Mr. & Mrs. Crazy Pants •A Jer...

De Superjusticeleaguer

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Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.... •He was deranged and twisted...• •She was a killer and loved a... Mais

One: Waffles & A Murder
Two: Murderous Bonding
Three: Home Run..
Four: One Of The Good Guys
Five: Every Girl Loves Neck Biting...Right?
Six: Please Don't Take My Sunshine...Away...
Seven: I'm A Menace To Society...And I Love It
Eight: Are You Deranged Like Me?
Nine: What Are We, Some Kind Of Suicide Squad?
Ten: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Twelve: Friends? Foe? Who Knows?
Thirteen: The Whole Worlds Laughing

Eleven: His Last Laugh?!?

1.4K 39 4
De Superjusticeleaguer


As I ride Jerome he holds my hips and I arch my back as my eyes roll over and over in my head.

He pulls me down harder and I feel him buck up.

I lean down and he scratches at my back making me wetter.

"You're so wet..." He bites down on my shoulder and I moan. I claw at his chest breaking skin just a little and he groans.

"Call me by my middle name." I moan as I grind harder on his cock. "Anya...Anya..." His eyes start to roll back but instead of getting off, he rolls over so he's on top of me.

"My turn." He pounds me deep and I grab at his hair kissing and biting at his lips. "Jer..romme."

"That's it. Come for me. Come for me, Anya..." My body shakes under him and I wrap my legs around him tight as I get closer to coming.

A knock came to the door. "Jerome! Quinnie!" Barbie shouts at the door as well. Jerome grinds inside of me and I close my eyes tight and feel him jerk inside of me.

We both breathe heavy as he leans his head on mine.

"Jerome! Quinnie!"

"I'll go answer it. I'll be back."

"Mmm, if you don't come back I'll come find you." He kisses my lips and he turns over letting me up.

I get up and answer the door. Barbie looks away. "What? Scared to look at a real woman, Barbie?" I say with a smirk.

"Just put some clothes on. You and the ginger. You two have some loose ends to take care of." She walks off and I close the door.

I walk back over to Jerome. "What do you think Galavan has planned? We've been rehearsing that same routine for the past few days. He hasn't even had us start up trouble since the commissioner." I climb back on top of Jerome and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I think...he's going to do something bad to one of us, and I think it involves you, puddin."

"Me?" I nod. "You're a crazy eight in a pack of cards. If he gets rid of you I'm sure he thinks that I'll obey his every command."

"Why doesn't it involve you?"

"Don't take it personally, Galavan knows that I'm smart. I might act like a dumb blonde but he knows that if he needed a fast thinker he's got me. I'm the wild card. He knows I'll follow you anywhere. To hell if even." Jerome nods and I smile kissing at the scratch marks on his chest.

"Tonight will be our debut, puddin. I say we show off what we got and end it with a big bang." I lean further down and Jerome twitches as I take him in my mouth.
"A big bang in de-oh fuck..." I suck the tip and Jerome holds my head...

Detective Gordon:

I throw the druggie clean out the window and turn on the other one.

"Jerome Valeska and Quinnie Rasputin. The attack on the GCPD. Someone on the streets is talking. Somebody knows something."

Harvey holds up a picture of the two.

"Valeska has red hair, crazy laugh. Rasputin blonde with tattoos on her face."

"I-I don't know anything. Honest!" The guy says to us.

"You believe him?" I ask Harvey. "Nope."

"Me neither." I slap the man across his face. "It's the truth! But, hey, I, I can help you guys, you know, spread the word around and stuff."

"Those two committed a murder involving a friend of ours. Anybody hides them, anybody protects them, they go down, too, you got it?" He nods, agreeing with me. "Now spread the word." Harvey and I both grab him, as he screams, and toss him out the window...

We get back to the station and I'm stressing out.

It doesn't help that Harvey want to get Penguin involved.

" some point we got to go see Penguin."

