
By MinnieMayMonte

581 57 2

Things never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but tr... More



24 2 0
By MinnieMayMonte

"Keep your face always towards the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you."

-Walt Whitman

Warm light hit my face and I tried to keep my eyes closed, but my mind was awake. I opened my eyes and waited for my vision to clear. The smell of bacon filled my nose and I lifted my head slowly. I looked around and let confusion cloud my senses.

"Morning," I turned my head and looked into the kitchen. Josh was plating waffles and bacon while looking at me.

"Morning," I said back and pulled the blankets off my lap. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the coffee pot, "Thanks. You didn't have to make breakfast," I said while stirring sugar and coconut milk into my coffee.

"Do you have work today?" I smeared the waffles with grape jam before answering.

"I don't work on Fridays normally. I have ice skating practice from ten till rink closing," we sat down at the counter and started to eat.

"Cool," we continued to eat in comfortable silence. The stairs creaked behind us and I turned around first.

"Morning. There's waffles and bacon left," I offered and Ran stared at the back of Josh's head.

"Thanks," he walked into the kitchen.

"How did you two meet anyways?" Ran asked and Josh spit his coffee back into his cup.

"We actually met three years ago. Reconnected on my birthday," I rushed out before taking a quick sip of coffee.

"We met on the boardwalk,"Josh continued and Ran turned around quickly.

"You're that Josh?" he asked.

"Yeah," Josh answered back while rubbing the back of his neck.

"She cried for six months because of you. I couldn't get her to leave the house and she didn't even go on a date until the following year, which she came home early from. I can't believe you are giving him another chance Addy!" his outburst didn't surprise me, but I didn't want Josh to hear all of this.

"I gave him a second chance because I trust him. He saved me the night Xander attacked me. He has been there for me everyday since," I stated and Randy leaned over the counter.

"You better not hurt her. You've put her through enough and if I find out you've hurt her again, I will do what I should've done three years ago," Ran threatened.

"I won't hurt her. I just got her back. I'm not risking it again," Josh declared and my heart practically jumped out of my chest.

"Okay," Ran said and continued to eat, "What time do you have practice Addy?"

"Ten. I should leave soon. Blake's car is in the shop, so I'm meeting him there," I answered before standing and placing my plate in the sink.

"Okay. I'm leaving for New York today, so don't throw any wild parties without me," he gave me a side hug and I laughed.

"Oh, you know me, throwing all the crazy parties," I said sarcastically.

"I'll be back in two weeks."

"Text me when you get to the airport and when you land."

"I will," he walked upstairs.

"I'm sorry about Randy. I didn't want him to know," I said and Josh grabbed my hands.

"I deserved it Addy, but I'm not going anywhere this time," he kissed my forehead softly and hugged me tightly, "I'm here for you," he whispered.

"Me too."

We stood there for a couple minutes until my phone alarm went off.

"I have to get to practice," I pulled away.

"We're going out after," Josh stated and I nodded.

"Sounds great. You mind dropping me off? We can leave straight from the rink."

"Sure," he answered.

"Great! I'll be down in ten," I stated before kissing him quickly. I walked upstairs and changed into my leotard and tights. I slid on my leg warmers and running shoes before packing my bag. I stared at a purple dress and jeans and a white sweater, deciding on the jeans and the sweater. I put them in my bag and placed my black flats onto top before closing my bag.

"Ready," I said while tying on my skirt. Josh stood up and picked up his keys.


"Bye Randy! Have a safe trip!" I shouted.

"Bye Addy!" he shouted back from upstairs. I grabbed the front door and opened it quickly.

"Can you type the address into my GPS?" I nodded. Once everything was situated, we headed over to the rink.

He stopped in front of the rink and turned off the bike.

"Rink closes at six," I said while giving him my helmet.

"Great. Mind if I come early? I want to see your show," he asked and I smiled.

"Of course!" Excitement took over my voice and blushed at my loudness.

"See you then."

"See you then," I adjusted my bag on my shoulder and started to walk towards the rink.

"Addy," I turned and Josh kissed me. I pulled away and kissed his cheek.

"Bye Josh," I walked into the rink with a huge smile on my face.

"What's got you so smiley?" Blake asked and I bit my bottom lip.

"Josh," I answered while setting my bag down. Blake handed me my skates and smirked.

"You get some?" I hit him with my sock before answering.

"No! I'm really starting to like him," I started tying on my left skate and then my right.

"Was that him dropping you off?" he asked and I stood up slowly.

"Yes. We are going out after practice," I stepped onto the ice and started to warm up.

"So you did call him yesterday then," I moved next to him and nodded.

"He was actually busy. There was an eight car pile up last month and his shop is fixing the cars that aren't totaled," I explained.

"Hm. Well, I need to meet him before I can trust him," Blake said while speeding up.

"Well you're in luck. He's coming to watch the end of practice today," Blake stopped and looked at me.

"He actually wants to watch?" he stepped off the ice and started to stretch.

"Yeah. He seemed genuinely interested," I sat across from him and we started to stretch.

"Wow! Now I have to meet him!" he said with excitement.

"We should double tomorrow," I offered and we jumped back onto the ice.

"So down!" he shouted from the otherside of the rink.

"Great! After the rink closes!"

"Alright enough chit chat! Let's start at the end!" Blake instructed and I prepared myself for the end of the show.

After three hours in the rink, we broke for lunch.

"I chose yesterday. Where do you want to go?" Blake asked while taking off his skates.

"I could go for a salad," I answered and wrapped my toes in gause.

"Veggie Grill it is then," he slipped his toms on and wiped off his skates. I slipped on my running shoes and followed him to the door.

