Pacific Bell High

Von YourAphrodeity

1.7K 85 9

Pacific Bell High School. Filled with different cliques and whatnot. Their schedules consist of the same thi... Mehr

Author's Note.
> I <
> II <
> III <
> IV <
> V <
> VI <
> VII <
> VIII <
> IX <
> X <
> XI <
> XII <
> XIII <
> XIV <
> XV <
> XVI <
> XVII <
> XIX <
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< LII >
< LIII >
< LIV >
< LV >

< XLV >

23 1 0
Von YourAphrodeity

M: Idk I'm nervous.
J: do u think it will b fun?
M: Not sure, honestly. It's my last year there and I won't go as an counselor. That party will probably be memorable, or something I'd like to forget.
J: well then in that case count me in! i'll help you out. cant have my best friend feeling like that.

Justianny raised an eyebrow when the last message didn't send. She tried it over, and over again, but still, nothing. She looked up at the left corner of her phone and right where her signal usually showed, it said 'No Service.'

Right at that moment, Justin opened the door and poked his head in. "Sorry, I forgot to pay the phone bill yesterday. I'll do it when I'm either on my way to work, or on my way back."

"It's fine, Justin. Take your time." She said with a bright smile. Soon after, he opened the door and walked over to the bed. He bent down and hugged her tenderly, and she hugged him back.

"No matter what, Justianny, I will always love you and you will always be my little sister. Under any circumstances, I don't care. Alright?" He said as he lightly squeezed her.

She gulped down and closed her eyes, then hugged him tighter. She nodded her head slowly and whispered out, "Alright. And I love you, too. I'm really grateful to have you."

They continued to hug like this until Justianny told him that he had to go to work. He smiled a little at her then stood up and walked out of the room.

For the past couple days, Justin had been different. Not drastically, but just a bit enough for Justianny to notice. He had a lighter step and he didn't argue about their mother much.

"I wonder what has him like that?" She asked to herself. Maybe he was having a great time at work—Justin was a workaholic.

Or maybe he's in love? Justianny thought instantly of Ciara, and pouted out her lower lip.

Ciara was much too nice to her. How would she be when she found out the truth? About her and Martin? It would—

The necklace.

Jutianny's heart dropped and she bit on her lower lip. What was she going to do about that? How could she approach that situation?

What would she tell Martin? Would she have to pay it back?

She began to hyperventilate.

She had searched up that necklace on the internet—it was over three thousand dollars!

She could never face him. . . She hoped that he would stop hitting her phone up, that way it would be easier to avoid him.

But. . . You're not like that, Justianny. You would tell him no matter what. Even if it costs your life. He has a right to know.

She sighed deeply and nodded her head, then stood up to get ready for a shower. When she passed the dresser, she saw the picture of her brother and her.

What would Justin think about her? He was already jealous over her, imagine if he found out that she and Martin. . .

She sighed and shook her head. She took her towel that was hooked over her closet, and walked out of her room.

Maybe a shower would let her clear her mind.


Justianny wrapped the towel around her body and left the bathroom. She shivered as she entered the small hallway and remembered that a nearby neighbor had told her that the heater sucked in the building, especially during the winter.

She opened the door to her bedroom, then blinked when she saw Martin laying on her bed and looking through his phone. She quickly closed the door, locked it, and whispered out, "H-How did you get in here?"

He didn't look away from his phone. "You haven't written back to my messages."

She looked around and said, "M-Martin. My phone is disconnected, I cant—you cant be here."

How was she supposed to tell him about the necklace? Wait—

"I'll pay it. That's chump change for me."

"I can't let you do that, Martin. You've already—"

"Justianny stop it already, and come here."

She grew nervous at that. She had to tell him about the necklace and how her mother took it away.

"B-but Justin can come—"

Martin's eyes grew dark and he gave her a glare. "I'm not here for him." His eyes softened as he continued, "I'm here for you, now come here."

She bit her lower lip, but walked towards him anyway.

Her towel was dropped and he proceeded to making her forget about her problems again.

But, in the end, everything always came crashing down.

She would show him some sort of affection. A hug, a kiss, even a tender caress. She'd asked him to cuddle, but he'd push away, this time saying that they'd have to go pay the phone bill.

And every time, no matter the excuse, she'd leave with a small frown.


