Through the Glass [HYYH...

Bởi -haikutae

1.4M 75.9K 77.7K

Kim Taehyung has been classified certifiably insane. He isn't, he knows he isn't, he just likes to make every... Xem Thêm



29.2K 1.7K 3K
Bởi -haikutae

"Have you ever gone to a hospital and not know where you were hurting? I know this is all because of her..."



Taehyung eventually got to standing, still just backing away as she poured pills into her hand. He hated that orange bottle, hated those little blue rounded oval shaped pills, each one of them labeled with just a number--10.

That was the dosage, of what, he didn't know, but he knew how it made him feel after he took it. Dead. He had a hard time thinking, his mouth wouldn't let him speak even if he wanted to, the tips of his fingers would feel numb, everyone's voice sounded far away when they talked to him.

If anything, the pills made him crazy.

He backed up through the hallway, "Pl-please don't, Kyung-mi...I don't need those..." He said, then licked his dry lips.

Kyung-mi huffed. "Mom's delusional. You need to take your medicine." Then she came closer, at least half a dozen pills in hand.

That's too much, you're only supposed to give me one. Taehyung backed toward his bedroom door, reaching for the knob while watching Kyung-mi. If anything, he'd lock himself in there. It didn't have a lock, he'd checked, but maybe he could just hold the door shut.

Kyung-mi came closer, and before Taehyung could get the door open, tried to shove the pills in his mouth. He kept his mouth clamped shut, his teeth pressed together, and though she had gotten one in, Taehyung spat it out as soon as he could.

"Please, Kyung-mi..." Taehyung said, then seeing that she wasn't going to listen, opened the door and backed inside.

Marshmallow leaped off the bed, barking and running around his legs. The poodle was probably just glad he was back, but his running around was distracting, and he tripped over the little dog.

Marshmallow yelped, then scurried away, but Taehyung fell and hit his head on something, The pain was sharp, and seemed to throb already, making him exclaim and grab where it hurt. Kyung-mi took that opportunity to stuff pills in his mouth, making him choke as three or four pills found their way down his throat.

She sat on his stomach, her hands over his mouth, even as Taehyung flailed and choked. He felt his eyes tear up. If one pill made him numb and nearly dead inside, what would three do? What would four do? It's going to kill me, I'm going to die.

"Would you calm down? It can't be that bad." Kyung-mi said, trying to get him to stop kicking and yelling.

Taehyung grabbed Kyung-mi's hands trying to pull them away from his mouth. Spit it out, I've got to throw it up, you gave me too much, let me get up! I'm choking, let me get up! Get off of me! His thoughts were frantic, his breathing and heartbeat seemed like a roar in his ears, he was panicking.

But he couldn't pull Kyung-mi's hands off, already he could feel his fingers getting numb his thoughts dulling slowly to just a whisper, even the pain from hitting his head was dulling--he could still feel it, but it seemed far away.

Kyung-mi took her hands off, probably seeing it was working. Leaving Taehyung to choke and cough, but still sitting on him. "I can't believe mom was going to let you run around like a maniac without your meds, you're a killer, for crying out loud."

Taehyung shook his head, wanting to get up and try to make himself throw up the pills, but he couldn't get up. Not even sort of. When he tried to sit up, he just ended up twitching. "...I'm not..." crazy. He couldn't finish, his thoughts had slowed down, even the frantic panic he felt a second ago was slipping away, but even then he tried to remember what it was he was scared of, what he wanted to get up for.

Kyung-mi frowned, taking the orange bottle and reading over the label. "Is this like a side effect or--." She stopped, her eyes getting wide. "Holy sh*t..." She breathed. "Sh*t, you're only supposed to take one..."

Taehyung felt his limbs become numb, his heart slowing. She'd figured it out at least. Maybe too late. I still might die.

She leaned closer to him, "How many did I give you? I can't remember... Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t, I don't know what to... Mom's going to kill me." She tentatively grabbed Taehyung's hand.

He couldn't do anything about it, he couldn't even feel her touch at this point. His mind was slipping, reality was slipping, keeping his eyes open hurt. If you just didn't hate me so much, if you didn't get so upset over nothing, if you read the damn label... Taehyung's thoughts trailed off, only basic thoughts still going through his head now, like breathing, or names.

"Oh my god..." Kyung-mi whispered, feeling his pulse. "J-Jimin! Jimin, help!" she stood up, running out of the room, leaving Taehyung alone on the floor.

He stared at the doorway for a minute, just fixated on the frame. He felt terrible, his mouth tasted like sand, he couldn't feel a majority of his body, and his brain was so calm, so thoughtless, so extremely empty of any sort of original thought. He closed his eyes, unable to keep them open any longer.

Am I going to die? It was the only thought that made sense, the only thought that he kept repeating that he tried to keep in his mind.

