Knocked Up...AGAIN! ~ Book...

Por HeatherJachmann

2.8M 55.2K 5.7K

**Book TWO of "The Taylor Family Series" following "Nine Months"** ... Matty and Sums Taylor are at it again... Mais

Happy Birthday Baby
The Vasectomy
Something's Missing
What Did You Say?
Back To The Quack!
In Shock
Everything Is Expanding
Another Birthday
Shit! I forgot!
The Name Game
That Can't Be Good
Trouble Turns Two
The Ultimate Restriction
A Happy Taylor Christmas
Counting Down The Days
Daddy's 40th Birthday
Little Pieces Of You
Am I Dreaming?
Four Excited Big Brothers
Packed To The Rafters
Make A Wish
Surprise Baby
Is it Love?
In That One Moment....part one
In That One Moment....part two
The Next Taylor Story
A Little Piece of You.... info
A Family Tree

Violent Vomiting

97.6K 1.8K 163
Por HeatherJachmann

Violent Vomiting

Nausea can be a bitch at the best of times, but when it's never ending, it can be a pain in the ass.

20th July 2019 ( 8 weeks and 1 day)

Matthew's POV

"Shit, Babe you ok?" I asked worriedly to Sums as I wiped the vomit off the side of my face. Hell! she has been throwing up, so much, this time she didn't even get a chance to get off the bed.

"Matty, I'm so sorry." she cried, her tears flowing down her cheeks, I pulled her closer to me, trying not to breathe in the strong scent of bile that was coating the both of us.

"Don't cry, please, let's get this cleaned up , ok." I said softly, I helped her up and walked her to our shower and turned it on for her. She has not stopped all night, and it's starting to worry me, I jumped in behind her, washing away all traces of the vomit from the both of us. 

"Stay in a bit longer, honey, I'll just fix up the bed." she nodded, and sat down on the tiled floor and let the water run over her, hopefully that will make her feel a little better. I wrapped a towel around my waist, and went over to the bed and stripped off the sheets and the pillow cases. If she keeps this up, she'll be in hospital for dehydration, she had to a few times when she was pregnant with the twins. 

After chucking them in the washing machine and grabbing a clean set from the linen cupboard, I went up and remade our bed. Sums came walking in slowly, the colour has slightly returned to her face but she looked dead tired. In the last week or so, she has been extremely fatigued, she had to take the week off work, because she had no energy.

"Have some water, Babe." I pointed to the glass that was sitting on her bedside table. She took some small sips then climbed back into bed and curled up into a ball. 

"This sucks." she mumbled, I had climbed in behind her and pulled her back into my chest, and placed one hand on her belly, which now has a small bump. The way it looks if we didn't tell our failies that we were expecting already, they would be able to tell with this little baby, popping out.

"I know, but if you keep this up, Babe, I'm taking you to hospital." I said, which made her groan.

"A few more weeks and it should be over." I kissed the back of her head, and snuggled in closer to her. This is her least favourite part of pregnancy, I don't blame her really, I hate it when I'm sick even for just a day. She went back to sleep pretty quickly, as I heard her soft snores fill the room. Not even half hour later, she had her head in the bucket that I had put beside the bed, a few vomits earlier.

"Matty." Sums croaked, as her head was hanging off the side of the bed, and I was rubbing her back gently.

"Babe, I think we should get you checked out, you have thrown up ten times in two hours." I said, helpng her lie back down, which she jerked back up and started dry reaching again. Hell, I think I'm gonna start soon, just from the sounds she's making, and the smell ain't helping either.

"Who's gonna watch the kids?" she rasped out and wiped her mouth with a tissue, her throat must be that sore.

"I'll ring someone, can you manage getting dressed?" I asked her as I climbed out and pulled on my track pants and shirt, that I had on the floor. She nodded and moved out of bed slowly, then just sat on the edge, with her head down. I really hate seeing her like this, so drained and so sick, I grabbed my phone off the top of the dresser and called dad. 

"Hello?" he groaned, well I guess he was enjoying his sleep, too bad old man, if I can't, you can't.

"Hey Dad, I need you to come over to watch the kids, I need to take Summer to the hospital." I asked, then handed Sums her pyjamas, as she still hasn't moved.

"Why? is everything ok?" his voice now sounding more awake and alert.

"She's been throwing up a lot, and I'm starting to get a little worried." I said with a sigh, then physically helping Summer to dress. My baby looks so exhausted, she's pale and her chest is heaving, more like trying to vomit but nothing is coming out.

"Alright, give me ten minutes, and stop worrying, she'll be fine, Son." he didn't give me time to reply as he disconnected the call. I slipped my phone into my pocket, then put all my attention on my sick wife.

"Baby, here step into these." I said to her as I bent down with the bottoms near her feet. She placed her hands on my shoulders for support, then slipped one leg in at a time. Once she had them on, I picked her bridal style and carried her down stairs, and waited for dad to arrive. It's nearly three in the morning, it's a good thing the boys are sleeping, they don't need to see their mummy like this.

