It's OK Not To Be OK (But I P...

Galing kay startrek007

542K 16K 22.3K

First in the Promise series. AU from the end of PoA. When McGonagall finds out what Dumbledore condemned Harr... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New story

Chapter 24

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Galing kay startrek007

Disclaimer: not mine

The start of the semester came as a relief to most of Gryffindor tower. The week between Christmas and New Years had been fraught with tension, as the Golden Trio was once more at odds. Ron had sulked around the tower, while Harry and Hermione had spent most of their time with Neville and Ginny, in the common room or the DA lounge.

In the lounge, they were joined by many members of the group, the older of whom knew what was going on with Ron, and supported Harry and Hermione completely. Most of them had heard at least some of the youngest Weasley male's comments.

Somewhat of a surprise was the inclusion of Viktor. He had asked Harry if he could join them during the day, since he had very little homework, and wanted to spend some more time in Hogwarts, getting to know his new friends - after all, that's what the whole tournament was about. Harry mentally grinned at that statement, reminded of Hermione's reasoning for accepting the date with Viktor in the first place.

Not much studying took place in the lounge, other than the fifth and seventh years; Harry was even able to convince Hermione to lay aside the books for a few days. Instead, they just spent time together, talking and playing games. Gobstones and Exploding Snap were the most popular, though there were a few chess matches as well - the pairings were significantly more even than whenever Ron played someone.

The tenseness had culminated in one major blowout in the common room on New Years Eve, where Hermione had yelled at Ron that if he hadn't liked her date, he should have asked her out before anyone else had the chance.

Ron hadn't had a response to that, and after a moment, Hermione had run up to the girls' dorms. Ginny had given Harry's hand a squeeze, before she followed her friend. Harry had led Ron up to their own dorm, seeing all of their roommates in the common room at that time. A quick glance at Neville confirmed that he would keep Dean and Seamus from interrupting.

Once in their dorm room, Harry locked the door and faced his friend. He took a moment to make sure that when he spoke, it would be calm and collected. "Ron, you're my best mate, but if you don't start thinking before you speak, we're going to have some serious problems."

Ron opened his mouth to talk, but Harry held up one hand, shaking his head. "Ron, you grew up in a very protected environment. You learned early on that Slytherins were bad, and Gryffindors were good. You see the world in black and white, and while that's not necessarily bad, the world doesn't really work that way. Everyone has shades of gray, even you. I'm glad that you've managed to keep yourself in check at DA meetings, around the Slytherins, but you haven't really made an effort to include them or talk with them. Not everyone in that house is a Malfoy."

Ron didn't try and speak this time; his face was turning red, but he seemed to be listening to what his friend was saying.

Harry sighed. "Ron, Viktor is a good friend. Hermione's right. The whole point of this tournament was to foster international cooperation; it's all about making new friends. So let's talk about what's really bothering you." He sat down on his bed, and gestured for Ron to sit down as well. He did so, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "Why didn't you ask Hermione to the ball?"

Ron's head jerked, and he adopted a deer in headlights expression. "Wha -" he trailed off, so Harry leaned forward.

"Ron, it's plain as day to everyone except the two of you. You fancy Hermione. So why didn't you ask her?"

Ron looked down, thinking. Finally, he spoke, his voice quiet and contemplative. "I wasn't sure how. I mean, you asked Ginny in this elaborate gesture, and Neville asked Susan, and I just didn't know what to do. I... I like her, Harry. A lot. But now she's with Krum..."

Harry shook his head. "She's not," he disagreed.

"What?" Ron looked up, confused.

"She's not," Harry repeated. "She and Viktor went as friends, nothing more."

Ron frowned. "Are you sure?"

Harry nodded. "Positive."

Ron looked slightly happier at that knowledge, but he still had a problem. "So what should I do now? I've really made a mess of things."

Harry shifted in his seat, leaning back a little. "I can't tell you what to do, Ron. Hermione's mad, but it's no more than you deserve. At least you realize that. Try apologizing, and then showing her, with actions, that you're interested."

Ron bit his lip. "What if she doesn't feel the same way?" he asked worriedly.

Harry snorted. "Ron, did you, or did you not hear her tell the entire common room that you should have asked her out first? She likes you too, mate."

Harry decided to leave his friend to his thoughts, and left the room to spend some more time with his girlfriend.


