
De saddepressing

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In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

116 9 6
De saddepressing

12:00am midnight, school bus arrived.

Daisy's pov.

Looking up at the sky, I gaze upon the moon as it struggles to shine through the thick clouds that cover its glow. Out here, without all the city lights, you can actually see the stars as they wink and twinkle at the people on Earth.
I wonder what it would be like - to be free like the stars seem to be...
My thoughts are stopped completely by the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my seventeen years of life: a shooting star races across the sky, it's tail following in it's wake. Really, it doesn't look like a star. Just a ball of magnificent fire, being drifted away by some force. Make a wish. When I open my eyes, I barely catch a glimpse of the shooting star's tail as it retreats into the midnight sky, taking my dream with it.

I laid my head slowly onto the bus chair cushion, tilting my head too see Calum sitting on the other seat, staring out the window.

For some reason, I couldn't help but smile. A light soft smile plastered onto my face. I have too say, besides all that arguing with Alexa earlier, today was a pretty fun day. I got to finally realize Calum isn't as bad as I thought he would be.

I didn't see Zander after getting out of the haunted house, but some of my friends told me he just left, looking frightened too death.

Anyways, it was pretty weird too be in the school bus at 1:00am at night with kids from school, sleeping all lazy from the party, but good thing they put a radio connected too the bus so music can play.

The person sitting besides me was a girl sleeping while headphones into her ears.

I slowly pulled up my knees up to my chest, surround my arms around my legs focusing on the outside sky through the clear window.

Listening too the Ariana Grande song that was playing, we've been living like angels and devils, devils.

I'm loving the pain!
I never wanna live without it!
(So why~ Do I try)
You drive me insane, now we're screaming just to see who's louder
You and I refine being love sick, love sick

"Love sick." I muttered, singing the song along with Ariana Grande's voice.

Resting my head onto the glass, I began closing my eyes shut slowly.

✿ ✿ ✿

Saturday, 11:04am in the morning

I was in the cabin, on the table lazily chewing on my cheerios cereal, slouching in my chair.

"Aren't you going too put sugar in that?" Daniel blurted out, making me flinch.

"What?" I narrowed my eyebrows, wasn't paying attention to what he was saying.

"I said are you going too put sugar in that?!" He repeated, making me shake my head.

"Nah." I said, making a yawn as well.

"But it's going too taste plain." Daniels voices sounded confused, and disgusted.

"I don't care god damn shut up." I said, jumping up from my chair taking another larger yawn, me giving a slump poster and a lazy walk.

"Where are you going?" Daniel asked me, shoving chips in his mouth getting me annoyed.

"To go wash my face." I said in an nonchalant tone.

Walking into the shitty small bathroom, I turned on the white sink, too wash my face hoping I would wake up. Yesterday when we came home, well not home but you know what I mean. Anyways, it was like 2 or 3, I was super tired and I couldn't even sleep cause of stupid crickets!

But before I could enter back too the living room, I noticed Calum and Daniella's giggles.

"Oh hey Daisy." Daniella spat out, sounding very silvery.

"Hi." I replied, timeless as I glanced at Calum who was staring at her with a smirk.

"Did you sleep last night?" Daniella smiled weakly, Calum not even focusing on me.

"Do you think I slept at night?!" I said quite annoyed at the fact she woke up looking so fabulous, compare too me I look like a smashed potato.

"I'm guessing that's a no." She gulped, giving a soft giggle as I playfully rolled my eyes sitting on the couch across from them two.

I was sitting there, watching as the two Calum and Daniella, were giggling at small jokes that were barely even funny. I saw as he was super close to her, his hand on her hip, as she looked so happy while Calum was just smirking, I bet saying Wow look at Daniela she's so beautiful

For some reason, my heart just felt like it melted down the drain, heat going through my body as I clenched my fists.

It was so weird and annoying how mad I was, clearly it wasn't because of yesterday. The only reason why I hugged him yesterday was because I was scared to death, I needed a hug.

