Secret Sister » 1D


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Hi, my name is Delilah Payne. I'm seventeen years old and I'm hidden. Why? Well, you might have guessed by my... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note!!

Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Harry's (First and Only) POV

"Lily!" I gasped. Great timing! I just blew all of my chances with her! This fangirl had madly leaped on me and started kissing me like there was no tomorrow. I mean, yeah, I liked it, but did Lily really have to see it?!

She glared at me. "Only my friends call me Lily!" she snapped and sprinted away.

"Lily!" I called again but she ignored me.

The fangirl grabbed my arm. "Who's she?" she asked. I shook her off and ignored her.

Great, just great. I had no other choice but to follow Lily now. Not like that's a bad thing. But before I did, I saw the flowers lying on the dirty concrete ground. It wrenched my heart. Oh, Lily....

I started to run, but she was out of sight. Where could she have gone? I turned the corner and saw a foot disappearing onto the bus. That was probably her. I raced towards it. When I stepped on, Lily was nowhere to be seen.

"Li--" I started to call but I broke off. She was already pissed at me for using her nickname, I should stick with what she wanted to hear from me. "Delilah?" I called. "Delilah!"

For a moment, nothing happened. I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration and worry. Maybe she's not here after all....

But then she stepped out of her room, and I winced. Her hair was sticking to her face because of her tears, and her normally large brown eyes were red from crying. She glared at me with absolute hatred. Oh boy.

I started towards her but she held out her hand, palm facing me. She didn't want me coming any closer. "Don't come any closer, Styles," she hissed. Oh, called it! But she's using my last name? This was going to take a lot more convincing than I thought. I looked at her worriedly.

"How could you, Harry?!" she cried. "You destroyed my heart! You broke it into little pieces!"

"Lily, I--" I started to say but she interrupted me. I wanted to apologize. I wanted to tell her it was all a misunderstanding. But she wouldn't listen.

"Shut up!" she shrilled. "Only my friends call me Lily! And you're nothing but a bastard!" I winced. It was funny before in the tweet, but now it wasn't. This time she actually meant it.

"Please let me finish," I said quietly. I seriously thought she was overreacting, but how would she know I felt nothing for that fangirl? Lily was only going along with her girly instincts. And we weren't even going out yet! Yet... more like never.

"I freaking loved you, Harry Styles!" she yelled at me. My eyes widened. Say that again, minus the language. She didn't exactly say "freaking". She did repeat it, but she still put in the language. "I freaking loved you with all my heart--"

I cut her off by materializing up to her and pressing my finger against her lips. "Why didn't you just say so," I murmured, but it wasn't really a question.

I kissed her.

For a newbie, she wasn't half-bad. Her lips were soft and full, and molded into mine perfectly. She leaned into me, and I liked how her breasts pressed up against my chest. She stroked my hair, and she did it much more gracefully than that fangirl did. I held onto her waist, and I could tell she liked that. The moment was perfect.

But then she ended it.

Lily looked up at me with some emotion I can't describe, but it was most certainly not attraction. She backed away, pushing me away.

"It's all fake," she murmured to herself. "He's lying, he doesn't care about you...."

I raised my eyebrows. That's what she thought? Nothing could be further from the truth!

"Lily...." I started to say but my voice faded.

She looked up at me again, fresh tears brimming in her eyes. "Why, Harry?" she whispered. "Why are you doing this to me? What is this all about? I'm so confused!"

I was kind of confused too. "Please explain," I said, sitting her down on the couch. I sat next to her.

She swallowed. "At first you seemed indifferent to me," she said. "But then you seemed to be annoyed by me. Then you were my friend, and now we're... this. Whatever THIS is."

I understood. I took a deep breath. I was going to have to start at the beginning. "This is going to take a lot of explaining," I warned her. "Are you okay with that?"

She put her hand on my knee, and the temperature seemed to increase by a thousand degrees. "I have all day," she said.

"Alright," I said, getting comfortable. "Let's start from when we first met...."

*IN THE BEGINNING... nah, I'm just kidding with you. When I first met her....*

I stared at the girl that was supposedly Liam's hidden little sister. She was beautiful beyond compare: long, soft brown hair that tumbled down her back, large caramel-brown eyes like her brother, and full lips pulled back into a smile. She was everything a man like me could ask for.

