Truly, Madly, Deeply [Lirry]...

بواسطة hopeangel11

91.3K 1.7K 269

SEQUEL TO "IRRESISTIBLE"! *Please read that before this! It will make a lot more sense! :D Thanks for reading... المزيد

Truly, Madly, Deeply [Lirry]
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Note: Additional Info/Clarifications!
NEW & IMPORTANT Author's Note: Question!
Last Author's Note: DECISION MADE!
"Alive" is now published!!!

Chapter 2

2.5K 49 6
بواسطة hopeangel11

Chapter 2

I dozed off to sleep for  the night and woke up with a knock on my door. I groaned and felt cold. Without Liam with me, I'll probably continue to be the only vampire that felt cold. I slowly rolled off my bed and walked to my door.

I opened it and found Mum standing there, looking down at what I was wearing and looked back up at me, a sad smile on her face. "Harry, I know it's been hard for you without-...Liam. But you can't let yourself fall apart completely. Don't let yourself go now. He still needs you."

I looked at her in confusion as she pointed to my clothes. I looked down at myself and sighed. She was right; I am letting myself go. I was still wearing the clothes I wore yesterday. I must have fallen asleep in it when I was alone and thinking so hard about Liam and his feelings for me. Were they sstill there? Did he still love me? Maybe I can go see him now - 

"Harry? Are you listening to me?" Mum asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, Mum. I was actually just about to leave to see Li- "

"Liam. I know. I had a feeling you would. That's why I came to talk to you before you actually left," Mum said tiredly and I let her in my room, sitting on my bed. I closed the door and stood in front of her, not really knowing what there was to discuss. I was just going to see Liam. I've been restless all night about seeing him again. 

"Mum, what is it? Is something wrong? Did Liam get hurt again? I swear, if Andy went t see him - " I said angrily, but Mum cut me off again by shaking her head.

"No, Harry. None of that. Liam fine as he can be. He's just-...he's not at the hospital anymore," she said, frowning and looking at me.

"What? W- where is he then? I wanna see him," I said, panicking and walked to the door.

"Harry! Stop. Please don't go after him. He'll be fine. At least that's what Karen said when she called," Mum said quickly before I even opened the door.

"Karen called? Why?" I asked softly, turning back around and facing Mum.

"She called to let us know that Liam was moved to a different hospital. He's seeing a therapist and psychologist now, Harry. He-...he was even worse when he woke up this morning."

"But- but the doctor said he would be fine after they sedated him..." I said, hardly seeing her as my vision blurred. They moved Liam? Why? He coudn't have been that much worse, right?

Mum sighed and patted the spot beside her. I slowly walked to her and sat, leaning against her. I felt weak and empty inside. I shoud be with Liam right now. He shoudn't be even further away from me. She patted my head and back softly before she spoke again.

"I know, Harry. But it had nothing to do with the sedation. Liam was...he was freaking out and had a panic attack when he woke up. They were gonna sedate him, but they thought it might make things worse to make him sleep and him to wake up at a completely different place. So they had to move him to a mental hospital for a bit, to let him calm down."

"They moved him to a mental hospital? But Liam isn't mad! He isn't crazy! He was raped! That's why he's acting like this!" I said, raising my voice and standing up to face her.

"I know. We all had the same reaction when Karen called. She said they couldn't really do anything, since Liam was getting worse. They just let them move him there and he'll be there for about a week. Don't worry, honey. Liam will be fine. He's strong, right? You know he is," she said soothingly, standing up and wiping my face. I just noticed I was crying when she did that and she hugged me, rubbing my back.

"Mum...Am I ever gonna bet him back?" I croaked, sounding as broken as I felt.

"Shh...Of course you will. You and Liam belong together. We all know that. You'll get him back, and nothing and no one will tear you 2 apart again," she said, pulling away to wipe my tears again. "Now, come on. Why don't we go down and eat lunch, huh? You must be hungry."