"Why would he break Jerome and Quinnie out of Arkham? Or attack the GCPD?"

"He wouldn't, but that weasel's running things now. If there's chatter, he'd know it."

"I'll think about it."

"Jim.." He calls after me. "I'll think about it! Alvarez, where are you with Quinnie's contacts along with Jerome's?"

"The circus is upstate. As for the girl, she's a loner. No contacts but I'm still looking."

"Hurry with a follow up. If I know her, she'd follow Jerome anywhere. They're probably hiding out at Jerome's father's place. He covered for him before. He might have some information. Do it."

I glance over at Commissioner Essen's office and see that one of the cops are taking the police tape down.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I ask as I run over to her. "That stays up until we have her killers are in custody. You understand?"

"Yes, sir."

I turn to the crowd.

"Sarah Essen and nine of your brothers were killed in this house. In our house! Their murderers stood right there, and they laughed at us. Never forget that."

I feel a hand on my shoulder and snap. "What?!" I turn and see its Lee.

She takes me to the side and does a follow up on me.

"So how are you?"

"I'm fine." I answer.

"Really?" I look away. "Look, I know Essen was your friend."

"Lee, whatever you're about to say, I know it's coming from a good place, but I can't hear it right now." She nods and clears her throat.

"So, the Gotham Children's Hospital gala is tonight, which I helped organized..."

"I can't."

"You can't go?" She asks in a deadpan tone.


"Even though a few hours away from all of this might actually help?"


"Okay. I just have to tell you something, because if I don't and you find out, you're gonna be pissed."

I give her looks saying spill it.

"There's gonna be a magician. And a ventriloquist." She chuckles and I can't help but crack a small smile.

"Yeah. Right."

"Stop beating yourself up."

"I'm trying."

"I know you are."

"I should have been here. I wasn't."

"Stop it. Kiss me..." I look up at her and she says it again. "Kiss me." I sigh but stand up and kiss her. "Better?" She asks.

I don't answer so she pulls me close and kisses me deeper.

"Ehm, not to interrupt your weirdly times make-out session, but Alvarez got in touch with the circus manager. The blind fortunate teller, Jerome's dad, bailed on him, stayed in town. Got an address." That's the best news I've heard all day. I look at Lee. "I'll call you." I kiss her cheek then follow after Harvey...


Jerome and I sit in the car waiting for Tabitha. "Does she really needs to come?" I sigh as I twirl my finger around one of my pigtails.

"Not really, but I'm sure she's coming to keep us in check." I suck my teeth. "She thinks she's so tough with that whip. She wouldn't last one day in Russia."

"You were born there?" I nod. "I was only four when my Papa was stationed in the states. New opportunities the whore said. Great schooling, new beginnings. Took my father dying and my mother sniffing coke to dash that American Dream."

"Do you miss it? Russia?" I shrug. "I was too young to remember the hardships. But the smells, never leave me. When I walk down town and smell fish soup, I smile. Because it triggers a memory of my grandmama. I think she use to give me these plum candies. She was nice to me. Always told me that I was a good girl. I do wish you could meet her."

"Then we'll make a trip there, for our honey moon." He wraps his arms around me and I go to kiss him, but Tabitha gets in the car. "Break it up love birds."

"Says the woman who pines after the Barbie. Tell me what does your brother think about that? Since he likes her too."

"Mm, inquiring minds want to know." Jerome comments.

"That's none of your business." I stick my tongue out at her from the back seat.

"Can you stay in the car, when we visit my dear old dad? Don't worry, we'll behave and go according to plan."

"Yeah, that way you can write love poems to Barbie about how you need her in your life and whatnot."


"Please..." Jerome and I say in unison.



Jerome and I wait in the apartment and I pick up an apple and bite it.

"He's blind. Shouldn't he have someone living with him?" Jerome shrugs. "Don't know, don't care. That old devil won't need a caretaker after we're done."

We hear footsteps and we both stand quiet.