But I couldn't have her. She was Liam's sister.

I tore my eyes away from her. It would probably be best if I ignored her. Maybe she'd stay out of everyone's way....

*The speech of staying away from her....*

Liam was being totally unfair. He was practically talking to me the whole time! Did he not trust me? I'd already promised myself and him that I would stay away from her no matter what!

But that didn't mean my brain wouldn't stop thinking about her. I really wished those dreams would stop. They're disturbing, and unfair to Lily. Well, maybe they'd stop once I convinced myself that Lily was just an ordinary girl I could let slip through my fingers.... Yeah, right.

*When she got lost....*

This was just perfect. Lily just HAD to make herself known EVERYWHERE. Now she'd gotten lost!

Of course I stayed behind, but I was worried. What if someone kidnapped her? Zayn looked pretty worried when he talked with her on the phone....

Nah, it's probably nothing. Besides, why should I care? She should be able to take care of herself, even if she had been trapped in a house all her life.

*On the walk with her and Louis....*

This wasn't fair. Louis got to have Lily all to himself, and Liam didn't even bat an eyelash! Did he think that Louis wasn't capable of womanizer stuff like me? Well, he's wrong. SUPER wrong. If Louis wanted to, he could charm a girl into tying herself to his bedpost and never letting go!

I should just pretend that I despised Lily. It wasn't that hard. Why couldn't she see that I had these feelings for her? Maybe I should make them more obvious, that way she'd stay away from Louis and I wouldn't have to kill him.

Life was so frustrating....

*The random talk she felt she had to have....*

She wouldn't leave me alone. I wasn't sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I thought a bad thing, because each time I looked into her eyes I wanted to kiss her so badly, but we both knew Liam would hate me for it.

Her pajamas were so revealing. It brought out her curves, and I won't deny that when she leaned forward slightly I couldn't help but look down her shirt.... Holy shit. I'd got to control myself.

Her beauty and awesome personality was everything. She would be perfect for Louis, but he had Eleanor. I didn't like the way that he looked at her. It made me think something was going on between them....

*When she stepped in on me in the bathroom....*

Holy shit! That's just perfect. She saw my ding-a-ling. I wondered if she thought it's large.... Gosh, I hoped so.

What are you saying, man?! You're supposed to resent Lily!

Well, this definitely added to it. Talk about intruding! But I guess it was kind of my fault for leaving the door unlocked... on purpose... knowing she would come inside....

I was a sick person.

*When I decided I was being too harsh....*

Maybe I'd been going about this the wrong way. I didn't HAVE to hate Lily, I could just be friends with her. Sure, Liam wouldn't like it, but he couldn't control me.

I could see me and Lily being good friends. Better friends than she and Louis were, that's for sure. He had to stay away from her for obvious reasons: she's mine, and he better not be cheating on Eleanor.

*At the pool....*

I liked Aiden. He seemed like a pretty cool guy. But this just confirmed it: Louis liked Lily. He's jealous of Aiden!

I couldn't really blame him, because Aiden and Lily seemed to be getting pretty close, much closer than they should. Maybe I should tell Liam....

Nahh. Lily would find out it was me sooner or later, and she would absolutely hate my guts. And that's the last thing I needed from her.

*The conversation, the crash, and her outrageous idea....*

I liked that conversation we had. Turns out she had a great sense of humor, something I was starting to find less and less in a lot of girls. She's a lot like Louis, and we all know about that "Larry Stylinson". Yep, she's perfect.


Damn, I couldn't believe I actually started CRYING in front of her! That's just sad.

But amazingly, she didn't start screaming or puking or anything. She was pretty calm about it. She helped me through it. Lily was my rock, when nobody else was there to help me.

And I loved her for that.


It was a stupid idea, an idea that would get both of us in trouble if she confessed or failed. But I had faith in her. There was nothing Lily couldn't do. This was too easy for her.

I knew she'd do brilliantly. When I heard her singing, I knew she would be somebody someday. She'd probably have to change her last name, to protect her and Liam's relationship, but that wouldn't stop her from chasing her dreams.

Nothing stopped Lily. She's perfectly unstoppable.

