Angels of Chaos: Warriors of...

TheAllAmericanNordic द्वारा

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Archangel. that was his new name. he no longer went by what you know him as, because if you even mention that... अधिक

chapter I: betrayal
chapter II: Chaos
Chapter II.25 Fotia
Chapter II.5: Warrior skills
Chapter III: Missions
Chapter IV: Return???
A/N #1
Chapter V: CHB hasnt changed
Chapter VI: Annabeth
Chapter VII: capture the flag
Chapter VIII: Brotherhood
A/N: #2
Chapter IX: Beta
Chapter X: Fate and Legends
Chapter XI: Revealed?
A/N: #3
Chapter XII: Countermeasures
Chapter XIII: Olympus
Chapter XIV: 24 hours
Chapter XV: battle begin!
A/N: #4

Chapter IIX

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TheAllAmericanNordic द्वारा



(2 days later)

Arch's POV:

It took 2 days for the majority of people to recover from the battle, even with my recovery skills, I just gained back the strength to walk. At the moment, I was sitting on the roof of the chaos cabin, waiting for something to happen. Maybe the gods would call a council, maybe chaos would call us back to Alphador. Well whatever happened,I'm knew something would happen. It might just be a little thing too, Dionysus may have a party and get drunk, who knows. BUT SOMETHING is going to happen.

Well until something does happen, I guess I should explain what's been going on the last couple of days. All the warriors are safe with minor injuries. Luke has been in and out of it since the battle, but when he does wake up, his iris are the same Crimson as destruction's. We have been able to talk to Luke, but only for a short time. He's been telling us that while he's asleep destruction has been talking to him. And that's what worries me, while he's been awake we've been training him to put up mental barriers. He's getting better and better at it, I can tell with my own experiences with mental barriers. When you have a wolf who can read your mind, you're d to get good at putting mental barriers up.

My heart sank. The hole in heart left by Fotia still hasn't closed, not even by the smallest. I miss her laying next to be, being there for me when I needed her most. She had saved my friends more then I could count. When the Warriors found out she had been killed in battle, it affected everyone. Fotia was a true member of the Angels of chaos. She wasn't just my partner, she was everyone's. We would all lay down our lives save each other. It seems I failed her.

I smiled sadly. Well if I opulent save her, I'll at least for full her last request. I will train the next shadow lord, and I know the Warriors will help me as well. She/He will not replace Fotia, But the next shadow lord will help us cope with her death.

I hopped down off the roof, it was my shift to watch Luke. We had too take opportunities to talk to him, and train him. The sooner we get destruction under control, the sooner things get better. I walked into the chaos cabin and headed towards Luke's room. I opened the door and relived Bianca... And Nico?

"Oh, hey Nico. What are you doing here?" I asked him while I took a seat next to Bianca.

"Oh hey Percy I wanted to ask you something." He told me, I rubbed my forehead, Nico knows I don't really like be addressed by name, but he sometimes slips up. Especially when he's nervous. I nodded for him to continue. "Me and Bianca have been talking, and I was wondering if I could join the Angels of Chaos..."

I grinned. "It's about time you asked Nico, I was wondering how long it would take for you too ask." That made Nico look all that more nervous. "Of course you can join, I don't have a right to keep you away from Bianca any longer. So now that you've joined, we've gotten 3 new members in, what 2 weeks, then we've gotten in 7 centuries..." I sweat dropped at that.

"Well Bianca, I'll take watch from here." I told her. She smiled and walked out of the room with Nico. I smiled, those two are really something. I'm actually really glad Nico joined willingly, I probably would have tried to force him if he hadn't.

I sat there lost In My own thoughts, thinking about what had happened in the last couple of days. You could say things were better, but things were worst. However, that train was broken when I heard...

"Hey, arch." I looked over to my now red eyed comrade. I smiled at him, then started to get up to go get the other Warriors when looked grabbed my arm. "Wait Arch, don't get the others." I looked at him confused. What's up with this. "I need you to do me a favor."

He reached into his cloak that was hung on a nearby chair, he pulled out a chain with a ring on it and handed it to me. I looked at it more confused then ever. Correct me if I'm wrong but this was a wedding ring. I looked at him. "What's this?"

"You know that jerk Logan." I nodded my head, of course I did. He ruined my old life, he had been declared MIA, missing in action, after the battle. I have to admit, even though he ruined my old life, I don't think the dude deserved to die. "I found him dying on the battle field, he asked me to bring this too his Girlfriend Cecilia in the Iris cabin. It seems I can't do that at the moment. Can you do that for me..."

I nodded my head and walked out of his room without a second thought. He asked me to do this so I'll do it. Charlie and Selena meet me half way, and I asked them to watch Luke.

I walked towards where the Iris cabin was playing volleyball. I really hate to ruin their fun, but I think Cecilia needs to know this. The campers slowly. Noticed me coming towards them and turned to look at me.

One of the campers, the head consoler I believe, asked "oh, hi Archangel. Do you need something..."

