Nothing In This World (Book 2)

By RockofAges

454K 23.3K 5.2K

A year and a half later August and Kashmere are still together. Nothing and no one can come between the love... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter Two

19K 718 602
By RockofAges

When I wasn't up under August I was trying to live out my last few years of youth and enjoy myself while I was young. I usually spent most of my time in our apartment but sometimes I wanted to get out and enjoy myself without August tagging along. These past three days I barely seen him since he had business to take care of. Late nights, early morning. He wanted me to stay in with him but I was looking forward to going out tonight with the girls and refused to cancel.

"This one or this one," I asked August holding up two dresses. I usually always asked him his opinion on my outfits just cause. And whichever one he picked I would go with the opposite.

"The red," he answered and I rolled my eyes. Figures. The red was longer by a few inches and had thick straps while the green one was shorter, sexier and had thin straps.

I tossed the red one on the bed next to him while he sucked his teeth. I sat the green dress aside and sat down on the bed so I could rub on my body butter.

"You always askin' my opinion on shit and never take it,"

I smiled at him, "Because I know you all to well."

"And why you wearin' all that?"

"Wearing what," I asked confused looking down at myself, I was only in my bra and panties.

"That sexy shit."

"This is not sexy," I rolled my eyes, "And besides no one's going to be seeing me undressed but you so what's the problem?"

"Exactly," he got up from the bed and walked over the our dresser and started rummaging around in my underwear drawer. I put my hand on my hip and shook my head watching him pick up pair after pair only to huff and slam the drawer shut.

"Damn, you aint got no granny panties in hea'?"

"You threw them all away remember?"

One day I went out and bought the ugliest panties I could find, and when he got on my nerves I would walk around in them just to turn him off. Sadly he caught on and one day all of my granny panties were all gone. Every single pair and he replaced them with skimpy, lacey type panties.

He looked to be in thought and looked like now he was regretting it.

I nodded and grabbed my dress to slip it on and once it was on it fit like a glove and I smiled and looked back at August who was staring a bit to hard.

I walked to the bathroom and fixed my hair and wasn't surprised when August followed me in. I applied some eyeliner and fanned my eyes because my eyes started to water and then moved on to the next. Once my eyeliner was done I grabbed my mascara and applied some of that then did a double coat on each one. Then I grabbed debated on which lipstick I should go with so I turned to August.

"Sin or D for Danger," I asked holding up two tubes.


"Sin it is," I nodded turning back around to the mirror to apply it to my lips. Once I had it on I puckered my lips up and I was all done.

"How do I look," I asked ignoring the stank look on his face.

He simply shrugged and I rolled my eyes. He was such a brat I swear.

My phone started going off so I moved past him and back into the bedroom to go and answer it.


"Were outside," Julianna's voice sang in my ear and I smiled.

"Okay, I'm coming down now, bye."

I still had to put on my shoes so I walked into the closet and grabbed my choice of shoes for the night and put them on. I grabbed my purse making sure I had everything and looked myself over in my full length mirror one last time. Perfect.

I turned around and Auugst was sitting at the edge of the bed looking down at his phone. I walked over to him and even when I was standing in front of him.

"Is D still coming over," I asked him.

Instead of answering me verbally he simply nodded his head still looking down at his phone.

"Can I have a kiss goodbye," I asked and he finally looked up at me. We kissed and I knew he was salty that me and the girls decided to go clubbing but oh well. He would just have to deal with it.

He stood and walked with me to the door. Before I could reach the locks to unlock the door he stopped me.

"Be careful."

"I'm always careful," I smiled.

"I'm serious. If somethin' pop off-"

"I will call you," I cut him off. He gave me this talk before

He kissed my cheek and I smiled opening up the door and smiled at D who was just about to knock.

"Hi," I smiled at him moving to the side so he could come in. As he walked past me he slapped my arm and I did the same to him.

"Ya'll better be on ya'll best behavior," D warned.

"Were always on our best behavior."

"We got eyes and ears everywhere," he went on

"Whatever," I waved him off.

"Don't get a nigga fucked up," August added.