*When we went for a walk....*

I learned a lot more about Lily than I expected I would. The point of the walk was to make her confess her feelings about Louis, but clearly that was the last thing she wanted to talk about. Maybe she's right. Maybe Liam and I and the rest of the guys were wrong to judge her and Louis' relationship.

But I knew I wouldn't stop. Not until I got Lily for my own. Nobody else could have her, and not even Liam could stop me from that happening.

*When I licked her lips....*

That was hilarious. Super, duper hilarious and awesome. And totally worth it. Sure, she kind of hated me for it, but I knew she secretly liked it.

But doing it back to ME.... Wow, that's a double score for me. It's pretty much just the weird way for a guy and a girl to kiss.

Wait until we hit the next level....

*When she told me about her and Louis' kiss....*

I was pissed at Louis. He should have known better. He had Eleanor, for Pete's sake! I hoped he felt guilty. I almost hoped Eleanor found out. But that would be bad because a) that would break both of their hearts, and I didn't hate Louis THAT much, nor Eleanor, and b) that would give Louis more of a chance to steal Lily away from me.

I was proud of Lily for her to tell Louis off for it. Most girls wouldn't care, and would just keep on kissing, but Lily knew the difference between right and wrong. Maybe not evil or good, but definitely right and wrong.

She's a fair person, and I liked that. She would even sell me in to save Louis from a punishment that he didn't deserve. That, I thought, was really nice and cool of her.

*When I sang "Another World" to her....*

Probably not my smartest decision, but Lily deserved it. The song fit her. Not to mention I had seen and felt parts of her that was probably best left hidden.

I could tell she liked it, not just because she liked the song, but because I sang it TO her. It's a really lovely song, if you look past the wrong parts of it. It's about making a girl happy, and that's just what I wanted for Lily.

*And finally, the misunderstanding....*

I told Lily it was all a mistake. I didn't mean to kiss that girl, and I had no idea who she was. Lily had just caught me at the wrong moment, at the wrong time.

Thankfully, she understood. She nodded and squeezed my arm slightly, looking a little embarrassed. But it wasn't her fault. In fact, I was glad that she was kind of jealous (oh please, we all know that was what she was feeling) of that girl for kissing me. It told me that she really did care. She really did love me. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd been so happy.


I finally finished. Yeah, that took a while. Lily laughed at the right moments, looked sympathetic at the right moments, looked a bit upset at the right moments, and punched my arm at the right moments.

The only thing that surprised me is when I had mentioned looking down her shirt, she had replied, "If your pants were down, I'd probably do the same thing." See, we're made for each other.

When I was done, Lily was quiet for a long time. "Is all of this true?" she finally whispered.

I nodded, waiting for her to reject me. I wouldn't be surprised if she was pissed at me, I was kind of pissed at myself for thinking some of those thoughts or having some of those feelings. Most of the time they weren't really fair.

To my surprise, she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself into my lap, nestling her head against my chest. I instinctively put my head on top of hers. I was right: her hair was really soft.

"Oh, Harry...." she murmured. I crossed my invisible fingers. Please, please, please....

"Why didn't you just say so?" she asked and leaned up to kiss me.

Normally I took charge in these kind of things, but, like me, Lily did it all herself. For those of you who are too young to understand, I think I'll just leave out what "did it all" means. For those of you who have dirty minds and know, good for you.

"Lily? Harry?" a familiar voice called.

"Shit," Lily and I muttered, and Lily practically threw herself down on the ground and madly wiped at her eyes.

Liam and the others entered the bus. Liam narrowed his eyes when he saw our awkward positions. "What were you two doing?" he asked us in a warning tone.

"Nothing," we chorused, and Lily got up and left the room without even looking at me. She's good.

But then I realized something as she entered the bathroom. I didn't get an answer.


Author's Note:

PS, I had written that last author's note LAST NIGHT. I didn't actually think I would have time until TODAY to write it, but it turns out I had time last night to finish writing this chapter. I hope that made sense.

But wow, was this a really long chapter! And it only took me, like, ten minutes to write it with rereading my story and putting it in this chapter.

Luckily for me, this story is almost done! FINALLY! I'm so tired of it. And I can't believe you people are reading it. Okay, I'll stop complaining. I should be GRATEFUL, for Pete's sake!

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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