servant and treat me as an equal, there weren't many people like him. I smiled and nodded "Thank you doct-"

"Aaron, please I insist you call me Aaron." he smiled back warmly, he was a handsome man,but not as handsome as Mas- No his not, his an animal! A brute! A savage!!!

I nodded and tried to keep my mind away from thought like that and concentrate back to the doctor, "Alright Aaron ."

"So what brings you here at Chambrige?"

I stiffened and he seemed to have noticed. I of course wasn't going to tell him but I had to lie again, to be safe and free from him.

"The woman I worked for passed away a month ago and I had no where to go, so a friend of mine told me to come here for a fresh start." I avoided looking into his eyes, I hated lying so instead I looked down at my hands.

"You have no family to go to?"

"No I - I was an orghan and the lady I worked for took pity on me. Wasn't much of a pay but it kept a roof over my head and a warm meal." lies lies lies my life was becoming a whole lie ... this wasn't entirely a lie this was Beth story her parents had died from a flu but it didn't seem to have taken her, I was walking in the market one evening and I saw her sitting with her head laying to the side looking at people walk by as she watched in a dark alley, she had no slippers to cover her feet and dirt covered all over her. I instantly felt for her, she looked like she had not eaten for days . So I walked to her and knelt in front of her handing her my caramel covered apple. She looked at me then the apple and snatched it away eating as tears streaked down her dirt cover face. I knew I couldn't leave her there so I grabbed her hand and went to my mother who saw shocked as I asked her if she could come live with us. My mother agreed when she saw my determined face. It wasn't my story to tell and I was going to ask for forgiveness from Beth for using her pained life story.

"I am sorry to hear that."

I nodded "Tis was a long time ago."

"Its funny you don't sound like a servant."

"Yes mi Lady was such kind hearted she taught me how to read, write, and speak properly, she even recommended me as a governess."

He nodded and was about to keep interateing me when the buggy came to a stop. "Seems we have arrived."

I couldn't be more happier, not that I couldn't wait to get away from Aaron but more like his interagation.

He got out and helped me down. "Thank you Aaron."

He nodded "Its the least I could do for you Larissa. Don't forget about my offer. And also if you don't wish from me to check that injured hip place a warm towel to it so the swelling goes away there maybe a bruise but it will go away in time and try not to push yourself when walking. "

I nodded "I wont thank you." He climbed in and off he went leaving me in front of an Inn. I sighed, I didn't have much money I would have to start looking where to start work, ugh why did I have to respond back to the Duke, I would be right now there not here. With a sigh of defeat I walked into the Inn to the front desk were a middle aged woman was looking down at paper work, I didn't want to interrupt her but I really needed a long warm shower.

I cleared my throat and the woman smiled at me but as soon as she saw me her smile wavered and disappeared.

"One room please."

"I told John to tell 'is woman no' to come her' girly now beat it, this her' place is a respectful place it is, not for 'is loose woman." she waved me off like nothing and looked back at her work.

Loose woman?! I am no such thing! I was well dressed not in the least provocative, how dare she?!

"You must have me confussed ma'am I-"

"Look girly, I said no so scram!" she shooed me off.

Confused, angry,and tired I stromed out of the place. It was the second time I had been called a loose woman.

I looked around, it was getting cold and the sky was dark no sign of the warm sun that was out this morning, where will I go? Where will I spend the night? Could I have such bad luck?

I walked around the town looking for another Inn but the only other Inn was where men took those losse woman the other woman was talking about, no I will not sleep there, it wouldn't be safe. So I kept limping try to find another Inn but as luck would have it it seemed there were just two, one I was kick out of and the other I refused to sleep in. But did things really stop there? No, it started to pour rain.

I don't have another choose.

The streets were almost abandoned a few people here and there. I limped walked as fast as I could to the forsaken Inn but my wet clothes were slowing me down . Then I felt suddenly watched. I looked around and saw no one, but my arms hairs rouse telling me otherwise. Or I may be over reacting, it could be the-

"MMMAHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed but my scream was muffeld by a hand.

My mouth was covered by a filthy hand and another wrapped around my waist as I cried out in pain from my injured hip.

"Hey there little girly," He pulled my head back pressing it up against his back as he sniffed my neck, I cringed as I tried to pray his filthy hands off me only to have him tighten his grip causing me to yelp in pain. "Stay still little honey, it'll be quick." He said pushing me up against the brick wall as he let go of my mouth to begin to pull up my wet skirt.

"No! Let me go! Help! Somebody please help me!" I tried to push his hands away from my shirt and waist only to have him yank my hair back.

"AHHHH!" it felt like he had torn out a chunk of my hair.

"Stay still or Ill hurt you more damnit." he whispered in my ear, it took everything in me not to throw up that apple I had eaten. He smelled of Ale and vomit and to top it off like he had not showered in weeks.

"Someone please help me! Please!" the ugly fat man only laughed at my attempts to be freed as I clawed into his skin and screamed.

"Yea, girly keep sqwarmin' and yellin' honey you'r turn in me on." the man said as he began to kiss down my neck roughly. By now he had his hands on my leg trying to part them with his leg when I refused he pull me back and through me onto the cold wet ground and he jumped right on me.

He was now trying to yank my pantiehoes off but I hit him on his rib cage as he cursed only to slap me only to see three.

"No ... no." then everything went black.


I know it been forever for this story to update but its here enjoy!!!!

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