I rolled my eyes, "Bye you two."

With that I left closing the door behind me.




The club was jam packed but we didn't expect any less, this was Mace's club. The hottest club in the city and so me and the girls had the hook up. Our own section and whatever we asked for. As soon as we got to our section me and the girls didn't waste any time getting the party started.

Two hours later, me and the girls grew bored being up in the V.I.P. all alone so we were now down on the dance floor where the real party was. Beyonce's Partition was playing while me and the girls danced and put on a show. The looks I was getting from guys didn't falter my dancing. August hated when I got any kind of attention but he wasn't here and I it's not like I could make them look away.

I rarely got to dance anymore, especially since me and the girls didn't dance anymore. My fault. But all of that was old news, I was over it and so were they.

One guy in the crowd was staring a bit to hard but I ignored him and kept on dancing. I should have never made eye contact with him because before long he had made his approach and cut in between me and Julianna.

I stopped dancing and looked him over and he licked his lips like he was LL Cool J himself.

"Can I get a dan-"

"No," I cut him off before he could even finish asking.

After he was long gone I continued dancing with the girls minding my business when I felt arms wrap around my waist. My instincts kicked in and I elbowed whoever it was as hard as I could and turned around to see who it was.


August inhaled and held his midsection like he was hurting.

"Fuck that shit hurt."

"That's what you get for sneaking up on me," I said not feeling the least bit guilty, "What are you doing here?"

I spotted D standing beside Julianna as well and he didn't even have to answer that question now. They weren't slick. They were popping up just to check in and see what we were up to.

"You not happy to ya man," he asked.

"Not really," I shook my head no.

Yes I loved being around August but sometimes a girl just needed a break. That's what this night was supposed to be.

If there was one problem I had with August it was his jealousy. It was one thing I wish that he could learn to control. He didn't accuse me of anything but half the time while he was out I couldn't help but feel like him checking up on me was because he didn't trust me.

I didn't do that with him but I cant admit that I was jealous to. But we were on two different levels. He was always on ten with his.

"I need a drink," I told him grabbing Danielle's hand and heading back up to the V.I.P. After I got my drink, less than five minutes later August and D, along with Julianna came up stairs to join us. Julianna obviously didn't care that the boys had showed up and basically ruined our night. Her and D were sitting down talking and giggling like kids.

I could feel eyes on me and knew exactly who they belonged to.

"Can I help you," I asked him. I hated being stared at so I knew he was doing it to get a reaction out of me and he got one.

Instead of answering me verbally he motioned me towards him with a finger. I scoffed putting my hand on my hip and stood my ground. I gave him one of my famous eye rolls and he chuckled like he thought I was joking.

I focused my attention back on Danielle as I tried my best to have fun and ignore him. That was until I felt his arms wrap around my waist and smelt his cologne. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to make his way over to me.

"What do you want August," I asked as we swayed from side to side.

"I wanna know why you mad?"

I wasn't really mad, I wasn't at all but I was a bit annoyed.

"Because your not supposed to be here."

He wrapped his arms around me tighter while I tried to keep some distance between us but he wasn't having it.

"Well I'm here now so oh well. Like I said I just came through to make sure everything was good."

I knew he was referring to the incident last summer and I thought back to that day last summer. The whole thing went down right here in this very club.


Hey watch out 'cause I'm coming for you; well baby girl KK tell me what cha' do;

I said I come from DC you can't see me, hey Chuckie B let 'em know what we do...

"Holy shit," I laughed from excitement, "Bye."

I walked away from August but before I could get far he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Where you goin',"

"Do you know hear what the DJ is playing," I looked at him like he was dumb.

He frowned his face up before a look of realization came on his face and he sucked his teeth.

"Why cant you dance up here," he asked.

"Because ya'll don't dance. I want to go down to the dance floor."

"You aint goin' alone," before he could even finish what he was saying I was rolling my eyes. I was about to tell him otherwise until Danielle walked up.

"I'll go with her," I smiled at her and then at August.

He looked between the two of us like he was expecting us to go down there and act a fool.


I smiled and grabbed Danielle's hand but not before kissing him and leading her downstairs out of V.I.P. and to the dance floor.

