The Mark of Arella(Book One o...

By meagenreads

568 30 3

Lilly was taken from her home to a place called Fannon where strange human like beings live. While being tra... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty Four

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By meagenreads

"Absolutely not", Rhylan said to Lilly. "I won't let you do this. It isn't safe. Dorstrum is too close to the Southern kingdom. If you get captured or worse." He shook his head. "Let Colvin and Aeron figure out how to find the third book." Lilly was prepared to argue with him. She knew he wouldn't be talked into it so easily. She said, "I don't trust them anymore, all they do is tell me half-truths and hide the facts. Why didn't they show me the two books when you turned them over? They made you lie to me along with Ashley and William. They won't give me any information if they find the book. I need answers Rhylan and I am tired of being hunted. If I can beat this evil queen then I'd rater do it now than later." Rhylan shook his head and said, "No, I won't let you. This isn't the kind of quest you want to be on Lilly, most of it has to be on foot because of all the magic wards. You will spend days camping out and hiking thru tough terrain, not to mention it is winter right now. There are also rumors of dark and hideous creatures wandering the kingdom. It's too dangerous, even for me." Lilly grabbed his hands in hers and said, "I don't know how much more time we have together. Last night's dream made me realize we could be separated at any moment. I don't want to do this without you. I can't stand the thought of spending another day without you. Please, just go with me. I need you to be with me." Rhylan shook his head. The thought of her leaving again made his heart sting. He didn't want to be without her either but how could he let her go on this death mission? She would be safer with him, he knew that. But could he protect her from all the creatures that have been released into the kingdom?

Lilly said to Rhylan, "I'm doing this with or without you. If you decide not to come, it will break my heart but I would understand. But I would also ask that you not to tell Colvin and Aeron about my plans. Logan, Sam and Drexoste will be there to help me." Rhylan didn't like those odds. Drexoste was very powerful and could probably help with the evil creatures, but Logan was the only warrior in the group. "You would go without me? You would do that?" "Yes" was all Lilly said and she walked into her bedroom to get bathed and dressed. Rhylan started pacing the room while she bathed. He couldn't believe she would do something like this. She had no idea where she was going and he didn't see how Sam would be of any help. He had no magic and no fighting skills. Why would he allow her to do something like this? What an idiot he thought and he decided he needed to find Sam and change his mind about the deadly quest.

Sam was still sitting in the main hall talking with Ashley when Rhylan came upon them. Rhylan marched up to him and loomed over him with a vicious look in his eyes. Sam stood up immediately matching his posture and glare. Ashley saw the danger of the situation and tried to diffuse them but it didn't work. Rhylan pointed his finger at Sam's chest and said, "We need to talk. NOW." He motioned for them to head into the garden as Ashley tried to protest but Sam just grabbed her hand and said, "It will be fine. We will just have a chat." He followed Rhylan out the door and down the garden path. When they had disappeared out of sight Rhylan turned on him and shoved him hard. Sam flew back but didn't fall and rushed towards him fist in the air. He tackled Rhylan to the ground as they rolled around punching and growling at each other. Rhylan said thru the punches, "How could you let her go on a quest like this? Don't you know how deadly the Dorstrum kingdom is?" Sam grunted and said, "I agreed because she needs to get away from this place, away from you. She assured me we would be safe." Rhylan punched Sam so hard in the face it knocked him over and they both separated. Sam grabbed his chin and it felt like his jaw had been broken. They circled each other, breathing hard and bleeding. Rhylan started shaking his head. "I know you hate me Sam, and I also know you love Lilly. How could you agree to this? This quest will be a death trap for all of you. Don't you care about that at all? You have no clue what you are up against. I need you to talk her out of it. You need to keep her safe Sam, not put her in danger."

Sam stood back for a moment thinking about what Rhylan had said. Was he putting her in danger? Or was this Rhylan's way of keeping them apart? He didn't trust the faery, but he also had to admit he had no idea what this realm was like and what dangerous they would face. Still he had to trust Lilly and her feelings on the situation, and he would die before he let harm come to her. No, he would still go on this quest and Rhylan could just live with it. He said to Rhylan, "We are going on this quest and there is nothing you can do about it. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get my things together." He walked past Rhylan and down the garden path. Ashley was pacing the room when he returned. She saw the blood on Sam's face and said, "What happened?" Sam just smiled through his bloody teeth and said, "We just had a bit of a disagreement that is all." Ashley cringed and said, "Well we need to get you to a healer because that looks bad." She grabbed his elbow and led him down the hall.

Lilly looked at the clock, it was time to portal to the mountain. She dressed in all black, even covering her face. She portaled to just outside the building and carefully walked up the steps to the back entrance. Aeron kept very little guards at his home, relying mostly on his wards and spells. She had lived here long enough to know how to sneak in without being noticed. She made her way down the hall and came around the corner to where his office was located. This was going to be the most difficult part of her mission. Aeron had many wards and spells around the office and she had to make sure she didn't set any of them off. If she did not do this correctly, not only would she alert the guards and Aeron to an intruder, but she could be killed. She took a deep breath and remembered all those times Aeron and Colvin had her practice getting thru his wards. She focused her mind and slowly stepped towards the door. She could feel tingles running up and down her spine and into her core. It made her feel sick, but she continued moving. She focused all of her will into making the wards think she was permitted to go into the office and she could feel the magic swirling around her trying to discern who she was. She opened the door and stepped thru the threshold feeling the pull get stronger. Just when she thought she couldn't stand it anymore, the ward dropped and she passed freely. She took a deep breath and closed the door. It was pitch black in the room and she realized she hadn't thought of how she was going to be able to see. She couldn't turn a light on. Crap, crap she thought. Then something occurred to her. When Aeron found out she could talk to animals, he and Colvin suspected she could also shape shift. She thought about all the night creatures she had seen in the forest and how their eyes glowed in the dark. She thought of an owl and willed her eyes to become owl's eyes. It worked. She could see everything in the room as clear as day.

