Feelings In A&E {Casualty}

נכתב על ידי _X_Sammii_X_

2.5K 181 64

Ainsley left when no one was expecting it. She went to New York with the kids. But now... She's back with a s... עוד

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Two

179 12 2
נכתב על ידי _X_Sammii_X_

Ainsley had been thinking about her life and how much it had changed. She wanted to be happy. Ryan made her happy but she knew the others made her happy too.

That morning, Ainsley woke and saw Ryan reading to Layla and Angel. "WyWy wead," Angel said.
"Yeah. Do you like books?"
Ainsley kissed her two daughters and then Ryan. He rubbed her bump.
"You okay?" he asked. Ainsley nodded.
"Can you help me to the bathroom and into the shower?" Ainsley asked. Ryan nodded. Madison came in and took Layla and Angel to their room.

Ryan helped Ainsley up and helped her to the bathroom. She used the toilet as Ryan got the shower on and made sure the water was warm enough for Ainsley.
Ryan went to check on the girls. "Babe, shall I make breakfast?"
"Yeah please."
Ryan went downstairs.

Ainsley got off the toilet and climbed back into bed. "Ains?"
"I'm fat," Ainsley sobbed.
Ryan smirked. He went in with a plate of bacon. Ainsley grinned.
"No. shower first!" Ryan said. Ainsley began crying again. Ryan handed her the plate of bacon and she ate it.

Jordan rocked her twins gently.
"I'm excited to see Ainsley again. I've missed her," Jordan said. Jason kissed her neck. Jordan grinned.

Ainsley finished her bacon.
"Help me to the shower?" Ainsley asked. Ryan helped her into the shower. She kissed him.
"Love you Ains," Ryan said.
"Love you too RyRy," she said.
Ryan smiled. "I can't wait to meet this little one."
"Me either. Sam knows she's his."
Ryan sighed. "Don't worry. I'm here for you and bubba."

Ainsley went downstairs with Ryan. Madison had spilt her weetabix. "I'm sorry. It accident," Madison said.
"It's alright Princess. Accidents happen," Ryan said. He was loving towards the girls as he hadn't ever been a father.
Ainsley smiled as Ryan cleaned up.
"You're too good to us," Ainsley said. Ryan kissed her. Ainsley grinned and kissed back.

Ainsley and Ryan ate breakfast together. Ryan held her hand.
"You're still eating after all that bacon!" Ryan said.
"Don't judge me. Baby likes it," Ainsley said. Ryan chuckled. He loved Ainsley so much.
Ryan went to take Madison to nursery. She did mornings from 8:45am until 11:30. "RyRy, I don't like it," she mumbled.
"It's alright munchkin. When mummy or I pick you up, we'll get you a new barbie doll for being a brave girl," Ryan said as he helped Madison into her uniform.

Ainsley kissed Madison. "Be a good girlie."
"RyRy buy me barbie," Madison said.
Ainsley smiled. "Yeah."
Ryan took Madison to nursery. Ainsley sat with her youngest kids. She watched Peppa Pig with Evie and Angel. Layla sat on the other sofa reading.

An hour later Ryan came back. He came in with three boxes.
"Here's a box of books for Layla," Ryan said. Layla grinned. Ainsley was shocked to see how much Ryan bought for her.
"This is a box of barbies for Evie, Angel and Madi," Ryan said
"Ryan, this is more than-"
"And this box is for all of us," Ryan interrupted Ainsley.

Ryan opened the box and five puppies popped their heads up.
"One for Madi, one for Angel, one for Layla, one for Evie and one for you," Ryan said to Ainsley. Ainsley cried with happiness. She kissed him passionately.
"You're amazing," Ainsley said. She kissed him passionately. "Tonight, we're doing it!"
"Mmm baby. Can't wait."

Ryan had gone to work. Ainsley groaned. "Muma!"
Angel giggled and toddled off. She sat playing with the puppies. "Ike dem!"
Layla had her puppy on her lap as she read a book. Ainsley smiled at Layla.
"Sweetie, want me to read it to you?" Ainsley asked. Layla nodded. She got up and walked over with her puppy.

