Not Like The Others - Cody Si...

נכתב על ידי codstinfeels

46.7K 709 52

Hi, I'm Lauren but people call me Lon. I'm 15 years of age. I have long brown hair and big brown eyes, many p... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 3

966 19 3
נכתב על ידי codstinfeels

"Well, what's going on here then?" I heard my dad's voice, I groaned and moved slightly. There was two shadows stood blocking the sun, I flickered my eyes open. "What?" I asked, Brad nodded towards Cody.

He still had his hand wrapped around me, oh no! "Oh my gosh! Get off me!" I shouted and got up, Cody opened his eyes. "What?" "Why were you two sleeping together out here?" Tommy asked from the table.

"Alli said we couldn't come back in until we sorted it out so we decided to sleep out here." "They wouldn't stop fighting and they were driving me crazy so I kicked them out and locked the door." Alli shrugged. "That doesn't explain why you were on the same sunbed, all cute and cuddled up." My dad teased.

"I was there first!" I told them. "You asked me to sleep with you!" "Woah, woah, woah. Hold up a second. You did what, Lauren?!" My dad asked. "He's making it up! I hate him, why would I want him to be that close to me? And why would I have jumped up when I woke up." "To cover it up." Cody pointed out.

"We both know what happened, Simpson." "Yeah and we both know I'm right." "And anyway who freaked when they found out I date? You freaked when I wouldn't tell them who's shirt I was wearing? Who fre-" "Stop!" Lilly shouted at us.

"I'm so done." I walked into the our villa, Cody followed me. "What was that about?" "Leave me alone." "Why did you say that?" "Go away." "Why did you lie?!" I shut my bedroom door in his face and then went to the bathroom.

I had a shower and then dried my hair, I applied my makeup and then tied my hair into a messy ponytail. I put on a nude bikini, one with a boob-tube and shorts and then walked into the living room. I went outside and grabbed some food.

"Lauren, why is Cody convinced you asked him to sleep with you?" Alli asked me as she sat next to me. "I have no clue, I think he's in denial." "Sure." "Okay, maybe I asked him to but I was scared an-" "I knew it!" Alli jumped up.

"Shut up!" "What does this mean?" "Nothing, I still hate him. I was just scared and anyway he went all weird when I told him I date and he got all funny about me not telling him who's shirt I was wearing so go and annoy your brother." I dismissed and got up.

"Hey, Lauren." Lilly sat next to me on the edge of the platform. "Hey." "We are going to look around the island in a bit, are you coming?" "Sure, I'll just go change." I jumped up and went to get changed. I got out a light blue dress, it was simple and short. I put the dress on over my bikini and then grabbed some shoes and walked to the others. "You ready, Lon?" "Yeah."

"Trey! Put me down!" I screamed as Trey pretended to throw me off the cliff. "Throw her, we won't have to put up with her then." Cody told him, Trey put me down. "You wouldn't have anyone to cuddle then." He teased, I laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at? You asked me t-" "No, we're not doing this here." Trey said and then walked off with the others who were taking pictures. "Lauren, look over there." Alli told me, I looked. "That guy is cute as hell." I aknoledged.

"And he keeps looking at you." "Really?! Should I go talk to hi-" I was cut off. "Hey." I turned around to see the cute guy standing there. "Hi." I smiled. "I'm George, what's your name?" "I'm Lauren." "That's pretty." "Aw, thank you." I smiled.

"You here on holiday or what?" "Oh yeah, I'm here for a month with family, friends and um.. enimies." I fake smiled at Cody, he fake smiled back and then walked over and shook George's hand. "Hey, I'm the enimy but you can call me Cody." "Oh hey."

"Okay now go away, Simpson." I glared at him. "No way! You're Cody Simpson?" "Shh!" Cody shushed him. "Yes I am, why?" "My sister loves you, she's 5 but she's convinced you're her husband." "Aww!" Alli and I awed her.

"Is she over there?" Cody asked. "Yeah." "Can I meet her?" "Sure." They went over to his little sister and took some pictures and gave some hugs and then George came back to me. "How can you hate him? He's really nice."

