[Justin Bieber] interracial i...

由 andrealanae_

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For the girls who understand the saying "the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice." ... 更多

Hello, beautiful females.
Jason Mccann.
Kyla King.
Ms. Coldwell.


724 14 3
由 andrealanae_

"Everyone wants to fall in love. Everyone wants to be loved. What we don't want is the person who loves us.

We seem to always look where the person who loves us is not. It's evil but real. We torture them and ourselves because we're blind. And when it's finally shown to us we're unhappy not because we wanted love but because it wasn't with the person we wanted.

So, my question for you guys today is, is it love that we really seek? If not, what is it?" Mrs. Fowl walked back in forth through the classroom. She waited for everyone to raise their hands but no one was really listening. Well, some of us were, except Justin and is posy.

"Anyone?" She asked, looking around the room trying to feed someone's brain with knowledge.

I rolled my eyes, paused my song from my phone and raised my hand. I was definitely the smartest person in this class.

"Alright Mathews what do you think?" Everyone brought their eyes to me as I slowly lowered my hand down to my desk. I pulled my earphone out of my ear and looked up at my teacher. "I think deep down everyone wants to be in love but we get so hooked on the image of love that when it finally comes our way we miss it. It's not evil it's. . . Humanity." She nodded her head with a smile, pleased with my answer.

Once I was done I pushed my earphone back into my ear and everyone went back to whatever they did before but of course Justin kept his eyes on me. He held his index finger on his lip, probably in thought.

I looked up at him with annoyance. "Can I help you Bieber?" His eyes widened but then filled with excitement.

"I'm sorry Mathews. I just find you so damn beautiful." He bit his lip and smiled as everyone laughed.

"That's enough Justin. To the principles office you go."

"For giving a compliment?" He asked while getting all his stuff together. He talked back to the teacher, not caring for the consequences.

"For cussing and disturbing my class. Now go." She handed him a pink slip and went back to her desk.

He rolled his eyes and walked out of the class. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was perfect externally. His flesh was a thick white color, showing that he was in the sun often. He was mostly covered with tattoos. They shielded his arms and chest. My favorite was the music note behind his ear. It wasn't easy to see unless you looked hard. Of course I did since I had a crucial crush on him. Yes, me, Axel, crushing on Justin. Weird right?

Once he was finally out of sight, my thoughts fragmented into Mrs. Fowls voice. I tried to tune her out with my music but it was hard when I kept only one in.

"For homework I want you guys to do a group project. You and your partners will reenact your experience on love and it's aftereffect.-" the school bell rang as everyone plunged their books into their sacks.

"Before you go out, look on the clip board to see who you will be grouped up with. Oh! And this is due next class."

After my things were neatly put away I walked up to her desk to see who I would be doing the project with.

My eyes practically bulged out when I saw my name next to Justin's. I quickly pulled my ear phone out of my ear so I could talk to Mrs Fowl.

"Uh Mrs. Fowl, you accidentally put me with Justin for the project." She held a sly smile while pushing me to the side of her desk, out of the way of the moving students.

"About that, I know that you're an A student and I thought it would be bright to put you two together. Believe it or not, Justin's a very smart kid, he just doesn't show it for some reason. On the bright side, it won't just be you two. It's three in every group."

I sighed, knowing I'd be the one doing all the work, as usual.

"And who's the other person?" I shifted onto my hip, showing a little attitude. My left pink tail hung in my face, blocking half of her face.

"Arnold Dent." My eyes sunk even more hearing the name of the kid who gets picked on everyday.

"Oh god." I mumbled to myself. I walked away from Mrs. Fowl, disappointed in her 'bright decision.'

"Have a great day Axel." She chirped in her happy voice.

I walked down the stuffy hallway that was occupied of High school students. I decided that it would be a good idea to find Justin and tell him about the project.

I walked down to the principles office, feeling glances once in while from people near me. I ignored them, knowing exactly what they were thinking, 'look at Axel, trying to be like her big brother.' But if only people knew. . I wanted to be nothing like him or Justin.

