Illicit Love

Da Reema95

1.8K 15 4

This is way beyond bad, no scratch that; it's against the law. Confused? Let me go back to the start, funnily... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

71 0 0
Da Reema95


Authors Note:

Credit for this chapter goes to my sister Thasleema, she wrote this one, with a few corrections done by me; obviously. So yeah, enjoy :) 


Eric POV

It’s Thursday and I was worried, it had been nearly a week since I last spoke to Sarah properly but for the last few days she’s been out of it, it was like she was depressed and like I said, I was worried.

I wanted to speak to her and find out what was wrong; I just hoped it wasn’t my fault.

She was standing by her locker and I couldn’t help but overhear the conversation.

Sarah’s POV

Kate was talking and I was really trying to stay focused on the conversation but I couldn’t help but think of my mom

What would she look like?

How would she act?

How’s everything going to be?

“Sarah! Sarah!” Kate was shouting in my face.

Huh what.

“Are you even listening to me? Course you aren’t, what’s been up with you? You hardly talk or eat anymore...” Kate was ticking the list off her fingers as she trailed off.

“Alright I get it and I’m sorry, what were you saying again?” that was my attempt of shutting her up, while Clary just stared at me, I could see the pity in her eyes.


“I was asking if you want to come to the movies tonight, Fast and Furious 6 has come out, and obviously I need me some Paul Walker action in my life right about now”

Tonight…wasn’t I doing something tonight?

Oh crap I completely forgot, its Thursday, I was going to invite Eric over tonight

“Urm sorry Kate I uh can’t do tonight” I muttered.

Kate looked at me straight in the eyes which was kind of eerie

“What’s more important than us girls finally able to hang out?”

I felt guilty as I continued “I’ve got a load of urm chemistry homework to complete and you know how bad I am at chemistry”

I was really hoping she brought that, not likely.

Kate just stared at me, as if she was figuring out whether I was telling the truth or not, and suddenly her eyes lit up as she looked behind me.  

She calls out “Hey Mr Walker”

Eric’s POV

“Hey Mr. Walker” one of Sarah’s friend called out, I think her name was Kate

Oh shit caught red handed, although I was quite intrigued on why Sarah was blowing her friends off.

“Urm hey Kate” I didn’t look at Sarah, I hoping she didn’t think I was eavesdropping, even if I was.

‘Sir, how much homework do you give in your lesson? Sarah’s got a pile of chemistry homework and that means we can’t even go out”

I looked at Sarah thinking to myself; what homework?

I gave a piece of homework last Monday which wasn’t due in for a while; she looked at me with pleading eyes and started to speak.

“Yeah sir, do you remember tomorrows the day I’ve got to hand in that long piece which I need to do tonight...”

“Oh yeah that homework”

She was asking me to cover for her? I’m guessing I’ll just play along then.

“Yeah sorry girls, no extension is allowed because then everyone would expect extensions, and I can’t come off as the nice guy, not all the time anyway”

Kate turned to Sarah disappointed and muttered “Maybe another time I guess...”

“Alright girls I’m off to lesson which Sarah happens to be in, and the bell is going to go off around about…. Now’


I started to walk and turned around looking at Sarah

“You coming”

“Urm yeah, bye” and then she started to walk with me.

It felt kind off comforting weird right?

Sarah’s POV

I walked into class after walking with Eric – I really should start saying Mr. Walker.

 I was going to walk to my desk when Eri- Mr Walker held my elbow and then instantly let go timidly,

“Will you stay behind after lesson for a few minutes?”

“Yeah sure”

Guess I’ll have to explain why I needed him to cover for me.

Great, I didn’t even ask if he’s free and I just brushed of my friends.

Or did I just need an excuse not to hang out?

“So guys today were going to learn about ionic bonds’ Mr. Walker announced.

Oh great, time to take a nap.

The hour flew by.

Someone was poking me

I put my head up annoyingly to snap at whomever that was- oh- I looked at Mr. Walker sheepishly, great he just figured out I slept all lesson.