"Yeah, nice to you. Not to me, I don't care about the name and that annoyed him and now we just hate each other." "The name?" "Yeah, Cody Simpson. I couldn't care less if he was the king to be quite honest." George laughed at me.

"What's your number? Maybe we could hang out?" George asked. "Oh yeah, it-" I was cut off. "We have to go, Lauren." Cody grabbed my arm and pulled me away. "Excuse me? Couldn't you see that I was about to get a cute guy's number?" I put my hand on my hips.

"There's only one thing he wants from you." "What's that?" "Sex!" Cody told me and started to walk, I ran infront of him and put my hands on my hips. "And what makes you so sure of that?" "He's 17, you're 15." "How do you know how old he is and so what if he's older? You're older than me and you don't want that."

"His mom said he was and that's because I don't like you. You're hot and he likes that, he just wants to get in your pants and then he'll move on." "I'm hot am I?" I smirked. "I look good do I?" Cody reminded me of what I said last night.

"Anyway, why do you care what I do? Maybe that's all I wanted from him." "No, you're a girl. You have feelings and you take it more seriously, I'm not going to sit back and watch some jerk use you. Now walk." Cody said harshly and then pushed past me.

I stayed where I was and watched him away. "Lauren, get here now." He instructed me, I did as I was told. I didn't look at him I just walked beside him in silence.

"What's up with you?" Trey asked as he sat beside me on the edge of the platform, I ignored him and kept watching my feet as they swung in the water. "Lauren?" I looked at him and then looked back down.

"Why have you been crying?" "What?" I sniffed. "Your mascara had run down you face, why have you been crying?" "I want to go home." "Why?" "Cody." "What's he done now?" "When we got back here earlier he shouted at me again for doing nothing." "But you always fight, what's the difference?"

"You know that guy I was talking to when you guys all walked off and left me and Cody? Well he asked for my number and Cody pulled me away and told me he just wanted to get in my pants so I left it. But then we saw him again on the beach before we walked up the broadwalk and Cody pulled me away, I asked him why and he started shouting at me."

"What was he saying?" "He was telling me I'm too young to date and he said no one will ever like me for me, all guys are going to use me just because I'm pretty. I mean, I'm not even pretty an-" "Lauren, you're beautiful and Cody knows it." "But you should be the one telling me I can't date, not him."

"I wasn't there to tell you no, Cody was just doing my job for me. Go talk to him,  he's calmed down now." "Who's calmed down?" I heard Cody's voice, I ignored him and jumped into the ocean. I washed off my face underwater.

Cody jumped in after me and swam towards me, I rolled my eyes and swam away as fast as I could. I had to stop for breath and then I was pulled under water by my leg, I screamed and then I felt someone's hand over my mouth.

"You can't outswim a swimmer." Cody whispered in my ear, I turned to face him. "Don't pull me under like that, you scared me." "I guess that makes us even then." He paused. "Why did you swim away anyway?" "I don't want to be shouted at."

"I need to talk to you about earlier." "What about it." "I was out of line, I'm sorry." I looked at him confused, we've never appologised to each other. "I just, I don't want him to hurt you. It's my job, i'm the only one who can do that to you." He looked me in the eye.

"You should be sorry." I told him. "I did nothing wrong and you just started shouting at me, it's not fair on me." I added. "Just don't talk to 17 year old guys in the future okay?" Cody asked, I laughed. "In my defence, I didn't know he was 17." "Well next time check." We both laughed.

"Oh and I'm sorry for blaming us sleeping together on you." "You should be, I'm never going to be nice like that again. Anything else you want to appologise for?" "Nope." I smirked. "Nothing?" "Not one thing."

"I think there's something you should say sorry for." "I have no clue what you're talking about." I grinned as I pretended not to know what he was talking about. "Sure?" "Okay.. I'm sorry for making you think I was drowning." "I forgi-" "NOT!!" I giggled and swam back to the platform as fast as I could.