Other than Ron and Hermione's continuing coldness towards each other, the only other point of interest during the holidays, was an article in the Daily Prophet that appeared two days after Christmas. Hagrid was refusing to leave his hut after the newspaper had identified him as a part giant, and Harry and his friends were hard-pressed to make him feel better. Even Ron and Hermione were willing to spend time in the others presence, in order to cheer up their large friend.

The comments from Malfoy and his cronies didn't help the situation, but Harry just ignored him, knowing that the Slytherin was losing power within his house, and his way of degrading others was just a last ditch attempt to make himself look better. Hagrid was eventually cajoled into leaving his hut by the first day of the new term, and he was relieved to see that the majority of the students didn't care about his heritage.


The semester began, and Ron still hadn't spoken to Hermione. The tension in Gryffindor tower was starting to become stifling, and even Minerva managed to pick up on it during her classes. She asked Harry to stay after class to talk about it, but didn't receive much in the way of answers. From what she gathered, Ron and Hermione were having another one of their arguments, though this one seemed to have lasted much longer than most - she wondered if it had anything to do with Ron's blow up at the Yule Ball. She had told Harry how impressed she was with the way he had handled his friend that night.

Ron finally asked Hermione for a word after the next DA meeting. With so many students attending now, Minerva and Filius had worked their magic to enlarge the room, and Harry decided that they needed to split up the students differently. He and the other leaders had met once after Christmas, to plan and reorganize. The professors would take the fifth and seventh year students, and Cedric and Cho would handle the sixth years. Years four and below would continue to be split up into multiple groups, and would be led by Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Susan, Daphne, and Blaise.

Blaise and Luna were officially dating now, as were Neville and Susan. Harry was happy for all of his friends, though he did worry about how Blaise would be treated by the rest of his house. His worries were cast aside when Blaise told him quietly that the only ones he really needed to worry about were Malfoy, Warrington, and Montague - as Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson were really just sycophants, following Malfoy like little lapdogs - and the rest of the house was either neutral or on his side and actively watching his back.

At the end of the meeting, Ron held Hermione back, appearing much more nervous than any one of them could ever remember him looking.

Harry gave his friend a nod, and grasped Ginny's hand, leading the remaining students out of the room.

Once they were alone, Ron cleared his throat. He didn't know how to start, but he knew what he needed to say. "Hermione, I'm sorry."

Hermione stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Ron coughed. "I've been a real prat lately, I know. You didn't deserve that, and neither did Krum. I shouldn't have said what I did."

"So why did you?" Hemrione asked, her tone giving away nothing.

Ron sighed. "Because I was jealous," he admitted. A ghost of a smile crossed Hermione's face, but the redhead didn't see it. "I wanted to ask you to the Ball myself, but I just couldn't work up the nerve to do it, and then you were already going with someone else."

Hermione sat down at a table, sighing. "What exactly is it you want to happen here, Ron?"

Ron also sat down, moving the chair slightly so that he was facing Hermione. "I'm not like Harry, 'Mione. I'm not good with words, or actions, and I don't really know how to show how I feel. I like you, a lot, but I don't really know how to say it."

The smile this time wasn't fleeting. Hermione leaned forward, grasping one of his hands in hers. "I think you just did," she said nervously.

Ron looked at their intertwined hands, and then up at her face. He saw the happiness in her eyes, and he smiled a little hesitantly. "Hermione, would you go to Hogsmeade with me?"

Hermione nodded, beaming. "I'd love to, Ron."

They stood up, and looked at each other awkwardly, before they decided to make their way back up to Gryffindor tower before curfew. It wasn't quite as romantic or easy as Harry and Ginny, but Ron felt he could learn to be that way, with time.


After leaving the DA lounge, Harry and Ginny said goodbye to the rest of their friends, as Harry led his girlfriend in a different direction.

Harry, where are we going? Ginny asked as he led her along.

Since Christmas, the two had been experimenting with this mind speak, trying to find the limits. It took a bit more effort when they were further apart, and it was the easiest to do when they were touching. They had noticed that it was getting easier with time, though, leading Harry to come to the conclusion that it was like any muscle: exercise and practice made it stronger.

Harry gave her a mental smile. It's a surprise, he replied, coming to a stop in the seventh floor corridor by the portrait of Barnabus the Barmy.

Ginny looked around, confused, as Harry paced back and forth three times. She gasped in shock as a door appeared.

Harry once more took her hand and pulled her into the room that had magically shown itself, closing the door behind them.