I looked at her in confusion and asked, "Lunch? Don't you mean breakfast?"

"It's 12:30, Harry. You've slept for 20 hours since 4 last night. We didn't wake you up because we wanted to let you sleep. You looked so exhausted and we knew you needed it. You haven't slept like that in over the past week."

"Really? No wonder I'm so hungry," I said and we walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Look who's finally up!" Louis said cheerfully as we walked in and I sat at the table.

"Morning everyone," I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.

"Weren't you wearing those clothes yesterday?" Louis asked and El slapped him. "What? It is, isn't it Haz?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned back against my chair. "Yeah...I didn't get to change last night when I got home. I was too tired."

"You bet you were. 20 hours, Haz. That's how long you slept for. Man, I wish I could get that much rest," Louis contemplated as he ate.

"It was definitely worth it. I feel slightly better," I said and started eating.

"Maybe I could try sleeping for that long...But then again, I wouldn't get to do 'things' with El if I did. So, never mind; it isn't worth it," Louis said and winked at El, who rolled her eyes.

"How are you feeling, Harry? We know it's hard for you, but you will get Liam back; if that's what you're worried about," El asked, smiling softly at me.

"Really Haz? You're worried about that?" Louis said and snorted at me. "Well, that's a waste of your time. You know that you'll get Liam back anyways. It's like you 2 are - ...What do you call that?.......Oh! Soulmates! That's what you 2 are."

I sighed and finished eating. "I don't know about that. What if none of that matters anymore? What if Liam completely forgets about me and moves on to somene else? What am I supposed to do then? Just watch like I support him and die on the inside? I'd rather die altogether."

"Harry, honey don't think that way," Mum said, rubbing my back as she hugged me. I leaned into her and closed my eyes, feeling tears threatening to fall. "You will get Liam back. Louis' right - you and Liam do belong together. We all know it. YOU should believe that and let it come true."

"But Mum...What if Liam really stops loving me? Or if he already did? How am I supposed to deal with that?"

"Then make him fall in love with you all over again. But I doubt he stopped loving you. Maybe he needs a little reminder from you. It should be easy, since he fell for YOU over every other person in this town," Mum siad, smiling and kissing my cheek.

"Yeah, Haz! Just make him fall in love with you again!" Louis exclaimed.

"How?" I asked, sounding tired as I looked at him.

"How'd you make him fall for you before?" El asked, leaning towards me, looking excited.

I squirmed in me seat and looked away from anyone. "I- know. Didn't I tell you all before?"

They shook their head at me and leaned in to listen. "No, you didn't Harry! Just tell us!" El exclaimed, grabbing my arm.

"Well, I-...I don't really know for sure, but I told him that I liked him a lot. That I found him intriguing for the past 2 years and I wanted to get to know him better. I thought it would freak him out, but it didn't. He...stayed - with me," I said hesitantly, smiling at the end.

"Aww! You should just do that again then! And I doubt he forgot you telling him THAT. He probably will remember if you tell him again," El suggested happily and bounced in her seat.

"Wouldn't that be weird if I just told him the exact same thing before? What if he does remember? Won't he think I'm lame for not coming up with another way to 'woo' him?" I asked, panicking slightly at the thought.

"Wow, Haz. 'Woo' him? You might as well go al the way back to the 19th century and have an escort on your damn date with him! What are you gonna do? Hire someone to play the harp or violin as you serenade him? Man, this is the 21st century! Just ask him out again!" Louis said, shaking my shoulders.

I pulled away from him with a scowl. "I can't just ask him out. There's a process," I replied and he groaned in frustration.

"A 'process'? Haz, you don't have to go through the whole 'shabang' to get his attention. Just demand a date with him and don't let him say 'no'. Make him go out with you like he has no choice. Oh! - And drag him out if he even tries to say 'no' - " Louis said in excitement, until El cut him off.