"Shark!" I screamed as I got close enough for them all to see and hear me. "It's going to get me!" I yelled and then Cody pulled me under the water with him. We surfaced and everyone was looking at us in a panic.

Cody and I burst out laughing. "You should be band from that water, young lady." My dad told me. "Keep your hair on, Steven." I told him as I climbed up the ladder. "That's dad to you." "Sorry.. Steven." I poked my tongue out at him.

"Dad, can we rent jet skis and go on the water with them?" Cody asked. "Oh my gosh! Yes!" I jumped up and down in excitment. "We can't do one each and Lilly and Tom can't be on there own." Brad told us.

"Lilly can come with me." I said. "No, you're coming with me." Cody told me. "You'll kill me!" "Come on, it'll be fun." "Fine, but I wanna drive." "We can take turns." "Hold up a second." Trey spoke up, we looked at him.

"Since when did you two get along?" "Since she thought she could swim faster than me." Cody pointed out. "That's not true. Since Cody went all mushy and 'I don't want him to hurt you' on me." "It wasn't like that." Cody laughed as he layed on a sunbed. I mouthed 'it was' to everyone and then went to get a drink.

"Just hold on to me." Cody told me, I wrapped my arms around his stomach tightly. "Don't go too fast!" I begged. "I won't." And with that he turned the jet ski on and unlike what he said, he went as fast as he could.

After a few seconds I got used to it and slightly let go of him, it was so cool. Cody went round in circles and messed around. "My turn?" I asked, Cody agreed and we switched over. I went as deep and far away from everyone as I could.

"Lauren, dad said not to go out of sight." "Learn to live a little." I told him as I stopped at the bottom of a massive rock. "Come on!" I encouraged and I jumped into the water and swam to the edge of the rock and climbed onto the first bit.

Cody hesitated and then followed me, I climbed all the way to the top which was about 70ft high. I sat up and looked out to see, Cody did the same. "This is beautiful." "It's amazing what you miss when you're pretending to drown." Cody said, I giggled.

"So are we friends now?" Cody asked. "Yeah, I guess so." "Can you answer my question from last night then?" "Which one?" "Are you a virgin?" "Why do you care?" "Answer the question, Lauren." I ignored him and stood up.

"Hold my hand." I asked him, he got up and took my hand. "Are you afraid?" I asked him as I looked at him. "Of what?" "Jumping!" I shouted as I ran to the edge and jumped into the ocean. "Are you crazy?!" Cody shouted at me as I surfaced.

"Come on! Jump!" I shouted back. "No! It's so high!" "Jump!" "No!" "Don't be a baby!" "You're mad!" I laughed at him and then climbed onto the rock again, I climbed back up to the top. Cody was looking over the edge.

"You know, if we weren't friends right now. I would of pushed you off." "i'm glad we are friends." Cody told me. "This time jump with me?" I asked him. "Does it hurt?" "You're such a baby." "Does it hurt, Lauren?" "No, come on."

I took his hand and we took a 10 steps back from the edge. "On 3, we run and jump. Okay?" Cody nodded, his eyes were locked with the ocean. I laughed at him. "1.. 2.. 3!" I shouted, we both ran and jumped together.

When I surfaced Cody had already done so. "You lier!" "Okay, maybe it hurts a little but it's fun." I giggled, Cody laughed at me. "You take too long to come back up, it's scary." "Wanna go again?" I asked him.

"No!" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind me, I looked around and saw my dad and Brad on skis. They looked annoyed, I looked at Cody. "Go back to the huts." My dad told us. "Now." Brad added.

We swam to the jet ski and went back, when we arrived near the platform we got off and swam to the ladder. I climbed up and then Cody followed. "We're in trouble." I stated as I layed on a sunbed. "Oh well." "Aren't you mad at me?" I asked Cody in supprise.

"It's not just your fault." "I drove us there." "I let you." "You let me? I didn't give you much choice." "It's not impossible to stop Lauren Miller you know?" Before I could answer our moms came over to us. "Did your dad's find you?" "Yes." I comfirmed.

