The Unexpected Fairy Tail

By Mrs_Dragneel1203

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Imagine the Fairy Tail Gang in High School! No magic, no adventures, and no fighting evil. They're just regul... More

Prologue Part 1
Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 3
The Texts
At The School
Water And Ice
Celestial Findings
Iron Script
Heads Up
Heavenly Requip
Hot Fire, Young Dragon
The Dawning of Realization
Crouching Maiden, Hidden Slayer
Battle Between Celestials

Figuring Things Out

159 12 4
By Mrs_Dragneel1203

Erza lead us to the computer lab, another big room in the school. It has a high ceiling and tables with computers are lining the wall. In the middle of the room are beanbag chairs and blankets. I think they're for reading books or if you have a personal laptop to use.

"Alright everyone, there's two more people left who have magic. There's Erigor, who uses a kind of wind magic, and then there's the other one. And we have no idea what kind of magic he uses," Erza stressed.

"But since we know Erigor's magic, maybe we can find a way to counter it," Jellal suggested.

"I can see what you're saying," Romeo stated, "but we don't know what all of our powers are yet. All we know is that Gray has ice powers, Juvia has water powers, Wendy has healing magic and something Rayule called dragon slaying magic. Levy has something called solid script and Gajeel does something with iron. And Rayule said that Lucy is a Celestial Mage, which I'm guessing is something that deals with the stars. But, she doesn't know what that means and the rest of us have no idea what we can do."

"Well, why don't we use this time to figure that out before they find us?" Levy said.

"Ok, good idea Levy," Erza said warmly. She then turned to me and said, "You first Lucy. Why don't you take out one of your keys?" she suggested.

I blinked in surprise. "S-Sure ok," I said tentatively. I reached into the pouch at my side and pulled out a key at random. A closer look at it showed me it was Virgo, the maiden.

"Ok, what do I do know?" I asked everyone out loud.

"Why don't you try closing your eyes and concentrating on the key?" Natsu said. Everyone one but me stared at him in shock.

He noticed this and asked in an annoyed voice, "What's the matter with you guys?"

"You said," Gray said in astonishment. "Did your new powers do something with your brain?"

Of course, to no one's surprise, they got in each other's faces.

"Did you say something frosty!?"

"Of course I did but maybe your stupidity got in the way!"

"You better take that back Elsa!"

"Or what? I got magic to kick your ass with. What do you have!?"

Ok, he probably shouldn't have said that. Natsu face was twisted with rage and his fist were clenching tightly. Only, his fists look like they were glowing. Actually, his whole body looked like it was glowing.

Except for me, everyone backed away slightly, even Gray. They all had shocked looks on their faces. In the next moment, Natsu's whole body erupted in flames, the heat from them being spread throughout the entire room. Natsu had a surprised look on his face like the rest of us and the fire immediately went out.

It was quiet for a second before Natsu spoke. "Whoa," he said slowly. Then, his face split into a grin. "HOLY SHIT, I'M TOTALLY A BADASS!" he shouted excitedly.

Jellal punched him in the head and he went down. "Dumbass more like," he said irritably. "We're supposed to stay quiet remember? You better hope they didn't hear you."

Natsu got up wincing slightly and rubbed the back of his head. "Whoops, sorry guys," he said a little shamefully.

"Idiot," Gajeel said under his breath.

"The fire must've charred his brain," Gray commented. Natsu looked like he was going to charge him but Erza sent him a look that made him back down. Typical Erza.

"So I guess you have fire magic Natsu," I said to try and ease the tension.

He nodded and lifted up one of his fist and it suddenly caught fire. "Now that I know I can do it, it's not that hard," he said matter-of-factly.

"That's so cool!" Romeo said enthusiastically while Wendy nodded next to him.

"Anyway, let's turn the focus back to Lu. Let's see what magic she can do besides the celestial whip," Levy commented.

"Oh," I said in surprise. I laughed and said, "With the activating of Natsu's powers I kind of forgot about my own."

Erza shook her head. "Don't worry about it, let's just hurry this along," she said swiftly.

I nodded and held the key I grabbed with both my hands and closed my eyes. I blocked out the feeling of being stared at and the uncomfortableness. I poured all of my focus onto my key and nothing else.

All of a sudden a bunch of images flashed across my mind. Some of them were weirdly dressed people and others were people wearing costumes. And a couple were animals and weird creatures. My eyes shot open then. I know now what I have to do.

I held out the key in front of me with my right hand and it started to glow a golden color. Everybody stared at it with a mix of shock and fascination as it continued to glow brightly. "Open, Gate Of The Maiden: Virgo!" I said loudly—but only loud enough that the only people who heard it were the people in this room.

If it was possible, the light grew even brighter and a sound resonated throughout the room. I had to close my eyes because of the light but when I opened them again it was gone. And an odd girl was standing in front of me. She had pink hair, blues eyes and, strangely, was wearing a maid outfit and shackles around her wrists. Her facial expression was one of nonchalance.

"Hello princess, it is good to see you," she told me in an emotionless voice.