I curled his upper lip to keep himself from speaking. My mind whirling with thoughts that only made me assume the worst. The feeling of jealousy was slowly growing into my skin, filling his blood... Why. My mouth become a straight line. My mind just wanted to scream, for some dumb annoying reason.

I turned myself too the window, seeing how the sun was bright.

"So I heard it was going to be sunny today and that we are going to get wet." I raised my voice high enough so the two can stop what they were doing and look over at me.

"Oh shoot, really?!!? But the teacher-

"Shut up Daniel I wasn't talking to you." I cut him off, I modulated as he quickly shut his mouth pulling his hands up in defense.

"Really? Sounds pretty fun, doesn't it Cal?!" Daniella grinned excitedly staring up at Calum who was looking my way with a strange look.


And before I could say something he looked back at her and nodded, "Uh yeah, totally."

"Too bad Calum and I decided to just plan and stay in here too hang out." Daniella smirked at Calum, as it looked like he blushed, Daniel letting out a snort, causing her to glare over at him.

"What?!" I raised my voice, making everyone flinch my way, eyes widened.

"I mean- uh- yeah that's fine but don't you think getting wet would be fun?" I nervously laughed, Calum still looking at me strangely.

"They be getting wet in here." Daniel smirked, making all of us stare his way with glares.

"That's not funny." I said, making Calum chuckle randomly.

"Yeah it is, I mean what if he's right?" Calum snickered, wiggling his eyebrows up and down at Daniella, her blushing.

I couldn't help but just cringe.

I sighed, getting up from the couch and sitting where Daniel was since I didn't want to watch the disgusting flirty moments of Calum and Daniella right now. I couldn't tell if they were dating or not, or just keeping it a secret. Which made me mad.

"Calum is so annoying, I mean look at him! He's a fudge boy!" I groaned, putting my hands up in the air.

"I can say the opposite about Daniella," he sighed, setting his can of monster on the table after taking a gulp.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still not cleared on what he mean't.

"Daniella is a bitch, she used too go on about how so much boys were cute and that they were taken and stuff, but somehow she would try and take them away and dress like a slut." Daniel explained.

"You were her friend?" I asked, sitting down aside Daniel.

"Yeah!" He said with a high pitched tone, "We were best friends."

"What happened?" I wanted a story.

"Just like I said, she's a bitch. She would tell me everyday a different boy was cute, but they were all taken. But somehow she would make evil plans on how too steal them away and brainwash them," He began, "And if she didn't do that, she would just wear slutty clothes like she is right now." He glanced her way, with an annoyed glare.

She was wearing a tank top, but it was cropped with some white shorts.

"No, I don't think that's slutty. She's not a hoe." I lied, making him roll his eyes.

"It's okay to admit she's a hoe, everyone knows that. Obviously Calum doesn't." He sighed, my heart pumping fast.

"The reason why we're not friends is because she used me, I used to like her..." He gulped, staring down shamelessly as my eyes widened.

Woah. Daniel used to like Daniella???!!!

"She said she liked me back, but turns out she was lieing. She faked it so the other boys can get mad and jealous."

I just had a really bad feeling in my stomach.

"Know I feel like she pretends to be friends with girls, so she can get the guys.." He spoke staring over at her.

A knot formed in the back of my throat. I kind of couldn't believed what Daniel told me. Why would she do that? Is it even true?? All these thoughts were filling into my head, making Daniel was lieing so I can hate her like he does. Daniella would never do such thing, she's too nice.

"Oh.." I said awkwardly, pulling a hand behind his back, awkwardly patting him.

"Um," He slowly looked upon me, looking quite disgusted, "Does it look like I'm hurt?! Get your crusty hands off me!"

"Sorry." I rolled my eyes, as he swung my arm away letting out a chuckle.

"She does kind of dress slutty...." I mumbled breaking the silence, and Daniel turned his head, smirking. He'd caught that.