I nodded my head and asked "Can I talk to Cecilia." A girl, maybe 17, stepped forward. Her dark green eyes showed sadness and worry, but also hope. I hated having to crush that hope in her eyes. She walked with me towards the beach. We looked out at the roaring waves out offshore. I'm guessing Poseidon is pissed.

Finally Cecilia spoke up. "You wanted to talk to me about something..." She asked in a statement. She turned to look at me.

I sighed and turned to her. "Do you have someone you can really rely on? Someone who you trust more then anything."

She thought about it for a minute then said. "Well there is Logan, I'd trust him with anything, then there is my half sister Macy. We might has well be real sisters." Then smiled.

I nodded my head, then spoke up "Cecilia I'm about to tell you news you don't want to hear." She looked confused, but realization was slowly dawning on her face. I took out the ring Logan asked Luke to give her. I placed it in her hand then backed up. She looked closely at it. The hope her eyes held moments ago was crushed to dust, then scattered over the field. Her eyes started watering, then they were brimmed with tears. I looked straighten her eyes and finally said. "I'm sorry. Logan Tines has been declared KIA, killed in action." Cecilia fell to her knees. I walked away, back to the volleyball pit, but I could still her her sobs. The Iris campers looked at me and I just said.

"Is there a Macy here?" A younger girl raised her hand. So I continued. "Cecilia is on the beach. I think she needs you comfort."

I walked away with the whole Iris cabin, running towards the beach.

*****Time Skip*****

I laid on my back in my bedroom, waiting for something to happen, again.i had already been here for 4 hours, just waiting.

It turns out I didn't have to wait any longer, because Zoe opened the door and walked in. I looked at her, and she said

"The gods of Olympus have called a meeting, we should get heading there." I nodded my head and walked out to grab Luke. Me and him shadow traveled to the throne room in Olympus. We walked out of the shadows to be meet with the entire council+ some other gods they thought might be important.

"Great, now we can start." Zeus rumbled, the high drama queen. "We need to talk about what happened 2 days ago, and why you" he pointed at Luke, "ended up being the host of that crazy god instead of him." Then he pointed at me.

Luke walked forward and started talking. "Look I have my reasons for taking Arch's place has the host, I'm not a Power hungry rouge wanting to destroy everything. You gods need to realize, people can only take so much. You have all put so much stress and pressure on Arch that I'm surprised he hasn't cracked yet. If he became the host, it would push him over the edge." My eyes widened. He did this for me? He put himself though this because of me. I clenched my fists.

"Luke, the reason I wanted to be the host was so my friends and comrades wouldn't have to go though that!" I yelled at him.

He turned to look at me, then shouted back. "You know has well as I do that your being pushed too hard! You've been in wars nearly ever year since you were twelve. You're 718! It think you've had enough! You need to take a break Arch, depend on your friends GODSDAMMIT PERCY!!!!"

I rubbed my eyes with my one good arm, man why is life so complicated

"Look, arch. We all feel the same. We don't want you to have to go through this all alone, just lean on us. We are here for you. You don't have to protect us." I opened my eyes and looked at him. He gave me a signature smile that makes you think he stole your wallet. I smiled back at him.

"Well that was solved much quicker then I though, I don't really need to come here..." I women said behind us. I turned my head to see lady Order. The smile remained on my face. Of course Chaos would send order to help us. She did do all the negotiations for any war we have ever been in, she's a pacifist so she's good at those types of things.

"Oh and Archangel, when you return I'll help heal your arm, I left in the middle of a conference so I must be going." She said and turned around. "peace be with you...."

Behind me I heard Luke mumble "Why does she always do that, she's shows up at the weirdest times, then leaves before you can say anything to her... She's has much inpatient and she is a pacifist...."

He continued mumbling stuff about inpatient old pacifists, but I couldn't make it out even if my hearing. Me and Luke seemed to be in la la land until the drama queen of the gods cleared his throat.

"I guess this is cleared up, although I'm not sure how it became cleared up..." He mumbled. Wow now I can check that off my bucket list: I confused the queen, sorry king of the gods. Yeah king....

Before any of the other gods had time to speak too us, we shadow traveled back the the chaos cabin in camp half blood.

*****Time Skip*****

I walked towards the big house, in a hurry you could say. I made it to in house in no time and knocked in the door. Chiron opened it.

"Oh, hello Percy." I flinched at my old name, but Chiron paid no attention to it. "What can I do for you?"

"I just wanted to inform you we will be leaving tonight..." I said. His old brown eyes filled with sadness, "please call us if anything else happens."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay Percy, Camp Half blood is your home..."

"No Chiron, we need to head back to the Alphador, my new home. I'm sorry, I just feel like something is going to happen. So we need to head back to our home." I told him. He sighed sadly, but his eyes told me he wished me luck. And I appreciate it.

I started walking away from the big house, only to be tackled. I looked down and saw none other then Annabeth. I hadn't expected her to let me leave without any notice.

"Annabeth, get off of me..," I asked her. She hugged me tighter.

"Percy please don't leave... Don't leave me." She cried into my shirt. I sighed.

