Not a Valentine's date

بواسطة you-make-me-wander

27.8K 1.4K 352

Malia breaks up with Stiles a few weeks before Valentine's Day and Stiles turns to Lydia for comfort. As they... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

1.4K 82 21
بواسطة you-make-me-wander

Stiles opened the door for Scott a little after 8 am; he had texted him before so that they could talk. Lydia is fast asleep on his bed, so the boys move to the kitchen for breakfast.

Stiles can't lie. Waking up to Lydia sleeping beside him might be the best thing that has ever happened in his life but no, he's so not gonna share that with Scott. He saw the way his best friend looked at them apprehensive last night and the last thing Stiles needs right now is another lecture. The boys sit at Stiles' kitchen table with their bowls of cereals in hand and relax, eating while they talk.

"So how are you? Really."

"I'm not sure," Stiles answers honestly. "I just... The break up could have been less public and stupid. That's what I got for trying to be the good guy, I guess. Karma has a twisted sense of humour, I must say."

"It wasn't your fault, Stiles. You know that."

"I know." Stiles lowers his head. "It's just too many things at once. It's senior year and I've been trying my hardest to keep up but well, Malia, so now I have to work even harder. And it's all the supernatural shit that keeps popping up. And my dad. And Lydia. And I miss my mom and it's all just a big mess and since I already lost my sanity once, I'd like to hold on to the one I have right now, thank you very much. But god, someone is for sure testing me."

"Your dad did go kind of overboard last night, dude."

"Yeah, a little."

"No, Stiles, not a little. A lot. You should talk to him."

They have had this discussion before. "I'm just tired of it, Scott. He doesn't trust me or believe in me. I don't know what else to do."

"You two need to sit down and talk, Stiles, or else it'll stay the same."

"I've tried talking to him, Scott, several times. He doesn't listen. He still thinks I'm the little kid that lost his mom. Well, guess what? I grew up!"

"You know there are a lot of things that he still doesn't know about what we do. He doesn't know about all the things you've done for us, for everyone..."

"I don't think he cares. I'm so sick of it. Mom listened, okay? And it might have been years ago and I was just a kid back then, but she listened. And it still feels like it was yesterday. I mean, your mom almost listens to me more than my dad these days..." Stiles exhales deeply and blushes embarrassed, remembering the way he had broken down on Melissa's arms the night before. "And uh... By the way, sorry about last night. I kind of took over your mom..."

"It's fine, Stiles. You're my brother, man." Stiles feels a little lighter already.

"Yeah, but I don't think that gives us the right to share her, you know?" he says, narrowing his eyes a bit.

They both chuckle. "Well, I don't think she minded that much." Scott smiles at Stiles reassuringly.

Stiles smiles bright. "Thanks, bro."

"And uh... Lydia?"

Stiles tries to keep his cool. "What about her?"

"You guys seemed pretty close."

"Yeah, I guess."

"Why did you go to her? After what happened, I mean?"

"I don't know." Stiles pauses and Scott waits until he continues. "She gets me, you know? And it's probably the tether and the whole sacrifice thing, but she gets me and I get her. It's different with her. You are my best friend, Scott, no offense, but it's just not the same."

"I can hold your hand too," Scott teases remembering last night.

Stiles frowns but laughs. "Shut up."

"So you two are good!" Scott says enthusiastic, trying to get more details. Kira wouldn't shut up about it.

"Yeah, I guess we are."

"How good?"

"Will you stop?" Stiles can't help it; he blushes.

"I just... I want to make sure you two don't rush into anything, that's all."

"We're not. It's just easier with her, okay? She makes me feel better."

"I don't need the sordid details or anything. The general idea is enough." Scott laughs loudly at the face Stiles is making, more so when Stiles chokes on his cereal and the Alpha has to pat him on the back. "Wow, she makes you feel that good?"

Stiles hides his face on his hands, cheeks as red as they can probably get. "Oh my god, Scott. I'm gonna kill you."

"Hey guys."

The boys stop abruptly and stare at Lydia like they got caught red-handed. Lydia, who's by the kitchen door yawning and rubbing her eyes like a little kid, pouting slightly, doesn't seem to notice.

"Lydia!" Scott tries, and fails, to hide his excitement.

"Hey." That's all Stiles manages to get out of his mouth. Lydia stretches and god, Stiles wants to die because he can't stop looking at her and he knows that Scott is watching him. "You uh- Did you sleep well?"

"My mattress is better than yours," she says bitterly as she walks towards the fridge. Morning Lydia is a little grumpy.

"Yeah, I can't really argue with you there," Stiles comments before he can stop himself.

