Satyriasis - ja.benn ☆ (18+)...

Od guccifuckers

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"They say you gotta refrain to get rewarded, but fucking is an addiction. The more you fuck the more you want... Více

Day One
Day One p.2
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Eight
Day Nine
Day Ten
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Day Fifteen
Day Sixteen - Epilogue

Day Four p.2

691 13 4
Od guccifuckers


A waitress comes to our table and hands us our drinks and I can't help but stare into Jamie's eyes. I also can't help but think about how I totally should've fixed his belt last night. But with Antoine nearby, that would've been extremely risky and well, sex outside in the winter isn't exactly a fantastic idea. Not that we are ever going to engage in any of that type of activity anytime soon though.

"Here's your water Miss," the waitress gives me a look. She then turns to Jamie and leans over to hand him his drink and practically pulls her boobs out. Her chest basically yells out 'stuff your face in here' and Jamie looks at me, scratching the back of his neck.

"I-uh, sorry..." he trails off, looking for the girl's name tag. "oh, Francesca, yeah sorry but I'm already busy with someone else's chest." He winks at me and I raise my eyebrows, smirking. 

"At least I've got a chest," she glares at me and take a sip of my water.

"At least I've got someone who likes mine."

Francesca's jaw drops and she stomps away from our table and I laugh into a napkin. I look at Jamie and raise my eyebrows for the fiftieth time, referring to what he had just told the girl.

"What?" he questions me.

"You're busy," I say. "with my chest. Out of anything you could say, I didn't expect to hear that."

"It's not like it's untrue," he shrugs.

"Good one, Benn," I chuckle.

"I'm serious, Anderson," Jamie stares straight into my soul as if I am the thing he wants most; sex.

"W-What?" This should not be a surprise by now. But for some reason, it is. "I-I mean I don't know what to say." Damn, Cecilia, do you have a speech impairment?

"You don't have to say anything," he replies, getting extremely cocky.

Once we get our food from a different server, it's silent until we leave and even then, neither of us can think of anything reasonable to talk about. The amount of tension I'm feeling between the two of us is almost uncomfortable. Yet I find myself kind of liking it. It's somewhat different from the tension we feel during Jamie's appointments. This time, it's mixed with lust and desire; two similar things with completely different needs. We sit down in his car for a few moments before I break the silence.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" I whisper.

"Hmm?" he glances at me.

"Like go somewhere?" I say.

The air between us changes and my heart races. "Where do you think we should go?"

"I don't know."

"How about we go to my place for a change?" he suggests and I swear, I get turned on a little.

"Whatever is good with you, I'm good with," I reply and he starts the car.


I don't think I've ever been this eager to drive to my place. Normally I'm dreading it but now, with Cecilia, I'm unusually excited to get there and bring her up to my room so we can be alone. God, part of me feels so ready for anything with her. But she's not ready and I will respect that. I refuse to disrespect her in any way no matter what. Even if she leaves.

As I pull into the driveway, I practically jump out of the car and Cecilia looks a bit surprised from my eagerness. I give her a smirk and she gasps, knowing what I want. No, what I need. I step around the car and open her door smoothly and she unbuckles. I take her hand in mine and lift her up and her arms wrap around my neck and she smiles, her eyes gazing into mine lustfully. Someday she'll be all mine. Whether we just hang or we just bang, every single part of her will be mine.

"Jamie, it's cold," she whispers, suggesting we go inside.

"And?" I practically growl. My lips brush against hers and I feel her breathing completely change.

"I'd rather be in your bed instead of out here."

Oh fu-"Well, then, shall we get inside?" I chuckle, knowing she's turned on.

"Please," Cecilia whines.

"Just be quiet," I put my index finger against her soft lips.

"My lips are sealed," she purrs and giggles.

I put my hand in hers and we walk up to the front door. I open it with ease and I hear the tv is on in the family room and carefully close the door. Cecilia and I tip toe up the steps to my room and I lock the door and pull her against me.