It was a cozy room, with a fireplace dancing merrily in the corner, and a very comfortable looking sofa. Windows that she knew must be artificial showed a silvery full moon, and millions of stars that would ordinarily be washed out from the light of the castle.

Harry led her to the couch, sitting down and pulling her close to him. They snuggled for a few minutes, as Harry explained. "It's called the Room of Requirement. Dobby told me about it a few days ago. Apparently, it stays hidden unless it's needed, and can become any room you want. I was thinking we might move our morning run in here, since it's getting rather cold outside." Ginny snorted lightly, remembering their rather ill fated run the week before; their runs over the last few weeks hadn't been as easy or vigorous as they had been before the snow had started to stick to the ground. As the pair had discovered, not slipping in four inches of snow and ice was not quite as easy as they had thought.

"So what else can the room do?" she asked, snuggling even closer.

Harry smiled mischievously, pulling her up off the couch, and holding her hand. He closed his eyes, visualizing, and both felt and heard Ginny's gasp as the scene changed around them. Where it had been a cozy study, was now an outdoor scene.

He opened his eyes again, and studied his beautiful girlfriend by the light of the artificial setting sun. He bent down to take off his shoes, and Ginny followed his actions, slightly dazed. "Harry..." she trailed off, looking around her in amazement.

They were standing on a beach, and without shoes and socks, they could feel the sand between their toes. The sun was setting over an ocean. Ginny looked at Harry. "Is that real?" she asked curiously, gesturing to the water.

Harry smiled. "Let's go find out," he suggested, leading her up to the water's edge, close enough that the receding waves did not leave them dry. It was indeed real water, and Ginny sighed in contentment. She had always loved the water; even living on an island, she had very rarely seen the ocean, and she was immediately enraptured.

The two spent another hour walking in the surf, talking through their bond. The sunset remained just as amazingly stunning, casting orange and red hues across the water, sand, and the two people on the beach. When Harry realized it was getting late, he silently asked the room to go back to the study, and a moment later, they were once more standing in front of the fireplace. Their abandoned shoes and socks were sitting next to the couch.

As they sat down to shod their feet once more, Ginny smiled. That was amazing, Harry. Thank you so much.

Harry blushed a little, but returned the smile. I had fun too, Gin. I've never seen the ocean before, but it was so beautiful. Just like you.

Ginny's face took on a pink hue, but she kept smiling. I'd like to do this again sometime.

Harry nodded, standing up and holding out his hand. I think I'd like that, Gin.

The couple hurried through the dark halls, barely making it back to the tower before curfew.

Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch by the fireplace, looking much happier than they had been the last couple of weeks. Neville was in an armchair nearby, reading the Herbology book Hermione had given him for Christmas.

They all looked up as Harry and Ginny joined them.

"Where were you two?" Hermione asked, closing her Transfiguration textbook.

Harry and Ginny looked at each other and blushed. "We were just spending some time together," Harry replied, before changing the subject. "So I gather you two made up?"

It was the other pair's turn to blush. Ron turned a deep red, and Hermione's cheeks were tinged pink.

Neville chuckled, looking up from his own book. "I'm glad you guys are back. Something's going on with those two, but they won't tell me anything."

Harry sat down, pulling Ginny into his lap. Ron looked like he wanted to say something, but apparently decided against it, and just swallowed, looking over at Hermione.

The bushy haired witch smiled. "Ron asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him, the next weekend."

Harry smirked, and nodded to his friends. "It's about time," he grinned.

Ginny dug her elbow into his stomach. "What my boyfriend means, is congratulations," she said, ignoring Harry's wince.

They all laughed at Harry's discomfort, and passed the next hour talking. It was nice to just spend some time together, without worrying about homework or the tournament for just a little while. They just enjoyed being with each other.

Soon enough it was time for bed, and the group headed up to the dorms feeling much calmer.


The weekend passed quickly with homework, spell practice, and the boys spending time with their girls. Harry introduced the others to the Room of Requirement, and after answering all of Hermione's questions that he could, they decided to move their spell practice there, since the room was much better than they were at conjuring dummies and scenarios for Harry to practice under.

The rest of the group had been suitably shocked to hear what Harry and Ginny had discovered about the second task; Ron was all for telling Mrs. Weasley, and letting her ream Dumbledore out, but Harry and Ginny talked him out of it.

