Intertwined Fates (Transforme...

Von LunarStar2798

215K 5.1K 1.7K

*Under editing* You all know of Ratchet as the cranky Medical Officer of the Autobots. What you didn't know w... Mehr

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Book 1
Book 1: Chapters 1 & 2
Book 1- Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Fight for the Allspark
Last Year Home And News
Good-byes and Torture
Its Where My Thoughts Hide or MY Love
You Held Me Down but I Got Back Up
Lost It All
I Regret Nothing Part One of Two
I Regret Nothing Part Two of Two
Say What Happened?
What you know isn't always true
Reving the Sentinel Prime
Losing and gaining a friend
Ending Ties With The Autobots
The Final Fight
Important Update

Field Trip

5.9K 154 54
Von LunarStar2798

Song to the side listen to it. Seether- Broken ft Amy Lee

On to the story!


We arrived at a museum considering that Hayley and me hate them we didn't even want to get out of Jazz. That failed when Jazz and Bee both dragged us out.

"We are going to die of boredom." I stated. Jazz just rolled his eyes at me and smirked.

"Consider it a payback because of the threat." Jazz said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Not gonna let it go?" I said. He shook his head no.

"Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted was to be an astronaut. Simmons said. Simmons then ripped his pants off. Hayley and me did the only logical thing. We covered our eyes. I felt Jazz grab me and put my head on his chest. He smelled like

Axe Twist.

"What is that?" Sam asked.

"An ugly ass, that's what." I said Jazz chuckled.

"What I wear them when I'm in a funk. So does Giambi, Jeter. Its a baseball thing. Okay." Jazz let me go and I looked back to see Simmons finally had pants on, "Watches synchronized, sharp mind, and empty bladder. You get caught demand and attorney and don't ever say my name." Simmons said and threw Sam some pills, "Okay take one of these pills and slip it under your tongue. It's a high concentrate polymer they put it in Oreo cookies. Tricks the polygraph every time. Okay, now let's get this show on the road." Simmons pulled out a teaser.

"I want one." Hayley and me said at the same time. Bumbles and Jazz shook their head no. Hayley and me pouted.

"No, listen, I can't do this. I'm not some alien bounty hunter, guys. I'm not gonna do this. Guards have guns. I don't want to die." Spits said. Simmons started to push him.

"Kid, kid, kid. You compromise this mission, you are dead to me. Now look into my eyes and tighten up that sphincter." Simmons said.

Few moments later Sam, Miky, Hayley and me are getting out of a plane we piled in same with Bee and Jazz. I was keeping watch and saw Simmons dragging Spitz. Sam got the shard and Mikaela got the con out. Hayley and me walked up to Leo.

"Think he's dead?" Hayley asked.

"Dunno let's stuff him in one of the planes." I said. Two people cleared their throats behind us. I took a deep breath and looked back.

"Sweetspark I know you don't like the guy but don't do that." Bee said to Hayley.

"I knew it! You both made it official. Sunny owes me 20 bucks." I said and jumped up and down. Hayley just smiled at me more like smirked.

"Lunar stop with the jumping." Jazz said. He sounded amused though. I stopped and smiled innocently at him.

Everyone took off to find the ancient. Follow your instincts. Prima said to me. I concentrated and found a life source. A black bird from the looks of it. I started to walk slowly to it. Jazz, Bee, and Hayley followed me. We reached it right when Sam had. The con transformed and looked at the plane. Then he looked at us.

"Oh, there he is. This guy's a legend, like the Chairman of the Board! Yo, Freshman point the shard and watch the magic happen." The con said to Sam. Before Sam could point the shard it made its way to me and glowed a little. It landed on my hand. Jazz was about to slap the shard out my hand when I looked at him and mouthed no. I hopped the fence or barrier and pointed the shard. The shard flew out my hand and to the plane. Sam and Mikaela ran to the plane.

"Its a Decepticon!" Mikaela yelled.

"Shit." I jumped back out and ran to Jazz and pulled him with me to another plane. Bee and Hayley followed. We stopped and watched it transform. It had a beard.

"Okay probably not the best time for this but, Wow." I laughed and Hayley joined me.

"What sort of hideous mausoleum is this." The con looked at us, " Answer me pawns and images! Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath."

I got tired of his blabbering and I stepped out, "If you knew Ratchet there is no way you could go against a storm of wrenches." I said and I heard everyone laugh.

"You little spinal cord based organisms! Bigger it!" He grunted as something hit him. What ever it was fell down and rolled past Sam, "Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire! Prepare for remote systems override!" The little con turned to us.

"I tell you this guy did not age well." It said.

"Great a con just what we needed." Jazz murmured. I turned to him and pressed a kiss to his lips. He smiled and held me closer to him when Jetfire made his way to the huge doors they hauled the planes through.

"I command these doors to open." They didn't open well because they aren't voice command, "Fire!" We waited and nothing happened, " I said Fire!" A missile went the other way and I laughed along with Hayley. Jazz and Bee chuckled a little. Jetfire smashed the doors open and walked out.

"Question don't we need him?" I said. We took of after him. Jazz and Bee disappeared and we heard them behind us.