After a while, Brad and my dad came back and they told us off. We weren't allowed to go out for dinner tonight because of it, we had to stay here. I decided to shower and then get changed into a different bikini with the the dress I was wearing earlier over it.

I dried my hair and left it to fall to my waist naturally, I didn't bother with any makeup as I wasn't going anywhere tonight. Once I was done I went back out to find Cody by himself sat on the edge of the platform with his feet in the water.

"Has everyone gone?" I asked as I sat beside him. "Yup, dad said we can make dinner when we want it." "I have a better idea." I looked at him. "What's that?" "We go and get some take away food and take it to the rock."

"No, I'm not getting in more trouble." "Come on, don't be boring." "I'm driving." "Fine." I sighed and got up, I was walking away when something Cody said stopped me. "The media thinks you're my girlfriend." I walked back over to him.

"Why?" "They took pictures of us on the rock, don't ask me how they found us but they heard you calling me a baby and thought you were calling me baby." "Oh." I said quietly, it was silent for a while until Cody got up. "Let's go." He smiled at me and walked past me.

"Go slowly, I'll hold onto the food." I told Cody as he started the jet ski. We drove to the rock in the dark. "What's going to happen when everyone gets back and we're still here?" Cody asked as he stopped the jet infront of the rock.

"I didn't think that far." I giggled. "Hold this, I'll swim onto the rock and then you pass it to me. Okay?" I got off and swam to the rock, I climbed up and reached for the food. Cody passed it to me and then swam to the rock too.

We climbed up the rock with the food and then sat down once we got to the top, the moonlight reflected off the ocean and gave just enough light for us. "It's even more beautiful at night." I admired. "Hmm." Cody agreed, I noticed he was watching me as I looked out at the ocean.

"It makes your eyes sparkle." He smiled when I finally looked at him, I smiled back. I started to eat the food, soon enough we were finished. "Do you remember the first day we met each other?" Cody asked as he layed on his back, I copied him.

"Yeah, when I was at work with my mom and she was showing you guys around your house." "Can you believe that was nearly 4 years ago?" "No, it doesn't seem that long ago." "And we actually got along for a few weeks." Cody laughed.

"That was until you became bigger and you thought I would turn into an overly obsessed fan." "They're not overly obsessed." Cody defended. "Fine, but you expected me to treat you as if you were different. I'm not like the others." "Nope, you're different." He turned his head to look at me I looked back at him.

"So different." Cody repeated, he leaned up on his elbow and brushed my hair out of my face. I smiled at him. "Different in a good way or a bad way?" "Just different." He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

After realising what he had just done he froze, I giggled at him and got up. I looked out to sea and took it all in, Cody stood up next to me. "I wish tonight could last forever." I confessed. "Yeah?" "Yeah, the ocean looks so beautiful and there's no one to worry about. It's stress free and perfect." "I know what will make it even better."

I turned to look at Cody, he put his forehead on mine. We both took a deep breath as we looked into each other's eyes. "I know what you mean but I don't want to ruin what we've just discovered." I paused. "We've just realised how well we can get along and I don't want to throw away that." I stepped backwards without saying another word.

I started to climb down the rock, Cody followed me. "Oh no!" Cody shouted, I looked at him. "Dad said they will be back at 11, we have 5 minutes to get back." "Oh my gosh!" I screamed. We both got onto the jet ski and Cody drove back as fast as possible.

When we got near we could see everyone walking down the broadwalk. "Cody, go around the back and then climb up the platform." "Okay." "Quickly!" I told him.

We both jumped onto the platform and sat down. As soon as Cody sat down next to me, Angie came out onto the platform. "Hey guys." "Oh hey mom." Cody smiled. "Did you have a nice meal?" I asked sweetly.

"Yes, thank you sweetie." "Good." I pretended to yawn. "I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Good night!" I smiled and got up, I ran to the villa and went into the bedroom. Alli was in the shower so I just climbed into bed and went straight to sleep.

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