To Pieces (boyxboy)


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(It Takes Two Sequel) Gage and Levi have been taking it easy, what with almost being murdered they've had eno... Еще

Chapter 1: Twist and Shout
Chapter 2: Peace and blessins
Chapter 3: Safe and sound
Chapter 4: Tell me something I don't know
Chapter 5: Eye out
Chapter 6: Back to Black
Chapter 7: Kicking and screaming
Chapter 8: Pillars of salt
Chapter 9: Ice cold burning
Chapter 10: Child's play
Chapter 11: Reckless
Chapter 12: Urges
Chapter 14: The elephant in the room
Chapter 15: Blonde Proverbs
Chapter 16: Nightingale ~Fin~

Chapter 13: Fix you

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----------Forgive me for I have sinned I am so sorry this took so long----------

Throbbing. Why does it feel like my entire body has a heartbeat? And what is that damned bright light? I tried to open my eyes, and immediately shut them again in pain. Even my eyeballs hurt?!
What the hell happened? Where am I? More importantly, and terrifyingly...why can't I remember anything?

     In a panic, I tried desperately to open my eyes again, this time fighting through the pain. White, bright lights made me want shut them again, but I didn't. Instead, I blinked rapidly, looking down at myself, away from the blinding luminescence above me.

     What I saw confused me even more. Tubes, bandages, and bruises decorated what was visible of my body. Hospital, my mind instantly registered. I'm in the hospital, and I don't know why. If I'm this battered and bruised, so much so that I can't even remember who i am, maybe I don't want to know.
     I heard a shuffling noise to my left, causing me to look up. Sitting next to me was the god of all attractive males-i mean a boy about my age-with his head resting on the bed next to my left leg. His hand, however, was on my thigh, which made me blush for some reason.

     The more I looked at him, the more familiar he seemed. I must know him, or he wouldn't be here, right? I tilted my head slightly, studying him. Ow, okay, bad idea. Wincing, I put a hand to my aching cranium only to discover more bandages. 

     I grit my teeth, opening my eyes again. When I tried to remember who he was to me, my head started to throb violently. This is not good. 

I ignored the ache this time and fought to recall anything about him, at the very least a name. Come on, you can do this, think think think! The pain was almost overbearing, and black spots danced in my vision. Just before unconsciousness claimed me once more, a single, glorious name came to the forefront of my mind. 

"G...Gage..." Was all I was able to mutter out before slipping into a deep sleep. 


When I awoke again, there were quite a few more people in the room, and my head didn't hurt so badly. The guy who was sleeping next to me was now awake as well, his hand clutching mine. My face turned red with a blush, as his name came to me without difficulty this time.

"G-Gage?" I whispered, and his head turned to me so fast I thought it would snap off and roll onto the floor. His face brightened like the sun rising in the winter, and his smile was like nothing i'd ever seen before. 

"Levi!" So that's my name-oh my god he's hugging me! It was gentle, but warm and comforting. Like drinking hot tea in freezing weather, or smelling cinnamon on Christmas morning. I felt so safe, and for some reason I got the feeling I hadn't been safe for a while. 

So, even though I couldn't more than his and my own name, I hugged back. I breathed in deeply, his scent filling me with a feeling I couldn't place yet. I hope, whoever he was to me, that he hugs me like this frequently. 

"I'm so sorry, Levi. God, i'm sorry." His voice cracked with emotion now, his arms tightening slightly around me. The emotion and pain in his voice brought tears to my eyes, and I didn't know why. I disliked hearing pain in his tone intensely. 

"W-Why are you sorry?" I asked hoarsely, honestly wanting to know. What had happened to me? Why is this perfect, gorgeous person crying on my shoulder, apologizing? 

"I-I couldn't protect you, it's my job to protect you, and I failed. I'll never forgive myself for what you went through, Levi. Not ever." He pulled back from the embrace, cradling my face gently in his warm hands, tears in his eyes as his gaze smoldered into mine. 

Oh geez. Oh lord. Imma faint if he doesn't stop that. 

I sniffled, looking away before I spontaneously combusted. "Gage, I...I don't really know how to tell you this." Confusion, and then panic flitted across his features as I said this. 

"What? Did Wiggins do anything else to you? I swear on everything that I will tear him limb from limb!" He growled, nothing but bloodthirsty rage on his face. 

Ho-ly crap. Who is Wiggins? Where the hell was I, and why does Gage want to kill someone?! 

"No, no, I...that's not it. At least, I don't think so." I said, trying to assuage his fury. It simmered some, but now he looked thoroughly confused. 

"What? What do you mean?" I scratched an un-bruised part of my arm, biting my lip and looking at the wall. It was then that I noticed the other people had left, for some reason. Why hadn't they stayed, and asked me questions or something?

