Sex Camp (18+)

Autorstwa kittykat44

7M 102K 26.8K

•For Mature Audiences Only• Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp for the Undecider's, Ladies and Gentlemen! Hope... Więcej

Character Introduction
Chapter 1- Blaize | Welcome to Lakeview's Summer Camp For The Undeciders
Chapter 2- Faye | The Residents of Lodge Number 19
Chapter 3- Myra | The Campbell Siblings
Chapter 4- Alexander | Facing The Hard Things in Life
Chapter 5- Clifton | The Dirty Version of Clean
Chapter 6- Faye | Proof That Heaven is Real
Chapter 7- Myra | If Plan A Doesn't Work...
Chapter 8- Blaize | The Yummy Things You Can Find in a Dining Hall
Chapter 9- Alexander | Grabbing A Hold of Things
Chapter 10- Clifton | Weed Look Good Together
Chapter 11- Myra | The Five Senses
Chapter 12- Faye | The Bonfire Wasn't The Only Thing Giving Off Sparks
Chapter 13- Alexander | The Proximity of Desire
Chapter 14- Blaize | King and Queen of Hearts
Chapter 15- Clifton | The Affair of Seconds
Chapter 16- Faye | Cognizance
Chapter 17- Myra | 69 Shades Of Warmth
Chapter 18- Alexander | Oeuvre
Chapter 19- Clifton | Responsibility
Chapter 20- Blaize | The Storm Before The Storm
Chapter 21- Faye | Fragile
Chapter 23- Myra | Previously on Lakeview....
Chapter 24- Blaize | Where The Wet Things Are
Chapter 25- Clifton | Multimedia
Chapter 26- Faye | Wood(en Floors)
Chapter 27- Myra | Sense and Sensi...tive
Chapter 28- Alexander | Showers, Shoulders and Spite
Chapter 29- Blaize | Cardiac Monitor
Chapter 30- Faye | Rouge
Chapter 31- Alexander | Du jour au lendemain
Chapter 32- Clifton | Book of Genesis
Chapter 33- Myra | Playground Fights and Knockout Nights
Chapter 34- Blaize | Don't Look Behind You
Chapter 35- Alexander | Never Let A Kiss Fool You, Never Let A Fool Kiss You
Chapter 36- Blaize | I Run A Tight Ship
✖︎ 1M Extra- AU | Alexander | Readers Choice | "Role Reversal" ✖︎
Chapter 37- Faye | Houston, We Have A Problem
Chapter 38- Clifton | In The Event Of An Emergency, Assume The Bracing Position
Chapter 39- Myra | Mile High Club
Chapter 40- Faye | Teenage Dream
Chapter 41- Blaize | Girls Like Girls
Chapter 42- Alexander | Invincibility
✖︎ 2M Extra- AU | Faye | Readers Choice | "Clair de Lune" ✖︎
Chapter 43- Clifton | Straight On Till Morning
Chapter 44- Myra | Ablaze
Chapter 45- Blaize | In-hell-itance

Chapter 22- Alexander | Honey, I Lost The Kids!

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Autorstwa kittykat44

Chapter 22: Honey, I Lost The Kids!

In the last 15 hours since the announcement in the dining hall, the temperature dropped, the wind started to pick up and Alex was sure that his heartbeat could be heard all the way fucking down in Ecuador.

It was 10 o'clock at night and both Alexander and Faye were tucked in the safe sanctuary of their cabin. Once Alex managed to match Faye's breathing with his, he took her out of the bathroom and made her sit on the edge of the bed. Knowing she'd want space - he sat in front of her on the floor. Neither of them had mentioned what happened in the bathroom and it remained a unspoken secret between them.

"Wait, so you did what?!" he said now feeling giddy with laughing and smiling. After they both knew it was going to be okay, Alex started making light conversation which then slowly turned into them grinning from ear to ear recounting old stories.

"I was six, I d-didn't know any better." she scrunched her nose and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Faye was looking down at her hands and smiling so hard, you'd forget that she was broken inside.

"Reminds me of the time I went and lived with my gran once. She gave me a plant and I named him Steve. She told me I had to keep taking care of him, and I swear to it mon ciel, that fucking plant took over my life" Alex smiled into the air between them when he heard Faye giggle. (My heaven)

"Qu'est-il arrivé?" she asked him eyes glimmering with curiosity. (What happened?)"

"Baby, he died in the first couple of days because I over-watered him. But refusing to accept that Steve was no more. I kept watering him and adding fertilizer and praying to the photosynthesis-gods that his spot on my balcony gave enough sunlight"

Her smile wavered and she looked poignant. As if she was thinking about a memory herself. She broke her daze and looked back down into his eyes and could feel them pulling her closer. She sighed under her breath and went back to bowing her head and looking at her fingertips.

"It reminds m-me of this book I'm reading for my creative assignment" she said voice quiet enough so that anyone in the room could hear the beds creak when she shifted her weight off the edge and went to sit down on the floor in front of Alex.

