Animal Attraction 2

By thatkidbex

115K 4.6K 2.6K

In this sequel Niall and Harry have more to overcome in their blossoming relationship. Louis and Zayn are sti... More

Animal Attraction 2
Before We Start the Party...
1 - Another Breed of Cat
2 - Shades of Cool
3 - I Wanna Take You There
4 - R U Mine?
5 - I'll Be Your Thrill
6 - High Voltage When We Kiss
8 - Nobody Does it Like You Do

7 - Like Real People Do

5.2K 303 118
By thatkidbex

Working in the Italian restaurant should feel like coming home or something pleasant since Harry's been there for years but he can't get the possibility of a new job out of his mind.

It's nearly like when Harry first started working there. The hours are long, his break not long enough. He's polite enough and doesn't have to do anything that requires too much brain activity but he daydreams of a new job where he doesn't have to come home smelling like tomato sauce and garlic.

At the end of his work shift, Harry gathers his tips and heads off home. He's ready to pass out in bed for a long overdue nap.

He wonders what Niall's up to. He's supposed to be hanging out with Liam today. It's a friendship that Harry's always been a little annoyed about. On the plus side, he knows Liam won't teach him stupid things or give him bad ideas like Louis.

And speaking of Louis, he'd finally found Zayn.

Louis had gone through extensive measures to find Zayn. He talked to one of the guys supposedly in Zayn's study group who told him to talk to another guy who's seen him "about an hour ago" and the blue eyed boy was getting sick of getting the runaround from these idiots.

It ends up being Liam that gives up where Zayn is. Just not by choice.

Maybe it's crossing various lines looking through one your best friend's phones but it's been two days of this. Louis' known Zayn for years and hadn't considered him to be the type of person to run away when things get a little rough. This is the person he's in a relationship with? Some overgrown, albeit sexy, baby who avoids him instead talking shit out?

By the time Louis' pulling up to the university library riding his bike his palms have gone slick. Louis just knows in Zayn's eyes he's the one who's mucked everything up. What if there isn't anything to salvage? Was this fuck off supposed mean things were over? Louis swallows down the lump in his throat and wills his pulse to stop hammering in his ears as he walks up the stone steps of the library.

A glance at his watch tells him it's seven in the afternoon.

The library itself is quite big. The lights from the ceiling span golden yellow lights that must've once been white when the building was first built. It smells musty and its eerily quiet besides the tap tap tap of students using the computers.

Louis' walking down the aisle of study tables full of students, scanning them briefly for a raven haired someone.

He doesn't find Zayn at a study table. He finds him tucked in a corner with a stack of comics.

"Found you, son of a bitch." Louis mumbles to himself as he strides over with purpose, his knee giving a painful twinge.

And Zayn looks adorable sitting there reading a comic, his pretty lips mouthing the words as he reads them. Louis wants to be snuggle up under his arm and smell the cologne on his cozy looking jumper.

It's been a little while since he's seen Zayn and no memory can do him justice. Zayn is stubborn as he is gorgeous so Louis supposes it'd been inevitable that they would bump heads. Just perhaps not this soon.

He hopes for Zayn to look up as he approaches and sense his presence but he's got stupid earphones on while Louis' attempting for a dramatic entrance of sorts. It's not exactly going the way he envisioned but he can make do with the situation.

Louis pauses a few feet away from and pulls his phone out to text Zayn, his fingers a little bit shaky.

look up

He gets the satisfaction of watching Zayn open the text and mouth the words with confusion until he looks up but Zayn's got a legendary poker face. His amber eyes are all brimstone and liquid amber as he eyes Louis.

Despite his annoyance with Zayn, Louis can't deny the flip in his belly at the attention.

"Well, if you're quite finished playing hide and seek. I'd like to talk this out." Louis clears his throat, cheeks pinking from the fact that he hasn't seen that face in two days.

"Then talk. I'd love to hear what you have to say." Zayn says, running his tongue over his teeth.

"You gonna tell me why you're pissed?"

Zayn's brow furrows like he's thinking of what to say. He stands up, brushing off his black jeans, his boots quiet against the carpeted floor.

"You must think I'm pretty fuckin' stupid." Zayn's eyes narrow likes he's scowling in a stupid model way, Louis thinks.

"Sometimes, but that's besides the point." Louis replies errantly.

Zayn runs a hand through his dark hair, a strand if raven hair falling to his forehead. It's be sexy if Louis wasn't so irritated.

"I just didn't think you'd pull something like that, on Valentine's day no less. You pushed me and pushed me for this relationship and for what? So you can run around behind my fucking back? What are you playing at being the victim in this?"