Could it be that they Gage and I privacy? But then, that would mean he and I were...oh sweet mother of god please tell me that's true. 

"Levi? You're spacing out, are you okay?" I blinked, blushing as Gage leaned forward, closer to my face. He sat on the edge of my bed, moving his hand to my forehead. 

"Hmm. You feel warm." Well, no dip Sherlock! You're all up in my grill! I could feel my face getting hotter as he got closer, and closer, until our noses were almost touching. 

"Your eyes aren't focusing properly. Do you feel dizzy?" He asked, his cool breath fanning my face as he spoke, smelling of honey for some reason. Sweet yeezus I am going to pass out!

"U-Uh, a little bit, yeah..." I mumbled, suddenly lost in his eyes. Wow, are they green. Does he know how bewitching his eyes are? I stared at him doe eyed, and when he caught the look on my face he smirked. 

"See something you like?" EH?! Damn it, I spaced out! 

"Um, n-no?" It sounded like a question as I said it, and he chuckled. But there was a sad, pensive look on his face, his hand moving from my forehead to stroke my cheek. 

"I'm so glad you're safe, Levi. I wouldn't have been able to go on without you, I..." He paused, looking down as if to keep from crying. My heart thudded in my chest, it's rhythm quick and erratic.

If I wasn't mistaken, those are words couples normally say to each other. Oh dear. Oh my. Oh dear oh my. How do I possibly explain to him that while my heart seems to remember him perfectly fine, my mind has no recollection of him?

"Gage." I said, more forcefully this time. It wasn't right to lead him on like this. That's what i'm doing, isn't it? I wish I knew what was going on! 

"Hm?" He cleared his throat, his eyes glistening with un-shed tears. Aw dip. Well, here goes nothing. 

"I...I don't know how you're going to take this, but...I don't remember anything. I don't...I don't even really remember you, save for this feeling in my chest. I-I don't know what to do, or what's going on, I..." I trailed off, my voice breaking now. Fear started to grow in my stomach. 

"Shh, Levi, it'll be okay. The doctor said you might have slight amnesia from your head wound, and the severity of your seizure. I'm surprised you remembered my name when you woke up. Pleasantly surprised, that is." He smiled, and relief flooded my body. So they anticipated this? Thank god!

But...that means something awful must have happened to me. "What happened to me? Was it...a car accident or something?" A dark look flashed in his eyes, quickly disappearing. 

"No. I'll explain everything later, I don't want those to be your first memories now that you're awake." I gulped, nodding as much as my headache would allow. 

"H-How long have I been out?" 

"About a week. One helluva long week." He sighed, and I realized he had unhealthy looking bags under his eyes, and how worn he looked in the pale light. Or was that just his complexion? 

"Oh. So, what...what were me, I mean?" Once again his smirk was back, a devilish look in his eyes. I was happy to see the weariness in them replaced for a moment. 

"You really haven't figured it out by  now?" His left hand crept up my arm, invoking a deep blush that reached my collarbone. Oh. Oh my. 

"A-Ah, I see." I stuttered, my gaze following his hand as it softly trailed up my arm. Goosebumps rose on my skin, and I shivered. 

"Mhm." He muttered, his voice gruff. If we were in fact, a couple, and I had been comatose for a week, that meant he hadn't had sex with me in like...forever. Or longer, considering what happened to me, which I still had yet to find out. 

Damn. I need to sex this man, and soon. 

Wait, how can I be thinking about sex at a time like this?! What kind of person am I?! I went pink again and averted my gaze to the wall once more, trying to think of anything but the fine man sitting beside me, stroking my arm like his favorite cat. 

"Look at me, Levi. I haven't gotten to look into your eyes in too long." I met his gaze, immediately getting lost in the green orbs again. Yeah, I am totally in love with this guy. It was obvious as soon as I laid my eyes on him, but I just didn't have the memories to back up the feeling. 

"I'm going to kiss you now, Levi."

!!?!?!?!!!?!!!?? *Inner freak out*

"U-Unh huh." I mumbled incoherently, completely distracted by his eyes. He cupped my face in his hands, before gently pressing his lips to mine in a sweet, chaste kiss. 

I felt like the Hoover Dam had exploded inside of me, a flood of feelings and memories releasing into my brain and heart like a whirlwind. So much so, in fact, I was drowning in the memories and feelings suddenly returning to me. The feel, and taste of his lips was so intense, I felt like I could implode at any moment.

I fought to stay conscious, but lost, and the last thing I felt was those wonderful, wonderful lips on mine as the ocean of my mind swallowed me whole. 

----------Unedited O.O Yes, you can all leave comments about how horrible I am and how much you hate me, but I worked so damn hard to get this chapter to you, you better appreciate it. It's crap, but oh well. Gomen >.<----------

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