The walk was short and soon I was staring at the most amazing salad.

"I missed this salad so much," I said while stabbing my fork into the lettuce and mango.

"I love that it's only a ten minute walk," Blake eats the chicken from the top of his salad before talking again, "Has Josh mentioned anything about Valentine's Day?" I shook my head.

"No. I'm working a half shift because it fell on a Monday," I answered.

"Maybe he will ask you about it tonight."

"Maybe," we finished our lunches and walked back to the rink. The singles teams were now in the rink and I looked at Blake.

"Thought they were coming in tomorrow?"

"Me too," he agreed and tied his skates back on.

"We'll just skate without music until they get here," I nodded in agreement and followed him onto the ice. We ran through the whole show and I missed my triple.

"Come on Addy! Trust Yourself!" he shouted and I took a deep breath.

"Okay!" I yelled back and prepped for the ending again.

"Eights!" Blake shouted and the rink started to empty. I lifted my arms over my head and started to glide across the ice towards Blake. He grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air. I lifted my leg up into an arabesque and we moved around the ice quickly. I took a deep breath and felt my body move towards the ground. I moved away from Blake and he did his triple and landed it. Signaling me to do the same. I prep my spin and lift myself into the air. I snapped my head three times and I landed firmly on my legs before spinning out the jump. I opened my eyes and skated towards Blake to finish the show.

"Holy shit! That was the best triple I've seen you do," Blake gives me a big hug and then clapping becomes apparent to our ears. I turned towards the edge of the rink and smiled.

"That was so amazing, Addy! Best triple I've seen you do!" Damien shouted and I skated off the rink.

"Thank you! I just felt it through my whole body and just trusted that feeling," I said while exhaling.

"You looked great out there Addy," Josh complimented and I gave him a quick kiss.

"Josh this is Blake, my partner and this is his boyfriend Damien," he shook their hands and looked at Blake.

"How long have you two been skating together?" he asked.

"Since high school," we said together.

"This year we will win nationals. I can feel it," Blake said with confidence.

"I hope so. We were so close last year," I said and Blake gave my hand a squeeze.

"What happened last year?" Josh asked and I looked up at him.

"I fell during a throw jump in the air and split my head open," I explained and lifted the back of my hair to show him my scar, "I couldn't skate for six months and attempting any jump spin would cause a panic attack," I inhaled and continued, "Doing jump spins now is a huge achievement for me," Josh wiped the tears from my face and I looked up at him.

"I'm glad you didn't stop skating," I hugged him tightly and he kissed the top of my head.

"I want to see the full show," he stated and I looked at Blake.

"Damien. Can you start the music?" I asked and followed Blake onto the ice.

"Set it as if we were entering for nationals babe, please," Blake instructed and we skated to the opposite side of the rink. Blake placed his right hand on my waist and I extended my arms in front of me. The music from 'Musetta's Waltz' started to echo throughout the rink. The music took over my body and soul. I landed my first three jumps and Blake lifted me for the throw jump. My nerves jumped and my mind took me back to that day a year ago.

"Addy. Come back to now. You aren't the same skater," Blake said and I nodded while taking another calming breath.

"I'm ready," I said. Blake threw me and I twisted my body into a spin. I landed and a huge smile took over my face. We continued to dance together around the rink and finally, it was time for the triples.

"Eights," Blake mouthed and I prepped. We both moved together and jumped into the air. My legs didn't prep right and I slid when I landed.

"Shit Addy!" Blake skated over and I looked down at the cut on my arm.

"I'm okay. I'm okay. I want to try the end again," I said while catching my breath.

"Are you sure? We can call it," he offered and I shook my head.

"I can't finish like that," I stated and looked over at the edge of the rink.

"I'm okay Josh," I reassured him and he nodded.

"Start at the eights," I stood up and prepped. We jumped again and I landed the spin.

"Now I'm ready to go home," I skated off the ice.

"We should clean up your arm," Josh said while looking at it.

"Okay," I sat down on the bench and he left to get the first aid kit. I pulled off my leotard sleeve and looked at the cut.

"I've had worse," I said and he gave me a small smile.

"I don't know how you do it," he stated and placed a large bandage to my upper arm.

"It's small compared to the rush I get."

"Well we won't be going rock climbing now," he joked.

"Darn it! That's the most perfect date," I joked back. He laughed and I leaned into his side.

"We're actually going to dinner. Do you like Italian food?" he asked and I started to untie my skates.

"Yes, who doesn't?"


"I'm going to change and then we'll go," I said while picking up my skates.

"You looked beautiful out there," he pulled me into his arms and smiled down at me.

"Thanks. I'm glad you came," I gave him a kiss before heading to the bathrooms. I changed into my jeans and sweater quickly before looking at myself in the mirror.

"Oh god," I whispered while looking at my tangled hair. I pulled my brush out of my bag and started to untangle this bird's nest. After the ten minute battle with my hair, I walked out of the bathrooms feeling refreshed.

"Ready to go?" Josh asked and I nodded. We said a quick goodbye to Blake and Damien before walking out to Josh's bike.

"Wait," I said while handing him my bag.


"I wanted to see if Blake and Damien were free tomorrow for a double date," he nodded and I ran back inside the rink. I smiled at the sight in front of me. Blake and Damien were skating around the rink and I waved my hands above my head.

"Double tomorrow!?" I shouted and they both nodded, "See you tomorrow!" I shouted before running back out to Josh.

"It's a date," I said while climbing on the bike behind him. I slid the helmet over my head and wrapped my arms around his waist.

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