Moments later the Jerome's father unlocks and opens the door stepping in using his cane as a guide.

I wonder if he's really blind, seeing that he can move so well.

"Who's there?" He calls out as he stands still. "I know someone's there!" Jerome motions me first and I take the rope we brought along and tighten it around his neck.

He gasps and Jerome walks on the side of him.

"Hi-ya, Pops. Long see." He laughs and I smile as I drag him back and push him down in a chair.

Jerome ties a handkerchief around his father's mouth while I use some duct tape to keep him in the chair.

"Oh! I'm you're future daughter in law. I have to say, Puddin your old man smells funny."

"He's old. What's he suppose to smell like?" I laugh and see Jerome pull up a chair and place it right in front of him.

"So, how you doing? Ah, the silent treatment, eh? Oh, well. Mind if I tell your future daughter in law a story?" Jerome offers his hand to me and I take it.

He pulls me onto his lap while he just looks at his father.

"Well, buttercup. There was this time, I'm sure dad remembers. It was in Kanakas City. The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. There was this guy. Him and my mom use to drink and fornicate and beat the shit out of me. They'd make a whole night out of it. And I remember one time--it was my ninth birthday--him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break. Anyway..." He reaches behind him and picks up a sharp kitchen knife.

He looks at the sharp blade and takes my hand. Placing my finger on the sharp tip.

"...I was outside the trailer, and you were there, dad. And you said, why are you crying, Jerome? I told you while I was crying that it was my birthday.  And my mom and the snake guy are beating me...."

My finger gets pricked and a bead of blood drips down my finger, but not too much. Because Jerome licks it up and continues his story.

"Mm. And then you said, this world doesn't care about you or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now. And that's the end." I lick the remains blood off of my finger and get up taking the knife from him.

"I care about him. And that says a lot...oh, what was it that you told me the night of the circus? Something about meeting the devil?" I lean down close letting the knife rest on the old mans throat.

"If he's the devil, does that make me lucifers Angel? Pops?"

Jerome walks over to us. "You see, she loves me. And there's this guy, dad. He believes in me. He thinks I'm gonna be a star. And, tonight all of Gotham will see Quinnie and I will show Gotham that they shouldn't ignore us. They'll see...except for you. 'Cause you'll be, you know, dead." Jerome untied the hankerchief from his father's face and he's careful not to move too much since I still have the knife at his throat.

"Jerome.." Jerome moves my hand so the knife was now in his hand.

"Is this the part where you say how sorry you are? Hmm? How you should have believed in me, how it's not too late to start over again? News flash, dad: it's too late."

"You don't have to do this."

"No. I'm pretty sure I do. Right, Quinnie?"


"I was a bad father, but I did love you. To kill me for that..." Jerome cackles in his face.

"That's not why I'm gonna kill you." I hand Jerome some papers off of the kitchen counter.

"Thank you, buttercup." He throws the papers at his father then.

"Plans to Arkham Asylum. Oh, look at what we got here. Wait." Jerome walks up to his father knocks the letter on his head.

"Letters between you and your troubled son. Innocent at first glance, but Detective Gordon--"

I wonder how bad Barbie got Aaron to beat him that day?

"--you remember him, right? Anyways he'll feel the little bumps. A secret message written in Braille between you and your son, discussing my escape." He tosses the letter up in the air as well and I smile.

"Ain't he great?" I comment.

"Finally, the knockout gas used to disable the orderlies. " He holds up a small can and places it back down.

"Cause, you see, dad, Quinnie and I have a plan. It's going to be mind blowing, and we need to get this plan in motion before, shit hits the fan. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, the guy I was telling you about? He's the one who broke, Quinnie and I out of Arkham. He doesn't want anyone to know that minor detail. Obviously. So, the police will find these letters, mmm, and they'll think, the blind old fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father. There won't be a dry eye in the house."

"They'll never believe it."

"No, they will. Cops are dumb."