"Finally," I breath, pulling her hips against mine. She moans, her hands gripping my shirt.

"Oh my go-Jamie," Cecilia presses her lips against mine. For a while, we kiss without stopping, not even controlling ourselves.

"Jump," I say demandingly and she puts each hand on my shoulders and jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I feel her body tremble and I walk over to my bed and lightly sit her down. "Cecilia, baby, what's wrong?"

"I-I'm sorry," she stares up at me with her bright eyes which have more grey in them than usual.

"Don't apologize," I take both of her hands in mine. "I'm sorry, I know this is going so fast."

"Jamie I want this, I really do," Cecilia informs me, her face showing so much fear. "I'm just, I don't know, it's so hard to explain."

"We have time," I seat myself on the bed next to her.

"I want to help you and fix you but it's getting harder and harder."

"What makes it hard?" Jesus, that was sexual. My face turns excessively red.

"The needs I have..." Cecilia stares down at her thighs. I'd kill to get in between those. "I feel like I need to have sex with you but I can't until I'm able to get you to a point where you're more able to control your urges."

"This is why I wish I was able to control myself," I lay back against my bed. "sex would be, with the lack of a better word, fantastic with you."

"Jamie..." Cecilia whines my name. Is she trying to turn me on even more?


"Why am I so horny?"

"Please..." I trail off. "let me show you how good you can feel..."

"J-Jamie," she lays her head against my chest. "trust me, I'd kill for that."

I hate myself so much for not being better yet. I need my control back. It's not like I just want to shove myself into Cecilia, there's so much more to her that I want to learn. It's just I'm so attracted to her. There's honestly so much that I wish I could do for her and to her. She isn't a pet and never will be. I can tell she has boundaries and I need to find a way to give myself the same ones. If I can't, then I'll have a problem.

"Someday, baby, someday," I whisper, playing with the hem on her shirt. "I promise." Someday she'll feel how good I am. She will know what it's like to be touched the right way. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow. But I know, our future will be sexy and eventful.



My eyes adjust to the city's darkness and I see a few men smoking a joint in an alley.

"No, her ass is mighty fine mate," I over hear one of the guys say. They must be Australian.

"A'ight Mike, bet," another laughs.

"Fine, how about we eat each of their arses..."

I quickly walk away, completely disturbed and shiver. I spy a Starbucks in the distance and slip inside the shop. The workers jump in surprise that I'm even here at this late hour.

"Sorry, scare ya?" I chuckle, stepping up to the counter.

"Just a bit," the guy behind the counter laughs. He eyes my pin on my coat. "where'd you get that pin? Aliexpress or Mercari?"

I shuffle awkwardly in my space and reply. "Oh, no I got it from Chanel."

"You can't be serious!"

"If I wasn't, I'd be telling you it's from Claire's or something," I laugh lightly.

"How much was it then?"

"Around five hundred thousand dollars," I admit.

"Holy crap, you must have bank!" the guy exclaims.

"Guilty," I shrug, knowing I have way more than just bank.

"Okay sorry, got a bit distracted," he blushes. "can I take your order?"

"I'll just have a hot chocolate for today," I tell him, unzipping my winter coat. "grande."

"I would've chosen a tall for you," the guy tells me, winking.

"Uh..why?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You're so small!" he exclaims.

"I know that," I sigh. "can I just pay?" I feel irritation wash over me and I pull out my credit card.

"Oh..." he puts my order into the register and I cross my arms over my chest. "sorry. That'll be four dollars and forty five cents."

I give him a fake smile and swipe my card. He hands me a receipt to sign and I grab a pen.

"Who should I write this out to?" I smirk.

"What?" he gets confused. The kid has the worst sense of humor.

"Forget what I said," I tell him, annoyed. "here you go." I hand him their copy of the receipt and he hands me mine. I stuff it in my purse and find a place to sit, far away from the registers.

