The Moment I Lay My Eyes On Y...

بواسطة Kawaii_Desu__Girl

74.1K 1.9K 1.3K

Y/N is 19 years old and now she old enough to leave the house to live somewhere else. As she already out to... المزيد

✨Chapter 1 The Journey Begins✨
✨Chapter 2: Surpise Attack✨
✨Chapter 3: Meeting Him and First Fight✨
✨Wow You Guys Are Awesome✨
✨Chapter 4: On The Way To Phoenix Drop✨
✨Chapter 5: Finally Here But Stuck Somewhere✨
✨Chapter 6: The Question and The Answer✨
✨You Guys Mean So Much To Me So Here My Gift To You From Me✨
✨Chapter 7: A Surpise?✨
✨Chapter: 8 Maybe I Can Trust You Then✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 1: Movng in✨
✨Chapter 9: Someone That Feels Like Family To Me✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 2: Roomates And A Shrine?
✨Chapter 9 Preview✨
✨Chapter 10: Were My Thoughts Leader Me✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 3: Being A Kid Again?✨
✨A/N Give Me Time✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 4: Yay! Carnival Time✨
✨Chapter 11: Please Wake Up For Me✨
✨ MyStreet SideStory Chapter 5: I Hate Babysitting ✨
✨Chapter 12: Still Weak But Must Handle It✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 6: Our Beach Trip Part 1✨
✨Chapter 13: Saying Goodbyes And Another Adventures Begins✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 7: Our Beach Trip With Jealousy Part 2✨
✨Chapter 14: Making A New Friend✨
✨MyStreet SideStories Chapter 8: The Ladies Spa Day With Kimonos!✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 9: Coming Back Home! Wait Don't Tell Katelyn!✨
✨A/N: I Have A Question For You Guys✨
✨Chapter 15: Introducing Lilth Garnet✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 10: Another Overprotective Friend✨
✨Chapter 16: Let Me Help You And Her Nightmare✨
✨MyStreet SideStories Chapter 11: I Need A Job! Wait What's A Maid Cafe✨
✨I Got Tagged For Something✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 12: Was He Framed Or Was It True✨
✨MyStreet SideStory Chapter 13: Why Do You Play With My Heart?✨
✨ I Got Tagged Again! ✨
✨ SideStories MyStreet Chapter 14: A-Con Here We Come! ✨
✨ Witch Hunt : Laurace X Witch Reader! One Shot ✨
✨ Chapter 18: One More Day ✨
✨ Happy New Years! ✨
✨ MyStreet SideStories Chapter 15: A-Con Part 1 ✨
✨ Chapter 19: His Shadow Knight Form ✨
✨ MyStreet SideStories Chapter 16 : A-Con Romance Finale ✨
✨ Chapter 20: I've Been Waiting ✨

✨Chapter 17: Training In The Woods✨

869 27 17
بواسطة Kawaii_Desu__Girl


Y/N : Your Name
F/C : Favorite Color
F/A : Favorite Animal
H/C: Hair Color
H/L: Hair Length
E/C: Eye Color
F/M: Favorite Meal
T/W: Type of Weapon
Song: Closer - The Chainsmokers
These will Help throughout the story so keep in mine. :3
*I will add more if needed*

Third POV:

Everyone took in for the night after finding the cute adorable baby who they soon found out would be name Lilth Garnet. Aphmau and Aaron were like her parents but Y/N was like her second mother. She was always trying to care for the baby. Whenever Isabell or Skylar would watch over Lilth Garnet for a bit Y/N would sometimes take her from them. Y/N what extremely over protective of Lilth Garnet when it became to anything. Everyone notice this too so they were quite amazed on her actions to the baby.

"Okay Baby Lilth! While your mommy and daddy are busy right now so me Isabell is going to watch you." Isabell said with excitement to the little baby girl sit in blanket by the beautiful ocean view. "Ahmmm.." Baby Lilth Garnet made her baby noise to Isabell. She returned an exciting smile and turned around and started looking into crates to see if she can feed the baby something. While a certain H/C hair girl want to play with the baby.

"What would you like Lilth Garnet maybe I can make you some smash apples or pears......or or maybe we have bananas!" Isabell said while looking. "Hey my little cutie pie you want to come with your second loving mommy." Y/N smile going up to Lilth. Lilth Garnet looked at Y/N then grew a smile while putting her hands up towards Y/N. The meaning that she want to get carried. Without time to waste Y/N pick up the baby girl then began walking the opposite direction of Isabell but not going to far just around the camp were everyone was near.

"Okay Lilth I made you some smash apples and pears! Sadly there weren't any bananas." Isabell said while turning to face the baby that was no long there. "Lilth? Lilth Garnet?!? Where are you?!? I didn't know you could crawl?!?" Isabell panicked looking around. Looking straight she saw that Y/N was walking off with her. "Y/N! Aphmau let me watch watch the baby Lilth! So give her back!" Isabell complained while running to Y/N and Baby Lilth. "Y/N can I have the baby back? Please?" Isabell asked begging also a bit annoyance in her voice." Fine." Y/N sighed then looked at Lilth. "Ok Sweetie I'm going to trained with Skylar I will try to see you later!" Y/N smile sweetly give Lilth a kiss on the cheek. Then gently handing her to Isabell in her arms.

