Little Brothers Are Sacred (N...

By xstardux

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When Namikaze Minato died, he did not only leave the village his son. He also left behind his daughter, Hikar... More

Little Brothers Are Sacred (Naruto Uzumaki Story)
Chapter 1: Returning Back To Konoha
Chapter 2: The Chunin Exams?
Chapter 3: The Return Of The Namikaze Princess
Chapter 4: Namikaze vs Hatake
Chapter 5: The Sadist Known As Ibiki
Chapter 6: The Written Exams
Chapter 7: Blood Over Love
Chapter 8: Beginning The Forest Of Death
Chapter 9: A Sick Feeling
Chapter 11: The Preliminaries Begin
Please Read
Chapter 12: Watching Over Sasuke
Chapter 13: The Snake Returns
Chapter 14: Kunoichis Of The Leaf
Chapter 15: No Room To Judge
Chapter 16: The Underdog Will Win
Chapter 17: The Arrogance Of A Shinobi
Chapter 18: The Loss Of A True Ninja
Chapter 19: The Closet Pervert Or The Open Pervert
Chapter 20: The Consequences of Life
Chapter 21: Training With The Uchiha(s)
Chapter 22: The Fourth Hokage's Legacy

Chapter 10: Making A Difference

3.7K 104 8
By xstardux

✩Little Brothers Are Sacred✩

Location: Konohagakure- Namikaze Mansion

Hikari laid on her satin duvet, on her side, staring out the window. Judging by the position of the sun, she could tell it was approximately 3:00 which means she still had 4 and a half hours till her so-called "date" with Kakashi.

She was debating whether or not she should cancel on dinner with him. Hikari was a good actress, she could feign being sick or whatever, but knowing him and his persistence, he would reschedule and keep rescheduling no matter what she does.

Hikari sighed, she might as well just suck it up and go to dinner with him. Besides, even if he said date, he couldn't possibly meant date right? It was probably just a slip up and she was overreacting.

Hikari turned and looked at her clock, 3:24. Even though she had a lot of time left to spare, Hikari jumped off of her queen-sized bed as she shuffled her way into her large bathroom. 

She decided to take a long shower, taking the time to just relax and channel her thoughts. Her thoughts were scrambled everywhere in her mind, literally bouncing off the walls. She had a feeling if Yamanaka Inoichi, who was Captain of the Intelligence Division of the Allied Shinobi Forces, were to use his mind technique and read her mind, he would get a big headache.

She hopped out of the shower when she was finished, wrapping a long fluffy royal blue towel around herself. She entered back into her room and went into the large walk-in closet.

She didn't have much clothes in there, only a few clothes that she bought this week. Her other clothes were from when she was very little and she knew that none of them would fit her.

Hikari decided that she would go shopping another day for clothes, for now she'll just have to make due.

Hikari threw on a black and grey striped turtleneck with a light cashmere grey sweater over it so only the top of her turtleneck shoes. She added three silver chain necklaces along with a loose dark brown belt around her hips, slanting downwards towards her shorts. She wore matching grey shorts with green rolls and she wore black boots that showed the top of her grey socks. She also added a black beret with a star and two leaves on it. 

She glanced at her appearance and nodded, pleased with how she looked, before walking out of her large mansion.

Normally she would not wear such casual clothes on a dinner date, but after all this was not a date, just a friendly dinner so she saw no reason to put on a dress or a skirt or anything.

She had to admit that she did look good, just not as good as she would normally look for a dinner. She also hoped that Kakashi would get a clue based on her outfit that this was not a "date" like he hoped for.

She found nothing wrong with Kakashi, he was nice and all, but she didn't know him that well and even if she did, she knew that she wouldn't be able to go out with him anyways. 

No, she wasn't being forced to not go out with him, but her heart wouldn't be able to accept him.

As cheesy and stupid that may have sound, it was the truth. She would not be able to accept another person into her life as long as her love was still in the world.

Hikari quickly shook her head as if that would rid the thoughts. She didn't want to be thinking about him during a time like this. She did not forget the reasons why she left him in the first place. Although she was still in love with him, Hikari couldn't see herself with him for many and important reasons.

Looking at the time, she knew that she still had over an hour until she had to meet up with Kakashi at The Shushuya restaurant. 

Hikari glanced up at the sky as she thought about how Naruto must have doing in the Chunin Exams. 3 days had passed so that meant that if he was not at the towers year he had a little less than 2 days to finish.

