☮A Single Blue Rose☮ - EDI...

Door Rosetta

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•Chapter I
•Chapter II

A Single Blue Rose - Lesson nº3

6.5K 99 74
Door Rosetta

Blue Rose

A blue rose is very hard to reproduce or find, although some floral companies are trying to do it naturally. Others just dye them. To some a blue rose symbolizes "mystery" and to others "attaining the impossible". A blue rose given can symbolize the rarity of your partner. You have attained the impossible.

Chapter 3 - Punishment

Tuesday 3 September.

I woke up with a bad feeling, OR maybe is because I woke up with someone jumping in my bed? And when this someone is Kate?

"Wake up, Sunshine is out!!" I groaned, took my pillow and threw at her.

I looked at the clock that was on my bedside table. 6:30 am. I groaned once again. "Leave" I said sleepily. I put my head on another pillow trying without success to go once again to Lala Land.

"How can you say that to your Best Friend? Come on! Get up!" I glared at her. Her tiny form was jumping up and down on my bed making it bounce. Her brown long hair was going everywhere. How can she have so much energy at this time in the morning?

"No! Leave! How the hell did you come in anyway?" This girl is so strange. How the hell did she enter my home? I don't believe Mrs. Mason opened the door... maybe she entered in by some open window? Next time I should check the entire house.

She giggled. Argh I hate morning people "Silly I got in from the front door! Now is the way how to treat a guest? Uhm?" Got in by the front door uh? She didn't say how.

"You are no guest, you probably have a stolen key of my house front door. Did you ever thought of having a career in the Mafia? I bet you would be famous in no time"

She put her hand under her chin. Was she seriously pondering it? This girl is crazy! "Mmm ... truthfully...yes. But then I hate to wear back... don't you think is just a depressing color?" she sighed. "Anyway if you don't get out of be like... now I will get a cup of water."

I felt the sleep coming. I closed my eyes and whisper "Whatever" I heard Kate sigh and walk out of my room. Good. I was once again starting to sleep. I sighed in contentment and snuggled in a more comfortable position on my bed.

Suddenly a cold liquid splashed on my face I jerked upright on my bed, wide awake now. Kate was there holding an empty cup and looking at me with a fake apologetic expression. "What the fuck Luna?!" I yelled between gritted teeth's. I was cold!

She struggled "Don't say I didn't warn you! Now get your lazy butt on the shower!" I sighed and got of the bed I immediately missed the warm of the covers that were now all wet.

"Lets try to act like adults." she nodded. "Well, WHY are you here exactly for....?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Well, I am here to help you to get ready for school!"

It was my turn to roll my eyes "Well Luna sorry to break your happiness bubble you are in, but I am perfectly capable to get ready for school on my own thanks anyway, now you can go home and leave me Alone."

She struggled "Well, you said yesterday on the phone that you weren't a 'thing' with Zack so i come here to change that" I looked at her with awe. She looked like she was hiding something.

"So you are torturing me because I am not together with him?" I yelled.

I really don't think he would drool because he saw me naked.

She rolled her eyes. "No Silly!" pause. "I'm here to help you look irresistible so Zack will be on your feet when he sees you and what he is losing." Fuck, now how do I get out of this situation? I don't want to make Zack think that I am a slut and I what to repeat the thing of that day which I don't .... But then I need to talk to him about it even If I really don't want to.

I sighed "Whatever." I walked over my bathroom before Kate excited giggle "I just mentioned Zack and you started to move your butt! I am impressed! I didn't think you would like him THAT much!"I rolled my eyes but didn't answer.

Only if she knew.

I went to the bathroom and got a relaxing shower; I got out and dried myself. Kate probably had my outfit already planned. "Are you done showering, snail?" I glared to the bathroom door. "Yeah hyper bunny, can you give me clothes?" She laughed. "Here" She opened the door and extended to me the clothes. I got the clothes and dressed in no time. The outfit wasn't too fancy for school which was one thing I was worried about. It looked good on me even if I don't normally wear this kind of clothes.

"Are you decent?" Kate asked. "Yep" She got in the bathroom and looked at the outfit. "I new it, It's perfect you'll have Zack drooling over you today! Now lets get your hair and makeup done!"

I groaned as she went to get a chair to me to sit on. She put the chair facing the mirror and as soon I sat on it Kate started to pull my hair. I closed my eyes trying to relax but the midget pulled the hair with more force. I swear she is doing it on purpose! "OUCH, LUNA!"

She giggled. "Ops sorry Zo."

She resumed doing my hair but I didn't look at the mirror, she then started to put some makeup on. "Are you done yet?" I whined.