"Training with Skylar are you?" Isabell asked hold baby Lilth. "Yeah Laurance, Travis, and Vylad are exploring the island more. Lucinda is doing her only thing so is Katelyn and Chad....... Aaron is resting cause Aphmau forced him too. Then Aphmau is exploring to or at least I think." Y/N sighed again while taking out her F/C T/W. "Plus I'm getting rusty on my wheeling and combat skill need improvement." Y/N said while backing up good enough from Isabell and Baby Lilth then slashing her weapon against the air itself. "Make that a lot of improvement." Y/N said while putting her F/C T/W down buried the tip of her weapon in the sand. Isabell gulped before standing back a little even tho she was far enough from Y/N already. "I think you don't need that much improvement." Isabell responded to Y/N. "Hmmm I think I do I'll see you later Isabell and Baby Lilth Garnet!" Y/N said before running off to forest were she was going to train with Skylar.

"Skylar?" Y/N question being in the spot were Skylar told her were they would train. It was perfect training spot to it had perfect space distance to practice, trees were surrounding the spot, along with some bushes around and in between the trees. As Y/N thought she was alone at the moment with confused looked on her look she wasn't alone. Someone hiding in the trees as her blue tail when back and forth as if was trying to catch her prey. Of course this was Skylar she thought this was the good way to train Y/N. "Hey Y/N." Skylar began to say joyfully while staying up from her position but wasn't notice. This was because she was too high up to  notice anyone who was up on them. "Skylar were are you?" Y/N said looking around not seeing her. "Can't say. This is part of your training I'm hiding I could be anywhere." Skylar said with a little giggle while jumping to the next and nearest branch of a tree. Y/N jolted up at the movement that was made she looked at her surrounding still not seeing or finding Skylar.

"Listen up Shorty....." Skylar giggled a bit before continuing. "This is a special training. Remember! This is a duel not the really thing like an actual fight so you mustn't try to kill me. You can duel as hard as you can but if I say 'Call Off ' you must stop!" Skylar said stern jumping to another branch causing Y/N to do the same reaction but getting the same result. Y/N took out F/C T/W her slowly getting into a battle stance. "Okay I get your rules Skylar. Don't call me Shorty the shortest one is Aphmau." Y/N said getting serious. "Haha but I like that nickname Shorty." Skylar said as she turned invisible while quickly jumping off the tree branch in the bushes. "Skylar stop!" Y/N said a bit annoyed while looking around her surrounding. "Before I become quiet remember Y/N I can turn invisible." Skylar smile walking slowly around still hiding in bushes. "I can literally be right next to you." Skylar said as she became silent.

"Wait?!? Invisible?!? I never knew that?!? So unfair?!" Y/N commented at her advantage. Skylar quickly ran around still invisible to make Y/N have to listen on her movements. 'Who knew Skylar was this powerful.... At least she helping me train for I can become a lot stronger.' Y/N sighed while listening to Skylar movement with her eyes closes. "Y/N you better open your eyes!" Skylar shouted while she was no longer invisible coming up to Y/N with her sword. Y/N eyes shot up getting in her stance a bit uneasy on how Skylar was coming at each other.


The swords clashed when making contact with each other. Skylar smile on Y/N good strength. "Your not to bad Y/N. I'm surprised." Skylar said teasing. "Grrr..... I can be strong!" Y/N said a little annoyed. Y/N little stress increase her attacks with Skylar. For Skylar honestly she had a little hard time but was able to defend herself. 'I can be strong I'm not weak' Y/N thought while dueling to with Skylar. After doing face to face combat Skylar turned invisible again and she ran a little back from Y/N.

There practice went on for a while after that. Skylar quickly saw the improvement in Y/N but she knows that she needs more practice of course. All the clash of the swords  made have brought other people's to there attention.

"We should go back to the spot were we are camping at." Vylad suggested to Travis and Laurance who were walking to the sound of the sword clashes. "Come on Vylad get out more." Travis smiled looking at Vylad. "Hmmm." Vylad only said to Travis comment. Laurance was in front of the two he was getting closer to the sound. "Sooooooo Laurance. I need to ask you something buddy." Travis said catching up to him. "What is it?" Laurance question a bit uneasy. "When are you going to confess?" Travis smirked while Laurance cheeks begin to heat up.

"W-What do you mean?" Laurance asked nervously. "When are you going to confess to her?" Travis smirked even more if possible. "Who is 'her'?" Vylad said wanting to get in the conversation. "Y/N~" Travis answered as Laurance face looked completely red. "Oh! Y/N is a pretty nice girl." Vylad comment while getting the other two attention with shock. "Oooooooh Vylad are you into Y/N? See Laurance this is what happens when you wait to long to confess." Travis said to Laurance which made him actually worried. "What? I don't like her. She just a good person and I call her as close friend." Vylad explained. Making Laurance sighed in relief while Travis chuckle a little.