Hikari had a feeling that he would pass the 2nd exams. After all both her, Minato, and Kushina all managed to get passed the exams on their first time. 

As she circled around the village for the third time again, she saw that she had about 30 minutes until her dinner with Kakashi. Feeling bored and not knowing what to do, she walked towards the restaurant.

Location: Konohagakure- The Shushuya Restaurant

"How many people?" The waiter asked as he glanced at Hikari.

"2 please." She answered.

"Bar or dinner?" He questioned.

"Dinner." She answered again.

He grabbed two menus before leading her to a table that could have fit four.

"Do you want to order now or later when the other person arrives?" He questioned.

"Uh later." She answered after she thought about it.

He nodded before leaving. Hikari sighed and rested her head in her hand as her other hand tapped the table continuously. She wasn't impatient or anything, she was just feeling bored.

She hoped that he would come early as well so she wouldn't be as bored.

Her wishes her granted because a few minutes later he arrived and sat across from her.

"I hope that I wasn't late." He stated looking at the clock hanging across the restaurant which showed that he was not late, he was early.

"Oh no you weren't. I just came 30 minutes early, because I lost track of time and thought I was late." She lied smoothly.

She really didn't want to tell him that she was bored so she came early, that would make her seem desperate and perhaps even lead him on. Things that she did not want to come across.

He nodded and reached for the menu and started to read it. Hikari mimicked his actions silently wondering why she didn't think of doing that in the beginning.

"Have you been here before?" Kakashi asked.

Hikari shook her head, "No have you forgotten that I just came back to Konoha after 12 years and before I wasn't old enough to enter."

"Oh right." He stated.

"What would you recommend?" Hikari asked him as if he was a waiter.

"Well this restaurant is famous for it's yakitori and sake." He stated.

"Okay so two skewers of yakitori?" Hikari questioned.

He nodded his head, "Do you drink?" He asked curiously.

"I do, but if you don't mind I would like to pass on drinking tonight." Hikari stated.

Kakashi nodded before calling over a waiter.

"What can I get for you two?" The waiter asked.

"We'll have two skewers of yakitori and two glasses of water." Kakashi ordered,

The waiter nodded and left leaving Hikari and Kakashi alone, with nothing to entertain themselves with besides themselves.

"So.. you said you've lived in Konoha before right?" Kakashi asked trying to make conversation. 

"Yeah I did. I left when I was 6 years old." She stated.

He nods, "And you've been traveling and training with Jiraiya-sama all these years huh?" It wasn't a question, more like a confirmation.

Hikari nodded, "Yeah. I've been traveling with Jiraiya for such a long time. He's practically my family. He's actually my god father." 

"Really?" Kakashi asked with interest.

Hikari nodded, "But you know. I've seen you around in Konoha a couple of times before when I was younger." 

"Really? Well if you were 6 when you left then I must have been about 13. You really recognize me?" Kakashi asked with curiosity.

Hikari nodded, "Yeah. You were on my father's team. I've seen you around before."

Kakashi nodded and looked deep into thought as if he was trying to remember those days.  

"Well.. I do remember seeing you one time." Kakashi stated after a while.

"Really?" Hikari asked genuinely curious, "When was that?"

"Well it was when I was 10. Minato sensei had just been declared Yondaime Hokage. I was in the crowd at the inauguration and I remember seeing you standing by his side on the balcony. I remember later going up to Minato and congratulating him on the job when he introduced me to you." Kakashi explained.

Hikari furrowed her eyebrows trying to think back to then, but ended up remembering something else. Something that happened near that time.


28 year old Kushina turned to face her 3 year old daughter whose eyes were wide and filled with curiosity.

"Yes sweetie?" Kushina asked gently, crouching down to her height.

"Where's daddy?" Hikari asked, tilting her head to the side cutely.

A bright smile made its way onto Kushina's face as she answered her daughter's question with a proud tone, "He's getting fitted in his Hokage robes."

"Hokage robes?" Hikari questioned, once again tilting her head to the side.

"You know what a Hokage is right?" Kushina asked.

Hikari nodded her head quickly, "Yup! He's the most important man in the village!" 

Kushina chuckled lightly at her daughter's cheery little voice, "Yes. You know who the Hokage-sama previously was right? Old man Hiruzen?"

Hikari thought about it for a few seconds, before nodding her head quickly again.

"Well he's retiring and your father is replacing him." Kushina stated, waiting to see her daughter's reactions.

Hikari let the information sink in her head before a bright smile made its way onto her face, "Daddy's going to be the most important man in the village?"