"Almost!" She sounded annoyed. Good, now is my turn to annoy the hell out of her. "Now?" "No" I paused for a second. "Okay... Now?" She growled "Art takes time you know?! And yes I am finished now look at yourself." I sighed and looked at the mirror and gasped.

I looked good. Not in 'I am superior good' but in a nice way. The makeup was natural so it didn't look like I had too much which I did. My hair was striated up and had some lose curls. I must say I was very impressed. "WOW"

"Yeah, I need to borrow your camera to take a photo of Zack reaction" she did a evil laugh and rubbed her hands. I am going to be hones I was a little bit freaked out now. I stared at her with my eyes wide. She composed herself "What?"

"What did your parents gave you instead of milk when you where a baby? Coffee? Alcohol? Even Drugs?" I have seriously ponder about this but never got a chance to ask.

"As a matter of fact they gave me milk... with cocoa" she struggled "Now let's get breakfast, I didn't get any yet!" She dragged me out of the bathroom all the way to the Kitchen. Mrs. Mason was already preparing pancakes.

"Mmmm... smells good!" Mrs. Mason laughed.

"I'm Glad you like the smell Zoey I hope the taste is as good!"

Kate sited next to me and we ate in silence. When we were finished I went to brush my teeth's. I got my bag and the camera for Kate and went downstairs where Kate was waiting. We went to her car.

She pulled out of the driveway and started going to the school direction.

"So... do you have anything planned to say to Zack yet?" I thought for a while. 'Hey Zack, about that night we had sex? Well we need to talk about it'. Nop, I would scare him off. "No, do you?" She smiled evilly.

"Don't I always?" she smiled. "Okay so first you need to make sure you are..." blah blah blah that's how we passed all the drive with Kate giving me tips of how to act and what to say to Zack. She looked different in some way like she was hiding something, I wonder what? Even if I ask I know that she probably wouldn't tell me. She is like this, she tells you when she is ready there is no need to rush things.

She pulled the car on the school parking place we got out of the car and soon there were people greeting us. I looked around trying to spot Zack. but no luck or should I say I was lucky? I sighed "I am going to get my schedule, see ya later!"

"NO!" Kate Come toward me well more like ran. I raised a brow "And why not?"

She fidget "Well... " she cleared her throat "I just have a feeling I should be with you...." she raiser my camera. "And I want to know your schedule"

I sighed "Okay whatever" She was once again lying. I looked around for Zack but the coast was free so I walked towards the office Kate flowing me while still babbling about everything and nothing. I sighed and looked at her, momentarily taking my sight where I was walking and that's all it took to bump with someone.

The person was bigger than me so I went on the floor direction, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact which never came. A strong arm grabbed me around my waist. I yelped as the man pushed me up with too much force making me crush to his chest. I blushed furiously as I stepped back "I am so sorry Sir I wasn't watching where I was going..." I looked up seeing the man face for the first time.

WOW! was all I could think. He had dazzling grey-blue eyes that looked like they were looking at your soul. He had black hair making his eyes stand out even more. He wasn't flawless but his flaw made him...perfect.

He looked at me like he was in complete shock with wide eyes. Did I do something wrong?

"Ch..Chloe?" Chloe? who the hell is Chloe? I looked at my back and I saw no one expect for Kate who had her camera on and had a evil smirk on the face. I looked once again at the Hot man. He seemed strangely familiar. Had we met before? I frowned in concentration. Maybe in some party but I would difinity remember meeting someone looking like him.

"W..w..why are you here Chloe?" he stammered.

I frowned. Chloe? Maybe she is someone that looks like me? I mentally struggled and finally found my voice to answer him. "Uhm...I am sorry sir but you must be confusing me with someone else, my name is Zoey and I am here on school to...study?" it came more as a question. Why would I be in school if not to study?

He turned pale as paper "Shit". We were in an awkward silence for a moment I saw him blush 'wow he blushes! So cute!' he cleaned his throat "I am sorry to I wasn't paying attention where I was going... now if you excuse me." he passed me and Kate in a fast pace and got out of the office.

Kate come to me "Okay that was strange Luna, who's the Hottie anyway?"

Kate giggled. "Oh... you will met him soon enough." I looked at her with a raised brow but didn't say anything after all she was a Lunatic.

I walked to the office and asked for my schedule. When the Mr. Woodman was giving me him he was torn out of my hand abrutaty I looked with wide eyes at Kate who was now comparing our schedules.

"YEAH! We have the 1st, 3rd Lunch and Gym together!" Right then the bell rang. "Let's GO!" she said full of energy and started to drag me to our class. I was seriously pondering about calling a priest to see Luna, maybe she has a Demon inside?