"Come on, bro! This will be our last year here, except you won't be there. You have to come to the get together!" Paul, Michael's friend, had told him through Skype.

"I don't know, guys. I'm not sure if I'd be able to make it—I don't know my schedule yet." Michael said to them as he drank a cup of hot cocoa.

"I don't think that's the only reason." Eric let out in his little box. Michael's eyes looked down and he saw Eric let out a suggestive look. Liam, who was in his own little box next to Eric, nodded his head in agreement.

"What are you two up to?" Michael asked as he discreetly looked at his own screen, towards his bedroom door.

What if she had come in at the wrong moment? That would be so awkward, considering the fact that the boys might begin to talk about her.

"Well, Xena held this whole group brunch, or whatever." Liam began, choosing to be the one to explain. Michael scrunched up his eyebrows with worry, already knowing what would be said next. "She told us that Mia was real, well, the adjective version of a female dog."

"She went off after that—and if you know Xena, then you know that much more adjectives were being used." Paul finished off, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Don't tell me Michael is stuck in some sort of love triangle!" Eric let out ecstatically, and the two others also danced with celebration.

Michael sighed as he covered his face and shook his head. He should have known that the altercation between Mia and Xena would reach his friends.

That day, she just snapped into a different person.

'You're mine, Michael, and I don't like to share. Remember that.'

He lightly blushed as the memory of the action that continued after came into his mind. They never really stopped—they were like two passionate lovers that could not go a day without skin-to-skin contact.

"It's snowing like crazy outside." He heard and he instantly jolted up to turn around. Mia entered the room and shook some of the snow off of her jacket.

Her cheeks where a deep shade of red and so was the tip of her nose. Her blue eyes looked him over, then looked past him, towards where the boys were at.

She smiled brightly and headed over to them. She pushed Michael out of the way and took over. "What's up, losers?"

"Hey, Mia!" They all greeted in their own way. Either doing something with their hands or getting up from their seats and doing a little cheer with her name.

Michael looked up at her, just to watch her reaction, but it was the same as always—a genuine smile on her face and a soft laugh escaping her lips.

For the past few days, Mia had either called the group, or she would talk whenever they called Michael and she was there.

She had grown to be very cool with them—this was surprising to Michael, considering the fact that his friends were in the category that she didn't really mingle with. . .

Was she really a changed person?

"The get together?" He heard Mia ask and he looked in between her and the computer screen. Her eyes slightly widened in realization and she let out a light gasp. "Oh, yeah. I remember Xena speaking about it—Michael and I will most definitely be there."

"Wait. . . Xena told you about this?" Paul had asked, and Michael sent them a pointed look.

"You know, guys," Michael began as he tried to place himself in their focus. His friends were fixed on drama, and Mia, with her very sparky temper, would continue to only add fuel to their flames.

"You know, I'll be very honest with you guys," She said as she pushed Michael back and proceeded to sit on his lap.

She was starting. He thought to himself, then he gulped down as he noticed the position she was in. In front of his friends!

"Look, Xena and I may have not started on the same foot," she continued, then shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, "but, I have nothing against her. Sure, my attitude can get to people, but, trust me, I'm a real cool person. Have I ever made you guys feel a certain way?"

A chorus of disagreements was heard throughout the group and Michael looked at the girl who smiled at them innocently.

He didn't know whether to marvel, or fear, the way that she could manipulate others.


Justin never believed that he would pass through the gate that he'd only see Ciara go through.

He had parked his car outside, he didn't want to make that much trouble—for her to open up the two large gates that seemed so much bigger when he stood in front of it.

Sure, he had passed it many times, but now it was different.

He looked up at the entrance before the house, where two cars had been, then looked at the huge house before him.

Two stories and beautiful, may have been even bigger on the inside.

Justin sighed deeply and shook his head sideways.

"I don't belong here."

"Okay," Ciara began as she turned to her parents. The two had been sitting at the dining table, with food out on it, while Ciara had been standing up and laying against the doorway. "He's almost here."

"He?" Her parents repeated, and Lia's eyebrow raised. Her father only scrunched up his eyebrows in question.

Their daughter, however, gave them a pleading look, while saying, "Please don't be embarrassing."

Daniel raised his hands up in defense and said, "I won't be 'embarrassing.'"

