Alice's 15th Summer

De vintageheaven

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Alice is a girl who, despite being a very fortunate girl with a wealthy family, great friends and a somewhat... Mai multe

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.

Chapter 5.

102 7 0
De vintageheaven

"W-what?" I asked hoping that I wasn't totally red. Suddenly I heard a moan come from beside me, Aaron had woken up. Oh thank god. I turned back to Sam who was ruffling his hair. He looked at me with a smile that I hadn't seen on him before, or you know, since I met him five or six hours ago, and trust me, I had seen PLENTY of different smiles and smirks coming from him these past hours. I don't know, it was a little sad, or dissapointed, or both. Anyway it was weird. I smiled back pretending as if I hadn't noticed that he was upset or something.

"Alice?" Aaron cut in. "Where will we be sleeping?"

"Well, my brother has a spare bed in his room and we have a guest room. Which one of you is okay staying with Alex?"

"I'll stay with him, no problem." Aaron said. Crap, I kinda had hoped Sam would stay there that way he couldn't try anything without my brother being there. I wasn't scared of Sam or anything, I just didn't know what to do. I've dated a lot but only had one serious boyfriend my entire life and it did not end well. His name was Jimmy and he ended up moving to Georgia. We called each other and texted for the first couple of months, to try keeping our relashionship alive, but then the calls became less frequent, so did the texts, and that resulted in no interaction whatsoever within the sixth month of being apart. It hurt for a little while. Not talking to him anymore, but as our spark faded, so did our relashionship, I don't really think about him that much anymore. Which is good. I don't see the point in being upset about someone who isn't coming back.

"So.. I guess I'm staying in the guest room" Sam mumbled "Can you lead me there?"

I got up and he followed me all the way to the guest bedroom. I twisted the doorknob and fully opened the door.

"Well, here it is." I said and smiled "Goodnight Sam." He looked at me and smiled back.

I started walking back to my room when he said "Allie wait." Not many people called me that. I turned around "You didn't answer my question earlier. So? What would you say?"

I laughed nervously and decided to say no. I didn't want to upset him. And yes, I really wanted to kiss him but it wasn't right so I said "No. I wouldn't kiss you."

He looked at me with wide eyes, shocked, as if no girl had ever turned him down before. "Goodnight Sam".

I walked back to my room and heard him shut his door. Was he really THAT upset? I mean it's not like I'm the love of his life. He's known me for less than a day. Anyways, this wasn't important. What was important was the fact that Mel and Aaron were texting!!! I felt my phone vibrate and took it out.

Mel: 'Omg Ace!! Thank u so much for giving Aaron my number! We've been texting 1 hr! He's sooo funny and he said u guys were going to the beach, and then he said HE wanted me to comee!! Dude, I owe you.'

Me: 'Haha really!? Aaaaaaaa!!! Don't sweat it man, it's okay, I'm sooo happy for u 2! I mean, it's been long enough since Josh. He was a douche! Now you've got a HOT, FUNNY AND SMART (yeah we talked he's super smart. Straight A's and letter of reccomendation!!) :o! Have fun with him ;) Yea sure come with us tmw! I forgot 2 ask u earlier'

Mel: 'So what's up with u and Sam? Yeah, Aaron told me. Don't kill him, he just noticed how he looked at u and said he woke up and interrupted u. He thinks u 2 were doing something. Mm.. care to explain young lady?'

Me: 'Haha, uh... about that, we SO need 2 talk about that, but I gotta tell u in person. It's more fun that way. I don't want to ruin the surprise and I do NOT wanna miss ur reaction!!'

Mel: 'Awwh c'mon! At least a hint?'

Me: 'It involved a game of 20 questions'

Mel: 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Aliiiiceeeee! Woo wooo wooooooo!'

Me: 'Hahahha dude calm down. It looks like ure having a seizure of something. Lol. So what's up?'

Mel: 'Hahahha nothing, just laying in bed. I want some of Billie Joe's chicken strips and onion rings!! When are we going 2 Jupiters? We had so much fun last year! I wanna go again! Pleeeeeaaasseeeee tell me u'll ask ur dad!'

Me: 'Yeah I wanna go tooooo! I'll tell dad we want to go. But if we go, Paul's family's probably gonna come 2.'

Mel: 'EVEN BETTER! Well I gotta go, it's almost 2:30. G'night loser'

Me: 'Haha, yeah I'm gonna sleep 2. Nighty Mel'

I put my phone on the sleeping table and went to get some water. Dad and Laura had come home and were sleeping and Alex was probably staying the night there. After drinking my glass, I crawled into bed and slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about Jupiters. Ah... Jupiters Beach.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I was being crushed. I was right. Joe was right there on top of me staring at me with his big blue eyes wide open.

"Um.. Aaron" I said groggily and surprised "could you... maybe, GET OFF BECAUSE I CAN'T BREATHE?!?!"

He chuckled so I pushed him off making him fall on the floor causing me to laugh so much my stomach started to hurt.