"Ms. Mathews? Can I help you?" The assistant principle asked, while holding the school phone to her ear.

"Is Justin Bieber in here?" I asked, looking around the quiet office.

"Yes, he's in Mr. Ovals office. Just wait a minute, he should be out any minute now. Shouldn't you be in class?" She ended her call, now giving her full attention to me.

I sat in the chair infront of Mr. Ovals office and dropped my book bag on the ground. "Study hall." I answered.

She nodded her head and went back to her duties. I waited ten minutes until I saw him walk out of Mr. Ovals office. He looked upset.

I stood up from my seat, ready to get this over with.

"Ms. Matthews in the principles office? I guess your not such a good girl after all." He looked at me, holding a small smile on his lips.

I ignored his teasing and picked up my book bag. "I'm here for you. We have a project together."

He looked at me up and down, taking in my attire. "I heard."

He walked away, leaving the office. I wasn't stunned from his decision to leave me but it didn't make me feel good.

I followed him down the hallway, not needing to go to class so soon. "So my place or yours?" I asked boldly.

I've been to Justin's house multiple times for cookouts and friendly dinners. His parents and mine were close, so was him and my brother.

"Yours. My parents will be home and I don't feel like being bothered. That cool with you?" I walked by his side, trying to keep up pace.

"Yep. Oh and Arnold will be working with us also. So no picking on him in my house. I know how you and Corey can get." He chuckled and leaned on a classroom door.

"Sir, yes, sir." He smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"See you later." I walked away trying my best not to trip.

I reapplied my purple lipstick to my lips while humming to the song playing in my room. I tightened my pink tails, feeling that they were loosening a little and checked myself out in the mirror.

Every time Justin came over I felt like I had to be presentable.

"Axel! Arneys here. . Come here buddy-" "get off of me-" I heard Arnold's soft voice from downstairs. I quickly turned off my bathroom light to head down stairs and stop my brother from messing with him.

"Corey give it a rest. Arnold come with me. Will be working in the study. Corey lemme know when Justin gets here and do not bother me or my partners and that counts Justin." I pulled on Arnold's arm, leading him into the study room so we could do Mrs. Howls project.

"Okay little sis."

Once we finally made it to the study. Arnold's eyes widened from the amounts of books. "My dads an author. So we kinda have to have a load of books. Here sit down. Get comfortable because this will take long." I sighed while sitting in the love chair, across from Arnold.

Arnold did as told and sat in the chair but still kept his eyes on the books that surrounded him. As he gazed the room I looked at him. I didn't know why I could be so nice to him but so mean to Justin. Maybe because Arnold didn't talk much , which aloud me to talk. With Justin, sometimes he'd never shutup.

"So, I was thinking we could use one of Justin's experiences. . .i-intimately. And go off on that. Since I've never-uh-experienced that." He cleared his throat while pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Calm down Arnold. I'm not certified in that department either. And I doubt Justin is. He's more educated in the lust category." I sat back in the chair, wanting to fall asleep so bad.

I heard laughing coming towards the room, I knew it was Justin and Corey. "I know she's such a thot. But I'm not going to stop her from doing something she wants." I looked up at Justin. He was smirking while talking to Corey.

I cleared my throat, getting everyone's attention. "It took you long enough." I stood up and walked over to the table to get started. Arnold followed but tripped a little causing Justin and Corey to giggle.

I gave Corey stern eyes making him to roll his. "Justin I'll see you after your study group." Justin nodded as they did their handshake.

Justin sat at the table, across from me and next to Arnold. I could see Arnold tense up once Justin stretched his body out to get comfortable.

I looked up to see Justin cheesing at me. "You look nice." I rolled my yes and gave him a thank you.

Arnold cleared his throat. He looked so nervous.

They both looked at me to start. "So me and Arnold decided that you would be the person to use for example." Justin furrowed his eyebrows. "Me? Why me?" He asked with confusion.

"Well Justin for the first time. One of your 'flings' have become resourceful." I opened my notebook and picked up my pencil. "So, have you ever been intimate with someone before?"