Ainsley read the book to Layla and her puppy as the girls played with their new dolls.
"Jordy!" Evie yelled. Ainsley turned her head and smiled as Jordan came in with the twins.
"Jason has taken his twins for a check up. All the other kids are with Sam. He offered to mind them for us," Jordan said.
Ainsley smiled. "Well he's an amazing guy. I think he was the one who made me feel most special," she said.

Ainsley made some tea. She and Jordan sat in the kitchen while Evie, Layla and Angel were watching Peppa pig. "They really do love Peppa don't they?"
"Yeah. I just hope Tilly-Mae will like it too otherwise there'll be some rows," Ainsley said.
Jordan laughed. Samantha woke up in the pram. Ainsley grinned and lifted her out.
"What a cutie!" Ainsley said as she held her.
Jordan smiled. "She's a daddy's girl. Won't stop crying after her feed if she doesn't have Jason."
Ainsley grinned. "Is Chris a mummy's boy?"
"Oh yeah. He's my little man," Jordan said.

Layla came out with her puppy.
"Where did the puppies come from?" Jordan asked.
"Ryan," Ainsley said.
"If only Jason would do that!"
Ainsley laughed. "The two of them should meet. Ryan has PTSD. You said Jason did too?"
"Yeah he does. It might help if the two of them talk," Jordan agreed.
Ainsley smiled. "They could get on well."

Angel toddled to the safety gate. "Muma! Ocoate!"
"No Angel. Not yet."
Jordan smiled. "She looks like Iain when she does that."
Ainsley laughed. "Yeah. She's cuter though."
Angel fell on her bum. "Ah!"
Ainsley panicked but calmed down. Angel stroked her puppy.
"Ike dis muma!" Angel said.

Jordan fed Samantha. Angel pouted from the safety gate.
"Muma! Me want you fed me Ike dat," Angel said.
"You're too old for that baby," Ainsley said.

Layla sat in the corner of the kitchen with her puppy reading.
"You like to read?" Jordan asked. Layla nodded.
"Make me happy," Layla whispered.
Angel was sitting on her mummy's lap. She twirled her hair round her finger. "Baba!"
"Me be baba!"
"You're not a baba!" Ainsley said. Jordan giggled. Angel grinned. Jordan put Samantha down for a sleep and fixed herself. She put the twins in the other sitting room to sleep. Layla was standing waiting on Jordan. She took Jordan's hand and pulled her into the living room. Jordan gasped at all the puppies, barbie dolls and books.
"Ainsley! Ryan's going to have to give Jason some tips on pleasing a woman and her kids!" Jordan called. Layla showed Jordan all the books.

Ainsley lifted up Angel and carried her to the living room.
"I'm thinking of going to the ED after lunch? When Ryan's back with Madi," Ainsley said.
"Sure! Want me to go when he gets back?"
"You don't have to!"
Jordan smiled. She liked how happy Ryan made Ainsley. "Is she liking nursery?"
"It's her first day so I don't know. Ry's gonna take her till I've had baby."
"Aw that's sweet."

Ryan stood outside Madison's nursery. He groaned as a woman came over. "Your child attends here?"
"Step-daughter. Her mum is pregnant so I'm helping out."
"So, you don't actually have a child then? Cause maybe we could have one."
Ryan looked at her. "You're alright thanks."
The woman stormed off. Madison ran to Ryan. Ryan lifted her up.
"Come on Munchkin. Jordy's at the house," Ryan said. Madi giggled.

Ryan got home with Madi. A puppy ran to Madi. Madi squealed. She lifted the puppy up and kissed it's nose.
"For me?" Madi asked. Ryan nodded and took her into the living room. She seen the other puppies and the barbie dolls.
"Hi Jordy!" Madi said.
"Hey sweetie," Jordan replied.
"Mummy!" Madi said. Madi showed Ainsley a picture she drew for her.
Ainsley smiled. "It's lovely."
"Me do one for Jordy tomorrow."
Jordan smiled and kissed Madison's head.

Jason arrived with the twins. "Jason, this is Ryan. Ryan this is Jason," Ainsley said.
"Bloody hell! Ryan mate!"
They hugged. The girls looked clueless at each other.
"Jason was in the army with me," Ryan said. Jason smiled at the girls.
"Wow! That's brilliant news. You two have a lot to catch up on. But I want to go to the ED," Ainsley said. Ryan chuckled.
"Let's get you and the kids into the car - are Jordan and Jason coming too?" Ryan asked. Ainsley nodded.

