
By MinnieMayMonte

581 57 2

Things never go as planned. One night and her heart was his forever. Secrets and lies tear them apart, but tr... More



20 3 0
By MinnieMayMonte

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

-Dr. Seuss

I rolled over quickly and stared up at the dark ceiling. I closed my eyes and Xander's hands were around my neck. I opened my eyes and reached for my phone. I turned it on and groaned at the brightness from the screen. My thumb hovered over Josh's number and I pressed my lips together before dialing it.

"Addy. Everything okay?" he asked. His voice laced with sleep.

"Yes. Well no. I can't sleep. Every time I close my eyes I see him," I whispered into the phone and held back my tears again.

"I'm coming over," he stated before hanging up.

I saw that it's only five in the morning and so I jumped in the shower and changed into leggings and a tank top. Once dressed, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I started to make breakfast and ten minutes later, Josh knocked on the door. I turned the heat down on all the pans and walked over to the door.

"Hi," I said while opening the door.

"Hey," he answered back and followed me into the house.

"I made breakfast," I poured him a cup of coffee, "Milk and sugar?" I asked and he nodded.

"You didn't have to make breakfast," he took a sip of his coffee and I fixed him a plate.

"What do you have against free food?"

"Nothing," he stated and took the plate from my hands, "Thank you."

"I had to find another way to thank you for last night and saying thank you didn't feel like enough," I said honestly.

"You know that way into one's heart," I smiled at his comment and sat next to him at the counter.

"Addy it smells amazing!" I dropped my fork against the plate and turned around quickly.

"Oh," he stares at me then at Josh, "I didn't know anyone else was here,"

"Yeah this is," before I could finish talking, Josh stood up.

"I'm Josh. I was with Addy last night when everything happened," he finished talking and Randy shook his hand.

"I owe you one man. I can't believe I let that freak lay his hands on my baby sister."

"We didn't know Ran. It's not your fault," I gave him a hug and sat back down next to Josh.

"What are you doing here at six-thirty in the morning?" Randy asked while filling his plate with food.

"I asked him to come over because I couldn't sleep," I answered before Josh.

Ran just nodded and sat down facing us.

"Do you want some ice for your face?" Ran asked and the throbbing returned to my face.

"Yes please," I pressed the ice pack against my cheek and winced at the contact.

"I want to kill him," Ran mumbled and I frowned.

"Me too," Josh said, surprising me.

"As much he deserves it, he's already in jail," Josh grabbed my plate and stood up slowly.

"You're right," Josh agreed and gave me a small smile.

"I'm going to get ready for work. Call Mike. You shouldn't go in today," I nodded because he was right.

I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey Addyson. How was your birthday?" he asked and my stomach turned to knots.

"Good. Mike I can't come in today," I rushed out and leaned against the counter.

"Too much to drink?" he asked with a laugh.

"Something like that?" I answered.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Take it easy," Mike hung up and I set my phone on the counter.

"Guess I have the day off," I walked over to the sink and started washing the dishes.

"Want some help?" Josh asked, picking up a wet plate.

"Sure," I placed another dish into the dishwasher.

We continued in comfortable silence and Josh cleared his throat.

"Where do you work?" he passed me a couple of forks and I placed them in the basket.

"I'm a vet tech. I work at the LA Zoo. I'm still finishing up school," I answered, "You?"

"I'm a mechanic. I own a shop about thirty minutes from here," he dried off his hands and reached around me to shut the door to the dishwasher. I felt my breathing increase at his closeness and my cheeks flushed pink. Josh pulled away quickly and he leaned against the counter across from me.

"Well since we are both off work today, why don't we go out?" Josh offered and I smiled.

"Sure," I responded and then looked down at my clothes, "I should change first," I said before walking towards the staircase.

"How bout I come back in an hour?" He offered and I nodded.

"See you later," I said while opening the front door.

"Bye Addy."

"Bye Josh."

I shut the door and took a second to breathe. Am I really ready for this? I walked up and started a shower. The hot water rushed over me and I let myself go back to the night on the boardwalk.

***Three years ago***

"Go out with me again sometime?" Josh asked and I leaned back on my hands before responding.

"I'd like that," I replied and Josh placed his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him and my heart was in my throat.

"Addyson," we both took a deep breath and I leaned up slowly. His lips melted against mine and this rush of heat filled my body. The oxygen vanished from my lungs and for the first time in a long time I felt complete.


'I'm so sorry, but he has a girlfriend. He should've told you...'

***End of flashback***

I cleared my head and turned off the water. It's going to be different this time. I finished drying off and pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a grey sweater. I dried and curled my hair before putting on a light layer of makeup. I slipped on a black belt and walked downstairs. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and placed my wallet in my brown purse. A soft knock on the door made my nerves jump and I wiped my hands on my jeans. I grabbed the door knob and pulled the door open slowly.