"....Virgo?" I asked in shock.

"Whoa, she summoned a girl," Romeo said in astonishment.

"Amazing," Erza murmured.

"Impressive," Jellal said.

"Wait," Gray said, "so you can summon someone to help you whenever you call for them?"

"I guess," I answered him.

"Is it punishment time princess?" Virgo inquired. Uh, what?

"Punishment time? The hell is that?" Natsu said in confusion.

Virgo's face showed the tiniest bit of emotion possible. She gave everyone a short, sad look.

"So, it is true," she said.

"What's true?" Levy asked her.

Virgo shook her head. "I'm afraid I'm not allowed to tell you," she said in the same emotionless voice she's been using.

"Why not!?" Gajeel demanded angrily.

"Those are the rules," she answered him.

"What rules?" Wendy asked tentatively.

"I cannot divulge that information. I am sorry, I wish I could," Virgo said. Even with her emotionless expression and voice, I could tell that she really wanted to tell us what was going on. But, she was holding on to her resolve.

"Is there anything you can tell us?" Erza asked threateningly. Normally, if she was looking at you while talking like that you'd be scared shitless. But it didn't seem to have an effect on Virgo.

She seem to hesitate a bit before answering. "I can explain more about the powers you have discovered if you would like. But, I am not allowed to tell the ones who haven't discovered their's yet. They would have to figure that out on their own," she said.

"Deal," Erza said.

Virgo turned towards me. "Princess, you already know that you're a Celestial Mage. That means your magic deals with the stars. The golden keys you have allow you to summon spirits of the Zodiac," she said.

"Spirits of the Zodiac?" I asked in disbelief. "But I thought there are twelve of those, I only have ten."

"That's the way it is," she answered.

"Uh, ok," I answered uncertainly.

Virgo continued speaking. "Each spirit you call forth will have its own power to help you fight. You can also summon multiple at once but be careful. Each time you summon a spirit you drain your magic power. If too much of your power is drained, you will collapse," she explained.

"Whoa whoa wait a second," Natsu interjected, "you're saying that if she uses too much magic she will collapse?"

Virgo turned towards him. "Yes but that goes the same for all of you. Your magic is now connected to your life. Too much use of it at once will cause you to fall unconscious and in some extreme cases.....your life will be extinguished," she said to him.

Silence fell over the group after she said that. Really? That could happen?

"Is that why I was so tired after I used my magic?" Juvia asked her.

Virgo nodded. "Yes, but only because you haven't used a lot, I mean, it was your first time using that much," she said. It sounded like she was saying Juvia had used her power before now. But, that's impossible....

"That's all I can say about the Princess's powers," Virgo said.

"How come you keep calling Lucy 'princess' Virgo?" Wendy asked her.

"I am sorry but I cannot tell you why without divulging too much information," she said.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry," Wendy said as she bowed her head.

"You were told that you have dragon slaying and healing magic correct?" Virgo asked her.

Wendy lifted her head and nodded.

"You are the Sky Dragon Slayer," Virgo said.

Wendy's eyes widened. "The Sky Dragon Slayer?" she questioned.

Virgo nodded. "Yes. Your sky magic allows you to heal others, boost their attacks, and to deal devastating blows to your enemies using air magic," she explained to her.

"Wow Wendy, you're super powerful," Romeo said in awe.

She blushed. "Thank you," she said bashfully.

"Dragon Slaying magic is a very rare and powerful magic. The people who posses this magic are unique too. They can replenish their power by eating their element," Virgo continued.

"By eating their element?" Erza asked suspiciously.

"Wait, so to replenish my power all I have to do is......breathe?" Wendy asked confused.

"Yes," she answered without hesitation. Ooookaayy then, she breathes to replenish her magic. That's not weird at all.

"Gajeel," Virgo said turning towards him, "you are an Iron Dragon Slayer."

His eyes widened and Levy smacked his arm. "That's why your arm was able to turn into an iron pole," she said excitedly.

He looked at her with narrowed eyes. "No shit Sherlock," he said sarcastically.

Erza punched him into the wall. "Don't be rude," she said sternly. She turned back to Virgo, who didn't even react to what she did. Unlike the rest of us, who all stepped back a bit.

"Uh, Erza? We should refrain from making any noise that would draw attention to where we are," Jellal said cautiously.

Erza turned towards him and sighed. "I guess your right," she said. "Please continue speaking Virgo."

She nodded and turned to Natsu. "Natsu, you are a Fire Dragon Slayer and perhaps the strongest dragon slayer there is," she told him.

"I'm a dragon slayer too?" he said in surprise.

"He's the strongest!?" Gajeel asked furiously. Erza glared at him to make him shut up.

"There's not much I can say about dragon slayers without divulging too much information," Virgo intoned. There it is again, that insistence on not telling us everything. What is with that?

"Levy, you already know you have Solid Script. What you do not know is that it is not for just attacking," she said to her.

"Not just for attacking? What does that mean?" Levy asked her.

Virgo shook her head. "I'm afraid you have to figure that out all on your own," she said.