"Aaron, get out."

He stared at me with puppy dog eyes. "Why?"

"Because... I need to get dressed."

"I won't look!"

I rolled my eyes. God, why were boys such perverts?

"Haha, yeah right. Get out! I'll be out in 5 minutes."

"At least let me choose your outfit!" He pleaded.

"Fine.." I said, not in the mood to argue and kick him out.

He picked a blue two piece bikini and a white sheer tank top with short jean shorts. Hmm.. not bad, Jacobs, not bad... For a guy, he had pretty good taste and didn't pick something that would make me look slutty or trashy. That's IF I owned these kinds of items. He handed them to me and walked out to go wake Sam up. Suddenly I heard a knock on my terrace door. It was Melissa. She hated coming through my front door so came in from the back garden. There was a pool there so I had a door that directly led me to the pool on the other side of my room.

"Aceee!" She yelled as she opened the door and jumped on me making me fall.


"So... isn't there something you need to tell me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lied

"Hmm... I'll give you a hint, he's 6'3, super hot, sex-god like, brown hair, brown eyes, and his name rhymes with Pam. Is that enough or do I need to go ask HIM?"

"Fine, fine...." I told her about the game of 20 questions. She litterally stared at me jaw wide open the entire time I was talking.

Suddenly my door bursted open revealing Aaron and a shirtless hot Sam. Oh my god I wanted to touch his abs. They looked rock-hard. Instead I tried focusing on Aaron.

"So..." He noticed Mel "Mel? Hey!"

"Hi Aaron!" Mel replied.

We got up and all went to the club. We had a membership there and a cabin to put our stuff. It was both a spa as well as a beach resort. It was pretty cool. Not as cool as Jupiters though. During the car ride, Mel said "So... did you ask your dad about Jupiters?"

"Um... no not yet. I didn't have the chance to yet."

"What's Jupiters?" Sam asked.

"ONLY THE MOST AWESOMEST COOLEST PLACE EVER! I SWEAR IT IS THE SHIT!" Mel yelled so hard that it made all of us wince. I looked at Aaron, he had his hand on Mel's leg and she had hers on his! Wow... All that happened in one day? Huh, like I've said before, weird. 10 minutes later, we got out of the car a practically ran to the check-in desk. Mel and I already had membership cards.

"Hello," the receptionist greeted us "names please."

"Melissa Clark, Alice Winchester plus two."

"All right," she said after scanning our cards "enjoy your day!"

We all walked down to the beach. Aaron and Sam ran to the surfboards. I missed that. Unfortunately I couldn't surf because of my surgery. So Mel and I placed out towels on the sand and started tanning. We tanned for an hour and I got hungry so we all went to the little snack place and got some food. It was really good.

"Let's all ride the inflatable banana!" Mel proposed.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Sam and Aaron replied.

We all got on the speed boat, tied the "banana" to it with a long cord and Sam started driving since he had a boat driving license from back in Africa. Mel and Aaron got on it but unfortunately, I couldn't do that either.

"Why don't you want to get on it?" Sam asked concerned.

"I-I can't. If I fall off of it, I could hurt myself because of the impact or because of falling on someone else, or even worse, someone falling on me."

"Well, how about this. Just you and me, we get on it, I sit behind you, wrap my arms around you so if you fall, you won't get hurt because technically, I'll be your back and I'll be the one getting 'hurt'. So, what do you say?"


We got on it and Joe and Mel stayed on the boat. Aaron got in the driver seat and started driving. As the speed escalated, so did our screams, after 1 minute of holding on, we fell over. While waiting for Aaron to come back Sam asked "Are you hurt?"

I shook my head.

"See, it wasn't that bad" He winked. "Come on they're. Let's help you get back up on the boat."

We all got back to the beach in one piece. Aaron and Mel were sitting on the sand together writing things with their fingers. Aaron had his arm around her waist. As soon as they stopped writing, he looked at her, said something that I was too far to hear and leaned in to kiss her. Then I heard a cough coming from beside me.

"They're sooo cute! Aren't they?" I asked Sam.

"Yeah, I guess." He replied in a bored tone. Wow, thanks for all the enthusiasm.

30 minutes later we all went home, dropping Mel off at her house before continuing to mine. I stepped into the bathroom and took a nice long bath. After getting out, I put a tank top and cotton shorts on then crawled into bed. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

Sam came in and sat down next to me.

"Hey" he said

"Hey to you too." I replied.

"Listen Alice, I really like you. Like, REALLY REALLY like you. So, I was wondering, you wanna go somewhere tomorrow with me? Like, just the two of us?"

I didn't know what to say. Oh, heck with it.

"Yeah, sure. I kinda like you too anyways"

I moved a little and patted the space I made for him to lie down with me. We talked normally for what felt like hours until I finally said. "Well, I'm tired. You should go." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and he got up to leave. "Goodnight A."

"Goodnight Sam." And he left. Leaving me in my room thinking about him. I had butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't felt those ever since Jimmy left. They felt kind of good.

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