Lilly made her way to the desk and started to look thru the drawers. There was nothing there but letters and papers. She turned to the book shelf and ran her fingers along the spines of each, but the books were not there. She sat at Aeron's desk and slid his chair back a few inches. She felt something under her feet. Like a nut, or a little stick might have been under the carpet. That didn't seem right though, Aeron never ate in his office and why would a stick be under the rug. A thought occurred to her so she stood up, moved the chair and pulled the rug back. There it was, a trap door and the nut she was feeling was a metal ring attached to a wooden door. She pulled on the ring and opened the door. Inside she found two books, two maps and a bag full of other items she was not familiar with. She was running out of time so she picked up the bag and shoved the books and maps into it and then placed it in her back pack. She closed up the trap door and replaced the rug and chair where she found them. She made her way back to the door and found it much easier to get thru the wards a second time. As she came out of the office she heard footsteps and remembered Aeron's two guards would be patrolling this area. She hid along the wall behind a plant box as they walked by. One of the guards stopped and looked towards her. His partner asked, "What is it?" He said, "I thought I saw glowing eyes" His partner chuckled and said, "Aeron is going to be mad when he finds out rats are living in his hallway. The other guard hesitated for a moment longer and Lilly held her breath, she totally forgot she still had night vision. She willed herself back to her original form and kept still. The guard shrugged and walked away.

Lilly made her way to the back door and slipped out un-noticed. She had plans to meet Sam and Logan in 10 minutes so she hurried down the stairs and portaled herself back to her bedroom. She had her backpacking gear ready. It had a sleeping bag with other essential camping supplies. She shoved the books and maps into the top of it and headed down the hallway to meet up with Sam and Logan. Silently she was hoping Rhylan would be there. She knew he had kept his word and stayed silent about her plans otherwise Aeron would have been there to stop her. She walked out the back door and out towards the forest. Sam and Logan were waiting there for her. She looked around for Drexoste and his guard but they weren't there. She said to Sam and Logan, "Has Drexoste shown up yet?" Sam nodded and said, "Yes, he said he had a few things to take care of. We are to head towards the mountains and he will find us" She nodded and looked around again, hoping Rhylan would be there, but he wasn't. She walked closer to Sam and saw a huge bruise on his cheek and eye. She said, "What happened to you?" Sam replied, "Its nothing, just a scratch. We should get going before anyone finds out what we are doing." Lilly nodded and looked to Logan. "Lead the way". Logan nodded and headed towards the mountains.

They made their way thru the snow packed forest Lilly already regretting this decision, it was really cold out. She was thankful she had such a good pair of winter boots that were sealed from getting wet. Her feet were cold but she could handle it. Sam started to groan and said, "I didn't realize the snow was so heavy in the forest. It's going be a challenge to get our tent up." Logan looked at the two and smirked. "The winter here is quite harsh but once we make it over the mountains the terrain changes drastically to a summer desert. There are a few caves we can use to keep us sheltered along the way." Lilly thought that sounded wonderful, all they had to do was make it over those mountains and it would get warm again. It could take two weeks to get there on foot she realized and started to get worried again. As they were walking and shivering she thought about some of the new magic she had tried recently. She wondered if she could summon some heat to warm the group up. She reached out with her mind and wrapped a shield around them and then thought of the sun and a warm summer day. She felt herself warming up as Logan and Sam looked at her with a question on their faces. She smiled at them and they kept walking. They had hiked about a mile in when out of the corner of her eye she saw Drexoste appear. She turned to say hello and in the distance she saw three men on horses before them.

The men got off their horses and started to walk towards them. Lilly gasped out and ran towards them. She jumped into Rhylan's arms and said, "You are here,  you came". Rhylan pulled her to him and put his face into her hair and whispered, "I could never let you do this alone and I don't want to be parted from you anymore." She looked up at him and gave him a tender kiss. Someone cleared their throat and she looked over to see Tam and Finn standing to the side with three extra horses. She looked to all of them and whistled. "You brought those for us? How did you get them out?" Tam laughed and replied, "We have our ways princess, and we couldn't let you go adventuring thru these woods on foot. It is much too cold and way too far for you to be marching. We can cut our travel time down by a week which will get us thru this snow faster." She walked over to him and gave him a huge hug. Then she suddenly panicked. "I don't really know how to ride a horse", she looked over to Sam and he grimaced and said, "Me neither". Finn walked up to them and handed them their mares. "We figured as much so we got you two the most docile of the group. They will follow our lead horse and all you have to do is hold on." Lilly looked at the huge animal and didn't even know how to get on it. Rhylan came over and grabbed her hand and said, put your left foot in this stirrup and as I lift you up, swing your right foot over. She did what he said and she was up and on the horse in a flash. Sam watched her and after a few attempts got himself up as well. Finn was right, these horses were so calm, and they just stood there waiting for their lead horse to get moving. There was a seventh horse to pack their belongings on so Rhylan took everyone's gear and quickly attached them to lead pack horse and mounted his own. He said, "Tam and Finn you take the lead, Sam and Logan you cover the back. I'll ride with Lilly in the middle. Stay sharp, there have been rumors about strange beasts in this forest" Drexoste said to Lilly and Rhylan, "Two of us will go ahead and two will stay behind. I'll walk with your group. If we scent any creatures it should give us time to prepare."

-Well, the journey has begun.  I wonder how Sam and Rhylan will handle this trip together?  Do you think there will be any dangerous creatures in the forest?  I hope Lilly and Sam can handle riding their horses.  Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote or comment.  

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