My Life As Lucy Porter (Werew...

By Ronnie_Lee93

120K 2.6K 244

Lucy Porter has always had a complicated life. Her parents got murdered when she was five and shes jumped fro... More

Chapter One<3
Chapter Two<3
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Fourteen

5K 112 2
By Ronnie_Lee93

Author's Note:
Sorry it's taken me so long to post a new chapter. I've been super busy.
So. Please don't forget to comment and/or vote.
And feel free to give me ideas cause im just writing this as I got.

Thank you


"So. This is your room." Kyle said to Joseph, opening a door in the hallway where mine and Kyle's room was.

We both looked inside the room as Kyle stepped aside and both of our mouths fell open. We looked at Kyle in shock and Joseph said to Kyle, "This is really my room? All mine?"

Kyle looked at Joseph and laughed and said, "It's all yours."

Joseph ran into the room and jumed on the bed. "Can I play with the toys?"

Kyle looked at Joseph and said, "Of course. Their all yours. But hey, you can't play for long. We have dinner to go to with my parents."

Joseph nodded and started playing with his toys.

"Have fun Joseph." I said to him but he was too busy playing with his new stuff to pay attention to me.


"When did you do all that?" I asked Kyle as we were sitting at the breakfast bar drinking coffee.

"I had people here while we were at school and they finished when we were at breakfast this morning."

I smiled up at him and leaned over to kiss him. "I honestly love you so much."

He smiled at me and grabbed my head and pulled it towards him and kissed me again.

"Sorry to disrupt you two but you guys should go get ready. We have a reservation in an hour." Kyle's mom said with a teasing smile on her face.

We smiled back and Kyle said, "Okay. Where's dad?"

"Upstairs with Joseph."

"Okay." Kyle started to walk away but turned around when he saw I wasn't following him. He gave me a questioning look and I nodded my head and smiled. He nodded his head in understanding and gave me a smile then walked upstairs.

"Amy." I said quietly.

She turned around and looked shocked then she smiled.

"I just wanted to say thank you for taking Joseph." I said shakily. I was close to tears but I pulled myself together.

"Kyle said you had a hard time leaving him. And I've always wanted another kid so it all worked out for the best." She said with a smile.

"Well. Thank you."

"Your welcome sweety. Your part of this family now. You have just as much say in what happens as we do."

I smiled at her and she said, "Now go get ready."

I nodded my head and walked upstairs. I was almost to the top when I heard a crashing noise and yelling. The noise was coming from mine and Kyle's room. I ran to the door and yelled, "What the hell is goi-"

I was cut off when I looked around and seen Joseph on top of Kyle and they both stared up at me when I started yelling.

"What's going on?" I said still shaking.

Joseph looked at me and said innocently, "We were just wrestling Lucy."

I looked between the two of them and then I glared at Kyle. I pointed at him and said, "You're supposed to be getting ready."

His smile slowly faded and then he said, "I know but Joseph came in here looking for you and then one thing led to another and then-" He gestured around the room.

I rolled my eyes and went over to get Joseph off Kyle. I pointed at Kyle and said, "You. Go get ready." Then I looked at Joseph who was staring up at me with a smile on his face and I grabbed his hand and took him to his room to get dressed.

I got done getting Joseph dressed and left him to play with his toys while I went and got ready. I went to my room and walked into my bathroom and Kyle was standing at the sink with a towel wrapped around his hips and was shaving. He looked at me when I walked in and smirked at me. He finishd shaving quickly and came over to me. He grabbed me around the waist and smashed his lips against mine. We pulled apart, breathing heavily for a minute and then he leaned down to kiss me again but I turned my head away. He looked at me questioningly and I smirked at him.

"No. We have to leave soon and you remember what happened last time this happened." And I gestured towards the bathroom.

He grinned at me and said, "So."

"So. We have to leave soon."

"We can be quick." He leaned down to kiss me again but I put my hands on his chest to stop him from going any furthur.

"Not going to happen." I rolled my eyes and walked past him and went to the sink to put makeup on. My hair was already curled and I didn't wear alot of makeup so it didn't take me long to get ready.

Kyle was sittiing at his desk on his laptop when I walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey. What are you doing?" I asked Kyle, walking over to him.

He turned around and looked at me. "Just talking to some of the pack about the meeting we're supposed to have."

"Oh. I forgot all about the meeting. Are we having it tonight?"

"No. I'm waiting till tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay."


We were sitting at a table in a fancy restraunt with me, Kyle, Joseph, Kyle's parents and Mr. Camden's parents. They weren't very happy about Amy and Mr. Camden adopting Joseph and they made their opinion very clear. I was getting angry and I could see Kyle fuming. I was touching his knee to calm him down because I knew that he would loose it.

"We just don't understand why you would adopt Amy. I mean, your still young. Don't you want your own child?" Mrs. Camden said too Amy.

Amy didn't say anything but Kyle did. "Okay. That's enough." His face was red and he was almost yelling.

"Do not speak to your grandparents that way Kyle." Kyle's dad replied back very calmly like he didn't think it was a big deal.

"I'll talk to them however I want." Kyle yelled back at his father. Then he whisper yelled, "I am alpha. Or did you forget that?"

I looked up at Kyle and pleaded him with my eyes to calm down. He didn't listen to me. I looked over at Joseph and he looked scared.

"Listen. I'll just take Joseph home. Okay?" I quietly said to no one in particular.

"I'll go with you." Kyle said, not looking at me but staring straight in his fathers eyes.

"No. You should go calm down. I'll get a taxi." I said with pleading eyes.

He looked at me and nodded. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a twenty and handed it to me. "Go straight home."

I nodded and grabbed Joseph and walked outside.

"Were they arguing because of me?" Joseph asked close to tears.

I looked down at him and bent down so I was at his level. "No. Kyle's grandparents just dont like the fact that they didn't have a say about you." He was quietly crying now and I said, "It's not your fault Joseph. It's mine. Don't feel like this has anything to do with you."

I kissed him on the cheek and got my cell out to call the cab.

"Hey sweety." I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder and a soothing voice. I turned around and looked at Amy. I smiled at her and she grabbed Joseph and picked him up.

"Hey. Where's everyone." I snapped a little.

She smiled at me with understanding and said, "Having a discussion. I wass hoping you wouldn't mind if I joined you."

I smiled at her and said, "No. I dont mind. And I'm sorry for just leaving like that."

"I understand. My husbands' parents can be alot to take in. They disapproved of us getting married and they stated it very clearly when we got engaged. They don't really like change."

I looked at her in shock and she laughed lightly. "They didn't want you two getting married? Even with you two being mates?" I asked her.

She looked down for a few seconds then looked back at me and said, "We weren't mates. His mate had died before we met. We met in college and we started dating. Then after about a year, he asked me to marry him and his parents disapproved."

"I had no idea." I whispered.

"I kind of figured Kyle had never told you. He's not one with sharing his feeling. He's like his father in that way."

I nodded my head because I didn't know what else to do or say. The can pulled up and we got in. I stared out my window and had so many thoughts running through my mind. Things were so frustrating right now.

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