LARP stories (intensified)

By linabuggy

239 2 2

so basically i take my experience from LARPing and i turn them into intense stories. but hey its still pretty... More

task game part 1
selling helmets on eBay
black eye!?!?
unwanted force
team battle

capture the orb

125 2 0
By linabuggy

So this game actually took place in the last LARP gathering I went to. So in this story I will be telling it from Kuros (or my) POV. I hope you enjoy!

I had been given an orb and was requested to hide and protect it. I went to a cluster of pine trees and hid it under the pine leaves of the last tree and kept watch for any to try and steal it. I had my bow out and saw two figures approach. One on either side of me. I watch both of them until they spot me. I put my bow down under the tree and take out my staff and get into my fighting stance. The two intruders approach me and I walk out from under the tree. I recognize one being a vampire and the other was quite a mystery. She seemed...mad. mad in the crazy way. The vampire positions his sword at me in a threatening way. And I gingerly push it away slightly with my staff as it was too close for comfort.
"Where is the orb." He demands.
I look at him with a slight glare in my eyes.
"And why would I tell you."
As I spoke I see the mad one move and lunge at me.
I move out the way blocking her attack and look back at the vampire.
"You know, if you kill me now you will never find the orb." I exclaim.
The vampire glares at me and speaks in a dark tone.
"Then we'll force the answer out with pain. If you dont want to have to go through the pain you already have I recommend you tell us where it is."
I stare at him and then I see the mad one starts to wander. I start attacking her not wanting her to find the orb. The vampire swings his sword at me and I get struck with it backing away from the fight in pain. I stare at him as he speaks to me again and grip my staff tightly.
"Who sent you." I ask.
"And why should you know." The vampire says.
"I must know who would want an orb such as one I posses."
The vampire looks at me and says something I understand as his own benefit.
"So It sounds to me as if you only want it for your own benefit," I look at the mad one "and what does she get out of it."
"That is none of your concern." The vampire says.
I see the mad one start to wander again and proceed to attack her again. While fighting I had gotten disarmed and my staff fell to the ground as I look at the two intruders. Behind them I spot three others and they seem to be approaching. I look back at the other two and remember my bow. I dash into the trees and get my bow and shoot at the mad one but miss. They then walk off and three new intruders approach me. I grab my staff once the chance was open and I hold it tightly along with my bow. The two younger ones started attacking me and I exclaimed to them that if they kill me then they would never find the orb. I look at the three but have my focus on the taller one, for he was the strongest.
"Where is the orb then." The older one asks.
I keep quiet and starts to back away from the three slowly.
"If you give us the orb we'll let you live off peacefully."
I look at him with a glare.
"Unlike the other time?"
The last time he and another had requested that if I reveal myself from hiding that they would let me live they had lied, And immediately attacked and almost killed me.
The older one speaks how well I hold my tongue. I recognize one being a mercenary and he was walking off in the direction of the orb. I drop my staff and shoot a dart at him. I miss again. The youngest takes my staff away and im left with only my bow. They try to take away my bow but I refuse to let them. They leave it and the older one takes a chain out and chains me to a tree. I spot the vampire and the mad one behind the trees and I look back at where the mercenary went. He was walking back with the orb in hand. I shoot another dart successfully hitting the one bearing the orb. He seems to have brushed the pain off and he hands the orb to the older one. The older one takes the orb saying that they must leave, for the other two intruders seem to be plotting. The older one binds my hands in the chains and starts to take the orb and myself away with the younger ones following. The youngest, having all my darts I had shot and my staff lays on the ground seemingly forgotten. The two first intruders charge at us and the younger ones take them on as the older one continues to take me and the orb to some place I do not recognize.  I look back at the others that were fighting. I look forward and see a strange elder in green robes.
"I have brought the orb to you," The older gives the elder the orb "along with the she-witch." He hands the chains I am bound with to the elder and he takes them. I could not quite understand what he had said, he gets up with orb in hand and starts to walk to another unknown location. While walking I started to load up my bow. The elder seems to not have noticed. Once we reached the location the youngest arrived with all the darts I had shot and asks what to do with them. Before the elder could respond I raised my bow and shot the dart at the elder. It did indeed hit him but he swung around with his sword and struck me across the face. I fall backwards to the ground dropping my bow and the elder holds his sword against my neck. He looks at me and pushes the sword against my neck harder as he speaks.
"And last words?"
Im completely speechless and cannot find any words to say.
The elder drags his sword along my neck slitting it deeply and I fall to the ground trying to grasp at any life thats left.
---the silly ending---
"So what shall we do with her courpse? I don't want it to rot"
"We could sell her organs"
"Yes im sure many would want to buy"
At this point I find it hard to contain my laughter and Scott pretends to 'remove my organs' while I cant stop laughing. Scott and Kade leave and while im 'dead' I watch them join the battle and try to finish the last task. So I thought to myself that no matter what could have happened, I would have ended up dead anyway.

So yea thats kinda what happened. I forgot quite a few details but I have a poor memory. But thats how our last gathering ended with that game. Twas fun and im having sooo much fun with my sore muscles! Hope you enjoyed! Also ignore the fact I only described the intruders. Kuro doesn't know them so she identifies them by looks.

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