Reverse Love [Dipcest] +Disco...

De BlueCipher0

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Dipper was sucked into the portal after the Government had left. He had gone downstairs to check the portal... Mais

Meeting the Pines and Southeast
Meet the Gleeful Twins
Day Out In Town
What's This Feeling?
Getting Jealous
I Love Him/Leaving?!
Reunions and Starting Problems
He's my Boyfriend
Renewed Introductions

Back to The Norm, or So I Thought

9K 323 398
De BlueCipher0

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Dipper stared at her sister for awhile to take in her more grown up appearance. She had gotten taller, but he was still a few inches taller than her now. Her long brown hair had been braided and made it look even longer. Mabel's fashion sense didn't seem to have changed either which he was kinda happy about. "Mabel, is that you?"

She nodded happily and rushed over to her brother to hug him tightly. "Gosh Dipper I was so worried about you when you went through that portal. We tried to get the portal working to get you back, but it wouldn't start up again!" Small crocodile tears at the corners of her eyes and streaming down her cheeks. "I'm so glad your back safe and sound. I missed you bro bro."

Dipper smiled comfortingly and hugged his twin back. "I'm home Mabel." Giving them a moment to be happy to be back in each other's presence. "What happened here anyways Mabel? When I came back, I saw all this weirdness roaming about outside."

Mabel sighed after wooing away her tears and made a 'follow me' motion with her hand which he did. "After you went through the portal, we tried really hard to get you back as soon as possible. Sadly all the results that Grunkle Ford got were negative to retrieve you. The portal wouldn't work anymore for us to get you back." She explained to her brother as they got to the vending machine. Mabel inputs the numbers and the passageway was open for them. They went inside and closed the door behind them. Walked down stairs and taking the elevator down. "Eventually I was so afraid that I would be leaving Gravity Falls without you bro bro. I did a stupid thing and made a deal with Bill a few days after your disappearance. I gave him something that would open a rip in the sky that he used to cause all this madness, and he put me in a bubble that gave me an illusional world where everything was right and summer was eternal. Thankfully, Grunckle Ford, Grunkle Stan, Soos, and Wendy came to my rescue and got me out of there. It's all my fault Dip."

Dipper patted her on the back and gave her a smile. "It's okay Mabel, to be honest it was my fault in the first place, I should be the one who is sorry here."

"But Dipper-"

"Not another word Mabes, it's my fault and that's final. I was the one who went into the lab after the incident to go get my journal. So it's not your fault." Mabel really did believe her brother changed during those last two years somewhere through the portal. She had the proof right in front of her.

As the door opened, Dipper found himself amazed by what the basement had changed into. It had become a refuge shelter and rebel base. He recognized most people while other didn't seem to rack his brain. "Wow." He breathed out.

Mabel giggled and pulled her twin over to recognized group. "Guys!!! Look who I found upstairs!"

The turned to face them and some of them developed teary eyes.

"Dude it's you!" Soos ran up to Dipper and gave him a big strong hug.

Wendy came over and messed up Dipper's hair with a grin. "Welcome back man! We were so worried about you when they told us what happened. Man look at you, you've grown so tall!" She says comparing their heights, he was like an inch shorter than her, but he was still taller than Wendy back when she was still 15 years old.

Pacifica, Mabel, Grenda, Candy, and surprisingly Gideon gave him a group hug once he was set back on the floor.

Stan and Ford were so glad to see him too. Back home safe and sound.

"It is good to be back home."

+Reverse Falls: Gleeful Home+

Morning came around in Reverse Falls.

Dipper's eyes open when the sunlight came through the window. He groaned and moved over to hug his lover, but surprised to find him gone. The brunet patted the empty space on his bed and willed his eyes to open up. "Dominic?" He called.

Then the events of last night came rushing into his head. The night spent together and their talk about leaving last night. 'Oh yeah, he went back to his universe last night.' He thought bringing his mood down. Dipper got out of bed and got ready for today's schedule.