“Were you asleep all lesson”

I went bright red.

“Urm sorry, I didn’t sleep last- I was tired sorry”

Eric look at me softly and in concern “You didn’t sleep last night, why?”

I looked at him “No reason” trying to change the subject “So why did you want me to stay behind”

“Urm I wanted to- I don’t mean to pry but I kind off- I guess I wanted-“

“To know why you covered for me?” I finished for him.

I continued quickly, “I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight, because last week you agreed to come over one day to have dinner so I was wondering if you aren’t busy of course” I took a big breath “Do you want to come over tonight for dinner?”

I looked at Eric who looked like he was about to laugh.

He smirked “Yeah after that speech I can’t decline”


I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 5.45 and I was adding the finishing touches to the lasagne– one of the few things I knew how to make.

I paused, thinking of the good memories of my mother until tears started to well up in my eyes “No, no, no, not happening, I will not cry tonight. I will have a good evening.”

Since I came back from school I kept repeating that mantra to myself. For some reason I was excited but nervous I mean that’s normal right, having dinner with your teacher?

I’m over thinking, nothing new there.

I put the lasagne in the oven as the door bell rang,

“Just on time” I thought.

I opened the door revealing a smart looking Eric with a bunch of flowers – wait flowers?- I couldn’t help but smile.

“I think it’s safe to say you like the flowers, I didn’t get the normal type, well I didn’t know, because I thought well you look like the type who doesn’t like the typical type and-’ he started to blush.

I cut him off, “They’re beautiful Eric, and yeah you got it right, I don’t like the typical bunch of flowers, and believe it or not, orchids are my favourite.”

Still smiling at him I was wondering why it was getting cold; we were still on the porch grinning at each other like fools

“Oh sorry where are my manners, come on in.” I blushed

“Mmm whatever you're making smells delicious; I haven’t had a home cooked meal since- well- the last time I went home”

“What seriously, you don’t cook, to think about it I can’t see Ethan in the kitchen either”

“Yeah whilst cooking microwave meals or frozen foods, and he still manages to burn it, yesterday we ate burnt fish, I mean who forgets that they left fish in the oven” Eric says with an amused chuckle as he shook his head remembering last night.

“Well don’t fret, I know how to cook quite a few dishes, one of which is lasagne I guess I was taught well”

“By who” Eric questioned, I guess trying to continue the conversation.

“No one important” I brushed it off as I continued, “So how has your week been, uh do you want to follow me to the kitchen or you could stay in this room…” I said trailing off

Oh god, I’m nervous and I’m making it obvious.

Eric chuckled and got up “After you” he replied.

I started to get the wine out, which don’t get me wrong I would never usually touch because it’s my dad’s stock, but I needed my nerves to calm down, also I’m having dinner, so it’s fine.

“Urm Sarah I don’t mean to be a party pooper but should you really be having wine” he questioned warily.

“No its fine I know my limits, and trust me I’m not one to get drunk unless someone keeps providing them for me” I look at him accusingly.

He puts his head down sheepishly as he remembered his behaviour “Oh yeah about that, that I’m sorry I was stupid…”

“Oh hush I wouldn’t have taken if I didn’t want to” I replied after teasing him.

Eric looks at me smiling taking the glass of wine from my hands.

He held his glass up and started to speak “A toast; to drunken confessions and new beginnings” I laugh replying “Hell yeah”

Just then the oven timer went off, “That’s our cue I guess it’s time to eat”

I opened the oven and took out the lasagne

Mmm yeah this does smell good, and at the same time “This smells good” I heard by my ear.

I stopped moving realising Eric was right behind me with his body moulding into mine to look inside the oven.

As he realised the position he quickly moved, removing any trace of the heat between us

He awkwardly grabbed the plates and passed them to me “Sorry and here you go”

I laugh at his nervousness; it was something I didn’t get to see often, as I replied “Its okay Eric seriously quit apologizing today”

I put a portion of lasagne in both plates and left the rest of the lasagne in the oven so it could stay warm, and we made our way to the dining room.