"Well, I am sorry, you're going to miss the big night, dad. But, hey, you're psychic. So, tell me, do I kill?" Jerome says as he smiles sinisterly at his father.

The blind man shakes his head. "You...and her...will be a curse upon Gotham. Children will wake from sleep screaming at the thought of you two. The legacy you both leave behind will be death and madness."

"Ha, ha, ha. Well, say hi to mom for me." Just as Jerome was about to stab him a knock came to the door.

I cover the old mans mouth just in case he tried something and screamed.

"GCPD!" Jimmy-oh says behind the door. Jerome raises a finger to his lips while looking at his father. I think quick and move my hands then grab the can of gas from the counter.

I pop the top but place the old mans hand over the lid.

He continues to knock. I motion Jerome to open the window and stay near his father.

"Thank you for molding him into the man he is today. He's truly an amazing person."

"I pity you, because you'll never have happiness with him."

Is that a threat?

"GCPD! Mr. Cicero, it's detective Gordon. We need to speak to you about your son and his girlfriend. Mr. Cicero?"

I snatch the knife from Jerome and stab the old man right in his eye making him scream, and blood squirts all over him. Jerome grabs me by the wrist and we stand by the wall slowly heading to the back room.

"I was suppose to kill him, Quinnie."

"Mr. Cicero?!" The door gets kicked in and we hear Jimmy-Deans voice.

"Harvey, window!" I see Harvey walk over to the body from the crack of the door and he sees the can, moving his hand, releasing the gas.

Jimmy-neutron helps his partner out of the apartment and I see that they both look disoriented.

Jerome and I both walk out of the backway.

He lets my hand go and whistles.

"Detective Gordon. Old pal. That gas sure does pack a wallop, huh?" Jimmy-oh swings but Jerome catches him.

"That's cute." I lean down and take his gun from him. He then looks at me and charges tackling me down, knocking the gun out of my hand.

He starts choking me. "I'm sensing anger. Hey no hard fee--lings right? I mean the bitch had it coming anyways! Hahaha!"

"I'm gonna kill you, Quinnie." Jerome points the gun at the back of Gordon's head.

"Let her go, or your brains will redecorate the hallway."

"Don't shoot him." Detective Gordon looks over and he see Tabitha coming down the hall.

Jerome takes the chance and hits Gordon across the head, knocking him out.

"How about a little flesh wound?" I stand up and kick him right across the face.

"Let's go." Tabitha walks out and we follow her.

As we get in the car, Jerome snatches the back of my neck.

"I said that I wanted to off the old man. Now you owe me one." He pushes me back and I bite my bottom lip to keep from crying....

It was show time and we were all dressed up.

I looked like a little porcelain doll, Barbie was the assistant while Jerome was the magician.

I was quiet as we were setting up and I feel Jerome watching me.

"Susie." I ignore him as he calls my stage name and go grab my box but he follows me.

"Susie...Mrs. Valeska." I stop and look at him. "What, Mr. Rodolfo?" I say trying to keep the smile off of my face.

"Did I just see a smile?"

"No." I go to pick up my box and he stops me.

"Buttercup, you know he was mine to off."

"I know, he just made me mad. And my reflexes were the better of me. I'll owe you two. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good. But it'll sound better when we do it together." He kisses my cheek and I blush.

"Ah, there you two are. I have to say I'm so glad that you two could fill in on such short notice. It's just the craziest thing, our magician and his dummy went missing. But anyways, Mr?"

"Rodolfo. Well, you know, magic." He chuckles and so does the lady. I see one of the stage hands moving a heavy box and I stop them.

"We won't be needing that."



The music begins and we all take our places as Jimmy-brains girlfriend introduces our act.

If only she knew.

I can see Barbie from the corner of my eye.

"Patience, Barbie. I'm sure she hasn't been screwing your Ken doll for long. Or maybe they screwed in the bathroom moments before. Hmm I wonder?" I giggle as I see her nose flare.