"Damn these worthless parts." Jetfire said, "Itchy, wretched rust in my area!" Jetfire said and I laughed at him.

"Jetfire! Stop we need to talk to you!" I yelled.

"What do you want?" Jetfire said as he turned to us.

"Look, we just want to talk." Sam said loudly.

"I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom-bringer. What planet am I on?" Jetfire said.

"Earth." I said. Jazz brought himself behind me and I lost my balance. I ended up sitting on his hood. His holoform appeared and stayed in front of me.

"Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it "Dirt." Planet Dirt."Tell me is that robot Civil War still going on? Who's winning?" Jetfire spit some fuel out.

"The Decepticons." I said.

"Ugh. Well I changed side to the Autobots." Jetfire spoke.

"Good choice." I said.

"What do you mean, changed sides?" Sam being an idiot asked.

"It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?" Jetfire said.

"You mean you don't have to work for those miserable, freaking Decepticons?" The little con said.

"If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe." Jetfire said to the little con.

"I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddess and beauty goddesses.Who's your little Autobot?" It said as it humped Miky's leg.

"You're cute." She said.

"Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Say my name, say my name." Wheelie said.

Jazz growled and whispered in my ear, "It gets close to you. I'm killin it." I giggled and kissed Jazz.

"What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?" Sam said.

"At least he's faithful, Sam." Mikaela said. I laughed along with Hayley.

"Now I see why you two are always mistaken for sisters." Hayley said.

"Oh yeah we think the same and act the same." I said.

"Yeah, well, he's faithful and he's nude and he's perverted. Can you just... Can you stop?" Sam said.

"Yo Hayley guess what." I said.

"What?" Hayley said.

"Sam is jelly because a bot has much more of a chance with Mikaela." I said and we fell to the floor laughing. Bee and Jazz chuckled at us and helped us up. Next thing we know is that Jetfire is pissed.

"I told you my name was Jetfire, so stop judging me." Bee and Jazz got in front of us protectively after they helped us up from the floor, "I have issues of my own. And it started with my mother! My ancestors have been here for centuries. My father, he was a wheel, the first wheel. Do you know what he transformed into?" Jetfire said.

"No." Simmons answered.

"Nothing! But he did so with honor, dignity, damn it! Bollocks." Jetfire farted and a parachute shot back, "My boosters are fried." Jetfire said.

"I think we can help each other. You know things I don't know. I know things you don't know, I do." Sam said.

"I don't think he knows anything! Honestly, I don't." Spitz said.

"I could do this all day. It comes in waves, these vivid symbols. They're symbols, but they're in my mind. You see, all this is in my mind and Megatron wants what's in my mind. Him and someone called the Fallen." Sam informed Jetfire.

"The Fallen? I know him. He left me here to rust. The original Decepticon. He's terrible to work for. It's always apocalypse, chaos, crisis. These transcriptions, they were part of my mission, the Fallen's search. I remember now, for the Dagger's Tip, and the key." Jetfire said.

"Slow down. The Dagger's Tip? The key? What are you talking about?" Sam and me asked at the same time.

"No time to explain. Hold on, everybody! Stay still or you'll die!" Jetfire said and a blue light went around all of us.

Next thing we al know is that what ever we went in shot us out. We all flew in different directions. Jazz landed not that far from me and Hayley landed on me with Bee a bit further.

"Yo Hayley. I'm not a pillow." I said.

"Too bad your always gonna be my pillow." She said. Jazz came over and looked at us somewhat amused.

"'Sup?" I said. Bee came over and picked Hayley up. He walked away and Jazz picked me up.

"How's Shadow?" He asked me.

"Wait." I said and pulled Shadow out. He was asleep. I looked back up to Jazz, "Sleeping thats how he is." I said as Jazz walked over to where Jetfire was at.

" bridge. It's the fastest way to travel to Egypt." Jetfire finished saying as we reached them.

"When did you... When did you tell us? You didn't tell us anything. You didn't tell us anything. Why are we in Egypt?" Sam said. Oh you shouldn't have done that.

"Don't you get snippy with me, fleshling! You were duly informed!" Jetfire said. Jazz sat me down and walked away to the twins.

"Can you just stop for a second? Can you focus? Can you tell us why we're in Egypt so we can all have a little bit of semblance of peace of mind?" Sam said and whined.

"This planet was visited by our race once before, by our earliest ancestors, millennia ago. They were on an exploratory mission to harvest Energon, the lifeblood of our race. Without it, we'll all perish, oxidize and rust, like my wretched self! Do you have any idea what it's like to slowly fall apart and die?" Jetfire said. I just stayed quiet.

"Let's not get episodic, okay, old-timer? Beginning, middle, end. Facts. Details. Condense. Plot. Tell it." Simmons said.

"Somewhere buried in this desert, our ancestors built a great machine. It harvests Energon by destroying suns." Jetfire said.

"Destroy suns? You mean blow them up?" I said.

