Noctis x Reader x Prompto ~On...

By FFXVsummoner

149K 3.2K 767

The reader, Noctis, and Prompto all paired into one book flooded with one-shots and stories. Includes Noctis... More

Noctis Stories Below
Noctis Caelum vs. Cloud Strife
Noctis as your Teacher + Lemon
Overwhelming Emotion ~Halloween Special~
Prompto Stories Below
Friends Become More ~Prompto One Shot
SongFic: Criminal!Prompto x Reader
Noctis, Reader, and Prompto Stories Below!
Justice Monsters
High School Days
Tutoring Lessons
Reunion Ball
Dreams ~Part 1
Dreams ~Part 2
Sword & Gun Training
Rescue from a Date
Beach Party
Playing Mariokart 8
Transforming into a Dog & Cat
Amusement Park
Love Boat
Taking Care of Orphan Puppies
Narrow Escape
Midnight Monsters ~Halloween Special~
Christmas Cheer
Valentine's Day Special
Daemon Hunting [Part I]
Daemon Hunting [Part II]

Silly Betting

2.4K 65 15
By FFXVsummoner

Requested by Lydia0176

Competition already began to brew from the beginning of time between the gunslinger blonde and mystical ravenette. Twenty dollar bills were spent occasionally for every single day of the week, giving it all to the sweetest girl in Eos, f-n l-n. Yes, you were the main heartthrob between the two handsomest boys all around. They both could have sworn on their very hearts at how cute you act around them, especially during Halloween trick-or-treating. Your outfit consisted of ebony cat ears perched on your head, a tail sticking from underneath your matching skirt, and an ebony tank top.

"Must you wear that today! I think I might faint from cuteness!" Prompto exclaimed, pretending to fan his flushed cheeks with a hand.

"I could say the same too. Can we chain you to our bed with a leash and call you Neko-chan?" The other male chimed from his spot, pinching his plastic fangs within his fingertips uncomfortably.

"Quit touching my handiwork. That took me hours to implant on your teeth. You wouldn't stop shuffling and resisting..." You mumbled the last remaining parts of your sentence, adjusting your cat ears in approval.

"Come on you two!" You chirped excitedly, looping your arms around each of theirs.

They chuckled in unison at your bubbly and childish demeanor, giving them stamina to withstand the long night ahead of them.

Time Skip
Noctis twisted the doorknob open, kicking the door lightly with the side of his boot. The blonde shuffled inside with an unconscious f-n in his arms. He dropped you gently onto the pillows, tucking the f-c blankets underneath your form. Prompto pressed his chapped lips over your forehead, lingering for a few seconds before completely crawling backwards onto your bedroom's wooden panel floor.

"I warned her about eating too much candy. Stubborn girl." The young ravenette mumbled under his breath, untying the red cape from his neck, hooking it onto a nearby hook.

"Don't get too stressed out bout' it Noct. It's kinda cute when she's all childish." The electric cobalt eyed male cooed, brushing his fingers through your h/c locks. You mumbled softly in your sleep at the comforting sensation of his fingers, burying your head deeper into the sheets.

"Maybe she is." Noctis agreed calmly, taking a seat next to the blonde.

"What's with you? Having fun watching her in her sleep, stalker?" Noctis teased, smirking at his blushing friend's reaction.

"Wah! No! O-Of course not. She deserves a guy who can handle both her and himself. I still am trying to find a purpose in my life." Prompto chimed dreamily.

"Hm, how about a little competition?" A small spark of curiosity sprung in the blonde's vibrant hues, averting his gaze to the deeper shaded irises of Noctis.

"I'm listening." He said with an intrigued tone...

Few days later...
"Um, thanks?" You were busily texting your best friend in your messaging app before a familiar ebony haired male surprisingly appeared in a shroud of crystals with a bouquet of rare blue roses in his grasp.

"Did I miss a special occasion besides Halloween?" You continued with cockiness, tracing the silky petals of the exquisite flowers in admiration.

"Nope. Just a little gift for hanging around with a guy like myself." He chimed casually, stuffing his hands into the compartments of his pockets.

"Uh-huh." You hummed sarcastically, placing the bouquet gently on your nightstand.

A loud knock resounding from your windowsill stole all your attention, pushing yourself off the bed with a puzzled expression. Pulling the brim of the window upward, you were immediately greeted with a signature heartfelt grin of the gunslinger.

"Good morning to you m'lady." Prompto chirped, slinging his legs over the edge of the window, crossing them as he leaned his frame against the window panel.

