The Forgotten || The Maze Run...

By kristinebb

1.8K 57 19

Y/N was one of the Original Gladers and Newt's girlfriend. But one of WICKED's experiments erased her from th... More



177 5 1
By kristinebb

It was already dark when I decided to head back to our room. As usual, Newt was still busy with the Glade's business along with Alby. After such a long day, I just wanted to get some sleep so I didn't wait for him to come back from his work. I landed on the bed with an "uf" and closed my eyes.

Later in the night I felt some movement near me, but I was too sleepy to even open my eyes. I knew it was Newt, so I just mumbled when he put his arm around me and gently squeezed my waist. I felt his breath against my neck and his chest against my back. It was a pleasant sensation to feel him that way, a reassuring feeling that everything in the world was okay again. I drifted off to sleep in seconds.

Morning came faster than I expected. The first rays of sunshine peeked through the window and woke me up. I searched for Newt in the bed, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Of course", I mumbled under my breath.

I looked at my watch and saw it was already 06:30 in the morning. I quickly got up and dressed, knowing that in 15 minutes the Doors will open. This means a quick breakfast.

Suddenly, a messy-haired Newt burst into the room and closed the door.

"What do you think you're doing?", he asked.

I looked at him puzzled.

"Getting ready to run the Maze?", I asked back, unsure what he expected me to say.

"You're kidding, right?" He just stood there, looking me dead in the eye.

"What are you talking about?!" I was getting pissed by now, I was going to miss my breakfast because of his childish questions.

He just rolled his eyes and looked pissed as well. What was going on with us lately? We always managed to talk about everything without angry looks on our faces and scoffing glances.

"Are you seriously going to enter the Maze again after all that happened recently?", Newt asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, somebody has to find a way out of this shucking place, right?"

"Well forget it, you're quitting!" His arms were folded now and his gaze stone cold. "All the Runners quit this morning, except you and Minho", he informed me.

"Well then, I think it's on us now to find some new ones", I shrugged and approached the door, but Newt blocked my way so I cannot pass.

"You're not listening to me!", he yelled.

"Stop being so bossy with me, Newt! I'm a Runner, that's my job and I'm good at it!" I yelled back.

"We'll find you a new job", he said.

"Like what? A track-hoe?", I scoffed.

"Or a Med-Jack. Anything you'd like, as long as you never enter that buggin' Maze again!"

"Well too bad, because I'm a Runner and I'm going to do my job!" I folded my arms and stood proudly in front of him.

He fumed. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself down. I could see I was getting on his last nerve. He slowly came closer and cupped my face with his both hands.

"Quit, love. I already talked to Alby and he agreed", he said straightforward.

My eyes widened.

"You did what?!" I yelled and pulled away from him. "And you didn't bother to ask my opinion on this, before talking to Alby? How about Minho, huh?! Did you bother to even tell him ?!"

"Not yet..."

"Not yet ?!" I was shocked. How could he do this? He knew that the Runners are our only chance to get out of this place and he still wanted me to quit. "No!", I said after a couple of moments of thinking.

"No?", he asked. His eyebrows were furrowed again, trying to understand my statement.

"No, I will not quit. And you can stick your Second in Command status in your ass." I folded my arms and looked at him. "You quit", I said after that.

"Me? And why should I do that?" I felt that he was curious about my answer, eager to hear it.

So I told him. Everything I didn't tell him in the past year or so, everything that was bothering me and he hadn't noticed.

"You are never here!", I started. "You're always busy running around the Glade 20 hours a day, everyday, that I hardly see you anymore." I knew I was having a scene, but it was my best chance to tell him what I truly felt and once I got started, I was not going to stop until he would hear everything I had to say.

"But love, it is my job", he said. "It is my responsibility." I saw a glimpse of sadness in his beautiful brown eyes, but I was not going to back down just now.

"I thought being Second in Command means you can delegate responsibilities", I responded. "It seems to me that you have to do everyone's work here. When you accepted the job, you said it was only when Alby was not available."

"It's true..." His voice softened now.

"Oh, cut the crap Newt! It looks like Alby is never available!" I gave him a death glare. "So, you quit then I quit. Simple..."

"I can't do that, you know it." He gave me a sad look, then bit his lower lip.

"Well then, all settled", I said " Now if you will excuse me, I have a Maze to run."

With all these being said, I passed by a puzzled Newt and left the room. Shuck it, I already missed the breakfast.


Wohoo 918 words!


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