She pulled her knees in and dropped her chin to the middle of them. Cradling herself so that only the tips of her shoes and his wear touching. Creating a one-way series circuit of electricity rushing through them.

Alex swallowed at her bold move and continued to act as if she didn't just make a pivotal movement in his mind. "Qu'Est-ce que c'est?" (What is it?)

She licked her lips and Alex watched the trail of her tongue on her bottom lip, leaving it glistening. He felt his semi-erection pulse and harden. Thinking of all the little things she does, he started imagining a situation in his head. He couldn't help but to.

"Flowers for Algernon" she rasped seeming to feel the buzz of voltage passing through them.

He imagined taking her hand off of her leg and sliding it down in between them. Leaning forward, he pictured her being forced on her knees all by the power of his hand on hers guiding her. Taking her hand, he would trail those fingers across all the way to his straining cock. He smirked slightly when he could already visualize her audibly gasp and blush at the feel of his hardness.

"It's about a man, Ch-Charlie Gordon w-who undergoes surgery in order to save himself. B-but its relatively new. Only been trialled and tested on a m-mouse. Algernon." she said

Alex bit his lip and forced himself to stay in the conversation. He didn't bother to shift when Faye's eyes visually tracked a moment's glance down at his erection. Instead he asked "What does that have to do with my plant?"

His thoughts screamed at him, carrying on the game he was playing in his mind. Imagining her with tinted red cheeks and eyes locked with each other. He would take his hand off. He didn't know what she would do after. But he fantasized, god he fantasized that she wouldn't take it off. Instead she would start caressing and exploring his cock. He could almost taste him saying her name on his lips but he had to hold himself back.

"Well, during the end... I g-guess from my p-perspective. I understand that..." she said her eyes now locked on the bulge in his pants and her breathing shallow and faster. She pressed her legs further together and Alex wanted so desperately to know why.

"That?" he asked.

"Vous ne pouvez pas vraiment réparer quelque chose déjà cassé. Vous pouvez essayer, mais ce ne sera jamais le même qu'il l'était." she said her voice clear and strong. (You can not really fix something already broken. You can try, but it will never be the same as it was.)

A long length of silence settled between the two of them as they looked at each other. Their eyes traveling in a straight line of current across their eyes. Alex never once lost the minor bliss his nerves gave him when he looked at Faye's emerald eyes.

Faye broke the livewire between them and looked down coughing. She diverted her gaze back to twiddling her thumbs. Alex nodded and looked worn out. Staring at the ground he whispered "Nice assignment"

He stole a quick glance beneath his lashes to see her current state and nearly choked when he saw her eyes bugging out in panic. Just two seconds ago, the green eyes that were dancing around his face were now dancing around the room with a look of pure alarm.

"Oh no, oh no, merde!" she shrieked getting up and walking to her side of the bed. Alex's brows drew up in confusion. Was she having a panic attack? What went wrong? (Shit)

Alex immediately got up and walked to see her kneeling down and rummaging through her bag, trying to find something. He leaned down to his own knees and reached out both his hands to her shoulders in an uncontrollable gesture to be near her throughout this. Whatever the hell this was.

Faye jolted at the contact as if only now remembering that there was someone else in the room with her, she turned and her cheeks were a beet red an hands were shaking.

"What happened mon ciel?" Alex followed the travel of her eyes around the whole room. "Faye, tell me whats wrong." he said again, this time with more will. (My heaven)

Faye broke the trance she was in by the pressure of Alex's voice. She looked at him and sighed. "I-I forgot my l-laptop in Blaize's cabin the other day" she said and bit her lip looking perplexed. "It's due on M-Mon...Monday! Its due on Monday and I-I can't send it th-through because we're s-stuck here and she's all the way in l-lodge 8..."

Alex took a breath of relief and his shoulders instantaneously lost their tension. He started to chuckle and looked up at Faye. This time, it was her with a gaze darted towards him. One with confusion and a hint of anger. He let his hands fall from her shoulders and slid them up so that he was cupping her face.

Faye stilled.

"I'll go and get it mon ciel, take a breath" thats all he said. He didn't tell her to calm down, or to stop over-reacting because he knew that was like telling a lung cancer patient to just stop breathing. Faye's anxiety and nervousness had a root, and he never wanted to hurt her in any way possible. (My heaven)

He kissed her forehead lightly and got up and made for the door. He took his coat that he was wearing earlier and looked back to Faye with her lips slightly parted and her hair a little messy from where he kissed her. "Je reviendrai, mon ciel" (I'll be back, my heaven)

He opened the door and it smashed close as soon as he got out because of the gust of wind. A flashlight was shined his way and Alex immediately ducked down to the floor to avoid the teachers who were out patrolling. It was raining lightly, but the wind was strong enough to blow him all the way to sky-high in ways a girl can't, and thank god for that, Alex thought.

The air smelled lightly of petrichor and the wind acted like a vice around his body, holding him in place or moving him wherever it wanted. The ground was wet and the grass that lined the fields were moving in sway with the wind direction.