"Good morrow to you too. Seriously, you guys are creeping me out now. Mind telling me if this is one of your famous prank wars or you switched minds with a totally different person?" You said, scavenging through your nightstand drawers for a few pain killers.

"Second drawer f-n." Noctis said while gesturing towards it, acknowledging the grimace plastered over your features. 'Really attractive features...' The Lucii prince thought, awkwardly scanning your body.

"Cute tank top and shorts." Prompto stole the exact thoughts of the ravenette.

"Hey! Don't be such peepers." You complained, grabbing the medicine bottle within your fingers.

"You're the one who allowed us in though." Noctis chimed smartly.

You threw back a pill into your throat, chugging down the remaining warm water from your glass propped on your nightstand. You fell backwards onto your bed, massaging your migraine with your fingers letting out a shaky sigh.

"You're not gonna sleep the whole day, are you?" Prompto whined, walking over to your bedside with crossed arms.

You groaned into your pillow, earning a signature eye roll of the raven head.

"Head up." Noctis said, hitting you lightly on the shoulder. You propped yourself up by your arms, glancing over your shoulder.

"Now sleepyhead, wanna go out for a tour of Insomnia with the handsome Prompto Argentum and the Prince of Lucis?" The blonde questioned, his glistening cobalt eyes sparking a twist of curiosity within your conscience.

"Sure, but afterward you both will have to tell me what's happening in return." You answered with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine then. Though, nothing is stirring up." Noctis spoke in addition, jumping slightly off the side of your bed.

You narrowed your eyes suspiciously at the two blue eyed males. 'What are they up to?' You thought, lazily hobbling to the bathroom to change out of your sleepwear.

Time Skip to Mall Food Court
"Say ah~" The cute blonde chimed, inching the fork closer to your lips. His other hand hovered a few inches lower in case a few scraps of the food would fall.

"I can feed myself you know." You complained, hastily picking the handle of the fork between your fingers.

You muttered incoherently underneath their warming gazes, chewing quickly before swallowing it whole.

"How is it?" The raven haired male asked with a tilt of his head.

"Good." You grumbled with a lowered head.

"Hmph, told you she'd like it." He chimed confidently, mainly directed towards the blonde head sitting across from him.

"So! I-I bet she'll like the ice cream I bought!" Prompto retaliated, wrapping a toned arm around your waist. A tint of red bloomed on your s/c cheeks at the close contact between you, coughing into your hand before tilting your head upward.

"Maybe a movie can shut you guys up." You suggested with an eye roll.

They nodded in unison, each of them looping an arm around your forearm. Despite gazing straight ahead, you could sense the venomous glares thrown behind your back.

Time Skip to Movie Theater
You couldn't pay attention to one bit of the movie, sitting in the back row seats in almost complete darkness. Popcorn kernels and Nerd candy pieces of different colors continued to be chucked back and forth, lounging between the two competitive boys. You sunk deeper into your chair, running your palm over your face in a desperate attempt to disguise yourself from the other movie viewers harsh glances.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd both stop playing and throwing around your food." You grumbled, fluttering your eyelids in their direction, Noctis on your left and Prompto on your right.

"Don't blame me." Noctis chuckled, tossing one last popcorn piece past your eyesight.

"Hey! You're not seriously gonna believe this guy!" Prompto shrieked out, jumping out of his seat.

He earned a loud hush from the other viwers.

"S-Sorry everybody..." He mumbled in confession, sinking into his seat with a frown.

"Show off."

"Wanna try on my title as 'show off'?" Noctis murmured, crossing his arms over his chest.

Time Skip
A weeks has surpassed of the supposedly stupid and utterly time waster of a competition between the two supposed friends. Your bedroom was cluttered with red roses, heart shaped boxes filled with an assortment of sweets and candies, and two puppies scurrying around on the ground. Courtesy of the prince himself. You jabbed your thumbs into the phone's keyboard, growling mutters and curses beneath your ragged breaths. It wasn't even Valentine's Day, so what means did they have for all the warming gifts and sudden complements? You flinched, sitting on your couch, nearly dropping your phone to the floor. The caller ID read, Noctis. You immediately pressed the green icon, pushing the phone to your ear.


"f-n, come outside." Noctis spoke with a relaxed tone. You glanced over your shoulder through the windowsill, noticing an ebony clothed figure standing in the middle of your driveway.

"Give me a minute. I'll be down." You responded, placing the phone beside you.

'What sort of contraption of gratitude have you prepared for me now, you Lucian prince?' You thought.