They all got to the ED. Ryan and Jordan put the kids in the crèche. They managed to get a specialist nurse down to help with Jason's twin boys.
"Can you take me to the maternity ward? I'm having pains," Ainsley said to Jason.
"Sure. I'll text Ryan to tell him where we are so him and Jordan can follow," Jason said. They got into the lift.
Ainsley and Jason hadn't spoken much. They wanted to get to know one another. "Ryan's a good lad. He's younger than me but... We're good friends."
"Yeah. He's amazing."

The lift suddenly stopped. "No. This isn't good!"
"I-I think I've gone into labour."
Ainsley's water broke on the floor. Jason laid her down and took off his jacket. He put it under Ainsley's lower half and pulled off her leggings and pants.

Jason panicked. He rang Jordan.
"Where are you two? We're waiting at maternity," Jordan said.
"The lift has stopped. Ainsley's in labour," Jason said. Ryan ran to get Charlie to call the fire brigade.
"Okay. Ainsley how far apart are the contractions?" Jordan asked.
"Quite close," Ainsley said.
"Jason, how much has she dilated?"
"I'd say about six centimetres," Jason said.
"You're going to have to get the baby out. You're ready to start pushing Ains," Jordan said.
As Jason was doing what Jordan said and Ainsley did too, they lost signal. Jason's phone cut off.
"Balls!" Ainsley said. Jason sighed. He seen the baby's head out. He took off his shirt.
"Not a time to strip!" Ainsley yelled.
"It's to wrap the baby in," Jason said. Ainsley stared at his chest. Jason rolled his eyes and smiled.
"Let's get the little one out," he said.
Ainsley smiled and she began pushing. Jason smirked. "Never helped a girl deliver a baby before."
"Never had a baby delivered by ex-army."

Jordan, Ryan, Connie and Charlie were all on stand-by. Connie hadn't seen Ainsley in six months. She had missed her daughter. "Look, it's going to be alright. We're going to get them out," Charlie told Connie.
Connie nodded. Charlie held her. The fire brigade weren't here yet. Ryan held Jordan as she panicked about Ainsley and the baby.

Jason knew the baby was nearly out.
"One last big push," he said. Ainsley pushed as hard as she could and a cry filled the elevator. Ainsley smiled as Jason wrapped up the little baby girl in his black shirt. He took his jacket from underneath Ainsley and wrapped the baby in it too to keep her warm.
"This is Tilly. Jason, meet your Goddaughter," Ainsley said. Jason smiled and sat beside Ainsley as she held Tilly. They felt the lift jolt.
"She's gorgeous," Jason said.
Ainsley smiled. "She looks like her daddy."
"Sam'll be proud. He's had to sort some stuff out in New York."
Ainsley sighed. "I at least thought he'd be here to see his baby."

The elevator doors opened. Connie rushed in. "Ainsley."
Connie hugged Ainsley. Jordan bit her lip when she seen Jason topless.
"You okay?" Jordan asked them both. They nodded.

Connie took Ainsley and the baby to get checked. Ryan went with them. Jordan smirked at Jason.
"Well done. I think you need a reward," Jordan teased. Jason smirked. Jordan kissed him and tickled his chest with her long nails.
Ainsley went to the maternity ward. "You okay?"
"Yeah. My little Tilly is beautiful."

Ainsley held Tilly close to her. She wanted to see Sam and introduce him to their baby. But she didn't want to fall for him again. She couldn't do it
Ryan came in. Ainsley smiled.
"Hey you," Ryan said.
"You okay?"
Ainsley groaned. "Exhausted."

Ryan laid on the bed with her as she held Tilly.
"She's gorgeous," Ryan said. Ainsley nodded.
"Where's Jason and Jordan?" Ainsley asked.
"Something about Jason being topless and Jordan wanting to give him a reward," Ryan said. Ainsley laughed.

Ainsley cuddled into Ryan. She loved him. She knew she did. But she knew that if she saw Sam or Iain again, she wouldn't be able to resist.

המשך קריאה

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