We settled on small talk as we both tucked into the food, and I don’t mean to blow my own trumpet but this lasagne was amazing.

“Wow, this is really good Sarah, I don’t think I’ve eaten anything this good, I might even have seconds” he said stuffing his face.

He paused to take a sip of his drink he looked at me “So what have you been up to this week?”

“Nothing much, just getting through the day like any other person, and homework, especially chemistry is piling up”

“Yeah sorry it can’t really be helped, it’s part of the work load. Although I could help you out, if you want of course.”

“Uh maybe” I replied thinking extra help would be amazing.

“I don’t mean to pry Sarah-” he started slowly.

This usually meant he was about to pry.

“But you’ve been a bit quiet this week, and you’ve been a bit down. Is everything alright” he asked kindly although he did sound legitimately concerned.

“Everything’s fine” I snapped quickly.

He winced at my tone of voice but quickly recovered

“How about those seconds” he said lifting his plate, obviously trying to changing the subject.

I took a breath and smiled graciously “Sure” I replied as I took his plate.

I got to the kitchen and stood there.

Why, why did I always react that way, this evening was going so well and I had to go and ruin it. I grabbed the oven gloves and I slammed the oven open reaching for the lasagne.

“Fuck. Ow shit that hurt, holy mother fu- argh” I screamed as I ran to the sink, running cold water on my now red hand.

Eric came rushing into the kitchen “Sarah what happened?” he said looking at me frantically

I gritted my teeth trying not to let the tears fall “I burnt my hand” I whimpered.

“Were you not wearing the gloves?” he looked confused

“Yes obviously I did!” I replied looking at him dumbfound “Clearly not properly” I muttered.

He walked towards me gingerly holding my hands.

I looked up at him wondering what he was doing, he held my hand and as clichéd as it sounds it felt good; really good.

He looked at me while taking my hands to his lips and tenderly kissed it.

He then raised his head slowly and looked at me, he slowly leaned forward and raised his hand to hold my cheek, he rubbed it slowly, I could feel the sparks following the trail of his hand, he waited for me to respond and in response I leaned forward which gave him his answer.

As his lips tenderly touched mine, the butterflies in my stomach increased 10 times more quickly, my heartbeat instantaneously raced and the sparks followed where he touched. I closed my eyes letting him take over; I pulled him forward running my fingers through his hair deepening the kiss.

He slowly pulled away.

“Sarah what are you doing to me” Eric whispered.

The phone rang as we learned forward again, Eric looking at me unhappily.

“It’s no one important, probably the insurance company they’re always pestering me” I murmured in response to his look.

I leaned forward again, so he would react and he did, his lips brushing mine again, he was going to deepen the kiss as he asked for entrance…

“Hello? Mr Walker, its Charlie Somers. I have some good news for you, and your daughter of course, your wife may be home sooner than originally anticipated, I thought you should hear it from me first, please don’t hesitate to call me for any additional questions”

The answer machine cut off.

I stiffened not being able to move and Eric look at me worried, “What’s wrong Sarah?”

I didn’t reply.

I couldn’t.

“Hey look at me” he asked softly.

I couldn’t look at him; I couldn’t let him see I was on the verge of breaking down. Not here, not now.

“Leave. Please,” I said in a cold and detached tone.

“Sarah what is it really, if it because I kis…”

I looked at him wanting to protest that it wasn’t but I needed him to leave.

“Please Eric just go” he looked defeated and finally moved away from me, feeling the warmth leave; I followed him to the door.

He turned around and touched my arms – the sparks were still there, I almost flinched but I held it back.

“Sarah please talk to me, I didn’t mean to-”

“Eric it’s not about what just happened I just need you to go.” I said quickly “Please” I added frustratingly.

He looked at me once more looking crushed

“Goodnight Sarah” as he quickly kissed my forehead and left.

I closed the door not being able to move and collapsed into tears.

This couldn’t be happening.

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