Mum and Dad, both rocked up to be with the boys, while I took Sums to the hospital, where we have been now for the last hour. She's been hooked up to an IV for some fluids, they took some more blood to tests, which they are getting a rush on, for the results. They even gave her an injection to stop the nausea, which has just kicked in.

"Hey big brother, what have you done to my best friend." Katie's voice jolted me up from the edge of the bed where I had my head resting, next to a passed out Sums.

"We had to pick a night, when you were on." I chuckled softly, trying not to disturb my wife.

"I wasn't meant to be here, but I was called in, I hate night shifts." she said then walked over to Sums chart and started to read through it. 

"She looks so worn out Matty." she said moving up to Sums and pushing some of her hair out of her face.

"I know, I'm gonna talk to the guys later, see if they can work without me for a few days, so I can help her with the boys." I said as I twirled Sums rings on her finger, her mum has been coming over to help her, but I really want to be the one that does, work can wait.

"They'll understand." she gave me a small smile, then checked all Sums obs, then wrote them on the chart.

"Do you think it's a possibility that it's twins again?" she asked suddenly, making my head snap fast to her, with my eyes nearly bulging out of my head.

"Are you trying to scare me to death?" I laughed, that is ridiculous, considering we were stopping at four, but now have another one the way, twins would make that six kids, SIX! Well, technically would be seven, with our little angel included.

"All the signs are there Matt, the extreme fatigue, the excessive nausea, look at her stomach, if I didn't know she was pregnant, you can easily tell with that bump she's got on display." she said looking at me with her head tilted slightly and a crease in her forehead, her thinking look. I looked down at Sums belly that was covered in a sheet, her pj's were replaced by a gown, and frowned. 

"Don't forget Matt, Summer is a twin." she added after I was silent for a few minutes, just staring at my wife's stomach. That statement is in fact true, Summer had a twin sister, Emma, who had died at two months, from SIDS (A/N: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). That's why there's a eight year gap between Summer and Charlotte, because it took her parents a long time to come to terms with Emma's death.

"I don't like you right now." I grumbled to her, which got her chuckling. 

"Just be thankful, Brax and Jace weren't doubles, you could've had a footy team by now." she teased and poked her tongue out, fuck she's a bitch.

"Don't you have other work to do, other than annoying the crap out of me?" I asked her with a glare and she gave me the middle finger.

"I'll come check on her before I knock off, she should be transferred up to the maternity wing shortly." she smiled then came over to me for a hug, which I returned by squeezing her hard. She might be annoying but I do love my little sister.

"Thanks Gertie." I chuckled, which had her grumbling and walk away, I also love teasing her, specially with that middle name of hers. I turned my attention back to Sums as she slept comfortably, and waited for the doctor to come in. Bloody hell, now my mind is going crazy in thinking, could we be having twins? again? Nah, that is ridiculous, she's not having twins, there's only one baby in there. Her symptoms are just going over board, that's gotta be the reason. 

Flashback 2nd May 2017

Sums has been sent for an ultrasound today, because the doctor had found something while he was checking the baby's heartbeat. That appointment was yesterday, so Sums has been paranoid with worry for the last twenty four hours. Her blood results also showed and elevated levels of hcg, which I have no idea what the hell that means.

We are waiting for the radiologist to come in, after Sums got comfortable on the bed, with me holding her hand. She looks as if she's about to paa out for them stressing she's been doing.

"Baby, relax, everything will be fine." I said trying to reassure her and myself for that matter. Katie is watching Brax and Jace for us, while we have the ultrasound.

"I'm trying too, but it's hard." she said and wiped what I believe to be a stray tear, away from her eye. I squeezed her hand gently, to try and comfort her, then pressed my lips to hers, giving her a soft kiss.

"Hi guys, sorry for the wait, let's get this show on the road." a very bubbly chick said as she entered the room. She turned the machine on and typed a few thing in from the form we had given them when we arrived.

"So is this your first baby?" she asked very cheerfully, Sums and I both chuckled and shook our heads.

"No, we have two boys at home." Sums smiled, at least the chirpy radiologist, is making her smile and laugh.

"How cute, so you know this stuff is cold then." she said and waved the bottle of gel around, Sums nodded and got more comfy on the bed.

"This shouldn't take too long, I have a few things to check for, and then it will be done." she smiled and squirted the gel over Sums lower stomach. My grip on Sums hand tightened as I knew she was gonna start with the tears. Both our eyes are now glued to the screen as the chick, who's name I think is Lucy, started the scan.

"Do you guys see that?" Lucy asked, as she moved the scanner around on Sums skin, and pointed to the screen. Our heads moved closer to the screen and to see what she was looking at.

"What is that?" Sums asked in rush.

"That there is baby A, and that there is baby B, congrats guys, you're having twins." Lucy chirped louder while poiting to both babies. Holy Shit! TWINS! 

"Oh My God, TWINS!" Sums shouted and turned to look at me, our faces filled with shock.

"I think Daddy is still a little speechless." Lucy laughed, as she continued with the ultrasound, she's got that right, that was definitely the last thing I expected to hear.

end of flashback

Sums is now in a room in the maternity wing, she was taken up here about half hour ago. The doctor had came to see us before and said he wants her in for a few more hours, just to observe her longer. The good thing is, she hasn't vomited since we had first arrived, so that is a good thing.

