Ideas for future stories

By MaliciouslyDelicious

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Just some story ideas that I may or may not complete. Who knows? More

That Sliver of Light

When Time Freezes

169 1 2
By MaliciouslyDelicious

Title: When Time Freezes

 She watches and waits for her moment.  She examines society with keen eyes.  She stares at the world for how it is.  When evil takes over, she murders it using her chronokinesis.  She's immortal.  She is Carmen Harth.

But what happens when she meets a man who will change her life forever?  What would she give to just be with him?  The risk is terrible for both of them, but will she take it?


     I'm not the most observant person in the world (okay, well I probably am), but anyone could see how our society was slowly transforming into one of mass destruction.  I mean, come on.  Have you seen  those two people that everyone worships like Gods?  They're immortal and will never age or die, but that doesn't mask their gaudy ways of life.  They're conceited, want only power- even though they try and convince us otherwise- and make life miserable for everyone but themselves.  I think they know how much of a burden they are to all of us; they're just too egotistical to do what is best for everyone.  And has anyone noticed these apparent traits yet?  Nope.  Just me , I guess, but I'm not entirely brain-washed by The Duo like everyone else seems to be.  

     The Duo consists of two people- Evelyn and Elliott Wryter.  They live happily ever after in their ginormous mansion, rarely allowing guests in.  Evelyn has long, blonde hair with chocolate brown eyes, a perfect body that I'm sure anyone would die for, and a natural tan that no other could possibly obtain- they'd fry themselves even trying.  Elliott has dark brown hair with bright blue eyes.  He's not all that tan, but all the girls fall head-over-heals for his alluring atmosphere that he projects.  They don't eat or drink anything if they can help it, which is a wonder.  Somehow, they've kept us all under their rule for who-knows-how-long now.  People nowadays just can't imagine life any other way, I guess.  Well I, for one, have an imagination- a big one, might I add- and can very easily imagine a better life on the horizen.  

     Let me explain a bit.

     Inscribed somewhere inside a book full of legends, there is one story called, "She Who Can Alter Time."   It's supposedly about a girl who can slow and quicken time drastically using just her mind.  She is supposed to be able to slow time to the point where the world will freeze around her and around whomever she deems to be innocent.  Once the world is frozen, everyone and everything that is still frozen will disappear immediately, dying.  The unexpectant death is not painful at all, just a surprise.  One second you're alive, and the second after you're gone.

     She will be immortal, too, and will stop growing at age 18.  She will watch patiently as the society crumbles before her eyes, overtakened by evil and selfishness.  Once she feels the time is right, she will freeze the evil people's time completely, sparing those who are nothing but innocent bystanders.  The evil will die and the minds of those innocent systanders will be refreshed by her miraculous ability.  The enlivened people will begin a new, sturdy society that will hopefully thrive longer.  If she denies her gift and refuses to change her society, she will surely die.  The chronokinesis immortal will live forever- as long as she does her part- observing and refreshing society everytime evil gets too stong of a hold on it.  Her ability will not only protect her society, but will protect herself from danger and threats.  No one must find out who she is or what she can do.  She would have to murder them instantaneously by freezing their world, and their world only.  She must keep herself a secret, a silent observer.  If her secret gets out and she refuses to kill those who know, then she will die.  Someway and somehow, she will die; that is for sure.

     The story seemed like a mere fable when I was a kid in my skimpy orphanage (back when those were still around).  I hardly ever payed any attention to it, not caring if it were real or not.  My life just passed my by up until I turned eighteen years old.  Everyday since my eighteenth birthday, I've been seeing the same sight in the mirror over and over again.  Just me, with my long, wild orange-red hair, my green eyes, my strong jaw-line, my full lips, my straight, small nose that's covered in slight freckles, and my perfect body.  And those features, my friends, have never altered, never wrinkled, and never greyed for almost 1,600 years now.  

     She Who Can Alter Time is I, Carmen Harth.  The 6th Chronokinesis since time even began.

     The Duo knows that the legend's true.  They know that someone's keeping a careful eye on society.  They know that someone has the ability to wipe them out within a sheer second.  They just don't know who exactly that someone is.

     They're scared out of their wits.  

     Yet, they do nothing to change their ways.  

     And that's where I step in.

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