We were almost on our room when Luna stopped abruptly and made me bump to her, we momertatly lost balance but I won mine back but Luna grabbed me making impossible to be able to stand up so for the second time today I fallen (well first time because the other was a almost-fall).

"KATE!" I yelled. Why couldn't she go to the floor alone why did she need to cling on me?

She smiled faking innocence "Well.. What are BFF for? They share everything... like the pain! Thank me later about this!" She jumped out of the floor and walked\jogged to the classroom. leaving me o the floor with a confused expression.

"Are you okay Zoey?" I looked up and saw the blue bright eyes I had been looking and avoiding.

"Y..yes" I blushed as he chuckled. He extended his hand I took it and immediately felt electricity running on my body. He pushed me to my feet's but still didn't let my hand go. We stayed still just staring at each other's eyes until I decided to break the silence.

"Zack... about... on what happen..." he put a finger on my lips shushing me. "We will talk about it later... when you go out with me?"

I raised a brown. "I don't remember agreeing to go on a Date with you or you asking me too as a matter of fact." I held a giggle.

He rolled his eyes. "Well... would you like to go on a date with me... maybe tomorrow?" I smiled gently. He was acting brave but in truth he was very nervous, I could see. But why was he so nervous was a mystery to me, we did so much more he didn't thought I would reject him did he?

"Okay, until then we will not talk about it Okay?" he nodded and gave me a thankful smile.

"Now let's go to class, we are already late."I giggled as he pushed me to the class. We were still hand in hand so we enter the classroom together. Immediately all the eyes were on our interviewed hands and then there was whispers about if we were together. I blushed. I looked at the teacher who was also staring at our hands with a surprised expression. Wasn't he used to see people holding hands? I shifted uncomfortable by all the attention. I fake coughed and the teacher stopped the stare at our hands to stare at my face. I gulped.

"Mr. Campbell and Miss..."

"Moore" Zack completed.

"Yes, well I don't tolerate people entering my class ..." he looked at his watch "fifteen minutes late. Now Miss Moore you didn't come to class yesterday and now you are late is this a habit of yours? Do you have any good reason for me to not punish you?"

I stared at him. Okay that's totally unfair! "Uh...I didn't come yesterday because..." But he didn't even let me finish "Come to this classroom when you're class are finished. " He turned to the class again and resumed on whatever he was saying. I went to a empty chair and Zack sat beside me.

"Don't worry I will talk to him when the class is over"

"And what make you think he wiil change opinion because of you?"

He smiled "Let's just say I got a soft spot on Mr. Campbell heart" I almost laughed at that but just shock my head incredulously. Luna was too rows away and I saw that she was texting on her phone. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I looked caution at Mr. Campbell, and when he turned his back to us to write something in the board I read a message from .... surprise, surprise.. Luna!

Text: Uh OH. U r Going to b punished by the HOT Teacher \m/ tell me later all about it. Also what's happening between u and Zack? ~_^ Answer Fast!

I started to text her back; "Well Zack and me are going on a date 2morrow and..."

"MISS MOORE!" I looked up to see Mr. Campbell gorgeous... no just Mr. Campbell furious face. "Are you texting?" I looked at him nervously "Ahu...No?" he sighed and then smirked. "More two days on detection Miss Moore, One for texting on my class and another for Lying."

I glared at him. If looks could kill he would be long gone. Zack put his hand on my shoulder I calmed down a bit and smiled apologetic at him.

I turned my full attention to what the asshole was saying. I won't give him any more reason to give me detection.

He looked like he was always watching me. Like a predator looking at his prey. Like a Spider waiting for them to be trap of their Web. It made me really uncomfortable. Was he the Kind of teacher who used his position and hotness to get their students? Well if he thinks that I am his next prey to bad for him because he would never catch me.



I passed the class glaring at him and I susefully didn't get in trouble anymore. Seriously why does it look like the teacher hates me? Is it because I bumped into him?

It can't be because of being Late, Zack was too and he didn't even glare at him! This is so unfair. Wow I sound like a kid garden Kid.

The bell rang and I felt an immense relive. I have a feeling that English would not be by far my favorite subject.

I collected my things and went in direction of the table of Mr. Campbell. I will not tolerate of being treated differently of others students. I am not a coward or I need other protection from others and the need to use other people 'soft spot' on the asshole heart!

"Mr. Campbell?" I smiled sweetly as he looked up to me and glared. I think this guy has problems what did I ever did to him?

"Yes, Miss Moore?" I glared back.

