Secret Sister » 1D

By fivesuave

806K 18.5K 4.8K

Hi, my name is Delilah Payne. I'm seventeen years old and I'm hidden. Why? Well, you might have guessed by my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Author's Note!!

Chapter 23

19.6K 509 340
By fivesuave

Chapter 23

"Have you got the leftover cake?" I whispered excitedly to Harry. He nodded, grinning, as he showed me the box. I swallowed back my laughter. "This is going to be so awesome!" I giggled.

Louis and I hadn't been doing much pranks lately, so I decided to go to Harry. I don't know why, since Niall would probably be a better partner in crime, but I liked Harry. I think he's my new BFFL. My second one, I mean, to Louis.

"Which one should we do first?" I asked.

"Liam," Harry said immediately and we scurried off to me and Liam's room. We creaked the door open slowly and crept over to our bunk.

"Get on the other side," I told Harry quietly. "I've got the feather." I held it up and waved it in his face. He nodded and disappeared from view, the darkness swallowing him up.

I climbed up the ladder and held onto one rung with my hand. I couldn't see Harry's dark head of curls anywhere. "Harry?" I hissed.

"I'm right here," his husky voice mumbled and he appeared on the other side.

"Okay, ready?" I asked.

"Almost," he replied and repositioned himself, holding a portion of the cake aloft in his one hand. He grabbed Liam's hand and carefully put the piece on it, making sure the frosting was facing upward. "Okay, now I'm ready," he said.

I reached over and tickled Liam's nose with the feather. I giggled and swept a strand of hair behind my ear that was blocking my view. Liam's nose twitched and he wrinkled it. He reached up and the cake splattered all over his face.

I ducked my head down and gasped, holding back my laughter. I saw Harry shoving his shirt into his mouth. I glanced up. Surprisingly, Liam didn't wake up. Thank goodness.

Harry and I jumped down as quietly as possible and high-fived. "Awesome!" I repeated, giggling. "Liam's going to freak when he wakes up!"

"Now the others?" Harry guessed.

"Of course," I snorted and we went across the hall to Zayn's and Niall's room. The door was already open, so we darted over to Niall's bed and put cake in his hand. "You know," I remarked as Harry sat down beside me. "Niall might enjoy this prank. He'll have a tasty snack in the morning."

Harry chuckled. "I suppose," he said. "Hurry! Before someone wakes up!"

I gave him a smartass look. "Harry," I said matter-of-factly. "It's twelve in the morning! Who's going to wake up?"

He shrugged. "Somebody," he said confidently. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the task at hand.

I ran the feather over Niall's face, and outlined his eyes and nose. He sneezed loudly and I jumped back in surprise, landing in Harry's lap. Fortunately, no one woke up. I sighed in relief.

"Um, Lily?" Harry said.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking up.

"You're kind of squishing my balls."

"Oh, oops," I said, swallowing back my giggles again as I crawled out of his lap. He exhaled. "Apology accepted," he mumbled.

"Sshh," I told him, and stroked Niall's face again with my feather. He finally scratched his eye, and he spread cake all over his face. I grinned.

"Now Zayn," I said and climbed up the ladder to his bunk. Harry climbed up the other side and put a particularly large slice in his hand. "Zayn's going to flip also," I said.

"Totally," Harry agreed. "Now hurry up. I want to do Louis."

I rolled my eyes again and practically shoved my feather into Zayn's mouth. He coughed and reached up with the wrong hand to scratch it. I frowned, and did it again. Same wrong hand.

"I think you put it in the wrong hand," I hissed to Harry. He made a face back. "How was I supposed to know?" he retorted.

"Come on," I mumbled, waving my feather all over Zayn's face. He used both hands to wipe at it. That only spread the cake out more. "Yes!" I squeaked out and climbed back down. My bare feet hurt from the stupid wooden rungs.

Harry and I went to his and Louis' room last. "How much cake do we have left?" I asked. "We have to have enough left to make it look like we didn't use any. Plus, I want cake for breakfast."

"We have plenty," Harry replied, and he showed me the container. It was a fourth empty, whereas it had been packed to the brim before. And the container was pretty large.

"Okay," I conceded. "We'll just have to spread it out more once we're done with Louis."