Will and Mabel were downstairs, the brunette eating her breakfast while going through her phone, while the blue humanoid demon cooked breakfast. When they heard Dipper coming down they looked at the doorway to find him underdressed. Well more like messed up in attire, his clothes were nearly done close or set right on his body.

"Brother dear are you okay? Your outfit is entirely messed up." Mabel set her phone down, a bit concerned for her twin, she's never seen her twin so disoriented.

Will went over to his Master and helped him over to the table. He snapped his fingers and Dipper's attire was fixed up properly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He tiredly says even though his mind wondered around not thinking straight. "Just peachy." He groaned as he sat at the table and drank some of the tea Will set down for him.

Will and Mabel shared a look towards each other it some concern for the brunet.

After breakfast, Dominic went straight up to his room and sat at his desk. He took out his journal and started writing some more notes down to keep his mind occupied. Though it didn't help to keep his mind off of Dominic. He sighed, slamming his book shut, then storing it away.

"Everything's boring without Dominic around." He said thinking aloud to himself.

Will stood just outside his door with a pitied expression.

'Maybe Master and I can take a little visit trip...' He thought.

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"So you've been stuck in a reverse universe of ours. Where everyone's role is switched?" Ford says amazed, since he's never traveled there before.

Dipper nodded happily. "Yeah! The Pines are the Gleefuls, and the Northwests and Gleefuls are Pines related as cousins. It was a wonderful place, but I prefer our universe." He somewhat explained. "It's like looking into a mirror, the opposite of yourself."

"Fascinating." The old man writes what he says down in journal number one.

Mabel next to her brother giggled. "So if it's a reverse universe, does that mean you and Wendy actually got together?" Giving her twin a sly look.

Dipper shook his head and chuckled. If he had been the awkward kid he was back then he would have been stuttering and blushing, but he was a changed teen now. "No, it's actually mush worse over there that's here. I'm guessing it's because Wendy and I are great friends here that we're worst enemies in the reverse world. Tyrone and Wendy are at each other's throats in threats. One time I actually saw Tyrone break Wendy's arm."

"Wait Tyrone? Is that your reverse self's name?" Mabel asked curiously.

"Yeah, I've been under the Geelful Family's care. So technically our reverse family. They're um... evil, but they're kind in their own way once you get to know them."

Stan hummed, "So we're rich?"

Ford pushed his brother. "Stanley!"

"I'm just asking!" Stan exclaimed and then laughed causing the rest of them to laugh too.

Everyone went back to work at their stations after their little catch up together. Dipper was able to roam around to get use to the place. He check on his sister making nice warm sweaters for everyone or handing blankets out. Ford, Stan, and McGucket were working with the rebel trainees. Soos and Wendy were in charge of head count and outside group scavenge or missions. The rest of Mabel's friends were handing out rations of food. Gideon and his prison friends were around the perimeter keeping their guards up for any signs of danger.

The teen sighed and pulled out his necklace from Tyrone that he had gotten as a anniversary present a month ago. On the chain hung a single stainless steel sliver ring. Engraved on the inside part of the ring read:

My Soul

He cradled the ring in one of his hands and smiled fondly at it. "I miss you Tyrone." He kissed the ring then wore the necklace around his neck.

He walked over secretly back to the elevator that would take him above ground. The brunet needed to talk to Bill, hopefully stopping all this madness in the process. When Dipper made it to the elevator he opened it and got in. It took a few second to get up and get out of there without anyone stopping him. Dipper got out of the shack after checking the surrounding area. 'Nothing bad so far.' He thought as he ran out and into the woods. There he looked for any sign as to what might be Bill's central area. Looking afar in the sky floated a huge pyramid that wasn't hard to miss. It made Dipper wanna laugh after rolling his eyes at the obvious.

"Could it be anymore obvious?" He ask aloud just as a big floating eyeball bat passed by. "Yes, apparently it can..." He brought his hand up to his mouth and whistled for the eye bat to notice him. When it did it quickly floated over to him and scanned him over like it was looking for something. It saw Dipper's hat and the creature lowered its wing down. The teen curiously looked at it and proceeded climbing up on top of the bat.

The eye bat started fly up after Dipper had settled down on it head. Quick flaps of its wing had it soaring fast towards the location of the pyramid.