His laced boots continued to tread nonstop against your driveway. Back and forth, back and forth. He needed to get this secret off his chest before a certain someone could intervene with his plan. Of course, the odds of him confessing plummeted as he spotted a brightly colored blonde marching in his direction.

"Noct, my man. What are you doing at this hour?" Prompto suddenly questioned, making Noctis' spine stiffen in discomfort.

"Um, nothing unusual of the sort." He answered calmly with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Apapap! Don't lie, I saw you googling eye her through her window and I will not permit you to steal my girl!" The blonde exclaimed, using different pointing gestures and hand signals in between words.

"Your girl? Didn't know she accepted your confession before me." Noctis spoke smugly, eyeing the blonde out of the corner of his eye.

"O-Of course she has." Such an easy way to spot out lies, his leather clad hands trembling nervously.

"Why don't we ask her then?"

"Ask her what?"

"Which one of us she prefers? Then this little bet we set up will be finished. Loser has to live without a beautiful girlfriend like herself." Noctis concluded, leaving the other speechless.

"Prefer? Who says I like either of you more than the other?" Both of their bodies spun in your direction, leaning against the door frame with crossed arms.

"f-n, how long have you been standing there?" Prompto spoke first, crossing his fingers in luck behind his back.

"Long enough to hear of your bet. Is that what you think of me? A simple prize than can be won over with presents?" You chimed defensively, circling excruciatingly slow around them both.

"f-n, we'd never court you out of joking around." Noctis murmured, lowering his head to his chest.

"I'm glad you guys wouldn't do that, but sadly enough I already have a boyfriend." You confess with a sheepish smile, sending their hearts plummeting to their feet.

"Y-You already have a b-boyfriend?" The ravenette questioned hesitantly, not wanting to accept the truth.

"Yeah." You answered briefly, turning your back towards them facing the inside of your house.

"I'll be introduce you guys to him at the town square." You added on, returning back into your household.

"Why didn't you tell me she had a boyfriend?" Noctis questioned his friend further, glancing towards him.

"I, didn't know." He shook out of his system, averting his cobalt gaze to the floor.

"What! You want me to impersonate your boyfriend!?" Your best friend, Alex shrieked over the loud speaker causing you to topple backwards.

"Yup. Don't worry, I'll make sure they'll play nice with you." You assured, causing him to sigh in defeat.

"Very well. But, can I use an accent?"

"No." It was the only response before the call ended with a beep.

Time Skip
"f-n, how's it going?" Alex greeted cheerfully with a grin, trying to prevent his happy composure falter underneath their deadly glares.

"I've been better on some days, but now it's better since you're here." You chirped in response, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Play along." You whispered, pecking your lips softly against his earlobe.

"Aw~ My girlfriend is such a cutie sometimes." He commented, smiling innocently despite his radiating red cheeks overtaking his calm demeanor.

"Haha, right." Prompto said with a fake grin, scratching the side of his neck with his index finger.

"Can we get a move on already?" The other silent, ebony male intervened, gazing coldly in a different direction.

"Um, sure." Alex agreed, walking side by side with you, away from the boiling males.

"So, how long have you been together?" Prompto asked with a bored look plastered on his features.

"Five months." "Three weeks." The both of you spoke in unison, immediately feeling clammy all over. Their deadpan faces surely enough broke down your serene, cool expressions.

"Oh Ramuh, please forgive me! Don't decapitate my head! You can cut hers instead!" Alex pleaded, falling onto his knees directly in front of them.

"Gee, friendship sure is wonderful. Get up!" You muttered, yanking him roughly onto his feet.

"It's cool. No need to get so worked up about a little trickery." Noctis responded kindly, an impish grin settling on his lips.

"Yeah~ The mastermind should suffer the consequences." Prompto added in, placing a hand on Noctis' shoulder. You shuddered under their mischievous grins and pairs of eyes.

"Well I gotta get going. Good luck f-n." Alex greeted goodbye, lowering his voice to a whisper at his last sentence. He bounded away as fast as his feet could carry him, leaving you in a momentary speechless state.

"That son of a-" "Ah ah ah, language please." Prompto interrupted, waving his pointer finger like a grandfather clock's pendulum, left to right.

"Shut up. You guys cuss every single hour." You grumbled, crossing your arms.

"Looks like someone will need a minor tuning of their manners and perhaps acting lessons too." Noctis suggested, lacing his warm finger around your petite ones.

"Probably. Acting lessons definitely are in need though." Prompto chuckled, placing an arm around your shoulder. You playfully whacked him on the side of head, making him grin even brighter.

You would sooner or later have to make a decision, but for now...having both of them by your side is the greatest thing you could ever ask for.

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