Delsin Rowe and the Teen Tita...

بواسطة Idatri_Uchiha

2.1K 85 41

I did say I was gonna make another one but sorry it took so long...... I had a case of writers block Everythi... المزيد

chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
not an update
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-Five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine

chapter seventeen

42 2 0
بواسطة Idatri_Uchiha

Time jump 2 hours later

Delsin p.o.v

I woke up noticing that Raven was in my arms the whole night. So it wasn't just a dream. Raven's actually here, with me. Suddenly I saw a bright light coming straight towards us. It was near The doorway to Eugene's room but it was too bright to see. Suddenly it jumped on the bed and that was enough to wake Raven up. I looked at it as the light went dimmer. Then I saw his face. "You're up already?" I asked smirking. "Yeah! I'm just sooo psyched to go home dad! Come on get ready!" Zack said as he was neon sprinting around the Whole hideout. Finally, to calm him down, Eugene had to summon one of his angels to catch him and held him until he calmed down. Eugene,Raven and I could've captured him easily but we're all too tired still. What is it....... 5:45 in the morning! "Zack are you crazy! This is way to early! Go to bed!" I said as I fell back down on the pillow.  "Hey! Zack has a point! The earlier we leave the faster earlier we get there. I can't wait to see everyone! I missed them all so much!" Raven said getting up. "Yeah well, you might expect some surprised faces and angry one's too" Eugene said. "What do you mean?". "Do you know how long everyone mourned for you? Even when we all gave up, a tiny piece of hope still remains. After you left, everything was dark and sad" I explained. "And when you just decide to walk back in the Tower after 2 years. You'll see how things turn out". "I see your point..... but they wont kill me or anything. So come on! Let's get going!" Raven said as she flew out of the hideout. "Meet you outside Dad!" Zack said as he neon sprinted outside. I was still getting dressed but Eugene was still in the room. I put on my shirt and my sweater. "Hey Eugene?" I called him. "Yeah what's up Delsin?". "Thanks for protecting my family. They mean everything to me.   I owe you my life" I said. "No don't sweat it. Really" Eugene said being modest. "But they might not have survived if you hadn't saved and sheltered them. And for that I'm grateful". "If I had to do it again, I would. Without any hesitation" Eugene said. I finished getting dressed and walked over to Eugene to give him a hug to show how grateful I am. I ran to the shaft and looked back. "Aren't you coming?". "Oh I'll come later....I'm on this level of Heaven's Hellfire! I'll leave as soon as I finish that level!" Eugene said as he ran into the computer screen. I chuckled and open the shaft to meet Raven and Zack standing there. "Alright let's go home"

Starfire p.o.v

"Where are they? They should've been back by now" I said pacing around our room. "Relax Star! I'm sure Delsin and Gwen are perfectly fine! They just want more time to be by themselves" Dick explained. "Yes I understand that but I'm talking about Michelle and Sabrina! Delsin said to watch her and we don't know where she is! WE LOST DELSIN'S CHILD!!!" I said panicking. "Whoa! Calm down Starfire! Take deep breaths" Dick said. I breathed in and out for the past 2 minutes and I calmed down. ", when did you last see them?". I thought back awhile ago. It was like 10 hours ago.....

Time jump (10 hours ago)

I was in the kitchen, preparing for dinner that night. I remember this because I burnt my finger turning on the stove. Suddenly as I put the pot on the stove to boil, three adorable kids watch me with smiles on their faces. "Oh hello everyone! What can I do for you?" I asked smiling back. "Mom, may we go get some ice cream?" Nick asked. "But you haven't even had dinner yet. I'm afraid that's a no" I said getting back to preparing dinner. While I was get the lettuce and tomatoes from the fridge, I heard whispering behind my back, like they have some sort of plan. "Aunty Starfire, we would like to know if we could go over to Leo's house since he's having dinner alone and uncle Garfield and Aunt Terra are all here" Sabrina asked me. "Yeah that's not the only reason you asked to see Leo huh?!" Nick said smirking. "Shut up!" Michelle said as she slapped Nick in the back of his head. I giggled. 'Oh...little brothers...' I thought. "Fine... but I want you all right back here after dinner there!" I ordered them. "Got it! Bye mom!" Nick and Michelle said. "Yeah bye Aunty Starfire!" Sabrina said.