Chuck baby don't give a what, (and she said); Chuck baby don't give a ugh, (and he said);

Chuck baby don't give a what (And they said), Chuck baby don't give a ugh, (and you said)

I found a decent spot on the dance floor and I started dancing. It was rare that I heard any DJ play any thing from the DMV if it wasn't Wale and it was unheard of for them to be playing Chuck Brown. I was so focused on the music and trying to remind myself to get the name of the DJ before we left the club I didn't notice the girls that were circling around me giving me looks, not until one bumped into me.

The club was crowded so of course you were going to get bumped, slightly pushed around on the dance floor but this hoe barreled into me and from there it was obvious it was intentional. I stopped dancing and looked at her as she started at me with a smug look on her face.

"My bad."

I nodded but instead of her walking on she simply stood there, looking me up and down.

"Do you have a problem," I asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," she nodded.

I waited for her to tell me what her issue was but she didn't say a word and that's when I noticed Ebony walk up to stand next to her.

I sighed, "Ebony long time no see, how have you been?"

"Bitch don't act like we friends," she spoke up with to much aggression in her voice. I didn't have any more beef with her but it was obvious she still had some animosity towards me.

"Your on ten so you need to calm down. I don't have no hard feelings towards you. What happened is in the past and I'm over it."

That was my way of letting her know I wasn't about to fight her or go there with her.

"So I'm guessing August didn't tell you he ran into me last week did he," she had a smile on her face like I was supposed to be caught off guard, or worried. I wasn't neither one.

Me and August had a agreement that we would be completely honest with one another, even if that meant saying something the other one didn't want to know or hear.

She continued, "I asked him to talk and he accepted my offer. We got some privacy and talked. One thing led to another and we kissed. I would tell you more but I wouldn't want to break your little heart."

She licked her lips and smiled insinuating that she did what she did best, got down on her knee's. I just stared at her wondering how could anyone be so trifling and seek pleasure in hurting someone who hasn't done a damn thing to them. I was going to be nice, walk off, but her sitting here lying in my face just pissed me off. I was trying hard to work on my anger, keep my hands to myself but it's times like this all of that woo-sah shit went out the window.

I smiled at her and my smile soon turned into a laugh. I couldn't believe she was sitting in my face lying. Little did she know I knew it all. August was at the sneaker shop with D and then he and D and a few of his male employees went to celebrate a birthday at a bar and hookah lounge. August told me about running into Ebony there. She tried talking to him but he shut her down and he stayed with his boys for the rest of the night while she sat across the room mean mugging him.

Even D told me what happened and he had no reason to lie for August.

She looked caught off guard by my laughing and that made me laugh even harder.

"Keep laughing bitch."

"And keep trying bitch," I stopped laughing and looked at her like she was stupid, "August told me he seen your ass at the bar. You asked to talk to him and he told you he didn't have a damn thing to say to you. I know for a fact you two didn't converse past that."

She mean mugged me, looking beyond pissed most likely because her foolish ass plan didn't work. She was still just as pathetic as she was the last time I seen her.

"You think he would tell you the truth? You think he's faithful just because you two are living together now, think again."

"No, I know he's telling me the truth because I know for a fact he wouldn't let you even touch him, let alone kiss him. Nice try though but next time I suggest you come harder."

"What's up," I heard Danielle ask from behind me. I rolled my eyes at Ebony as I turned my back to her. I was done conversation, her and her hood rat posse were dismissed.

"This bootleg ass Destiny's Child trying to kill my vibe. She claims her and August messed around."

I didn't even have to go into details to Danielle, she knew it was all a lie to. Me and August were always joined at the hip, when I was out or he was out we always checked in with each other. Most importantly there was no way August would put us in jeopardy over some head.

Before I knew it I was pushed from behind. That's all it took for me to lose my cool. Me and Ebony were fighting disregarding that we were in public, in a crowded club none the less. All I wanted to do was hurt her.

