
De Mikaelaw_21

182 8 1

Drew had his life mapped out. Ace high school, attend university ad then be become a doctor or a lawyer or SO... Mais

Chapter one.

Chapter two.

33 5 1
De Mikaelaw_21

I hope you guys liked the first bit! I decided to update really quickly because I'm actually pretty in love with this story, so here we go. 

Chapter two. 

      Drew pushed open the door of his favourite coffee shop. The strong, comforting scent of the shop’s signature columbian brew assaulted his senses. Mixed with the slightly cool late-september air, the gentle breeze that formed from the door opening made Drew smile. He’d always liked this place. It’d always felt normal, a place where he could study,  or grab a cup of coffee when he felt stressed. The place had always been Drew’s favourite. A slight smile on his face, Drew entered the small cafe, passing mismatched comfy chairs and low tables, until he had made it to the counter. 

      The girl behind the counter was enough to stop Drew short. He’d never seen her before, and he visited the cafe at least once a week, usually more. She was pretty, her features strong and attention grabbing. Her eyes were brown, light, light brown, but not hazel. Drew was a fan of brown eyes, but hers were something else. Behind them, there was a happiness that he’d seen in very few people. That must’ve been where the lightness came from. Drew liked eyes in general really. He liked the different colours and  variations and shades you could find, but he also liked them because eyes could really tell a lot about a person, if you were willing to read them. 

      Her lips were a perfect cupid’s bow, pink and full and obviously the first thing that someone who wasn’t Drew would notice. He liked her lips. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it. They were a trait he didn’t care about in a lot of people. But this girl’s lips caught him. He couldn’t help it. And the arch of her eyebrows. That was something else Drew never really saw. He never really noticed how someone’s eyebrows could define them. But hers did. Her eyebrows were the perfect hight, not too low, to shade her eyes, but not so high as that they were on her forehead. She had nice eyebrows. 

      Her nose was long and thin, but not that type of overly long and thin that was unattractive and made her look like a snobby, spindly socialite. Her nose was strong, her nose said ‘look at me, I’m a very gorgeous nose, on a very gorgeous face’. Drew shook his head at his thoughts, but didn’t make an effort to stop them. “I like your cheek bones.” Was the first thing he said to the stunning girl. Her cheek bones were prominent, and arresting, as was her jaw line. Her face had all these angular lines and features, but mixed together, they seemed soft, playful. Drew liked that. 

            The girl’s doe eyes widened impossibly further, and for a moment, Drew was afraid he might have offended her. But then her cupid’s bow lips that he liked so much broke out into a smile that could give the sun self esteem issues. The only thought that went through his mind in that moment was that somehow, impossibly, her face had gotten more beautiful. “Um, thanks.” She said, a warm blush rushing to her cheeks. Drew felt a small smile tug on to his lips, just by looking at hers. “So, would you like to actually order something?” She asked, her smile still prominent. “Or shall we discus my facial structure some more?” She giggled. 

            Drew felt the urge to chuckle too. Shaking his head he looked up at the menu briefly. He already knew what he wanted, but any time he could buy with this girl – even if she was just a coffee barista – he would take. “I’ll have a large coffee with three sugars.” He said, chewing on his lip. “And a chocolate chip cookie.” He decided at the last minute. She nodded, punching in his order and telling him how much he owed. He rooted through his pockets, trying to find the right amount, and also trying to stall just a little bit longer. 

            Her name tag said Emily, he noticed. Emily suited her. It was a happy name, and she looked like a happy girl. “What’s your name?” She asked, seeming to almost read his mind. He raised his eyebrow slightly, wondering why she wanted to know. “It’s for your cup.” She said, lifting the sharpie and the empty paper cup to show him. But she blushed again, the colour of her cheeks the cutest pink he’d ever seen. 

            “It’s Drew.” He said, watching her scrawl his name on the cup, along with something else he didn’t quite catch. “So are you new around here?” He asked curiously as she made his coffee. He wondered if she would be going to his school, or if he’d be seeing her around often. The town they lived in wasn’t big. If she was new, there was a fifty/fifty chance she’d go to his school. There was another, less popular high school not far from his, that she might attend though. He hoped it would be his. 

            “Yes.” She said, suddenly looking kind of shy. “My aunt owns this place, so I’ll be living with her.” She told him. So he would be seeing more of her. Probably she’d get good shifts, and if that was the case, Drew would be seeing her a lot. The thought of that made him happy. 

      “Well, if you ever need a tour guide, I’m your guy.” He said, and she giggled a little, handing him his coffee and turning to grab him a cookie. Curiously, he looked down at the handwriting on the cup. Her script was bubbly and in cursive, but he didn’t really care about that. All he could do was stare at the digits written under his name. The numbers stood out in her girly font, and he held in an enormous grin. 

      “Maybe if you text me sometime, I could book a tour?” She said. Her back was to him, so he couldn’t see her face, but he could hear the bright smile in her voice. When she turned back to him, her eyebrow was raised in question. He smiled at her nodding. 

      “I think that can work.” 


            Drew smiled as he took his cookie from her, and took a sip of his coffee. “I look forward to it.” He said, grinning. She smiled back at him brightly. Turning, he walked towards the exit, his head reeling. Somehow, he’d walked in with the illusion that he was just getting a coffee. And yet there he was, walking out with a coffee, a cookie, and the number of the most perfect girl he’d ever met. 

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