A Cup of Restraint

By CraigoryCoppola

316 7 9

The story of Jon Dain a recently released by appeal convicted murderer. He had been an outcast before and six... More

My Release
The Letter

My Home

35 2 5
By CraigoryCoppola

I had been at school when they arrested me. They hadn’t taken my car or any of my possessions so I would've been stranded with no money at the front of the prison if it wasn’t for Matt. He had remained loyal to me. He had been the one to keep my house up for me and still payed the bills. When I walked in not much had changed, the same ugly gray shag carpet and ratty couch. There wasn’t much,just one room with a tiny kitchen, a low cost microwave and no stove in sight, no bed either. Instead of my bed I had always slept on the couch. I Had been forced to move in here after my parents had died in junior year. That year I had attempted suicide once.The twine I had bought to do the job wasn’t exactly top-of-the-line stuff. Instead of doing what I had planned it simply snapped. I got a job after this, as it made me realize I was in dire need of money. When I went to prison I had lost that job though and didn't have to deal with my boss any more. No customers either, I was actually kind of happy to be out of the Happy Sack Burgers Jack restaurant. It had been my prison before I came to my cell.

Happy Sack as I knew it was a small burger joint on the corner of twenty-forth street. It had been no more special than a McDonalds®, or Burger King®. The customers however, were often rude and treated the employs like crap. This is why I had been glad to not have to work there anymore. Of course, I would have rather left under different circumstances.

I jolted awake to the phone blaring. Other than Matt few people should have known that I was out yet, so who could’ve been calling? I picked up the phone just as the other person cut off the line. They had blocked there name, and this deeply troubled me. Had they dispersed the new evidence? Had someone heard of my release and plan on killing me? Perhaps Matt had just left his number blocked. I didn’t know which of these it was or if it was any of them so I decided to call back.

Matt picked up on the third ring, and asked why I had missed his calland If I was ok. He had worried about me. He said that sometime earlier this morning that the press had caught wind of my release and let it out in a big way. He himself had received several threatening calls just for knowing me. They had came from the victims’ friends and family. These calls threatened violence against Matt and me. This worried me. I had been arrested not Matt why had they wanted to go after him. I knew Matt wouldn't have had any part of itand I had been innocent. They must have released the information about why I was out. They probably assumed Matt was the second person so now he was as much as a target as me.

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