We stood over him. Obviously, he didn't notice. I felt like a creeper.

"I want to do it this time," I said.

Harry glanced at me. "Do what?" he asked.

"Put the cake in his hand. You can have the feather now."

He frowned. "No," he protested. "I like doing the cake."

"That's not fair," I complained. "You've gotten to do the cake three times now. Why can't I do it for once?"

"Because this is my job, not yours. Just stick with the plan."





We glared at each other. Then I randomly reached over and snatched the container away. "Ha!" I taunted. "What're you going to do about it now?"

He grabbed it back. Soon we were grappling over it, tugging it back and forth. Somehow we didn't wake Louis up.

I finally pried the lid off and grabbed a handful of cake. I went over to Louis, but Harry pushed me, making me lurch away and lose my grip on my cake. It splattered all over Harry's face.

I gasped and bit my lip to keep from cracking up. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," I giggled.

"You shouldn't have gone there, Lily," Harry warned me.

I gaped at him. "It was an accident!" I protested.

"Sure it was," he agreed sarcastically. "Now you're going to get it." He reached down, picked up the container, grabbed some, and tossed it at me. It hit me in the stomach.

I glared at him and tackled him, taking him to the ground. We threw pieces of cake at each other, and soon we weren't even mad anymore, just quietly laughing and having a good time. And, needless to say, there was cake EVERYWHERE. And Louis didn't even wake up, something me and Harry would have a good laugh over later.

"Hiya!" I whisper-yelled and smashed cake into Harry's face.

"Eat some of this!" he retorted and shoved cake around the mouth area of my face. I licked my lips and giggled. "Mmm, chocolatey," I hummed.

I threw a handful at Harry's "area", and he pretended that it hurt, falling to his side. I climbed on top of him. "Victory!" I declared.

"Sshh, Lily!" Harry hissed and sat up, making me fall. "We don't want anyone waking up!"

I pouted, but quieted down anyway. I looked around. "Uh oh," I muttered.

Cake was literally everywhere: on the walls, on the floor, on the closet, on the bed, on Louis, even the ceiling.

"We are in soo much trouble," I said.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, like it didn't matter. "So?" he asked. "We already knew we were going to get into trouble."

"Yeah, but not like this!" I exclaimed quietly. "Liam is going to kill us!"

"You mean you and Louis," Harry corrected me. "Liam won't suspect me at all."

I punched his arm. "Lucky," I huffed.

We stared at each other for a moment. "You've got a little something...." Harry's voice faded away and he pointed at his lips.

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, so do you," I said. "You've got a little something all over you!"

He ignored me. "Here," he said and scooted over so that he was sitting next to me. "I've got it." Our heads were super close to each other, and his got closer. My heartbeat and breathing quickened. What was he doing? I hoped this wasn't a repeat of Louis' fatal mistake....

I froze as Harry's tongue peeked out of his mouth and ran over my lips. I was literally trembling as he licked away all the cake. O... M... G.

He leaned back. "Yum," he smirked.

I stared at him and gasped slightly. "Harry!" I said and pushed him as he chuckled. "That was disgusting!" I made a big show of wiping my mouth, and he made a face back at me. Typical Harry Styles.

"We better get back to bed," I said. "I'm changing my pajamas. Who knows, maybe with all this cake in your room Louis might get blamed."

Harry shrugged and we got up. I wanted to get back at Harry for doing that, so I did. I reached up on my tippy toes and much-less-gracefully licked his own lips. "A taste of your own medicine," I huffed. He only smirked back at me, like that's what he wanted me to do. Oh....

I face-palmed. He laughed, quietly though.

"Good night, Harry," I said irritably.

"Good night, Lily," he replied considerably more cheerfully.

I went back into me and Liam's room and put on some new pajamas. As I snuggled into my bed, I wondered why Harry had done that. And why I didn't yell at him for it. And why I did it back to him. And why I seemed to want more than that.

It must've been my overly-active imagination and sleep-deprived brain. Yeah, that's it.


Author's Note:

I forgot to mention in my last author's note to read my BFFAE's stories! Her name is QuillSmort14, and her stories are HILARIOUS! Thanks, and adios till next time....

Stay Beautiful,
-Sammi <3

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