"You guys may as well live in here." Hannah chuckled as she entered the room, is it that time already, Hannah only does day shifts.

"Yeah, it's starting to look like that." I let out a soft laugh, Summer was sleeping again, and I'm not going to wake her up, she needs the rest.

"The doc will be here in a minute, to check on her, so don't worry too much." she smiled as she checked the IV bag that was half empty, and is the second one Sums is having.  With all the nurses we have in our family and with our friends, we'd be able to open up our own hospital.

"Sums is a lucky girl to have you, Matt, Scott was pretty much useless when I was pregnant." she laughed, typical Scotty, does the easy bit, and leaves her to handle the rest.

"Thanks Hannah, so how she going?" I said and nodded my head toward Sums.

"She's doing great, her obs have stabalized, she's looking a lot better too." she smiled, then Sums let out a loud snore, making us both chuckle. She accuses me of snoring, when she does it herself, she only does it more when she's really tired. 

"That's good." I smiled, while rubbing my fingers softly over the back of Sums hand. Hannah had left the room and not long after that, Sums had woken up.

"Hey Babe, how you feeling?" I asked her and leaned over to kiss her dry lips, which she licked afterwards.

"A bit better, my mouth is dry though." her voice was still a bit scratchy, so I passed her some water to drink. She took a few sips through the straw, and as she did, Doctor Watson walked through the door.

"Morning Summer, hello again Matt, how you feeling?" he said as he walked up to Sums on the oppostie side of the bed.

"Better than I was earlier." Sums said smiling a little, then passed me back the cup of water.

"Now that you're awake, I'm going to check your abdomen, I just want to feel the size of your baby, if that's alright." he smiled, I like this doctor, I was more than happy with Sums switching, I would've ended up doing more damage, to that fuck wit Todd. 

"Yeah, go for it." Sums said, and I moved back slightly as he proceeded to push down around near her pubic line.

"Are you sure you're eight weeks?" he asked her, as he was still feeling, what I assume is her uterus.

"Yes, I'm positive about it, I had a period on the twenty forth of May, but I was cramping a lot that day." she said, I can her the worry lacing through her words, as the doctor frowned a little.

"How long did the bleeding last?" he asked her, still proding away on her belly, I frowned as I watched on, what the fuck is he trying to say here?

"It wasn't all that heavy, and only last a day and a half." she said and sat up, when he moved his hands away from her. I can she is starting to panic, and she placed her hands over her belly protectively.

"Don't be alarmed, but I think you're actually further along than what you think, can you remember when the one before that was?" he asked her as he took a seat next to her. I could see her face turn to her thinking one, her forehead scruched up and she titlted her head slightly to the ceiling.

"I know my periods have been irregular, that month I had two in two weeks, I remember because it annoyed me." she said looking over to him, and he nodded with a smile. 

"Well if I'm right here, that last period you experienced may have been from the implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus, it can cause some bleeding, and you can feel some cramping, so I want to get you down to have an ultrasound, so we can determine the correct gestation of the pregnancy." he said as he wrote some stuff down on her chart that he had in his hands.

"I've never had that with the other pregnancies." she said to him, after she must have been thinking back.

"It's not uncommon, and it's not cause for concern." he smiled warmly at her, which I could see her relax a little. 

"Well that makes me feel better." she smiled and looked my way, which I gave her one of my own in return. Doctor Watson was reading through her thick file that she has, we've been here a lot. 

"Have you thought that this could be another multiple pregnancy?" he said still looking through the pages. Sums eyes flew open and she looked down at her belly, then at me, then back at the doctor, who had now put his head up.

"By that look, I guess not." he laughed, and put her file back on the table beside him.

"That's just crazy." Sums laughed, which sounded awefully nervous, as the thought passed through her.

"It's also possible, you're last pregnancy was twins, and what I've read, so are you." he said softly to hear, beacuse I know in that paperwork, it says her twin is no longer here.

"Well you certainly know how to do things properly, don't you?" she said to me, with a funny look on her face.

"Hey don't blame me, I only plant what's needed, the rest is all you." I chuckled, and looked over to the doctor who had a smirk on his face.

"That's another reason for the ultrasound, because even if you did have that period two weeks before, that would put you at ten weeks, you're uterus feels like it's about thirteen weeks gestation." he said, now he tells us that? I looked over at Sums and shrugged, who was frowning even more.

"Oh dear god, I just visioned another Aiden and Cade running around." she shuddered at the thought, while Doctor Watson and I both chuckled at her. Well this ultrasound will certainly be interesting.

to be continued....


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! 

So what do you guys think is gonna be seen at that ultrasound? LOL

PLEASE VOTE!! and COMMENT!! I love reading all your comments, and sorry if I haven't replied to most of them, I try, but sometimes, I get carried away writting the next chapter LOL.

By the way.. the 20th of July is the best day... coz that's my birthday! hehehe

Unitil next time, see you soon!

Heather xxx

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