She puts her mask on and I sit down in my box like a good little doll.

"...please allow me to present to you the Great Rodolfo and his little lady, Susie." The audience applauds and I lay down in the box while Barbie plays the crowd well on making us appear.

Jerome drags my box on stage and I sits it up so I'm on my head.

"Greetings, ladies and germs, I am indeed the Great Rodolfo and I would like to introduce to you my little lady. Susie? Oh Susie?" He calls out.

He knocks on my box but I don't answer. "I guess she's a little shy." I hear him unlock my box and I tumble out and lay limp on the floor.

"Susie, say hello to the lovely people." Jerome picks me up and sits me on his lap as he takes a seat.

My eyes light up and I look around.

"Hello folks! I'm a real girl!"

"Susie, you nutty dummy-"

"Who you callin dummy? Dummy." The crowd laughs at that. "Now, now Susie, another smart remark like that and you'll go back in your box."

"No, no, it's dark it's dark in there."

"All right, now be a good dumm-"



"I'm a doll!" The crowd laughs again at our barter. "Susie, you're a dummy."

"If I'm a dummy, then why is your hand up my dress instead of in my back?" Jerome gasps and moves his hand making a few people gasp but laugh at that dirty joke.

"Okay, you're a dollie. Now wanna hear a joke?"


"What's black and yellow?"

"A bruised banana!"

"Hey, you were listening to me practice while you were in your box?"

"Yeah, what else do you expect me to do? Read? It's dark in there!"

"Oh, Susie. Instead of telling all of the punchline to my jokes why don't we show these lovely people some magic tricks."

"Ooh, goodie! Make me into a real girl, pretty please. Mr. Roldolfo!"

"Fine, fine. Abracadabra, miss boom-burl. Turn my little lady into a real girl!" I jump off of his lap and wobble on my feet.

"Look, mama! I'm a real girl!" The crowd cheers and Jerome pulls me back and sits me on my box.

"Be a good girl and watch the show or I'm turning you back into a dummy."

"I-" He raises a brow and I zip my lip.

"Now ladies and gentleman, please ogle my lovely assistant." The crowd applauds and Jerome takes a scarf out of his pocket and waves his hand turning it into a rose.

"For you." He hands me the rose and I clap along with the crowd.

He waves his hand over the scarf and it turns into a robin.

It flys out of his hand and lands on the blinds of a window.

"For my first act, I'll require a volunteer. Let me see. Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck...goose." He points right at Bruce Wayne and I smirk as the little boy looks confused.

Barbie walks on over to retrieve him and Jerome waits. He takes her hand and walks on stage with her.

"Hello, young man." Jerome says as he drags out a table with a box attached on top of it. Barbie helps Bruce get inside and Jerome closes the box so only Bruce's head was sticking out of the side.

"Susie, hand me my blades please."

"Okay!" I reach into my box pulling out what looks like two very sharp blades and hand it to him.

"Ain't she a doll? Anyways, what's your name?


"Bruce! Well don't worry, Bruce. This won't hurt. Just ask Susie."

"Hey, you chopped my arm off last time and I just found it."

Someone gives a nervous chuckle and Jerome places the blades near the slit in the box. "Before I continue, is there a doctor in the house?" The crowd laughs that up and Jerome gets ready to shove the blades in.

"Wait. Just wait one second." An older man calls out in the crowd.

"Just wa-"

Jerome rams the blades in and Barbie moves the other half showing the crowd the full effect of the trick.

More laughter and applause erupts the room. Bruce waves at the crowd smiling and I clap as well.

They then put the boxes together again and Jerome unlocks the box letting Bruce out.

"Some people say Bruce has a split personality. Ha ha ha ha." Barbie then leads Bruce back to where he was standing over by the man and Lee.

"For my next illusion I'd like to call to the stage esteemed Deputy Mayor, Harrison Kane." Barbie retrieves him and brings him on stage as well.