He pulled up the collars of his coat to shield his neck from the cold air, and when the dark shielded his approach he slowly stood and hid himself behind a pillar of his cabin. He felt like he was in grade school sneaking out all over again. He rushed down the steps of the cabin as he felt a figure approaching and walked around to the back of his cabin. He felt a flashlight being moved to match the steps of a person walking up to their cabin.

Fuck, Alex thought

He didn't want them to be caught for the sole purpose of it being the end of him and Faye. He wanted... needed more time with her. He shivered as he stole a glance behind him at the professor who was standing and getting ready to knock on the door of their cabin, with a clipboard in his hand he probably had the list of student names on site. He could make out the outline of the professor on duty tonight and it was his debate teacher.

"Reed, we have a boy out" Alex vaguely heard a fast approaching female voice say. His heart dropped to the floor and he scattered to think of a reason that he could give the teachers as to why he was outside past the given curfew. He held his breath as he felt Professor Hudson make his way down the small steps of his and Faye's lodge.

Except, both the teachers didn't head his way, they moved out towards the field and the darkness covered them before Alex could make out which cabin they were moving to. He collapsed against the wood of their lodge and swallowed a breath of repose.

Did they really think they could keep a multitude of 18-20 year olds under a curfew?

He made his way around and after about 5 minutes of roaming in the dark, he reached the back of Blaize Campbells lodge and walked quietly around to see the number 8 written on the cabin door. He hunched his shoulders and hoped to everything in fresh hell that he wouldn't be seen in this little part of the plan that left him the most vulnerable. The field was right across the cabin and he could be spotted easily. Once coming close enough to the door, he knocked lightly but with enough force that it could reverberate to the other side.

He heard muffled grumbles and as soon as the door opened he shoved himself in and shut the door behind him.

Standing in front of him, was Blaize Campbell. Sporting a look of pure "I'd like to cut your balls off and wear them as earrings" annoyance. Her gaze shifted and her body immediately became stiff when she saw who was standing in front of her. A smirk rose from her lips and she gave Alex a clear once over.

With wind-swept hair, he looked at Faye's best friend. Blaize wore a champagne colored slip that could practically allow any human people to not only see up her nightie, but go fishing in it. She had her blonde hair tied up in a loose ponytail and no bra or underwear on that left close to nothing to the imagination. She was everything Alex used to aim for, the perfect hook-up and attractive enough to win some street cred.

Used to.

"Well if it isn't an Alexander Banks" Blaize grinned "I'd like a withdrawal please... one where I won't lose interest"

Alex didn't get phased by the banker joke, however he flinched when she said his full name as if she knew everything about him. He feigned a small smile and looked around the room. In the corner of one of the single beds was a nightstand that held Faye's laptop on it.

"Hey, I'm sorry to bother but-"

"Oh, you're not a bother at all babe" Blaize said walking closer to him and closing the distance they had. Suddenly, Alex felt all the more uncomfortable then when he came first. He immediately could tell that Blaize got the wrong impression as to why he was here. In all honesty, Alex probably would have pursued her had it not been for-

Alex frowned. Him and Faye weren't in a relationship. They weren't anything. Why was he feeling a sense of loyalty then... He shrugged of the feeling immediately. Faye and him might not be anything, but that didn't mean that something wasn't there.

He took a step back, but not large enough for Blaize to see any different and casually slid a hand through his hair. He gave her a genuine smile and sighed "I'm actually looking for Faye's laptop, she said she left it here when she came by."

Blaize's smirk dropped to the floor and Alex could have sworn he had just stepped on a sensitive spot. But what did he say? he thought.

"Oh" Blaize said, her eyes seemed to gloss over for a second and she shook her head returning to her normal self. "Why don't I get it for you?"

She walked over to her bedside table and pulled out a drawer. She reached out her hand to steady herself and bent down to the bottom drawer to get the laptop. Alex took a sharp breath as her ass went perk up in the air and faced him shamelessly.

He diverted his eyes and muttered a thanks. She brought the laptop in her hands and walked over to him, she gave out her hands and just as he was about to take the laptop and get the fuck away from there. She leaned forward and put her lips to his ear.

"If you like what you see, you should stay...I'm sure Faye can wait" she said. Alex could feel the hot breath on his ear and he swallowed. He then felt the warm tip of her tongue dart out and lick the lobe of his ear, drawing it into her mouth.

Alex blinked hard and took a step back and away from her, taking the laptop in his hands. "I'm flattered. Truly, but I should get back to Faye... she probably needs this" he said gesturing to the laptop now in his hands.

Blaize stood with wet lips and a shock-filled face. Her mouth parted slightly and a look of rejected fluttered through her eyelids. She didn't say a word as Alex backed away and out of the door. Out of sight, he made his way to the back of the cabin.

He heard the thunder start to roar outside, and that was his queue to make his way back to his girl. To Faye.

Just as he looked back at cabin number 8, he could see the brief outline of two figures. Worried that it may be teachers, he squinted his eyes to see that it was in fact Jonathan Roux, his best friend walking in. With Myra Gibson by his side.







Lots of love,


Czytaj Dalej

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