All the while Zayn is talking, Louis' own anger is rising, his pulsing steadily beating harder.

"Just say what you mean! Stop beating around the bush. I want to know what horrible offence I'm guilty of." Louis stands his ground.

"Fine. You can't deny something I've seen with my own eyes. You weren't alone on Valentine's day. Said you'd be at footie and you lied, didn't you?" Zayn questions making no move to step closer to Louis.

"You could've just said this to my face." Louis deflates, shoulders slumping slightly.

Zayn didn't need to run off, didn't need to avoid him like a one night stand. They're best friends, better than that.

"You didn't answer my question." Zayn frowns.

"Yes. I lied." Louis groans, closing his eyes, his head lolling back in frustration.

Just as Zayn is about to storm past him, Louis stops him by sliding an arm around his slim waist. He catches him by the loop of his jeans.

"Let me go, mate."

"Just stop. Look." Louis hikes up his basketball shorts to show off the black knee brace snug on his right knee.

"What happend?" Zayn asks, voice still unmoved as his eyes stay glued to Louis' knee.

"About a week and a half ago, I got hurt during practice. I've been benched since."

"You think you could guilt me into-" Zayn begins, his voice deep and menacing.

"Shut the fuck up will you? I'm not done." Louis huffs. "I'm getting in home physiotherapy."

Zayn's face twists in confusion. That teenager was a physiotherapist? It smells like bullshit. "From the kid? He didn't look older than sixteen!"

"Actually eighteen. That's it then? You saw him. That's why you went mad." Louis asks, his face going soft and it irritates Zayn all the more.

"What if I don't believe you?"

Louis rolls his eyes. "He's in his third year going for his Bachelor to become certified. You can meet him if you want."

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I've been trying to for the past two days, you muppet." Louis places his hands on both of Zayn's sweater clad shoulders to give him shake.

"No, why'd you lie in the first place? You didn't need to." Zayn questions, his brows still knitted.

"Right, because it's not embarrassing to get injured in the first week of footie practice." Louis murmurs sarcastically, his face heating up.

"I'm still pissed at you." Zayn says gently, taking Louis' chin in his hand to swipe at his thin bottom lip with his thumb.

"Why?" Louis bites at Zayn's thumb with his shape canine hard enough that the younger boy flinches.

"Ow. It looked like the kid didn't even want to leave that day."

"Yeah, he's obsessed with me." Louis smirks.

"That's not funny." Zayn chastises, giving Louis a little shove so he stumbles into the bookcase.

"I have a session in less than an hour. Are you coming with me?"

"I'm still pissed at you." Zayn reminds him despite Louis launching himself at Zayn anyway.

But that's Louis, Zayn thinks. He throws himself into things and especially people whether you're ready to catch him or not.

"You said already. Now kiss me, sugarplum." Louis bites at Zayn's lovely bottom lip rougher than Zayn has ever liked.

"I hate you." Zayn grumbles as Louis continues tugging at his bottom lip with teeth and beginning to growl like a pup with a chew toy.

"You love me." Louis grins, eyes crinkling at the corners.

Zayn raises an eyebrow, unfazed by Louis' affection.

"Would you still be mad if I gave you a blowie right here behind the encyclopedias?" Louis offers, reaching down to crudely squeeze at Zayn's junk.

"Slightly less mad but I'm not against it."

"We've resolved our first fight!" Louis declares, planting a loud kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

"I wouldn't say resolved but-" Zayn mumbles against Louis' kiss.

"You want me to suck you off or not?" Louis hums, licking the tip of Zayn's nose just to annoy him.

"We're gonna get caught." Zayn tries to hide his smile as he wipes at his wet nose.

"We are not." Louis argues, his hand dipping into the hem of Zayn's jeans to tug him foward.

"Yes, because you sound like you're slurping hot soup when you suck me off-"

"How dare you! If anything is gonna give us away it'll be your bloody moaning. Sounds like somebody is strangling you instead of getting you off-"

They're interrupted by a mature woman wearing too much corduroy shushing them harshly. "I'm going to have to ask you two to leave the library before we call security." She snaps as she places two books back onto their designated shelves.

Zayn nods and tugs Louis along down the aisle of book shelves, the smaller boy tripping a bit as they try not cower under the woman's glare.

"See what you do?" Louis chides as he stumbles behind Zayn.

"Shut up."

"Fuck you."

"You wish." Zayn throws him a wry smile over his shoulder.

"I really do." Louis admits, laughing too loud, the sound echoing in the quiet library as Zayn grabs his ass.