I check my phone to see that it's one thirty am and I shrug. Who even sleeps anymore? I definitely don't. With how intense all of my clients have gotten lately, I don't really have the time to sleep. Don't get me wrong, good sleep would be awesome. It's just not on my agenda right now. I'll bet that sometime in the not so distant future, though, I'll get bitten in the ass for it. I'll end up feeling dead, constantly worried, and wired beyond belief. But, I mean, I'll be fine as long as everyone else is in a happier state. I don't want them to feel the pain that they're feeling now.

"Hot chocolate!" a different worker yells out. Girl, it's almost two am, nobody else is here, shut your ass. I stand up from my seat and step over to the counter and grab my drink, quietly thanking her. I take the lid off of the cup and let the steam heat up my face and engulf myself in the scent of chocolate. My eyes close in pure bliss and imagine myself sitting below the Northern Lights at the Arctic Circle, a cup of hot cocoa in hand, the other holding my future husband's.

My lips touch the cup and the hot liquid slips down my throat. These are the moments I wish could last longer. Just silence and being alone to think. I need these times more than I anticipate. They're therapeutic for me and I wish I had more time to sit in Starbucks alone.

I stand up from my seat and put my coat back on, picking up my purse and hot chocolate and make my way to the door.

"Good night," a worker says to me and I nod in response, taking another sip of the drink and stepping out the door into the freezing Detroit air. The street lamps guide me down the streets back home and I pass by a few trashed teenagers laughing their asses off.

"Damn shawty," one of them hollers over at me.

I half curtsy. "Gentlemen."

"Ayeee," the guy drags and I blow a kiss at him as I pass the group.

"Yo, she totally digs you!" his friend yells out and I roll my eyes, amused by their intoxicated selves.

"Reallyyy?" he gasps.

"You never know," I shrug my shoulders and he leans on his friend, totally 'in love' with the fact that I'm even talking to them. "go to sleep love, you're drunk."

"No fun!"

"Life isn't fun," I reply. "don't want you to get killed before the next time you see me!" I joke.

"Dude," he says to his friend. "we gotta go to bed! I need to be alive when my future wifey and I get married!" Oh my god.

"Good night, future husband," I snort, walking away from the two guys and take a drink of my hot chocolate.

I make my way through the many streets of the city and finally manage to get back to my place by two thirty am. I sneak through the door and suddenly remember I'm the only one that lives here. Sighing, I check my phone to see a text from the one and only, Jamie Benn.

Jamie; 'I can't sleep.'

Me; 'neither can I'

Jamie; 'save space in that bed for me I'll be there in ten tops'

Well, I won't be alone tonight.

Me; 'Jesus fu*k'

Jamie; 'what?! You help me sleep'

Me; 'how romantic. Get your ass over here then.'

I have a feeling we won't be sleeping tonight. I place my phone on the counter and take my coat off, placing it in my coat closet. Picking my phone back up, I notice that Jamie texted me a '😉'. Yeah, we aren't sleeping. Not that I have a problem with that. Just can't have sex sex with him yet. Keyword is 'yet'. Honestly, we all know it's bound to happen at some point. I know myself. I know it's practically impossible to control my hormones when I'm around Jamie.

I take off my sweater once I reach my room and remove my bra, grabbing a loose Red Wings Gustav Nyquist shirsey. I undo the button on my jeans and pull them down my legs and change my underwear into some that are a bit more seductive.


I quietly sneak out of the house and get outside and to my car. Once I get into the drivers seat, I let out a long breath that I had held while trying to get out without waking anyone.

I pull out the drive way faster than I pulled out of Iris the last time I had sex with her. Jesus, was she terrible. I know I won't be getting anything from Cecilia anytime soon, but just seeing her is like getting some from her.

Focusing on the thought of her all over me, I surprisingly manage to get there safely and pull into the front of her place. I lock the car once I step out and walk up to the front door and open it. Turning to my right, I see Cecilia sitting on her couch, watching Criminal Minds and eating Pirates Booty. Damn, the things I'd do to get a piece of that booty.

"You made it," she looks back at me, smirking. "come over here, babe." Holy shit.