"Okay so they're at Leo's house. Problem solved! Let's go get'em " Dick said as he got up from bed and put on his uniform. "Alright very well" I said.

As Dick and I reached Garfield and Terra's home, we knocked on it knowing that little Leo would answer the door. Surely enough, we were right. But this wasn't the Leo we new. He is much taller and little more muscular than the last time we saw him. "Dammit Leo! You've gotten tall! How old are you?" Dick asked. "Just turned 12 last month, so what can I do for you guys?" Leo asked curiously. "Well.....we were wondering if you seen Michelle, Nick and Sabrina? We thought they were here" I asked hoping they were here" "Sabrina?! No I haven't seen her! Is she alright?!" Leo said as he was getting worried. " our kids don't matter much" Dick said under his voice. I heard it with my super hearing. On earth, my powers take on a whole new level! "No um...I'm worried about everyone else, too. Its just not like them to just run away like that" Leo said. "No it's not" Dick said. "Well if you hear from them....let us know". "What? are you kidding me? I'm coming out to go help look for them! Wait right here! I'm gonna go fetch my new uniform my dad gave me!" Leo said as he transforms into a little woodpecker and flew upstairs. "Wow! At least he's getting the hang of his powers" Dick said. "We should start planning out the operation soon". "In time, Dick. Nick is not fully ready to take on the full name of Robin yet. And Michelle hasn't mastered her laser vision yet. They have much to learn" I said. "How about Cyborg's kid, do you thinks she's ready?" Dick questioned. "Not sure. Bumblebee has kept her daughter from training so it might be a no for her. But I understand where Bee is coming from. I wasn't ready to let Nick fight either. He had no powers and he only had agility to bring to the table. Everyone had strength and speed and flight. But then that's when I look at you Dick" I said. "Me?". "Yes, you had no powers just like Nick but you were our leader and you were very strong. Nick reminds me of you so much. You were strong, passionate, courageous, smart and handsome. All the reasons I love you" I said kissing him. "Ugggh! Save the love for when we find Sabrina, Nick and Michelle" Leo said as he came downstairs. We gazed upon him. We smiled at what he looked like. "Yep, you are totally Garfield's son" Dick said. Leo was wearing the same Doom Patrol uniform Garfield used to wear when he was on the team except Leo's colour was red instead of purple. "Okay let's go, Little Beastboy" Dick said smiling. "No! Don't call me by my father's old team name". "So then what do wish us to call you?". "KidBeast"

Delsin p.o.v

As we reached to the boarder of Jump City, Raven stopped flying. She landed on the billboard and stared at the city. "What's wrong with mom?" Zack asked curiously. "I don't know kid, but let's go find out" I said as we both neon sprinted to the top of the billboard. "Hey Rav, what's wrong?". "Almost 3 years I haven't been in this city. There will be some things that are the same and some things that wil be different.....". I looked at her with widened eyes. "......but I'm just not sure if I'm ready for these changes! Everyone! Everything will be different. They'll all start looking at me with a displeased look and Sabrina! What might Sabrina say when she sees her mother after she abandoned her 2 years ago!" Raven said crying. She dropped her head on my shoulder and started sobbing. I understood where she was coming from. When I was about to see Zack again, I thought the same thing. But it turns out the kid actually remembered me! "....she would say hey mom, I've missed you so much!' And she'll give you the biggest hug of life" I said. Raven removed her head and looked at mewith tears in her eyes. "Raven, you can't just think she won't love you anymore. You're her mother. She's you're daughter. You both need each other in your lives" I said comforting her. "Besides, she was the only one who didn't give up hope that you and Zack were still alive". "Wait you didn't have hope we were alive?" Zack said. "I gave up hope since last year. I just wasn't done mourning yet" Delsin said. Raven wiped her eyes and began to smile. "Did you hear that Zack? Your father, the all powerful conduit, has mourned for our deaths!" Raven said. "Oh so daddy does have a soft spot!" Zack said smirking. "Oh yeah! He's had a soft spot ever since we met". "Yeah yeah! We can keep talking about me having a heart or we can keep moving forward and get to the Tower" I said as I flew with video wings. Zack and Raven then followed me towards Jump City.