He smiled and nodded his head cockily. A part of me burned knowing someone's hands had the privilege of roaming his body. The other part was disgusted.

"Okay. . . Uh-did it ever evolve into something more?" I asked, writing down every piece of information I was given.

Arnold sat quiet, keeping his eyes back and forth but never speaking.

Justin sighed and rolled his eyes. "I don't know." He looked everywhere but at me. "I don't think I'm capable of loving someone." I quickly stopped writing from his words.

"What?" He looked at me with shocked eyes. It was obvious he didn't mean to say that out loud.

He cleared his throat and shook his head. "Nothing, never mind. I gotta piss, I'll be back." He left the room abruptly.

"Right. . . Well, I think it's a good time for a snack break anyway. You hungry?" I asked Arnold. He was practically bathing in his own sweat.

"Huh?-yea, sure."

I sighed and stood up. "Follow me."

I ran my fingers through cabinets trying to find something to get my brain cells moving. "Arnold, you know when you're around me you're safe." I noted that he still was a little jittery but less since Justin wasn't around.

"I feel safe." He lied.

I closed the cabinet and came out with almonds to snack on. "Keep telling yourself that. Here, eat these, they'll calm you down. I'll be back."

I left the kitchen to go to Corey so we could figure out what's for dinner. I knocked on his bedroom door but stopped once I heard mumbling.

"Just tell her..."

"She hates me. She'd laugh in my face."

"I know my sister..wait-did you hear that?"

I moved back from the door, hearing heavy footsteps. Corey opened the door with wide eyes. "What's up Ax?" I looked behind him to see Justin fiddling with something on Corey's nightstand.

I looked back and gave him a smile. "Were hungry. Pizza?"

"Yea that's cool. I'll order." He nodded his head.

"Okay well that's all. Oh! And Justin, since you've emptied your bladder. I think it's time for you to come back down." He nodded his head, still not turning to me.

I nodded my head and went back downstairs.

I sunk in my chair ready to take this L for Mrs. Fowls project. We did finish the essay but it wasn't genuine. I had to lie because Justin didn't want to put his pride on the line.

Arnold made sure there were no errors and typed it. We finished around 5 and ate pizza until Arnold had to go home and finish other homework assignments he had. Justin stayed until 8 and then Corey drove him home. Through that night I noticed weird things that Justin did more. At first I thought it was Justin being Justin but after him talking to Corey about me made me more attentive.

Everyone sat with their group but Justin. He stayed across the room with his friends. Arnold couldn't make it today because he had an allergic reaction to the pizza yesterday. So, it was just me and Justin.

It was the last group until we went. "And that's my experience with love." With that, everyone clapped. Mrs. Fowl gave her fake smile and shooed them to their seats.

"Last but not least. Axel Mathews and Justin Bieber." Everyone's eyes were on us as we stood in front of the class. I held the paper in my hand and stared at the back of the room.

"So who's encounter of love will we be using here today?"


"Mine, Mrs Fowl." I was quickly cut off by Justin. He pulled out an worn out, folded paper out of his back pocket.

"I'm happy you kept it in good shape Mr. Bieber." Mrs Fowl joked as the class giggled.

I couldn't laugh, I was too busy trying to figure out what was going on.

He cleared his throat and held the paper in his hands. "Love-an intense feeling of deep affection. We come into this world with some kind of attachment. We kindle with our mothers for tenderness. Once we grow up we surround ourselves with people who make us happy. But things change when you develop feelings for someone. Things that don't usually come to mind become major.

Your mind is consumed by them constantly. You want to do things for them to notice you, just so their eyes could join yours.

I've never been in love before but I've definitely felt it. The feeling is consuming and overwhelming. The person that you used to look at as just your friend becomes something more, something special.

I've never been in a relationship to tell you if love is evil or real. The love I once had was one sided. But I still get butterflies when I'm around her and my heart aches when she's not smiling. So if that's what you call love then yes, it is love that I seek." He scratched the back of his neck as everyone clapped.

"Well Justin I'm very impressed and pleased."