Barbie reveals a table full of knives and she does a bow, causing her mask to fall off her face.

I look into the crowd and see Lee take a step back, Barbie picks up her mask and places it back on her face.

Guess the show takes a dramatic turn. I see Lee walk back and go on her phone but see one of our guys grab her from behind and drag her off.

I turn back to Jerome and see him picking up one of the knives, from the table.

"Oh Susie? Why don't you tell the folks what's about to happen."

I stand up and walk to the mic with a smile on my face. "Nobody getting out alive.." The crowd takes this threat lightly and Jerome takes the knife and tosses it striking Harrison Kane right in the chest.

The crowd gasps and I give a standing ovation.

"Beautiful, did you see the way he just keeled over? Pure skill ladies and gents! Give it up for my puddin!"

The crowd gets restless and some even scream as Harrison Kane bleeds out on the floor.

One of the waiters walks forward and shoots up the ceiling making everyone in the audience, freeze where they were.

"What a lovely crowd." Jerome boasts as more waiters start to shoot up the ceiling.

I take off my china doll wig and toss it into the crowd.

"This makes up for my old man, buttercup."

"Does it? Awe, puddin..." One of the waiters walks over to me and hands me Lee Thompkins phone as another straps the lady to the big circle. "Ooh, guess who she last called?" I hand Jerome the cell phone and he presses the call button on Jimmy-whatsit contact.

"...sorry, Jimbo. It's just little old me and the misses." Jerome puts the phone on speaker.

"Hi! Jim-Jam!" I say in the background.

"Jerome. Quinnie."

"Are you outside? He sounds like he's outside, right, Quinnie."

"Oh yeah he does."

"Oh, goody!"

"I swear to God, if either of you hurt her..."

"Breath, James... Quinnie and I haven't touched a hair on your girlfriend's pretty head. See for your self." Jerome and I both look over at the camera.

I wave and blow kisses.

"Are you getting my good side? This is live television after all." I cackle ruffle my hair.

"You son of a bitch." Gordon says over the phone.

"True, but not the point. Hey, let's talk about what me and the misses want. Excuse me." Jerome steps over Harrison Kane's body and continues to look into the camera.

"47 million, a helicopter, obviously, the dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang's-- be careful, the man is a crook-- and mmm, what do you want buttercup?"

"A pony! With a big black ribbon on it. You know how I love ribbons."

"You heard the lady. You got ten minutes or we start killing people. Remember, this is being broadcast to every home in Gotham, so you know, don't let people die. Bye." Jerome laughs.

"Bye, Jim-Joe!" I say before Jerome hangs up.

"I think that went well." Barbie gives a thumbs up and I grab Jerome.

"This turns me on so much." I kiss him slipping my tongue in his mouth and he pulls me close.

"Enough!" We hear Theo shout. I move back pouting.

"You two need to pack up your pathetic sideshow and leave."

"Is that right?" Jerome wraps his arm around my shoulder smiling at Theo as he walks on stage.

"It may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham. But we are sick of you! You're just two children, with a pathetic need for attention. Let me guess your mothers and fathers never loved you? So you decide to cause chaos and anarchy throughout Gotham."

"Awe puddin, he hit the nail on the head."

"He did didn't he?" I give a curtesy while Jerome bows.

"Enough, for god's sakes, enough." Jerome lets me go and walks up to Theo, doing all like they rehearsed.

"I'm curious what your leverage is here, Mr....?"

"Theo Galavan."

"Well, Mr. Theo Galavan, if you don't sit down, uh, I'm going to shoot you. In the face."

"I know there is some human decency left in you, at least." He says to me.

I yawn. "Sorry, fresh out."

"Please, just let these people go. If you need a hostage, take me." I bop him in the back of the head with a mallet while he was talking to Jerome and he falls out cold.

"Blah, blah, blah. You talk too much."

Jerome claps for me and turns to the crowd.