Sabrina p.o.v

One day in this stupid chair and no plan on getting out of here. The good news is that Michelle finally woke up. But we're still both injured from our previous fight with that mad man. He is like a warrior! I've never seen anything like him. And his arm! His arm is a shadow. He can manipulate anything he desires with that arm.  He's too strong for me and Michelle Combine! And that worries me. Together, Michelle and I are invincible! I'm the brains and Michelle is the bronze. once, we took down Mammoth from the Hive alone. Without Anyone. Just me and her. But this, this is different. Goliath is a savage! He won't stop until he's satisfied. We we're so lucky Trigon came in and saved us from sudden death! But we're trapped here and there's nothing we can do about it. "Sabrina?" Michelle called. I turned over to her and looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Hey.... why are you crying?". "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you! I'm sorry I can't help us get outta here! I'M SORRY I GOT US IN THIS MESS! IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!!" I said breaking down into tears. "No matter how hard I try to make things right I keep messing up! I'll never be as strong as you!". "What? Are you kidding me! I attacked that guy without even thinking! This arm will remind me of how I need to think more like you! I'd prefer a sprained ankle than a broken arm any day" Michelle said. I stopped crying and listen to what she was saying. "Sabrina, you're so smart. You think before heading into battle. I wish I was more like you. Brain strong is way better than muscle strong" Michelle said feeling down on herself. I looked at her and smiled. "Sometimes Brain strong is the key. Its easy to say what you have to do in the field of battle....." I said. "....but when it comes to actually doing's different. That's why I acknowledge you so much". "I also acknowledged you! You lasted longer when we were fighting that guy back there. If had just thought more carefully like you, we'd might've had a chance to take him down!" Michelle said. We smiled at each other for a few minutes. "Aww! Well isn't that sweet, isn't it Goliath?" Trigon said as the two came closer to our cage. "What do you want with us?!" Michelle said screaming. "Yeah! We have no information to offer you so just let us go already!" I said trying to free myself. "Now now....relax. we don't want any information from you. We already know where you're mother is and we have a plan Goliath! Is it ready!!" Trigon yelled at his servent. "Yes my lord! It's all warmed up and ready to go! Troops are kitted up and waiting for your word!" Goliath said. "What's ready?! What Troops?! What's going on?!" Michelle said. "A war is about break out" I explained to her. "Exactly! You're quite clever!" Trigon said. "I will claim that planet if it's the last thing I do....". "YOU THINK YOU'LL JUST CLAIM IT THAT EASY!!! YOU MORON!! THERE WILL OBVIOUSLY BE A BATTLE!!" I said with fury. "Hey! Listen you little brat! Don't you dare talk to the boss like that or I'll cut off your tongue!" Goliath said defending his king. "Easy Goliath..." Trigon said holding Goliath back. "Save your anger for the battle now. You don't want to face The Second Son with low energy now do you?". "No master, I wouldn't want that!" Goliath said calming down. "Now let's complete phase 1 of this plan" Trigon said opening a portal. "Where are you going? What's Phase 1?" Michelle asked curiously. I was also curious as well. But I hope he isn't talking about mom. "Well... we need to....detonate the bomb"

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