✿ ✿ ✿

"Have fun getting wet by other boys outside." He sighed, with a smirk.

"Hah thanks you too, now get out so I can change." I hissed, shoving him out of the room.

I changed into some stretchy black  shorts, along with a crop top you can get wet with, that was the color of dark purple.

For me, I was really happy for today. Getting wet with other students, squirting water guns at each other and throwing water balloons on a sunny day. I don't see why Calum and Daniella are going too miss out on something that is way better than just 'hanging' out in the cabin. Those bitches are boring, what are they going too do? Read books?

As soon as I was ready, I walked out of the room with some squirt guns and colored water balloons.

"Nice outfit." Daniella smiled, nodding and plopping lemon chips into her mouth.

"Thanks." I grinned back, as I can see Daniel and Calum staring at me from the corner of my eye.

"Nice ass." Daniel spoke, as I turned his way and Calum punched him in the shoulder lightly.

"Calum told me too say that, not me." Daniel rose his hands up in defense, Calum looking like his face was filled red with embarrassment.

"The only thing he would tell me, is that I have a flat ass." I declared, shooting a glare at Calum.

"True." Calum smirked, as Daniel gave him this confused look, very strange.

✿ ✿ ✿

The damped ground sucked at my bare feet as I walked through the undergrowth. Trees loomed over head, only allowing a slight silver of the sunrise in to light my path.

I was walking with a group of friends I have met since Thursday, they were pretty nice, and I guess you can say they were popular. A lot of guys liked them, but the girls didn't have time to date anyone, just dogs.

2 were African pretty girls, 4 of them was Mexican including myself, and the rest of them were blondes .

"So are you dating the boy that your staying in the cabin with, I felt this was the good time too ask." One of my friends asked, Kelly.

Everyone stared at me with excited looks, my mind just feeling completely confused. Why would they think Calum? Calum and I fight, argue, and call each other names and I'm pretty sure that ain't romantic. If anything, they should think Zander is the perfect one for me.

We were already there, where all the rest of the cabins and students were, some were eating lunch, while some were squirting each other and wetting each other with water balloons. Boys squirting girls as the girls were throwing the water balloons.

Oh I wonder what Calum and Daniella were doing. I thought.

Good think Daniel was with me, but ew, good think I don't like him, he is totally not my type that's for sure.

I turned my head to face him, he put a fucking water balloon down his shorts.

"Daniel what the fuck are you doing?!" All us girls said in unison, as Daniel flinched, and kind of jumped a little.

"I'm gonna wet my dick, what do you think?" He said as if it was that simple and no big deal, making us girls cringe.

"Your an idiot." I laughed, grabbing a blue water balloon and throwing it at his face, making it make a slam noise, spraying all over his face.

So me, I had water bombs stacked into a blue bucket that I brought and nobody else did, everyone else instead got bags.

Fucking bags.

I filled my bucket with water and let in the water balloons so they wouldn't pop,

"Oh it's on babushka!" Daniel yelled, shoving a water balloon into his hand, and instantly throwing it as far as he can, in fact, too far that he missed.

"Hah." I stuck my tongue, hiding behind a small bush, as we kept skipping around the small camp ground, throwing water balloons at each other, are body getting wet by the water squirters, teenagers laughing and telling each other jokes. The sun getting even brighter and sunnier, it was an awesome day. I admit, it was pretty fun for a camp.

Teachers were in a cabin doing there work while we were just having fun, throwing things at each other freely.

I had 2 water balloons in each  of my hands, ready too throw it at the people who were surrounding me as a I felt a sting coming from my ass, making a squeal come out of me.

"Hehe, a bouncy butt I see." Daniel was standing there, a smirk plastered onto his lips as he was gripping onto 4 water balloons.

"If you even throw-that balloon at my face I will-

"You'll what? Tell Daniella? Too bad shmoopsie poo!" He said in awe, instantly throwing the large balloon at me filled with water, as I tried turning around and dodging it, but instead, I tripped, the water balloons slipping out of my hands.