"Well, sir, you see...." I started but I was interrupted by Zack who was on my back "Dominic, it was my entire fault that Zoey was late, she tripped and I helped her gather her things can't you forgive her just this once?" I sighed. Now the bastard was going to think that I just talked with Zack to help me with some lie

Mr. Campbell sighed. "It's very ... chivalry of you to take all the blame, but I don't think miss Moore was using her phone because of you so she still gets detention for two days. I will pass this today but don't expect to happen again." the bell rang signalized that our next class was about to start. "It's better if you go now, I won't give you a late pass. See you at detection at 2:30 Miss Moore." I open my mouth to say what the hell did I do to him and that I was just answering an important text when I felt a hand on mines. I look at Zack he was smiling at me


"What do you have next?" I smiled back. I looked at the teacher before answering, he had a faraway look.


"Great! Me too!" he grinned and guided me out of the classroom. Students were already starting to fill the Mr. Campbell class. The girls were staring at him and some were even drooling.

Zack pushed me out of the classroom and we ran to the biology room.

"That teacher is weird you know? He looks like a pervert! I don't even know what the hell I did wrong! I was the only one who he gave detection to and he didn't stop on staring at me!" I burst out before I could contain myself and I blushed. Was I being self-centered? Maybe I am just being paranoid. Right then Zack had a coughing fit. I made a confused face. "What?"

He stopped coughing as we enter the biology room. "Well is just that it's ... nice that you aren't drooling over the new 'hot' teacher" he mocked making a girly voice at the 'hot' word I laughed. "It's nice to have a change" he smiled at me and I looked down blushing.

"Um...Thanks...I think?"

He laughed "It was a compliment Zo." I smiled and went to my sit as the teacher started with the class.

My mind drifted out of the class and now I was staring absented mind at the teacher. Mr. Campbell was strange and I didn't want to figure him out. I would stay away from him as humanly possible I could. After all he is a teacher at this school and I would have class with him for this all year.

I come to my senses with a new found determination.

I wouldn't let anyone not even a teacher who thinks he is hot and can dazzle his students and get them, to let me down. He was probably only interesting why I hadn't fallen to his feet and started to idolize him as soon as I saw him.

Pff. Is better if he sits down and gets comfortable because it will be a long wait.

A Really Long wait.

[Dominic POV]

It's funny how life goes. One minute you think you are perfectly normal and the next you see that you fucked your student.

I sighed and passed a hand threw my hair as I resumed my class. Finally the bell rang and I dismissed the student. I sighed in relive for finally being alone, and sat heavily on my chair, I now had some time to think about this all... situation.

I was very surprise indeed when 'Chloe' bumped to me, first I was happy because that meat she liked me enough to come looking for me but she said the words I never expected to hear. 'my name is Zoey and I am here on school to...study?' she looked confused I wonder if she is a actor or something. I felt the need to get out of there the fast I could. She was a student and I am a teacher, this looks like some sort of cliché soap opera.

So let me see if I got everything right:

'So Chloe was actually Zoey Moore, and Zoey was my student'. I got up and started pacing.

'Zoey was in a club where only eighteen plus could enter. I had already checked her data and she has tecnacly seventeen for six more days.

But she didn't seem to recognize me, that is good right?

No it's not, because that means that she was not conscious of her actions when we did it. That means that I took advantage of her and that means a lot of years on jail.

I kicked the nearest table, fortanly nobody came in so I could take out all my anger.

And the worst part is, she looks extremely intimidate with Zack, were they dating? Was she his girlfriend? That means she cheated on him with me. For god's sake! Now what I do? 'Hey liltle bro, you know your girlfriend Zoey?' Yeah ' well you know how are thing going between you two? Oh, I know you haven't done it yet because I took her V-card'. Yeah that would go well. I already could feel the pain of knifes cutting my balls out!

I grimaced. No I could not do that. I firstly need to make sure that she completely forgot about me and today's 'detection' would be ideal for that. For sure she would say something about that night?

I passed a hand threw my hair, an unconscious act I do when I am nervous.

I would need to be patient it was 11:00 and I would figure it out at 2.30.




Is my watch broken? Why is moving so slowly?

Students came in and took their sits and I stared to gave my class but my thoughts never leaved Zoey.

Okay so is short yeah i will try to update the rest of the chapter today because i am broking my promise but i am havinj a major writer block where i don't know whatwill happen o detection. I don't want to write something and next find a much better idea that would piss me off so let get my tought right without threatng me? Thanks for all the comments!


Okay so here is half of the Chapter I will probably add the rest of it tomorrow I will write a message and broadcast it to my fans so yh....

It will have Dom POV!

I Already decided if she is going to be pregnant or not but I still want to hear your suggestions. [Decided against it]

What do you tink of thetitle "A single Blue Rose?" it will be explained lateron.

Look Forward. Zack and Zoey will date and he takes her to a family dinner...Uh Oh!!!!

Please comment and vote!

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