"Hi," I said before closing the door behind me.

"Hi," he said back. He handed me a helmet and I slipped it over my hair.

"I think I still have the helmet you gave me."

"I forgot I told you to keep it. I honestly thought it fell off."

"I forgot you owned a motorcycle," I recalled while climbing onto the bike behind him.

"I've had this baby since high school. I wanted my bike license before my drivers," he slipped his helmet over his head and started the ignition, "Hold tight Addy."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and he took off down the street. We rounded the corner and I gasped. My eyes landed on the boardwalk and I couldn't contain the smile on my face.

We pulled into a parking space and the bike turned off. I climbed off and handed him the helmet.

"Why here?" I asked and he shrugged before putting the helmets away.

"This was the last place we were happy together," he stated before handing me my purse.

"Best birthday ever! Definitely better than this year," I said before remembering yesterday's events.

"Forget that jerk Addy. He clearly didn't know how to respect women. Don't waste anymore mental energy on him. He's not worth it," Josh stated before taking my hand in his, "Let's go! I'm dying to hear your cute coaster scream again!" He stated loudly and I followed behind him laughing.

We walked onto the boardwalk and headed straight to the ticket booth.

"One day please," Josh pulled out his wallet before I could mine out.


He smiled and then laughed, "This way you won't have to steal mine."

"I believe you offered them to me," I said while laughing.

"It was because I didn't want to go on the coaster by myself," I rolled my eyes at his response and we walked over to the wooden coaster first.

"When did you open your shop?" I asked while we waited in the thirty minute line.

"Two years ago after I finished my qualifications. I was actually celebrating getting my associates degree the night we met," he explained and I gave him a confused look.

"How old are you? I assumed you were eighteen like me back then."

"I was twenty-one, but I appreciate the assumption," he said while laughing. That makes him twenty-four now, my brain calculated.

"Wow, I totally went for an old man," I joked and he laughed harder. We both continued to laugh until calming down moments later.

"How much longer do you have in vet school?" Josh asked and I quickly counted in my head.

"I started at seventeen, so I have about four years left. I started vet school during the fall," I responded.

"Do you have any other hobbies?" he asked and the line moved again.

"I competitively ice skate," I stated and Josh's eyes widened.

"That's unique. Why ice skating?"

"My mom started lessons when I was five. I love the elegance and difficulty that came with each motion," I explained and Josh nodded.

"Are there any competitions coming up?"

"I have nationals in four months. You should come," I offered.


"What about you? What are your hobbies?" I asked pulling my purse off my shoulder.

"Fixing cars and bikes is my original hobby, but I love sailing and fishing," he answered.

"I've never been fishing."

"I'll teach you sometime."

We walked onto the coaster and I held my purse to my chest.

"I'm buying the pictures this time," Josh stated and I laughed, recalling three years ago when I bought him the ride picture.

"Deal," I said back and the ride started to move forward. Minutes later we were both screaming and laughing as the ride bends, turns, and drops. The ride ended and I found myself clapping.

"That ride holds up!" I shouted and Josh nodded.

"We should hit it before we leave," he offered.

"Definitely," I agreed.

We continued to hit every ride on the boardwalk until we stopped at the sky ride.

"I promise not to ditch you," he joked and I shoved him playfully. We were loaded onto the sky ride and I watched the sunset over the ocean.

"Thanks for coming today. I was worried you would say no because of everything," Josh said honestly.

"We should leave the past in the past right? There's a reason we saw each other again," I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Thank you for giving me a real chance."

"Just don't break my heart again or I'll send Randy after you," I playfully threatened.

The ride started its descent and I held my purse against my chest.

"Where to next?" I asked and Josh helped me off the ride.

"Corn dogs for old time's sake?"

"Sure," I answered before following him over to the long line.

"Two corn dogs and two drinks. What did you want to drink, Addy?" Josh asked while pulling out his wallet.

"Iced Tea please."

"Coke please," he handed the man twenty bucks and handed me my drink and corn dog.

"Thank you," we both said in unison and walked down the pier.

"It feels like we never left," Josh said and then sat down on the edge of the pier.

"It's crazy to think that was three years ago."

"I felt horrible when Ian told me you came by. I shouldn't have led you on. I just felt so different around you. I could finally breathe. Does that make any sense?" he asked and I nodded because I felt the same way.

"I felt the same way."

"Do you feel that way now?" his eyes met mine.

"Yes," I said before my brain caught up.

"Me too."

"I promise that this time will be different. Addyson," his declaration made me smile and I placed my hand on the side of his face.

"Okay," I simply said and he moved closer to me.

"Can I kiss you?"

I leaned in knowing that this time would be different. This time I wouldn't be heart broken. My lips pressed against his and I knew this time, I was his.

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