"What's funny Travis?" Laurance frowned a bit at him. "Your face was funny and I think I'm falling for Y/N." Travis said a bit quickly to him. "What?!?" Laurance shouted at him. Travis busted into laughter again. "Ahhhh you should of saw your face again!?" Travis said in between laughs. "Not funny." Laurance said stern. "In all seriousness Laurance when are you going to confess to her? We all know she loves you back and you love her so why not tell her." Travis mentioned the topic again to them. "I don't know I guess I will tell her sooner or later. Plus I don't know if she actually likes me back." Laurance said thinking hard on the topic. "It should be sooner then later." Travis said.

"Skylar stop hiding! Come out!" A voice called out which the boys heard. The boys went to were the voice was heard and sooner or later. They saw Y/N by herself with her sword out in hand looking around cautious. "Get down!" Travis whisper making Laurance and Vylad hide in a bushes with him.

At that moment Skylar was still invisible but when wondering around the spot of the duel she notice the boys shortly. "Why are you boys spying on Y/N and I." Skylar stated more then a question. "Skylar!?! We're are you!?" Y/N shouted in a hint of worry in her voice. Skylar turn un invisible so Y/N can notice her and gave her a smile. "I'm over here! I found some unexpected guests! Come here Y/N!" Skylar shouted while moving her hands crazy while her tail went back and forth. Y/N shortly notice and gave a sigh of relief before running to her.

"Who's are unexpec--- Oh." Y/N said as she notice the boys rather quickly. She was honestly too tired on why they were peeking at them. "This was Travis idea!!" Laurance mentioned while staying up very quickly. Vylad done the same but nod at Laurance statement. Travis then nervous got up and gave them a nervous chuckle. "I'm too tired to be mad at you Travis and Laurance." Y/N sighed while leaning her head on Vylad shoulder. "Hey! Why not Vylad!??!" Travis shouted. "Cause I know Vylad wouldn't do such a think. Right Vylad?" Y/N E/C eyes looked up at Vylad. Who just nod in agreement to her statement. Laurance secretly got jealous on how Y/N was just leaning on Vylad shoulder like nothing.

"I guess we're done for today Y/N it's already late noon." Skylar said while putting her weapon in its handle. "Really? How the times go by." Y/N said while lifting her head from Vylad's shoulder. "Should we train more often Y/N?" Skylar asked with a smile. Y/N thought for a bit before giving her a answer. "Sure I wou---" " I thought we were helping you train Y/N?!?" Travis shouted randomly to Y/N. "I know but and Laurance are always busy with helping Aphmau. Of course I help her at times but I know you two are always on the go. Skylar isn't and I'm not to. So she has free time to help me so it's better." Y/N explained to him. "Hey! We could still help you at times to times." Laurance said to her. "Skylar we can talk about this later." Y/N smile at her. "Yeah for sure!" Skylar smiled back.

"Let's go before Aphmau gets worry." Vylad said as he began to walk back. Travis and Skylar walked ahead but Y/N and Laurance stayed back a little. "How was your training with Skylar?" Laurance questioned Y/N. "It's good but I didn't like how Skylar gave me nicknames I don't like." Y/N frowned a bit on remembering those nicknames. "Like what?" Laurance chuckle at Y/N cute frown. "I'm not telling." Y/N said bluntly while looking into Laurance blue eyes with her E/C eyes. Laurance smile giving Y/N a confused look. "Then I'll asked Skylar myself....... Hey Skylar!!!" Laurance said before running off ahead to catch up Skylar. Y/N E/C eyes widen as she began to chasing after Laurance. "Come back!" Y/N shouted trying to catch up. She was getting closer to Laurance then she tripped over something which letter her to accidentally falling on to Laurance.

"Owwwww." Y/N complained not noticing the awkward position she was in. On the other hand Laurance was blushing deeply. Y/N notice Laurance and looked at the position they were in then she began to blush too. Y/N was on top of Laurance.  "Gah I'm sorry Laurance! Wait this is not my fault if you wouldn't have said that none of this would happened if you weren't running after Skylar!" Y/N said looking down at Laurance not yet moving from there position. "Wha? No it's your fault too!" Laurance protested to Y/N. "It's not!" Y/N pouted at Laurance. "Whatever are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" Laurance asked. "Y-Yeah I think I'm fine...... L-Laurance w-what are you d-doing?" Y/N asked very nervous while Laurance suddenly had wrapped his hands around Y/N waist. Putting her blushing face closer to Laurance deep blushing face.

"Y/N I need to tell you something......." Laurance said. "W-What i-is it?" Y/N asked nervously. "Y/N I........"

Okay that's were the chapter going to end. I really hope you can forgive me it's actually been a more then a week when I updated. And I'm very sorry for that I been writing 3 chapters at the same time. I wrote this Main Chapter then a SideStory Chapter which I already finished I just need to edit it. Then lastly a another chapter from my other story so yeah. I'm very sorry again also since school started once again it's going to be hard to update so I'm going to need a bit time so hope you understand. Anyways until next chapter.
~ Kawaii Desu

Thank you guys for 29k too it makes me really happy!!!

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