But, Lia on the other hand, almost pinched her forefinger and thumb together and asked, "Can I play a little?"

Ciara shot her hands up to her temples and rubbed them. "No. He's my friend, guys." A knock was heard on the door and Ciara's heart beat through her chest. Shit, he's here.

"No foul play." She reminded them in a whisper before turning around a making a bee-line for the door.

She was never this nervous when Martin came over.

Maybe because you, uh, like this guy more than anybody else? She thought to herself sarcastically.

She shook that thought out of her head and breathed in deeply, then opened the door.

She looked up to see him and smiled a little. He had been wearing a brown coat with a black pullover sweater underneath, dark jeans, and black boots.

"You know, you should really wear a scarf." she said as she took in a deep breath. She could still remember how he touched her in his car, and how he made her feel after.

She wished she could feel that once more.

"I'm not that cold." He answered as he stayed in the same position. She nodded her head slowly, then stepped to the side and waved her had out.

"Welcome to my home, Justin." She said with a soft smile. He barely acknowledged it, just gave her a firm smile, and she could already tell that he was uncomfortable.

Damn it. She thought to herself as he brought himself in. She, silently, guided him to the kitchen—she wasn't even nervous about him meeting her parents, she just wanted him to be good.

So far, it wasn't really working out.

She appeared at the doorway of the kitchen and her parents looked up. They looked past her and towards Justin.

Both of them stood up and smiled at him.

"Hey, kid. What's up?" Lia asked and Daniel looked over at her with an amused smile.

Ciara internally groaned and looked over her shoulder, just to see him raise his hand up and slightly wave at her.

When they got closer, Lia came up to him and held his hand, then pulled him in to hug him.

"I'm Lia, hun. What's your name?" She asked as she pulled away to look him over. She gave him an approving nod, then smiled up at him.

"Oh lord. . ." Ciara grumbled out, still nervous about Justin.

"Justin Taylor." He let out, lowly. He turned towards her father, who held out his hand for Justin to shake.

"You're a quiet one, aren't ya?" Daniel asked with a friendly smile. "I'm Daniel."

As they shook hands, Justin quickly realized that this was the Daniel Martin called when he caught them cutting.

He's her father. Justin thought to himself as he gave Daniel a small smile. He really did not belong here at all—someone like Martin would be a great person for their daughter—but not Justin.

He had too many burdens.

They all sat down at the table and began to eat their food.

Ciara looked up at her parents before she would look at Justin, who had been sitting right next to her. She hoped that her parents would not make any weird questions—or something that would make him uncomfortable. . .

But, she knew that it wouldn't be her parents fault for that, this was the second person that she brought home, and he was someone that they never met before.

"So, Justin, what do you do to pass time?" Daniel asked as he placed a cup of water to his lips and drank half of it.

"I work, sir." Justin responded as he stopped his eating to look at Daniel.

"As what?" Lia asked after, tilting her head to the side and sticking another forkful of food into her mouth.

Justin turned to her and, hesitated, let out, "As a car mechanic."

"Oh wow, that's pretty cool." Daniel began, then looked over to Ciara, who was currently silent and eating away. "Ciara's car is usually having a problem—even though I always tell her that we should get another one—but, it's nice to know that her friend knows about cars."

"Oh, well, yeah. I guess that is nice." Justin slowly let out. 'Even though I always tell her that we should get another one'?

He didn't know whether Ciara's family was materialistic, that was beyond the point. He just thought about how he couldn't support someone other than himself or his sister.

He didn't know whether he could do something like that for Ciara, who lived much different than him.

"It's not just nice—that's pretty awesome." Lia said as she snapped her finger and pointed it towards Ciara. Ciara lightly groaned while Daniel laughed at his wife's actions. "You do anything in school?"

Justin cleared his throat and nodded his head. Her parents had something that Justin would never experience in his life. That parent-child bond. He was becoming more uncomfortable by the second. "I, well, I play football."

Both Lia and Daniel's eyes widened and they start to lightly laugh at the same time. Ciara looked over at Justin, who gave them a semi-confused look, and said, "They do this all the time."

"It's just—of course we know you're on the football team. At least, I should have known." Lia finished of with a thoughtful expression.