She could fight but she was no match for me, plus the hooker heels she was sporting weren't helping. I had the upper hand and was molly whopping her but was caught off guard by a someone shoving me. I looked up and saw one of her friends had put her hands on me. Before I could even react to her Danielle had punched her in the face and they were fighting.

Being temporarily caught off guard worked in Ebony's favor because she had got out of my grip and started swinging on me. Sadly it didn't take long for me to get the upper hand again. I was slapping and punching her and had no plans on letting up.

That's when friend number three tried to jump to her rescue by trying to pull me off of her. I wouldn't budge so she started hitting me. She obviously wanted some attention and so I gave her some to. I had never fought two girls at once but they say there was a first time for everything.

Somehow one of them knocked me down to the ground making me fall and the one friend tried holding me down while Ebony took this as her opportunity to get the upper hand again. It was no fair, I was pissed but did my best to defend myself. Then all of a sudden Ebony was literally snatched off and tossed to the side by none other than August.

She literally stumbled and fell a few feet away from me and the girl holding me let me go and scampered away. I saw D breaking up the fight with Danielle as August helped me up.

Looking me over I could tell he was pissed off but I was okay, but I knew that was the adrenaline running through me.

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"

I nodded moving away from to fix my dress and that's when I heard ignored the whopping and hollering of the crowd the people with there phone pulled out and noticed Ebony cursing with her friends. They were trying to hold her back, lead her away but she was still cursing and swinging, just making herself look even more pathetic. I wish they would let her go. I cant believe her and her friends tried to jump me.

"Don't," August warned me and I nodded my head obidently. I was done with her, I just wanted to get out of here. My whole night was ruined.

August started leading me away from the scene, that's when I heard some commotion from behind us.

I turned just in time to see Ebony running our way. Before she could touch me August got in front of me.

"What the fuck is ya problem," August raised his voice at her.

She tried fighting to get out of his grip, "Get out of my face August."

"No. Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit. Ya ass to-"

"Fuck you August!"

Then she slapped him, slapped him. Before August could even react I had ran over and me and her started fighting again...

That night was probably the craziest night of my life. Since then August has always been wary of letting me out and about. Now I understood why he was acting so bitchy about me and the girls going clubbing by ourselves.

I turned around so that I was facing him. Looking him in his eyes I couldn't help but melt. He was just worried about me and I couldn't help but be grateful for that. To be honest he was all I had now. Him, D, Julianna, Danielle, and Ms. Sheila were who I considered my family these days.

"I'm sorry," I pouted, "I know you worry about me."

"I do," he nodded kissing me, I knew he couldn't resist, "I missed you."

"You did," I smiled.

He nodded kissing me again. I was having a change of heart now. I didn't want to be here any longer. I wanted to go home, lay in bed with him, joke around and cuddle until I fell asleep.

He glanced around and then looked back at me with a mischievous look on his face.

"Let me say bye to the girls and we can go."

He smiled like his whole purpose in coming here was go get me to come back home and I didn't doubt it.

I pulled away from him and walked over to Danielle. It was her idea to go clubbing anyway.

"So me and August are about to head home," I informed her once I got close to her. She stopped dancing and glared at me.

"Really, your leaving?"

"Sorry," I apologized, "But I'll make it up to you. I'll take you out to lunch, dinner, take you to get your nails done, whatever you want. My treat."

"Whatever," she waved me off.

"I love you," I smiled leaning in to hug her.

"Sure you do."

She hugged me back and I smiled at her backing up waving bye as I made my way towards August just as Julianna walked up to Danielle hand in hand with D.

"Ya'll heifer's make me sick," Danielle huffed. That was the last thing I heard before August finished whisking me away.


We were almost home and I looked out the window. We were about to pass the grocery store on the corner and a idea popped in my head.

"Can we stop at the store," I asked him.


I just looked at him not wanting to tell him. The alcohol in my system had me in the mood to do something...different. Plus we haven't been intimate in a few days and since he was working hard I felt like he needed to have some real fun to unwind.

I sucked my teeth, "None of your business just do what I said."

He looked at me like I was crazy and picked up speed driving right past the store.

"August," I hit him on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, can you just turn around...please?"