I swallow and take my coat off, hanging it up, and take a deep breath. Walking over to her, she lifts her leg up. Scratch that. Her bare leg. She just had to not be wearing pants.

"Cecilia," I whine. "this is a sex addict standing right in front of you."

"And you're point is?" she stares at me lustfully.

"I'm low-key slap-happy," I admit. "and you have no idea how frickin' horny I get when I'm slap happy."

"I don't have a problem with that."

"Are you sure?" I give her a cheeky grin. She nods and I eagerly walk over to the couch and notice her red panties and pull her legs over to wrap them around my waist. "this'll be very fun, then."

"I'm excited," Cecilia breathes, her nose brushing against mine.

"You should be," I mutter, our lips threatening to touch. My palms trail up her thighs to up her sides and to her back. Her lips touch mine and she moves her hands back to grasp mine and she guides them down her her ass. I squeeze her bum and she gasps and I slip my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue grazes mine and she threatens to rip my white v-neck off. "go ahead, baby girl, take it off." I accidentally start giggling as her hands move to lift the shirt up my torso and she furrows her eyebrows.

"What's so funny?" she asks.

"Nothing," I continue to laugh.

"Oh, right," Cecilia breathes. "you're slap-happy."

Gonna dick you down.

"Do it when we're ready, Jamie," Cecilia blushes.

"Did I actually say that out loud?"

"Yes," she chuckles. "I don't mind though. Not like I don't want it."

"Jesus, I wanna sex you," I tap a random rhythm on her ass, trying desperately to stay serious.

"Well, you weren't wrong when you said you're horny when you're slap-happy," she points out.

"Pretty sure it's always been that way," I shrug, pulling the band of her panties back and releasing it, hearing it hit her ass.



"Having fun there?"

I nod, smiling like a little kid. "It sounds like someone's slapping that ass."

"You need sleep, oh my god."

"I need you more."

"I could say the same," Cecilia wraps her arms around my neck, leaning on me. She yawns, snorting then laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nice boner," she giggles.

"Thank you," I say proudly. "I take pride in my erections."

"That's so hot," Cecilia purrs.

"Like you."

"No," she says. "that's all you."

"We're hot," I whisper. "hot and pretty damn steamy."

"Hmm, sounds like shower sex to me," Cecilia tells me and I swear I get ten times harder. "someone likes the sound of that, huh?"

"Shush," I mumble embarrassingly.

"Don't be embarrassed, babe," she whispers. "your dick isn't the only one that likes it."

"Christ, Cecilia," I moan. "we need sleep."

"Sleep is for the weak," she smirks.


"What," she whines.

"C'mon, let's sleep, please," I brush my fingers through her hair.

"I guess I could do that," she jokes.

I grasp onto her small body and lift myself from her couch. Staring into her eyes, her arms tighten around my neck and her head rests on my shoulder. God, she's insanely beautiful. I can't imagine spending my time with anyone else. I'm glad I couldn't sleep tonight. It gave us an opportunity to see a different side of each other; total exhaustion.

Part of me just wants to hold her close forever but the other part of me just wants to have sex with her. But I need something in the middle. I want to fall deeply in love with her while she falls slowly against my chest after climax.

"Thank you for coming here," Cecilia whispers in my ear.

"It's my pleasure," I reply. And when I say that it's 'my pleasure', it truly is. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to pleasure her-go to sleep, Jamie-but I'm just happy to make her happy. 

"Of course it is," she laughs and her warm breath tickles my ear and I smile. "why are you smiling?"

"You're breath tickled my ear," I laugh lightly.

"Oooh," she nods. "tickle fight." Christ, we will never sleep

"It's three thirty," I tell her.

"Your point is?" Cecilia questions me. 

"You'll be sick if you don't go to sleep," I massage her hip and kick her bedroom door open. Walking over to her bed, I notice that she's already asleep and I grin at how peaceful she looks right now. 

So goodnight moon, and goodnight you, when you're all that I think about. All that I dream about.

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