"If PB's team is the same as before, then you must be a freaking superstar." Daniel said with an approved nod. "Wait, if you're on the football team, then you must know—"

Ciara began to cough. They looked at her and she went to drink water. She gave her dad a look and said, "Don't be jealous that you couldn't play football in your years."

Daniel scowled at his daughter and Lia giggled. Ciara had to thank God that her parents were easily distracted.

"Daniel's hand-eye coordination is ridiculous." Lia joked as she took a forkful of food and ate it again.

Daniel sighed deeply and crossed his arms over his chest. He feigned sadness as he said, "I guess I'm only good as designing buildings and owning a business."

Justin couldn't handle any more of this. He pushed the chair out, then stood up from it. They looked up at him in surprise and he steadily said, "I'm sorry, I forgot I have to work."

Without another word, he left the room and then the house.

Lia and Daniel looked at each other with a certain emotion running through their eyes, then looked at their daughter, who narrowed her eyes and scrambled out of her seat.

Justin walked out into the chilly night and ignored the the little snowflakes that lightly trickled around him.

The sound of a door opening was heard, and soon, the back of his jacket was tugged at. He stopped walking and Ciara walked around to stop before him.

"You have to work? Seriously, Justin?" She hissed out, her eyes narrowed and her hands were on her hips.

He didn't say anything, or do anything but stare out into the front gates. Why? This made Ciara's blood boil.

"You know, if you didn't want to come at all, you could have just told me! I didn't want to make you feel this fucking uncomfortable—"

"I can't give you this, Ciara!" He cut her off and waved behind him. He shook his head sideways and continue to let out, "I can't give you any of this! All of the things you grew up knowing, I can't do it for you."

Confusion ran through her and she scrunched her eyebrows together. She threw her hands up in the air, defeated. What is he saying? "What are you talking about, Justin? I thought we were friends!"

He let out a dry laugh right when she said the last statement. However, as soon as it started, it finished.

"We're not friends, Ciara. We can't be friends." He said this in a cool manner, as if he had been chastising her, and she became angry. Angry at the fact that he left so suddenly, angry at the fact that he was a box full of surprises, angry at the fact that she really liked this guy.

And angry at the fact that they were moving away from the topic that started this.

"Well, what the hell do you want me to do about that, Justin?" She seemed to be fighting with her temper. She didn't want to sound too mad, but, shit, she couldn't help it! "You jump from 'let's be friends' and then we're kissing. How do you expect me to feel?"

He looked away from her, then walked around her and towards the door.

She turned in her spot and sucked her teeth.

"Yes, Justin, walk away from your problems, like you always do!" She called out to him, but he continued to walk away. "You need to learn how to face them for once!"

But he continued to walk.

"Why won't you let me help you?!"

He forced the smaller gate open, walked through it and let it slam close.


Ciara buried her face into the pillow and let out a frustrated groan.

Justin never infuriated her more than he had tonight.

Why, why, why? Why was he like this? Why couldn't he just. . . allow for her to break down his walls and let her hold him?

Damn. She thought to herself as a deep, dejected, feeling passed through her chest. Her bedroom door opened, but she didn't move from her position.

Her bed dipped and she felt them heading to the wall of her bed.

"Are you going to tell me not to see him again?"

"Even if I did, you'd still see him regardless." Lia began as she snuggled into one of the few throw pillows on Ciara's bed. She always loved her daughter's window bed.

She looked at her daughter's body sprawled out. If it weren't for the fact that she shook her leg whenever she had been aggravated, she would have thought that she was dead.

Ciara rarely, close to never, stayed quiet when they were together.

"You think you can help him?" Lia asked as she looked at her in pity.

Ciara turned her head to the side, her face red from the enclosed heat, and with a sulky expression, said, "He won't let me help him."

Lia looked out of the window, towards the new sheet of snow that formed from the past hour, and lightly laughed.

"I overheard." She let out, still looking out of the window. "Your father and I contemplated whether we should go out or not—but sometimes parents can't interfere with everything."

Ciara also stared out of the window, looking towards the spot where Justin usually stood at whenever he needed her company.

"It's hard for a kid his age to face his problems, or handle anything. . ." Lia began, her voice distant. Her lips tilted up at the corners as she said, "Reminds me of a friend."

But, Ciara was too into her thoughts to hear that.


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