He looked at me and slowed down his speed a tad and literally turned the car around in the middle of the street and into the other lane of traffic. I literally nearly fell out of my seat and once I fixed myself he was chuckling under his breathe.

"You play to much."

Once he pulled in the parking lot he parked and looked over at me.

"Whatchu goin' in here to get?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll be back."

"Hol' up," he stopped me before I could open up the door.


"You aint goin' in there like that."

I sucked my teeth, "I'm dressed."

"For the club, not for the store."

I looked at him and sighed, "It's after midnight. Every person in the store is either in club wear or pajama's. I'm good."

I reached for my clutch from the middle console.

"I'm comin'," he was about to turn the ignition off but stopped once his burner phone started to ring. I knew which phone it was because of the of the basic ringtone.

"Guess I'm going in alone," I faked like I was upset but I was far from it. I didn't need him in here with me looking over my shoulder. Plus I wanted to surpise him.

He answered his phone and as I made my way out of the car he tapped my shoulder and was holding out a 100 dollar bill for me to take.

I shook my head no, pushing his hand away not wanting to speak while he was listenig to whoever it was on the other line speak. He acted like he was annoyed but didn't say another word. I got out of the car and headed inside.



I filled up my basket with some fun essentials, cans of whip cream, strawberry's. I was debating on which on chocolate or caramel syrup when I felt someone behind me. I paused and smiled.

"You just couldn't stay away huh," I turned around but my smile turned into a look of disgust at the man who was standing before me.

"May I help you," I asked taking a step away from him.

He looked me over licking his lips dramatically and ran a hand down his chin and I rolled my eyes. I was having such a good night so far, why?

"No but I can help you."

"I doubt that, excuse me."

I walked past him, I was about done and ready to check out but I felt like I needed one more thing. I smiled to myself thinking about the things I was going to do to August when we got home.

I glanced beside me and the guy was still following me saying something to me, something I didn't catch.

"What," I snapped.

"How much?"

"Excuse me," I asked turning around. I know he wasn't insinuating what I think he was.

"How much for one night. Not even a night, an hour?"

I looked around feeling like someone was about to pop out and tell me I was being punk'd or something like that. Was this dusty looking dude serious? His hairline was jacked, he was ugly as hell, and his teeth looked like he'd been chewing on rocks and yellow crayons. No Bueno!

"Goodbye sir," I turned and started walking in the other direction but he jogged in front of me, blocking my way.

"My boyfriend is outside, so I highly advice you to move while you still have legs."

"Boyfriend," he scoffed.

"Yes boyfriend," I emphasized the word boyfriend so he could get the hint and walk away.

"Bet you your dude aint got shit on me," he grabbed his crotch, "You want to see it?"

After he said that my eyes widened in horror. I was past the point of being disgusted. This couldn't be real, he had to be crazy, high, drunk or a combination of all three.

I smiled at him, trying my best not to bust out and laugh in his face. He smiled back at me and licked his lips like it was his lucky day.

"Your not worthy enough to be in my presence let alone touch me. So I advice keep that shrimp you call a dick tucked away and go find someone else to hassle because like I told you before I have a boyfriend."

I could tell what I just said hit a nerve. He balled up his fists and his face turned red. He should be ashamed of himself.

"See that's why I don't fuck with black bitches anyway. Especially darkies. Fuck you bitch. How about I stick this shrimp dick down your throat and make your bitch ass nigga watch."

I was flabbergasted, shocked. What he said was the ultimate disrespect. You approach me, insinuate that I'm a prostitute or an escort and then when I turn you down and put you in your place you cuss me out?

I knew that if didn't walk away from him I was bound hit this lame so I did just that. Doing what I was taught to do I took a deep breath and walked away. Trying my best to keep my cool. I wish now that August would have came in with me. That way this dumb ass wouldn't of had the balls to approach me in the first place.

WHY ME? I wasn't even in the mood to buy any of the stuff let alone do any of the stuff I had planned. I simply put the basket down and headed towards the exit.

You would have thought this guy would of quit, no. He literally followed behind me, the whole time talking shit. Calling me this one and that one. By the time I made it to the parking lot I was starting to think he had a death wish.