"Mum doesn't need to worry, Ron," Ginny said calmly. "Besides, I don't think Dumbledore really has a say. The tournament is controlled by Bagman and Crouch, and they won't change anything. I'll be fine."

Ron still looked mutinous, but the others seemed to accept that there was nothing they could do, and they moved on. Now that they knew the second task would take place underwater, they needed to find a way for Harry to breathe.

The bubblehead charm was Hermione's suggestion, but as it was a seventh year charm, Harry doubted he'd be able to cast it.

Neville was the one who suggested Gillyweed. "It's a plant that, when swallowed, gives you gills. It should work well enough, though there are some debates about its effectiveness in fresh water, versus salt water."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "Do you know where to get some?" he asked.

Neville smiled. "If you send an owl to the Apothocary in Diagon Ally, they should have it. You can get some extra, and practice a little before the task, so that you get the hang of it."

"That's a great idea, Nev. Thanks."

With that obstacle taken care of, they began to work on spells. Hermione had read about nonverbal casting, and thought it might be a good idea, considering he would be underwater. They weren't really sure if he would be able to speak underwater, even taking Gillyweed. And having the ability to cast spells without speaking could only be a good thing.

After two hours and a great deal of hard work, Harry was able to cast a soundless levitation charm. As the book he was levitating lowered back to the table, Harry let out a great sigh. "That's harder than it looks," he admitted.

"But you did it, Harry," Susan placated. "Nonverbal casting isn't something we would learn until sixth year, and many witches and wizards never become proficient."

Ginny nodded, smiling as she gave her boyfriend a kiss. "You're doing great, Harry. We'll keep practicing. We've still got six weeks before the task."

They decided to call it a night soon after, since it was getting late, and Harry was tired from the effort he had expended that evening.


As Transfiguration class ended the next Tuesday, Harry motioned for his friends to head to lunch without him. They seemed confused, but willingly left him alone with his guardian.

Minerva saw his hesitation, and waited until the rest of the students were gone, before she motioned for him to come closer.

Before he made it to her desk, the door opened once more, and both turned to see Ginny join them. She smiled as she came to a rest beside her boyfriend.

"What can I do for the two of you?" Minerva asked, smiling lightly.

Harry bit his lip, looking down briefly. "We wanted to ask you something about the second task," he replied cautiously.

Minerva looked uncomfortable at that. "You know I can't help you, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "I already know what it is, and what I'm going to do. What I... what we want to confirm is whom the judges are planning on taking."

Minerva looked even more uncomfortable. She glanced from Harry to Ginny, sighed, and nodded. "Your guess is correct, Harry. Miss Weasley will most definitely be deemed what you will 'sorely miss'."

Harry looked distinctly angry. "What are they playing at?" he growled. Minerva appeared taken aback by his irritation. "What idiot thought it would be a good idea to have eight people take a dip in the lake in February? And to drag innocent bystanders into it? Will they even be given a choice, or just taken from their beds without so much as a by-your-leave?"

Minerva blinked, before standing up. "I cannot speak to the mindset of the committee that set up this tournament, so I cannot answer your question, but I will see to it that they are given a choice. And Albus may be many things, but I do not believe he would intentionally place any student in harm's way."

Harry and Ginny both snorted, thinking of all the things Dumbledore was responsible for.

The corner of Minerva's mouth quirked upwards, as she knew what they were thinking. She moved around her desk so that she could give her charge a hug. He leaned into the embrace, thankful for the support. When she pulled back, on an impulse, she also offered Ginny a light hug.

Observing the two of them, she saw their very real worry, and on a whim, invited them to have lunch with her in her office, so that they might talk some more.

They agreed, and the trio spent the rest of the hour talking about Harry's plan for the task, the DA, and how they were managing with their homework. It was rather enjoyable for all of them, and as Minerva sent them off to their next classes - History of Magic for Harry, and Arithmancy for Ginny - she reflected of the couple. She definitely wasn't surprised to learn that they had begun dating several months previously. Watching the pair, she had the same sense of rightness that she had felt when James and Lily had begun dating.

They just fit, and even though they were still so young, Minerva couldn't help but know that they had something special. She wouldn't be surprised to hear about their engagement in a few years.

The idea that they may be getting too close too quickly worried her slightly, and she knew she would need to make sure Sirius finally got around to having The Talk with Harry over the summer, but what it came down to was whether or not she trusted Harry and Ginny. And she did. They were responsible young adults. She might worry about them being alone in a room together, but in the end, it was all about the trust.

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