As the claps quieted down, Justin avoided my existence and took his seat. I couldn't help but stare. I had never seen Justin so sensitive. My mind wondered who the lucky girl was, if only it could be me.

I stared at his face. He concentrated on the paper in front of him while Mrs. Fowl, rambled on about an class assignment.

For some reason, he wouldn't look up at me. Which was odd for Justin. He make silly faces at me at least twice a class period.

I finally looked away giving it a rest and went back to my work.

"So what did we all learn from this, class?" Mrs Fowl asked, catching everyone's eyes.

Some shrugged, not really caring to participate.

"I learned that Bieber has a crush." James smirked from the back of the class. Everyone laughed as Justin rolled his eyes.

"Yes, were all very surprised but what else did we learn? Axel? Did you learn anything?"

I shot my head up, hearing my name. Oh god, what did I learn?

"I don't know-that's everyone's capable of love. Even someone like Justin." I quickly regretted my words once they slipped out. His eyes widened but turned a shade darker.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He sat up more into his seat.

Everyone was quiet, ready for a argument to go on.

I couldn't speak, I was so stuck in embarrassment and confusion. "Nothing never mind." I looked down at my desk. I couldn't take the shame.

"Yea, whatever." He scoffed.

The awkward silence broke, once Mrs. Fowl decided to talk. Class went on but i couldn't pay attention I was too busy thinking about Justin. I could tell he was thinking of me because he kept staring at me. And not with his bright eyes. This time, they were dark.

When the bell rung, I packed my stuff up quickly, wanting to get to study hall as quick as possible.

Once all my books were in my sack, I walked to the door but accidentally bumped into a hard chest.

"Oops, sorry-" I lifted my eyes to the body that hit me. "Oh. . .its you." I said dreadfully seeing Justin's face.

He rolled his eyes and walked around me, leaving me at the door. I did the same, feeling no reason to stand at the entrance.

Walking down the hall I saw Corey. His hands were going everywhere, signaling that he was talking to someone. I walked down to his locker, seeing that he was talking to Justin.

"Maybe if you told her, this wouldn't of happened..."

"Bullshit. There's no reason for her to say something like that to me. I would never say anything like that to her." He eyes were sad.

I was trying to listen to the conversation without them noticing my presents but the more I heard the closer I came.

"Axel.." Corey said, bringing Justin eyes to mine.

"Can I talk to you Justin?" I asked. I wanted to apologize. As much as I acted like I hate Justin, we both know I don't.

"About what?" He asked with attitude.

Corey sighed and closed his locker. "I'm going to class. Think about what I said Jay." He said to Justin and then left.

The hallways were now empty leaving me and him alone. He leaned against the locker waiting for me to talk.

"I shouldn't of said what I said. It just slipped and I'm sorry. I didn't know it would affect you like it did." I spoke while looking everywhere but at him.

He took a deep breath while staring dead at me. "Look at me when you speak. If you're trying to apologize you could at least look at me."

I looked up at him feeling nervous. I cleared my throat and apologies once again.

"It's okay, Ax. I know you wouldn't hurt me like that on purpose." He smiled a little as his eyes became there normal color. A light hazel.

I smiled, feeling much better. I didn't know how much he had a affect on me.

"So, who is she? Who's the girl who stole your heart?" I was trying to act cool, like this wasn't breaking my heart a little.

He cleared his throat, scratched the back of his neck and looked away. He only did that when he was nervous or lying.

"Chill.." he looked back at me with a smile.

"No I wanna know. Me and her could be besties, you'd never know." I was dying to know who she could be. His type was the blondes with blue eyes.

He looked like he was contemplating on telling me. "Justin you know I wouldn't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about..." my voice grew softer.

He looked down at his feet. I lifted his chin, standing a little closer then usual. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, it's kinda rude if you don't." His eyes drowned into mine with a softness.

"You." He slipped out, not breaking eye contact.

"Me what?" I asked confused.

He grabbed my chin and stared at my lips then my eyes. "It's you. You're the lucky girl who stole my heart."

Mannn I need someone like Justin🖤


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