I hoped that the guy stopped following me, or at least August didn't pay him no mind but I know with him calling me out of my name that it was unlikely. I had a feeling that our night was about to go left.

I spotted his car and picked up the pace but I could only walk so fast in these heels. I wasn't trying to break or sprain my ankle.

I think the man didn't believe me about my boyfriend being in the parking lot or maybe he didn't care. I stopped walking and turned around and slapped the shit out of the man when he grabbed my ass. I had a new rule about not putting my hands on anybody but he had crossed the line.

I slapped him so hard my hand was stinging. It didn't do much of anything to him because he turned to me looking like he was about to do more than slap me.

"You stupid ass fucking bitch-," he took one step to me and then boom. I didn't even realize August had gotten out of the car. The punch he delivered to the guy's face not only looked painful but sounded even worse.

I looked for a while not feeling sorry at all that he was getting his ass beat. If I was in jeans and sneakers I would of probably joined in.

August punched him twice more before I realized that he had no plans to let up on his own. The guy was trying to fight back but try was the key word.

"August," I pulled at his shirt and he hit the guy one more time, this last punch almost as bad as the first. The guy looked was on the ground was on the ground, sprawled out barely moving. I would of thought he was dead if it wasn't for him groaning in pain.

"C'mon," I yanked August arm. I wasn't positive but I was pretty sure that there were camera's in this parking lot so we needed to leave now.

I got in the drivers seat and he didn't argue with me, he walked over to the passengers seat and got in. Once he was in I put the car in reverse and since I could drive forward without running over the guy and made my way out of the parking lot.

This wasn't nothing, while I was trying to turn over a new leaf and reframe from fighting August had no problems putting hands on anyone. This time I couldn't blame him, plus I felt like I was to blame this time around.

Once we walked into our apartment neither one of us said a word. I walked to the bedroom and kicked off my shoes putting them and my dress away. I needed a shower but first I walked out of the closet and went to check on August.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed looking over his knuckles. I sat down next to him and grabbed his hands. The damage wasn't that bad surprisingly.

"Does your hand hurt," I asked and he shook his head no, not saying a word.

"That guy was out of line and beyond rude. I'm glad you hit him," I admitted.

"You hit 'em first."

"Because he slapped my ass."

"I seen that shit, that's why I jumped out the car. You lucky you hopped in the drivers seat, other wise I would of ran his bitch ass over."

"Well at least this time you kept your gun tucked away," I mumbled looking at him. He looked at me for a second before his face softened and he chuckled. Seeing him smile made me smile.

"Where the bags at," he asked.

I huffed and stood up to take off my jewelry. I placed my earrings on the dresser for now, along with my necklace deciding to put them away in there proper places tomorrow.

"I didn't buy anything-that asshole pissed me off so I just walked out."

"You should a called me and I would a came in there-"

"And beat the shit out of him in the grocery store," I shook my head, "I'm not letting you get locked up. It's bad enough your always on the go. If you got locked up I wouldn't know what to do."

"Hold me down til' I get out."

I looked at him and rolled my eyes but I don't know why I was fronting. I couldn't see myself without him or with anyone else. If god forbid he did get in any kind of legal trouble I would be right by his side making sure he had everything that he needed.

"Anyway," I smiled attempting to change the subject, "Your not going to run out on me tonight?"

"Nah, I'm all yours."

I looked him over, I could tell he was tired. I was surprised he was still up. Usually it was smooth sailing and he would be home before it got dark but sometimes it felt like I was living alone.

"You should get some sleep, you look tired."

"I'm good."

I rolled my eyes, "Well did you at least eat?"


"Well I don't know about you but I need a shower."

"Me too," he stood up with a big smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile with him. Only reason I didn't put up a front was because I knew it would be useless. Since he was in and out so much these last few days we haven't had the time to kiss let alone do anything else. 

"Well come one," I bit my lip. 

He followed behind me and into the bathroom. The incident earlier was all and forgotten by this point and for that I was glad. Other than a few bumps in the road, me and August were good and I felt like things were only going to get better.




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