She turned to Juvia. "The only thing you do not know about your power is that you have the ability to transform your body into water," she said to her.

Juvia's eyes widened. "I can turn my body into water?" she asked in shock.

Virgo nodded but didn't say anything. She turned to Gray and said, "You already know everything you need about your powers."

She then turned back to everyone else. "As for the rest of you, you are going to have to figure out your power on your own," she said.

"Understood," Erza said and Jellal merely nodded. Romeo looked kind of nervous.

"So child, you must be extra careful if you end up in a fight. You are the only one who can help out everyone else with your magic and you can't do that if you're injured as well," Carla spoke up.

"She's right Wendy," Happy said while munching on a fish. Where did he even get that?

"If there is nothing else I shall take my leave," Virgo said.

"Wait," I said. She, along with everyone else, turned towards me. "You said that every spirit I summon has their own power. What's yours?"

"I have Earth magic," she said expressionlessly.

"Earth magic?" I repeated.

"Yes Princess," she answered.

"Virgo, why is it that you can't tell us what's going on?" Levy asked her.

"I am sorry but I cannot divulge that information right now," Virgo said.

"Please. Just...anything. Even just a little bit of something might help. We just need something to go on," Levy begged her.

Virgo hesitated for the second time today. She closed her eyes for a second before she opened them and said, "He controls everything."

"Who's he?" Jellal inquired.

"I cannot tell you but....answers will reveal themselves in time," she said.

"How much time," Gajeel asked with narrowed eyes.

She didn't answer him but turned towards me. "I cannot say anymore princess and I must take my leave now," she said to me.

I nodded at her. "Ok, thank you for your help Virgo," I said sincerely.

She nodded and said, " Just summon me when you need to." She then started spinning really fast, so fast that she seemed to be a cyclone. She drilled through the floor and then she was gone. A moment later, the hole closed up as if it was never there.

"Wow, she was....interesting," Juvia said.

"Yes indeed. I wonder who this 'he' person she was talking about?" Erza said.

"Whoever he is seems to be the one behind all of this, not Erigor," Gray inputed.

"So...Erigor is just a pawn. A foot soldier," Wendy commented.

"I hope Virgo doesn't get in trouble for telling us that. It seemed really important that she kept her mouth shut," I said worriedly.

"I'm sure she'll be fine," Natsu interjected. "It seems like nothing can scare her off. Plus, she has that cool earth magic."

"If you say so," I said, but I wasn't completely convinced.

"There's a couple of things that she said that I want to test out," Levy said suddenly.

"What is it Levy?" Jellal asked her.

She turned towards me Natsu and Gajeel. "She said that dragon slayers can increase their power by eating their own element right?" she asked them.

"Yeah" they said in unison.

"So, why don't we test that out?" she suggested.

"How in the hell are we supposed to do that Shrimp? There's no iron or fire in here," Gajeel said irritably.

She smiled and said, "But I can make some."

Jellal snapped his fingers. "Oh, I get what you're trying to do. Nice idea Levy," he said warmly. She blushed slightly at his words and I couldn't help but notice a small sad expression on Erza's face and an annoyed one on Gajeel's.

"Alright Shrimp, make me some damn iron," Gajeel said.

Levy nodded and held out her hand. "Solid Script: Iron!" she said and the word 'iron' appeared in front of her and landed with a thud.

"I'm supposed to eat this?" Gajeel said in suspicion.

"Just try it," Levy implored.

With a look of trepidation, he picked up the word and brought it close to his face. When it got close enough, it was like he became a new person entirely. He devoured it in seconds and left us all staring at him with our jaws hanging open. Suddenly, a thin green light surrounded his body before disappearing.

Gajeel was staring at his hands in shock. "Whoa, my body feels like it had ten energy drinks," he said slowly.

"That must mean your power is amplified and you're at your most strongest for now," Jellal said.

"Ok Natsu, your turn," Levy said turning towards him.

Natsu nodded and grinned, anticipation written all over his face. Levy held her hand out like she did before and said, "Solid Script: Fire!"

The word 'fire' appeared in front of her, blazing and giving off heat. Flames shot out from it and flew straight at him. Natsu opened his mouth and sucked it all in until they were all gone. A red hue surrounded his body for a brief moment before disappearing.

"How do you feel Natsu?" I asked him.

He turned towards me and grinned while lighting his fist on fire. "Never felt better," he said happily.

"Alright everyone, why don't we rest for a while before we have to fight again. Jellal and I will keep watch," Erza said.

"We will?" Jellal asked her in surprise. The only response he got was a glare but, it's not like he's afraid of her.

He sighed. "Ok ok we'll keep watch," he said reluctantly.

Up until now I haven't noticed how tired I was. Virgo was right, summoning her kind of took a lot out of me. Maybe it will get easier but for now, I just wanted to sleep. I dragged a beanbag chair over to Wendy and we both sat in it. Wendy fell asleep quickly and I wasn't that far behind.

The thing on my mind as we fell asleep was; who's behind all of this?

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