"Kyung-mi! You idiot!" He heard Jimin say, his voice sounding like it was in a tunnel, underwater, somewhere far away.

Next Taehyung felt someone lift him into a sitting position. Probably Jimin.

"Damn it, Kyung-mi, how many did you give him?" Hands went to Taehyung's shoulders, shaking him. "Taehyung, you can hear me, right?"

Taehyung gave a small, slow nod, it was really about the only thing he could do.

"Then stay awake, okay? I'm going to call a doctor, okay? Possibly poison control." Then Jimin paused, and Taehyung could hear him making a call.

Taehyung opened his eyes, something that took more willpower then it should. Jimin was kneeling in front of him, phone to his ear, while Kyung-mi was standing behind him, looking over his shoulder, her eyes fixed on Taehyung.

"I...I'm sorry..." She said, biting her lip.

Taehyung just continued to give her a blank stare before going back to watching Jimin.

"...Yeah, he overdosed... How much?" Jimin covered the receiver, turning to Kyung-mi. "How many did you give him?"

"I...I Don't know! I just poured a some into my hand and then... Maybe it was...? I can't remember!" Kyung-mi was screaming at him, loud enough for Taehyung to hear it clearly even though everything sounded far away.

"The number is the difference between him dying within ten minutes or thirty or him not dying at all, could you f*cking try to remember?!"

"Don't you think I'm trying?!" She ran both hands through her short hair. "It couldn't have been more then ten, I just..." She bit her lip hard.

Jimin sighed, then uncovered the receiver. "We don't know. Okay...You already sent the ambulance? When do you think it'll...? His symptoms?" Jimin paused to examine Taehyung, looking him up and down. "He's still. Very still, he's hardly blinking, and his heart is slow, maybe a beat every second and a half?" Jimin listened to the person at the other end of the line in silence for a second. "No, he's awake... Okay. Thank you." Jimin took the phone off his ear, immediately dialing another number. "I'm calling mom."

Kyung-mi tried to grab the phone. "You can't!"

Jimin pushed her away. "Are you kidding? You could have f*cking killed him, what's mom going to say when she comes home and Taehyung's been carted to the emergency room?"

Jimin put the phone to his ear and Kyung-mi hit his shoulder.

"Kyung-mi gave Taehyung a sh*tload of pills." He said over the phone.

Taehyung heard an audible, "WHAT?!" Over the phone's speaker. Jimin took the phone off his ear for a second.

"Yeah, she forced somewhere between four to nine pills down his throat..." Jimin paused to look up at Taehyung. "No, he doesn't look alright. I called the hospital already, they're sending an ambulance..." Then Jimin handed the phone to Kyung-mi.

Jimin got a little closer to Taehyung, feeling his forehead. "Stay awake, alright? They should be here any minute."

Taehyung just stared, his expression blank. He had no thoughts about that, none at all, it scared him somewhere deep inside, but he couldn't quite comprehend the voice that was saying this.

He heard Kyung-mi yelling over the phone. "You're just going to forget about me! It's going to be all about him, and you're not going to care about me anymore!" She said, half crying, then she stormed out of the room, still talking over the phone.

Jimin tried to catch Taehyung's eyes, looking deep into them with his dark chocolate ones. Taehyung's probably looked soulless, at least, that's how he felt. "Sh*t, Maybe they'd want you downstairs...And I have to answer the door." He looked Taehyung up and down again, then helped Taehyung put his arm over Jimin's shoulders.

Taehyung would have wanted to make this easy for Jimin, at least a little, at least to stand up, but he was completely limp, his legs completely numb, he was absolute dead weight. So Jimin did all the lifting, even though Jimin was shorter.

When he got Taehyung standing, if it could be called that, he adjusted his grip on Taehyung, accounting for the amount of weight Taehyung was most certainly putting on him.

Then Jimin helped him out of the room and down the hall. Taehyung had a hard time staying awake, even after hearing the sirens approaching outside. Another doctor. He was surprised that thought even came through all the silence of his mind.

"Almost there..." Jimin said when they were at the top of the stairs.

Then he slowly and carefully helped Taehyung down the stairs, and it was obvious that Taehyung's weight wasn't easy to support. Jimin seemed to be concentrating very hard.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Jimin helped Taehyung to the couch, sitting him up to lean against the backrest. Right around then, there was a hard set of knocks to the front door.

"Stay awake, okay?" Jimin said before going to answer the door.

Taehyung couldn't, he just couldn't, he'd tried for so long to stay conscious, he couldn't fight it anymore. The corners of his vision were already dark, but then the darkness slowly filled his vision. He passed out.

Kyung-mi, Kyung-mi, Kyung-mi.

Why do you hate me?


A/N:  OH MAH GASP~! Kyung-mi's a jerk isn't she? But she has her own set of reasons. What do you think they are, hmm? O.O

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