"Harry's not gonna drag him out and rape him! He's gonna ask Liam out! Geez, you sound so creepy when you get excited about ideas in your dang head. Stop thinking so hard, Lou. It's gonna hurt you and everyone else," El said.

Louis rolled his eyes at her and turned back to me. "No, but seriously Haz. Ask him out again, 'woo' him if you have to. But DO NOT serenade him, or get a musician to help you, or don't even get anyone to help you. This is your time to shine and ask Liam out that way you can to get him back. You can do that, right?"

"Yeah, I guess I can..." I muttered, but Louis grabbed my shoulders again, making me look him in the eyes.

"What was that, Haz? I didn't hear you? I repeat, you can do that, right?!" he said, yelling at my face.

"Yeah! Okay, I can do it," I said a little louder, but Louis wouldn't have that.

"Haz, I'm serious! Do not fail me or Liam especially! YOU CAN DO THAT, RIGHT?!" he yelled even louder at me and I pulled away from him, standing up.

"YES, I CAN DO IT, YOU IDIOT!" I yelled back at him. "Damn it, Lou! You don't have to yell! You're gonna damage all our hearing."

He smirked and stood up, patting my shoulder. "Now, to the more important stuff - HOW are you gonna do it? Hmm, Haz? How are you gonna ask Liam out again, without sounding creepy again or repetitive?"

"Hey! He never siaad it was creepy!" I defended myself, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Liam may not have said it himself that you were really creeping him out with all the 'admiring from afar for 2 years', but he probably thought it," Louis retorted.

"Whatever...What can I do? How can I ask him out again?" I aksed, looking around the kitchen at everyone else.

"Harry, you should know what Liam likes. You should be able to come up with an answer yourself," Johannah said.

"Yes, exactly. Harry, how did you ask Liam out on your first date before?" Mum asked.

"Well, first I asked him to the dance and he said 'yes'. We had a great time and I asked him out on a date that night. He said 'yes' again and I took him out to dinner, then we walked around, just talking. I even asked him to be my boyfriend that night, and he said 'yes' again," I replied, thinking back to the great, amazing times (which was ALL the time) I had with Liam about 2 weeks ago before it ended horribly.

"Sounds like he was already that much into you, since he said 'yes' to all of that," Louis said. "But how are you gonna make it different this time?"

"I have no idea. That's why I'm asking all of you," I said, feeling a headache about to come.

"Well, I say you go to the new hospital he's in right now and ask him out!" El said, smiling at me.

"Eleanor, he can't just go in there now. Liam still has to recover," Mum said, frowning.

"I have to WAIT?! How long?" I asked, panicking now.

"We're not sure, honey. But I'm sure Karen will let us know when Liam is more...stable and is feeling more comfortable around people again. You know what he's been through. It could take a while though. You just have to be patient," Mum replied.

"When can I see him again? What if I don't? I can't wait for months, Mum! I'm barely making it now, and it's only been a day since I last saw him. I'm just gonna get worse," I said, sitting back down and putting my head in my hands.

"Everything will work out, Harry. You'll see. Liam will be back in your arms before you know - " Mum was cut off by the phone ringing. She sighed, looking at the caller ID and answered it. "Hello? Karen?"

We all heard a loud crash and a sob from the phone. "Anne! Please don't let Harry come to the hospital! Anything you do, just don't let him co- " Karen got cut off when another crash sounded, bringing me to stand on my feet. I walked to Mum, who looked confused and worried.

"Karen? What's happening?" Mum asked frantically, everyone going towards her and the phone.

"Harry! I know you can hear me! Don't come to the hospital! Please don't! Liam will be better if - NO! Don't touch him! Andy - " Karen got cut off again and the phone went dead.

*Woah! What's happening at the hospital with Liam and his parents? And is Andy there? Karen did say his name...Hmm? ;P

How will Harry get Liam back? WILL he get Liam back? What if Andy already has Liam again?

What will happen next?*x

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I love the boys to bits and I also love wattpad and so I've started to write this. I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. :)