"What the fuck!" I groaned, I can already feel a scrape on my knee, as I pulled myself up, wiping the dust off my knees and clothes.

But as soon as I can look up and say something, Calum was standing in front of me, wet, soaking wet. His hair was laying down on the side from the water.

His jaw dropped, a gasp coming out of him, as I couldn't help but want too laugh.

"Oops." I stuttered, covering my mouth forcing myself too hold in the laughter.

"Haha looks like Calum got wet cause of you... Get it!" Daniel shouted from behind me, making me roll my eyes seemed like I was doing it too Calum.

"You little..." Calum muttered, gritting his teeth angrily.

"You fucking vagina face!" Calum grunted loudly, swiftly pulling a water balloon from someone's bag and almost throwing it, until all I could do was run as fast as  I can.

"You go Justin Herass !!" I heard Daniel yell from the distance, as I kept running and running, my legs getting shaky and my neck getting sweaty.

My heart pounded to the beat of my feet racing over the hard ground. Sweat beaded my forehead, causing my hair to cling to it as my throat ached for air, more air. The delicious rush of wind past my face thrilled me. My muscles stretched, pushed harder. My pace evened out and my legs made the track fly under me, "Stop!" I breathed, hoping Calum would, but he didn't. All he did was the opposite, running even faster.

"No! This was my favorite outfit bitch!" He yelled, I can hear his running steps from behind me. He didn't even sound exhausted, he sounded so hyped up.

I continued running for what seemed like longer than it should have taken to get back to the camping site but I figured it was because I wanted to get back so fast. A distinct old dead tree came up on the path that meant that I should be able to see the cabins again around the next bend. Forcing my legs to push harder I kept my sprint, anticipating the relief of my breathing hitched in my throat making my already screaming lungs just about burst.

"You guys finally back, Anita pussy?" Daniel smiled, giving me some kind of weird nickname as I fell onto the floor, breathing so heavily.

"I got you now!" He giggled, running over too me.

He moved up to my  legs, giving me the tickles. Gently dragging his fingernails up and down the top, sides and backs of my calves. Then he started gently squeezing the tops of my knees. Gently dancing his fingernails along the back of my knees. Dragging his fingernails across the tops of my thighs and down my inner thighs, he then squeezed the tops of my thighs.

"Oh," I breathed, "my god!" I squealed, jumping every wear from the tickle feeling, "Stop Calum, I can't breathe!" I squealed, as all I could see is him smiling over at me, not a smirk, but a smile.

"It fucking tickles!" I screamed, I kicked and punched like a bunch of Ethiopian kids fighting over a sandwich.

"Your not done yet!" He said rising his Australian accent, me trying to escape his arms but I couldn't, he grabbed me by my waist, pushing me too his body as his arms were wrapped around me, still tickling my belly.

"You go Glen Coco!" Daniel chuckled, raising his fist up in excitement.

"Do it Daniel! Throw water balloons in her face now! I got her!" Calum screamed, making my ear drums pop.

"I got you." He leaned his head down too my ear, whispering. A shiver running down my body as I couldn't help but giggle.

"Alright, ready for the time of your life?!" Daniel smiled, swinging a water balloon in his hand.

"No!" I yelled, but giggled at the same time, I looked up seeing Calum smile at me, since I was shorter than him I had too stare up.

"Let me go Calum!" I said trying to kick as I could feel something touch my ass, making me gasp.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed, beginning too kick even harder, "Did you just.. squeeze my fucking ass?!" I looked up, seeing a blushed Calum.

"No!" He cried, still holding his grip onto me.

"But yes you-

But before I could finish, I was tripled hit, by Daniel.

✿ ✿ ✿

Okay this chapter was gay I suck lmao, anyways yeah I have school tomorrow and I'm gonna cry!!  Help!!! Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this shitty chapter ;) Did Calum just... Slap Daisy's ass?? lol nu


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