+Fearamid: Bill+

Bill sat on his throne watching his friends partying and having the time of their lives. 'PineTree should have gotten home by now.' His thoughts distracting him from the loud music playing. 'At least I have the eye bats keep an eye out for him and bring him to me when they find that kid.'

Just then one of them did come flying in and landing on his arm rest of his throne. The demon looked down and found himself looking eye to eyes with the boy who had been MIA for the past 2 years.

"Well well well, I welcome you back home PineTree."

Dipper got down from the eye bat and put his hands in his pockets. "I have lots of questions for you Bill and you better answer them." He stated out and it the yellow demon had a mouth he would be grinning brightly.

"Of course PineTree! Anything for my dear son."

+Reverse Falls: Gleeful Home+

Will stared at his Master and the said teen stared back at him.

"Your saying you'll take me to visit Dominic."

The blue hair demon nodded in his human form. "Yes Master, but I can't do it today since I have things to do for Mistress Mabel. If you'd like, I could take you there tomorrow."

Dipper gripped his amulet tightly in his hold. "Of course I want you to take me to visit him idiot. First thing tomorrow, understand." Will nodded quickly. "You're dismissed from me until tomorrow. Now leave."

Will left like he was told to do.

The brunet sighed and sat on his bed. He laid down and groaned, Dominic had become a huge part of his life. Not having him next to him was lonely. He closed his eyes and remember loving memories. Like their anniversary last month, just thinking about made him smiled a bit. He opened his eyes and looked over to his nightstand.

There was a picture of just the two of them, holding hands, Dominic grinning at the camera while he had a simple smile that still meant a lot. Next to the picture frame was the doll he had won Dominic at the carnival 2 years ago. In front of the picture was his present form his lover. It was a black stainless steel ring that was still in its case for protection.

He took out the ring and held it up to inspect it. Eyes finding words engraved on the inside.

My Heart

Dipper slipped the ring onto his right ring finger and tiredly yawned. 'See you tomorrow love.' Last thoughts drifting off as sleep consumed him.

+Back with Bill and Dipper+

"I was you son... Centuries ago I was your son..." Dipper said over again to try to make himself believe it after Bill had explained everything to him.

"Yup PineTree! Get that drilled right into that noggin of yours!" Bill gleefully says floating around the brunet.

The teen hold his head and a hand out. "I think I need to sit down." Bill snaps up a chair and helps Dipper sit down.

Bill shifts into his human form and pats Dipper on the head. "You'll get use to PineTree." He said with a tiny bit of empathy. "Anyways why I lost you in the past was because I was too busy making deals when I was human. I needed to make money to help you recover from your illness, but your time was almost up I was too far into deals that I almost forgot about you." He stands in front of Dipper and kneels down on one knee. "I'm sorry."

Dipper was surprised by the apology even if it happened decades or centuries ago when he was Bill's son. He smiled and placed his hand on the demon's shoulder. "I forgive you." Bill looked up at him. "I understand it was for my past self sake so I'm pretty sure that he would have forgiven you."

The dream demon grinned and gave him a tight hug. If your wondering where they were at the moment, they're in Bill's room at the top of the pyramid, that's why none of the other demon's are witnessing the exchange. Bill got back up on his feet and smiled a little too much for Dipper's liking.

"So what's this I hear about my sapling having a lover?"

The teen blushed bright red and waved his hand in front of Bill. "I-I don't know what your talking about?!"

Bill rolled his eye. "Oh don't get secretive with me now, Will's been keeping me updated about what was happening with you in a reverse falls. Very narcissistic of you kid." He says crossing his arms over his chest while a smirk was plastered on his face.

"Says you! I bet I got it from you, Will always seems to blush a bit when ever I mention your name." Dipper remarks suspiciously. "Care to explain?"

"That none of your business!" Bill retorts with a mild blush dusting his cheeks.

Dipper laughed while Bill fussed over him to stray away from the topic of Will. He rolled his eyes and thought, 'Hope I can fix all this soon so I can see Tyrone again.'

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