"Yes. You see, in the beginning, there were seven Primes, our original leaders. And they set out into the universe,seeking distant suns to harvest. The Primes set out with one rule, never destroy a planet with life, until one of them tried to defy this rule. And his name forevermore was the Fallen. He despised the human race and he wanted to kill you all by turning on that machine. The only way to activate it is with a legendary key called the Matrix of Leadership. A great battle took place over possession of the Matrix. The Fallen was stronger than his brothers, so they had no choice but to steal and hide it from him. In the ultimate sacrifice, they gave their lives to seal the Matrix away in a tomb made of their very own bodies, a tomb we cannot find. Somewhere, buried in this desert, that deadly machine remains. The Fallen knows where it is and if he finds the tomb of the Primes, your world will be no more." Jetfire said.

"I think I heard that somewhere." I said. Jetfire looked at me then away.

"Okay, so how do we stop him?" Mikaela said.

"Only a Prime can defeat the Fallen." Jetfire said.

"Optimus Prime?" I said sadly with tears threatening to come out.

"So, you've met a Prime? Why, you must have met a great descendant. Is he alive, here on this planet?" Jetfire asked me.

"He sacrificed himself to save me." Sam said.

"To save us Sam! You know that! Why can't you get it through your think skull?!?!" I yelled and walked off.

"So, he's dead. Without a Prime, it's impossible. No one else could stop the Fallen." Was the last thing I heard as I walked far away from the group. I sat down and listened to my surroundings.

LunarStar. Don't let what Samuel said get to you. I heard Optimus's voice.

"Optimus? Is that you Uncle?" I asked.

Yes young one. I know you have a power within you. Tell me why didn't you tell us? Optimus asked.

I sighed, "The Primes and Primus told me to not say a thing until I had fully absorbed the allspark power." I said.

I understand young one. I'll see you soon. He said and that was the last thing I heard from him.

"Of course uncle." I said.

"Luna? Want to go back to the group?" Hayley asked me.

"Huh oh yeah are they done talking about my uncle?" I asked.

"I don't know. I left the same time you did." Hayley told me.

"Oh. Well yeah lets go back." I said. Hayley and me walked back quietly before I got an idea.

"Want to sing Broken by Seether ft Amy Lee?" I asked.

"Yeah you start." Hayley said.

"Fine." I said.

(Bold is only Lunar Italics is only Hayley bold and italics is both)

I wanted you to know that I love the way you laugh

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away, you don't feel me here anymore.

The worst is over now and we can breathe again

I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away

There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open

And I don't feel like I am strong enough

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome

And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away

You don't feel me here anymore

We finished the song as we reached them.

"When dawn alights the Dagger's Tip, Three Kings will reveal the doorway! Find the doorway! Go now! Go! That was my mission. It's your mission now. Go before the Decepticons find me and find you." Jetfire said as we reached them. They started to walk off Hayley and me were about to walk with them when Jetfire stopped us, "Tell me when did your protoforms come in contact with human CNA?"

"As far as we know I was made into one with the ship they sent me off with. I don't know what you mean with we though. I'm the daughter of Ratchet." I said.

"No both of you are daughters to different Autobots. You can tell, and if you didn't know now you do femme." Jetfire said as he looked at Hayley. Jetfire told us to go and we walked to find Jazz waiting for us. The others were barley visible in the horizion.

"What he want?" Jazz asked.

"Well he wanted to know when did our bodies come in contact with human CNA. He also said Hayley is one of us so we might want to have that checked out with my father." I said.

"Actually we know who her Oppi is." Jazz said.

"Who is it?" We both asked him.

"Lil' Lady your Oppi is Optimus Prime." Jazz said slowly.

"What?" Hayley said.

"Well...... I see what your saying. BUT she doesn't act like him she acts more like the Lambo twins." I said. Jazz chuckled at me.

"Come on. We need to catch up." Jazz said. Hayley and me got into his alt-mode. He took off in high speed. We caught up in 30 minutes tops. The whole time Hayley and me were deep in thought.

"The daggers tip doesn't that divide Egypt in half like a blade and points to the Red Sea?" I asked Jazz and Hayley.

"I was thinking the same thing." Hayley said.

"Yeah it is." Jazz confirmed.

"Now question. Jazz when did you find out that Hayley was one of us?" I asked.

"The day she met us Ratchet scanned her because he felt the signature. We then found out that it was Prime's daughter. She was sent out the same solar cycle you were. Somehow you both ended up here. The funny thing is that you both like your fathers are friends. Somehow if Optimus were to find out that Bumblebee is her sparkmate he would more than likely send him far away." Jazz said.

"Please he needs Bee. I think he probably knew considering Bee always perked up a bit when Hayley is around." I said and giggled.

"Okay. What about we drop the topic now." Hayley said.

"Fine." I said.


Hayley's Character

Name: ShadowBlade

Creators: Optimus Prime and Omek

Like: cussing beating the crap out of cons, singing, and messing with the bots

Dislikes: the cons, dying, and starscream turning her into his pet, and rape

Colors: black, white, blue, red, yellow, orange, silver, and gold

Skills: Mixed martial arts and stealth


Here everyone I will update Saturday again and on Monday. Had problems with this chapter though for the first time.





P.S I welcome ideas :D


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