Kushina nodded and jumped lightly as Hikari let out a happy shriek.

"Yay! Yay for daddy!" She cheered.

Kushina laughed along side with her daughter, before looking at the time. It was a quarter passed 11, which mean they had 45 minutes left till the inauguration. However, Minato should have been done fitting right about now.

"Wanna go visit daddy?" Kushina asked though she knew the answer.

Hikari immediately nodded and skipped out of their home before Kushina could say another word. Kushina laughed and chased after her daughter, grabbing her by the waist and swinging Hikari onto her back as she ran towards the Hokage towers.

Kushina knew Hikari would want to go visit her father. Kushina had always felt that Hikari had a tighter bond with Minato. Though Hikari loved Kushina to death, she always did like her father's prescence.

Kushina wasn't a jealous type, and she felt happy that Hikari connected with her father so well. Hikari really was a daddy's girl.

Hikari and Kushina arrived at the Hokage tower and was greeted by a bunch of people. 

"Kushina-san, Hikari-chan. Are you two going to see Minato-sama?" One of the secretaries asked.

"Yup! We're here to see daddy!" Hikari exclaimed before Kushina could say another word.

The secretary smiled and bent down so she was eye level with Hikari and took her small hand.

"Well then, I'll lead you the way okay?"

Hikari smiled and nodded, following the secretary.

All the secretaries loved Hikari. Hikari would visit quite often with Minato or Kushina and she would always spread happiness throughout the entire place. 

As Hikari, Kushina, and the secretary entered the door where Minato was, Hikari immediately pushed passed everyone and ran at her father, jumping into his arms. Minato wrapped an arm around her as she rested on his chest, with her arms around his neck.

"Daddy!" She shouted happily.

"Ah princess!" He said happily kissing her on the forehead. He turned around, knowing that Kushina was behind me and kissed her on the cheek swiftly.

"She insisted on seeing you." Kushina stated as the two shared a look and a chuckle. They both knew that Hikari was a definite daddy's girl, not that Minato minded at all. He loved his little girl just as much as he loved his wife. 

"Daddy, you're going to be the most important man in the whole village!" Hikari exclaimed happily.

"Actually that's where you are wrong." Minato corrected gently.

Hikari's cerulean blue eyes were filled with confusion as she titled her head to the side, clearly not understanding.

"What do you mean? But you're the Hokage." Hikari protested.

"I am very important because I run the village and give out commands, but I'm even more important because I protect the most important people in our village." Minato stated, waiting for Hikari to answer.


"All the children in the village." He smiled down at her.

"Like me?" She asked.

He nodded, "It's very important to keep the future generation of ninjas protected so they can train, and grow up to keep protecting the village." He explained.

Hikari nodded. Minato glanced towards Kushina as those two shared another look. They obviously thought that she did not understand a single thing he was saying. But she understood it alright, she understood it and kept that information close to her heart all these years.

Hikari jolted back into reality and out of her thoughts and memories. 

"Do you remember?" Kakashi asked curiously.

Hikari shook her head, still staring straight ahead at nothing in particular. She was still lost in her thoughts.

Hikari had not forgotten the piece of information her father gave to her that very day and she doesn't plan on forgetting it now nor does she plan to not go through with it. Hikari knew that she had a reason to train for when she left with Jiraiya-sensei. It was to get stronger, but also so when she comes back to Konoha she could protect her brother. 

By just sitting around and not training, she's not doing anything to help protect Naruto at all. She couldn't waste precious time by just going on a date with Kakashi, even though she knew it would never work. 

"I'm sorry, but I have to go." Hikari stated, standing up suddenly.

Kakashi mimicked her movements in confusion, "Why?"

"I'm sorry. I don't care if this is just friends going out to get to know each other or a date or whatever you want to call it. But I don't have time for this. I'm sorry."

With that Hikari left the restaurant, leaving Kakashi in his thoughts.

Most people would say to take all the time in the world and live out your life because you're still young, but Hikari was a ninja. Any second now and she could be dead. She wasn't going to waste the precious time she had on silly dates. 

She wasn't going to leave this world until she made a difference in it for her brother, just like her father.

I think it may have been kind of obvious that I wrote this chapter in many different nights because I kinda jumped around with the emotions and feelings and stuff. I think I kinda went from jokingish to like serious. Hope you enjoy though! Thank you for all the comments and everything! I hope to update the next chapter as soon as possible so you guys would not have to wait that long.

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