Scott wants to burst out laughing because this can't be happening. Their best friends are not discussing which of their beds is better to sleep on. "Should I try it too for comparison or is it VIP only?"

Lydia sends him a glare that makes him regret it immediately. "Really, Scott?"

The boy flinches. "Sorry."

Stiles, entertained, grins at the strawberry blonde. "Geez, you're in a good mood this morning."

She directs him the same glare she gave the Alpha. "Saying that won't make it better."

Stiles looks down, uncomfortable. "Right, sorry."

She settles for yoghurt and sits opposite Stiles and at Scott's left. "No, I'm sorry. The later I get up, the more cranky I get. It's your own damn fault if I got so comfortable."

Stiles tries to hide a smirk but Lydia sees it and they both end up blushing hard. Scott feels like a third wheel. "Well, this is fun but we have to talk about tomorrow."

"Do we?" Stiles whines, pushing his bowl forward, finished with his breakfast. "Do we really?"

"Yes, Stiles, we do," Lydia says more harshly than she intended to. "I mean, you're gonna see Malia again tomorrow. First day back at school after the break up and all that."

"I need to know what you want me to do with her, as part of the pack, you know," Scott says, looking expectant at his best friend.

"I think I should stay out of it. You're the Alpha. It's your call, Scott."

"I don't know if I want her to stay if it makes you uncomfortable. You're my second in command, Stiles."

"I'll accept whichever decision you make. I just really can't help you, Scott. This one is on you. Sorry, buddy."

Scott is not sure if he should ask, but "Lydia?"

"If Stiles is not giving you a straight answer, neither am I."

"I'm asking you because you're the smartest one in the pack." Not because you like Stiles, Scott thinks to himself.

"I'm sorry, Scott. I'm biased, okay?" She admits, her cheeks turning slightly rosy again. "I can't give you a rational answer because I don't have one, not on this matter."

At that, Stiles and Lydia avoid each other's glances purposefully. Scott gives up. "Alright. Then I guess I'll have to talk to her. We don't even know if she wants to stay in the pack, anyway."

"I'm not sure she will," Stiles lets out. "If we're being honest, she was with us because of me. She'd probably leave you guys for dead in a heartbeat."

"Yeah," Scott concedes. Everyone knows it's true. "I say if she wants to stay in the pack, we'll vote and see what everyone has to say. If not, problem solved." The other two nod in agreement. "What about tomorrow, what do you want us to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"With Malia, Stiles. Do you want us to say something to her or back off? Everyone's gonna be gossiping in those hallways."

"I don't know." Stiles is a little exasperated. "I never got broken up with before, remember?"

"I think we should stay together, someone with Stiles at all times, just in case. She's still a little too wild for my taste. I wouldn't want her to do something to you," Lydia says, pointing at Stiles.

"I'm human but I'm not defenceless."

Lydia continues, regardless of his remark. "I wasn't finished. Also, you'll feel better if you're not alone when everyone looks at you like you're some kind of cursed toy, pity in their eyes, okay? I've been there. It's not easy nor pleasant. They'll judge you and whisper behind your back and you'll probably feel like shit, so we'll be there to back you up," she adds smiling, putting the empty yoghurt container on the table and cleaning her spoon with a napkin.

"Wow, that makes me feel so much better. Thank you," Stiles says with a scowl.

"Lydia's right," Scott interjects.

"Alright, then uh..." Stiles pauses to think for a moment. "Then we won't do anything and see how it plays out. Maybe Malia won't acknowledge my existence, that'd be cool." Stiles ends the sentence grinning like a fool and Scott and Lydia look at him like he said a blasphemy. "What? Shouldn't I be the one to judge when I'm good to make a joke on it?" He does have a point so they laugh. Stiles grins, feeling stupidly proud of himself.

"So what are you guys up to today?" Scott asks.

"We we're thinking research. It's been a while," Lydia says, glancing at Stiles like she's about to melt. "Wanna join us?"

Stiles looks at her in disbelief and then at Scott, frowning. "Yes, Scott, please join us. We're dying to have you," a sarcastic tone in his voice. Lydia throws the spoon his way and it hits him in the chest. Stiles pretends to be hurt, Lydia purses her lips not to laugh.

"There's no way I'm staying alone with you two," the werewolf teases and Lydia slaps his arm. By now, Scott looks like a happy puppy. "What if we had lunch? I have plans with Kira for the morning, but maybe we could all have lunch together and then discuss theories on that weird were-whatever we found last week?"

"Sure," Lydia answers promptly to Stiles' dismay. "My place? We can order something."

"Yeah, sounds good. I have to go, I'm picking up Kira in ten." Scott gets up and starts walking away, grin in place. "I'll see you later then. You two don't do anything I wouldn't do."

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