Harry wakes from his nap groggily, the time between driving home and napping sort of a blur in his mind. He vaguely registers a weight on top of him. He rubs his eyes and finally his focus lands to his sweetheart perched on top him, diamond blue eyes full of adoration.

Niall is entirely on top of him, his chest against Harry's with his hands supporting his chin. Just when Niall couldn't get any cuter, Harry inwardly smiles.

"Hi, love." Harry rasps, eyes still adjusting.

"Harry Edward." Niall acknowledges.

"Wha' time s'it?" Harry squints at the bedside clock.

"Dinner time." Niall supplies.

"You made dinner?"

Niall nods looking terribly pleased with himself as he sits up to straddle his boyfriend. Harry's positive that even if Niall served him dirt on a plate he'd be proud of him.

Harry sits up slowly, groaning as his back muscles crack, to cup Niall's cheeks and bring him in for a long kiss. He tastes sweet. Harry idly thinks Niall must've gotten into the box of sugar cubes again.

"Can I eat you for dinner?" Harry hums, kissing the corner of Niall's mouth.

The blonde loves how Harry wakes up so cuddly and affectionate. The brunette's hair is wild and his green eyes look dark in the amber glow of the bedside lamp. His lips are gorgeously pinked and swollen from kissing and Niall is beginning to think Harry gets lovelier with each passing day.

Niall laughs, his smile so heartbreakingly charming

"Just lay with me for a bit." Harry wraps his arms around Niall, the pair flopping sideways onto the mattress.

When Harry arrived home from work, he gave Niall a quick peck on the lips before trudging to the bedroom to pass out on the unmade bed. Niall had watched curiously, pulling Harry's shoes off before skipping off to the kitchen.

Maybe Harry was just hungry, Niall reasoned.

"You are terribly beautiful. You could be with anyone and you don't even know it." Harry murmurs drowsily, a yawn itching in his throat.

"You are terribly beautiful. I always want to be with you." Niall replies.

Harry grins. "Adore you, you know? I tell you you're gorgeous but there are other things."

"Yeah?" Niall curls closer to Harry so they share the same pillow.

Harry licks his lips just as he begins. "I love how you always tell me how you feel. I like how honest you are. make me laugh."

"Thank you."

"I love how cheeky you are."

"You're cheeky too."

Harry half smiles and pulls Niall closer against his body. "Maybe I'm crazy but I feel like you're growing."

"Growing like your hair." Niall grins, pushing away Harry's long hair from his forehead.

"What did you make for dinner?" Harry questions, tangling his legs with Niall's.

"It's...a surprise." Niall whispers.

"Do I have to close my eyes?"

"Why?" Niall makes a face.

Harry grins. "I love it when you do that."

"Do what?"

"When you make that absurd face as if I've gone mad and I'm making things up."

"Sometimes you are."

"Oh please."

"Yeah! Like you sayed-said Liam doesn't have a penis."

"I was joking! I didn't expect you to barge in while he's taking a wee." Harry bursts out laughing.

Niall's face burns a bright scarlet, from his throat to the tips of his ears. Harry isn't laughing at him maliciously but it's still embarrassing to be laughed at nonetheless.

"It's bigger than yours." Niall sniffs.

Harry gasps. "You weren't complaining when you were riding it last night."

"Harry!" Niall whines.

"Let's go, 'm starving," Harry sits up attempting to pull the blonde with him, "...Liam's isn't really bigger than mine, is it?"

Niall shrugs.

"You wound me, kitten." Harry dramatizes, a hand placed over his heart in hurt.

"I love you." Niall bumps his forehead to Harry's.

"Nice try."

"Mew." The blonde buries his face in the brunette's throat.

"You are dangerous." Harry chastises softly but cradles the blonde's face in his hands to kiss him thoroughly.

Niall loves this kind of kissing, the lazy movement and Harry's hot mouth against his. The brunette runs the tip of his tongue along the roof the blonde's mouth and the blue eyed boy swoons with it, his hips involuntarily bucking up into Harry.

"I don't think we'll ever eat if we carry on like this, love."

"It's okay."

Harry grins, his own face heating up. He takes Niall by the hand to drag him out of the bedroom.

Harry prepares himself for the worst in the kitchen. He half expects to find the kitchen in ruins and disarray but instead he finds two very delicious looking plates of sandwiches that don't look like something Niall simply threw together.

"You really did make dinner. I would've helped you, kitten." Harry wraps in arm around Niall's shoulders and kisses the top of his head.

"Wanted to do it by myself." Niall mumbles against Harry's pec.

"You absolute angel, you shouldn't have but did you really do this?" Harry inspects the sandwiches.