"Annabeth, I need to go. Please let go of me."

"Percy, I've been waiting 7 years to try and find any information about you, you just vanished off the face of the earth. Please stay with me... Stay here. This is your home, our home..."

"Annabeth, you need to get off of me, I need to get going. I need to go back to my new home."

"Then take me with you!" She yelled. "I want to go where your going! Percy the hardest thing for me was losing you. And I'm sure you felt something when you lost me!" She continued to cry on my chest.

"Annabeth, you need to move on..." She tensed. "I can't bring you with me, and I can't stay. We are the leaders at our homes. If Alphador or camp half blood were to lose either one of us, they would crumble. So you need to stay here, and I need to go back to my home.annabeth I'm not mad at you, I know what happened." I explained to her. "Be strong for me Annabeth. Because we are both leaders, it's possible that well work together, but Im sorry. You need to move on, like I have..."

She sat up and looked at me. Tears still brimmed her eyes, but none threaten to fall. The sadness and loneliness was replaced by determination. And strength.

I stood up and looked her. "Make me proud Annabeth..." She smiled with her new found strength. She too stood up and looked me in the eyes

"Also Annabeth.." I started.

"Yeah." She asked, Waiting for me to continue.

"I don't think we would have worked out.." She looked at me confused. "I'm a little too old for you..."

"What do you mean Percy..."

"I'm 718." I said and walked away, leaving a very confused Annabeth to ponder on that.

I walked towards the chaos cabin. Everyone who was coming stood outside, a small bag on each of there's shoulders. All off the original Warriors (+Travis) had their cloaks on, as well as Connor and Nico were here as well. I held my hands up and dematerialized the cabin. Campers all around noticed the change and all started our way. I MM chaos asking him too open a portal soon.

That's when things got weird.

Thalia and Leo came running forward, both out of breath like the ran around the world and back. The stopped infront us and tried to catch there breath. Thalia was the first to recover.

"Are you guys... Leaving..." She managed to say. We nodded our heads and her eyes widened. "Please take me with you..,"

"Hey! Me too!" Leo coughed out.

"Why do you want to come with us?" I asked them. Both of them had good positions at camp. Thalia is Artemis' lieutenant, and Leo is a cabin consoler. Why would they want to come with us, they aren't going to get any special treatment because of there earlier positions you have to earn it.

"Because, because, because I love you Nico..." Thalia stuttered. Everyone went silent. Where did that come from? Out of all of the things I've heard, I did not expect that from a hunter of Artemis.

"Woah, okay... Your a hunter of Artemis. I'm gay. I don't think that's going to work Thalia..." Nico stuttered. Thalia looked crushed, she balled her fist, and looked like she was either about to cry or kill him. But she finally said.

"Please just let me still come with you, I already resigned the hunters of Artemis, I want to join the Angels of chaos..." She still pleaded. I have a feeling she just wanted to get closer to Nico, but hey.. Whatever floats your boat.

"Fine, what about you Leo..." I asked, I just wanted to get going. I still need to meet the new shadow lord. And the portal should be opening soon. I have a feeling chaos is keeping it closed just to mess with us. It's going too open right after this conversation is over. Leo just looked at me, but his eyes drifted to Calypso.

"Awww, I understand." Zoe gave me a confused look, so I decided to explain myself. "You want to be with Calypso." His eyes light up, and Zoe's face dawned with realization. "Well come on Leo, she has been waiting for 700 years for you."

He gave me a mischievous and he and Thalia ran over to join us. While just as I predicted the portal opened just has the came. I smiled to myself I love camp half blood don't get me wrong. I would gladly come and help it in their desperate hours. I love New York, and I'll miss my mom and step-dad, along with my new sister. I'll have to see if I can get the to visit Alphador later. It truly is a beautiful city. Full of wonders and new opportunities for everyone.

They gave me a home when I had no where to go, when the people o though we're my friends, my comrades, abandoned me all over a cheap trick. This city gave me a place to belong, they were with me when I was mourning, when I was partying. They put up with me, flaws and all. I have made new friends, whether it be the guy from the pub, or a store manager downtown. They accepted me for who I was, not what I was, or where I'm from. They didn't care about my past, just my future.

But through this war I've come to realize something, I've realized that friendship is eternal. Not matter how strained it might be, even when it threatens to snap. I've learned the true meanings of the word friend, and comrade, mentor, and student. I learned that true friends will be there, right when you need them. Whether you know you need them or not. So what is the meaning of the word home, the true meaning...

Well this is as heart filled as it gets, home in my language.... Well home is where the heart is.

I stepped towards the open portal with my friends and comrades, but before the portal whisked us away I looked back. I saw Annabeth standing there proudly, with determination, and a sad smile plastered on her lips. But this wasn't, good bye forever, this was a different good bye. They type you say, or mentally say, when you know you'll see them again. The type of good bye that means, see you later.

I felt the familiar tugging sensation in my gut, as the portal whisked us away to my home, my true home.

The original planet, Alphador.

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