Stitches For Your Heart

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Grace falls asleep when her mom leaves her alone, only for a second. Minutes later a devistating tradgedy hap... Mehr

Barely Alive
Into the blue
Knives, Strangers, and Sunset Orange

May death do us part?

751 12 10
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I woke up on the cold, hard ground. Instead of the sun shining in my eyes like it was that morning, there was no sun, and an eerie silence fell over the town like a heavy blanket. My eyes opened slowly, and everything was blurry. There was a tall oak tree from my front lawn gracefully leaning over, casting a shadow from the streetlights. The branches danced in the wind, and then all was silent again. The grass was gleaming and shimmery, and an owl hooted in the near distance. A bird slowly made its way across the sky, and its gracefulness soothed me. I blinked my eyes quickly, for my eyelids grew heavy. I shut my eyes, and gazed up at the stars. I imagined being feet away, inside the comfort of my own home, safe within its brick walls.

 I opened my eyes again, seconds later, and there was a giant black boot sitting on my chest, with pressure being applied. A blurred, pale face bent down to meet mine. His dark, chin-length hair poured over his face thinly. He slowly took his muscular hand and pushed his hair back slowly. The first thing I noticed were his prominent facial features. His almond shaped eyes were cold, almost dead. His face though, was stunning. Brown freckles blanketed his face, like connect the dots. His nose was unlike any I had ever seen. It was stunning. His chin was rugged, and a thin line of stubble spread across it. He leaned in closer, to study my face, whilst I reached up slowly, to touch the face. The man hissed in disgust, and drew back. He smiled crookedly, then let out a low, menacing chuckle. He put his other foot on my arm, and his full weight was on top of me. I was too afraid to move, so I sat there in pain, hoping he would go away. My eyes searched his face, looking for any sign that he was going to get off soon, but there was none. The right side of his lip twitched, and he took out a butchers knife from his back pocket. I knew, somehow, that this was going to make the headlines as "Small-town white girl gets chopped up by an angry butcher and gets eaten." I pondered how I could miss a butcher knife that big, while I studied the man. He seemed to be in his late 20's, early 30's. I memorised a few things, just in case I survived.

I startedto speak, deciding it wouldn't hurt, "Hello. My name is Carlie." I said, giving a false name.

He grumbled and his eye twitched slowly, and he removed his legs from my arm and chest. The sunrise casted a shadow across his face. He lifted the knife over his head, and drew it back behind his shoulder. I pushed my hand upward, toward the sky, hoping it would stop him.

"Wait!," I heard a small voice cry out. I realized it was my own. The mystery man cocked his head to the side questioningly.  He lowered the butcher knife to his side, and crossed his arms in front of his muscular chest. He was waiting for me to say something else.

I placed my hand in front of my face, shielding it from the rays of sun. "Whats your name?"

He tilted his head the other way, and spoke. His voice came out harsh, and low. His voice cracked as he said the "N" in Lauren. I snickered awkwardly, and he squinted his eyes.

"Seriously?" I asked, teasingly.

"No. Call me Gabe." Even with the casted shadow, I could see him roll his eyes. He lifted the knife back up, and it gleamed in the now-rising sun. He looked hurried, because it was now becoming daylight. He leaned over, and slid my track pants' leg up. He crouched near the ground, and slowly slit my leg open. I could feel the back and forth movement, and soon my blood hit the air, and began to pour slowly down my leg. I began to cry, and Gabe shoved his jacked sleeve into my mouth. My screams became muffled, and Gabe cut more. He began to slowly cut of my toe, making sure I could feel every tiny movement. When he hit the hallux, I screamed louder. Gabe gazed at me, his eyes looking crazed. I was beginning to realize and all new meaning to the term "psyco-killer look." Gabe picked up my toe, once it was cut off completely. He sniffed it, and bit a piece of the skin off. I just stared, not knowing what to do while he nonchalantly ate my toe. He tossed the toe to the side, crawled over to my side, and crouched over me. He quickly slid up my blue short sleeved shirt, hesitating at first. He picked up the knife off the ground, and slowly split my stomach down the middle. Blood trickled down my pale, untanned stomach. I felt the cool rush of blood ooze, and I sqeezed my eyes shut.

Gabe started to cut at my forehead, and I lost my grasp on the world.