"Where were we? Oh I remember! I was about to ask for another volunteer. You! With the bald, head come on up!"

The waiters grab him and bring him on stage.

"Quinnie, get my gun and apple from out of the box." I salute him and go to the box. I see two guns so I grab them both and the apple.

"Here, yah go." I give him the apple and place the two guns down on the table.

Jerome places the apple on the mans head and grabs the second gun.

"Now, hold very still." He takes a deep breath and releases it.

He points the gun high and I stand there watching along with everyone else.

"Oh. I can't look. Tell me how it turns out, won't you buttercup?" He covers his eyes and pulls the trigger.

But only water shoot out of it. Barbie laughs and I cover my smile with my hands. "Damn!" He picks up the other gun and orders the man to turn around.

He pulls the trigger and the apple was shot clean off his head.

"Do it again! This time aim lower!" I say through cupped hands.

I then realize it's quiet. I take the gun from Jerome and shoot the ceiling.

"Don't be rude, clap your damn hands!"

They applaud and I smile giving the gun back to him.

"This is all going so well, puddin."

I turn to Barbie and see Lee had kicked her in the shin.

She grabs one of the knives and I grab her hand and whisper in her ear.

"Stick to the plan, I know that blonde hair didn't make you blind to the clock." I take the knife from her and walk away but she punches Lee across the face.

"Ooh! That looks like it's gonna hurt in the morning." I laugh and toss the knife down.

"Well, I'm bored. Are you bored?" I yawn and nod. "Then I think it's time for tonight's first victim, you all know and love, poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorites volunteer. Where is...Bruce Wayne?! You know Quinnie and I are orphans, too, Bruce? We killed our parents though. Where are you hidingggggg?"

"Bruce!" I shout as I stomp my foot.

"Kill his butler." Barbie suggests.

"Hmm, okay. Bring him up." I order. The waiters bring up the butler and Jerome tsks.

"All right. Last chance Bruce, but it's about to get very butler brainy out here....Brucey!"

"This is getting boring. Just shoot the butler all ready."

"Stop!" We turn and there Bruce Wayne was walking from the back.

I hop off the stage and grab him from his butler and bring him onstage.

"You really know how to make people wait huh, kid?" I push him off to Jerome and he takes him while grabbing a knife.

He holds it to Bruce's neck and I see his butler wants to jump the stage. Too bad he has guns pointed at him.

"Hey, check behind the curtains. Can't have any surprises." I wave the waiter off and he goes towards the curtains only to get shot in the head.

Detective Gordon was holding up a gun pointing it at whoever came close to him.

The butler hits one of the waiters and people start screaming as guns go off.

"So, puddin. What do you think about a fall wedding?"

"It's a nice idea.."

"Drop the knife!" Detective Gordon commands.

I step back and see Jerome raise the knife to Bruce's neck.

"I don't have a clean shot." He says to the butler.

"Seems like we got ourselves a pickle. What do you say, Brucey boy? Wanna boost our ratings, huh? Smile!"

"I said that's enough!" Ugh I though I knocked him out harder than that.

Jerome turns around and Theo moves quick stabbing him in the throat.

"No! No! No! No!" I try to go to him but Barbie grabs me back.

"We need to go." I push her off and collapse to my knees as I see blood pool out of Jerome's mouth.

"You animal!" I push Theo away and pick Jerome up careful not to touch his neck.

"Puddin, stay with me. Please."

" sounds ni..." His eyes glaze over and I scream.

I see Gordon about to rush the stage but I grab the real gun and point it at him.

Then I point it at Theo.

"You're a dead man. A walking dead man." I look down at Jerome and feel more tears fall then take off running to back stage.

"Stop her!" Someone yells.

But I was already gone...




Say it ain't so! Has Jerome really taken his last laugh? Will Quinnie get her revenge? Find out next time on days of our live-

Quinnie put my phone down!

Awe but I was having a hoot! Buh-bye now ;) xoxo

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