They look quite gourmet with the sliced avocado and toasted croissant bread. It looks like something he'd order at a restaurant and Harry isn't sure if he's disappointed at himself for underestimating Niall.

"Yes! Borrowed this book from Bressie. It tells you to make foods." Niall answers holding up a cook book titled Simple Recipes for the New Cook.

"Babe, that's great! Wait a minute, you got this from who?" Harry stops himself from digging into a sandwich.


"I told you I would've helped you. You don't need to be going to him for absolutely anything." Harry steps toward Niall, towering over him slightly.

"I didn't go to him!" Niall defends.

"What? What does that mean?"

Niall face reddens. "I tried to make something but burned. Then I opened the door so the bad smell would go away and then Bressie- and he said I could borrow the book."

"I could've helped you, Niall." Harry repeats more out of frustration.

"Why are you mad at me?" The smaller boy questions, stung by the fact his boyfriend used his name rather than his usual pet name.

"'M not mad."

"You look mad."

"I feel like I've told you countless times that I don't like that guy." Harry steps away and leans on the counter, he stares up at the ceiling trying to gauge what exactly he's feeling.

"He likes you-" Niall tries.

"He doesn't know me."

"He's nice. He helped me." Niall's eyes well up and he's frustrated with himself. He doesn't cry anymore. He refuses to but this feeling of exasperation is building up.

"People aren't nice for no reason." Harry shakes his head.

"Liam is."

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore." Harry turns away from him completely.

"You should not be so mean." Niall fiddles with the cook book anxiously.

"I'm not being mean."

"Didn't like Perrie too and...Perrie was good. I have to wee."

Harry watches Niall head for the bathroom. He sighs when he hears the blonde close the door off.

It isn't jealousy. Swears it isn't. Niall can't go trusting or befriending strangers. He'd gotten lucky with Perrie but Harry's not so sure with this other guy. What he is sure of is that it feels like shit upsetting Niall. He knows he shouldn't be Debbie Downer when Niall has done something thoughtful.

Harry seeks Niall out to apologize. He'll blame the overreaction on being hungry.

The green eyed boy finds him sitting on the bed admiring the gold disc necklace around his neck.

"You alright, love? I'm sorry if you thought I was being mean...I'm just protective of you." Harry cautiously moves closer into the bedroom.

"I know."

"Baby?" Harry walks over and kneels down in front of Niall. "I'm sorry. Really I am. What can I do to make it better?"

Niall looks peers at Harry. It's tedious being mad at Harry with his sea green eyes and pretty mouth.

"I'll wake you up with a blow job."

Niall turns his head away.

"I'll bring you eggy toast in the morning."

Niall hums but refrains from looking at him.

"I'' to Louis about the Bressie thing."


Harry nods, resigned.

"I'll wake you up with a blow jaw." Niall pulls Harry up by his t-shirt to latch his mouth onto his, Harry grinning into the kiss.

And really, Niall isn't very hard to please and Harry is truly grateful for that.


"Before you meet Luke-"

"Luke? His name's Luke? What kind of posh name is that?" Zayn grumbles as Louis parks the car on the corner of his flat.

"You haven't even met him." Louis points out, shutting the car off.

"I know all I need to."

"He'll probably be intimidated so after you meet him if you could just maybe-" Louis tries to be casual about the suggestion but he knows Zayn isn't having it.

"I'm not leaving. I'm quite interested in what physiotherapy entails." Zayn smiles sarcastically going so far as to grab Louis' book bag.

"You're so jealous. I love it." Louis reaches over the center console of the car to pinch at Zayn's cheek.

"I don't." The younger boy slaps the hand away from his face.

"I'm so turned on. You have no idea." Louis growls exaggeratedly.

"At least tell me I've nothing to be jealous of. You're the worst." Zayn unclips his seatbelt and exits the car but Louis' quick on his heels despite brisk air that greets him.

Louis jumps onto Zayn's back, the Bradford native stumbling a little as he rights himself.

"He's a child. If I showed him my dick the poor thing wouldn't even know what to do with it, love." Louis says in a tone Zayn thinks is meant to be soothing.

"Lets hurry this up before you make me burst a blood vessel in my eye."

"If you're good, maybe I'll put out tonight." Louis whispers.

Zayn snorts but steps into the small lobby of Louis' building, curious and anxious to meet the boy who's apparently obsessed with his boy.

Should be fun, Zayn concludes.

A/N: The last chapter was a whopping 6,000 words so I'm trying to tone down writing so much hah. Plot and drama comin' up soon :D

The comments are my absolute favorite and I love hearing what you guys think. Just want you to know I read it all and I'm so appreciative ♡

Until the next update, stay golden. xx

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