sex tape - h.s

De elephantstyles

2.2K 24 3

english version in which a girl almost gets raped by some guy, another guy saves her and it turns out he has... Mais


001 || his coat

1K 5 1
De elephantstyles

Harry. 9-9-2013

"Where are the ten thousand dollars?" I call out. The blonde guy almost pisses into his pants of fear.

I look at him, furious. His blue eyes look at me in panic.

"I-I-I-I haven't g-g-ot i-it," he stammers.

I let go of him with a forced smile.

"Okay," I smirk. He gives me a confused look.

"You aren't going to hurt me?" he asks.

"Nope," I mumble.
I laugh. How can he trust me? I'm Harry Edward Styles.

"Or yeah, I will. Piece of shit," I say, pulling the trigger.

"Did he have the money?" George asks. I shake my head.

"Shit. You did shoot him huh?" I nod. George nods approvingly.

"And the body?"

"I burned it. I'm sure that his parents never knew about his dirty business," I answer.

"Good job, Styles. But we still don't have the money," he sighs.

"Perhaps we do, " I say mysterious. George's eyes start to glow.

"How and where?" he asks smiling.

"I sent some people to his house, your people to be exact. You don't mind, right? The money is in my jacket."

"You're amazing."

"You're welcome," I tell him. He walks over to the couch, where my jacket is and picks it up.

"Nice jacket though," he compliments.


He grabs the money and looks at it while he keeps nodding.

"Because you, my friend..." He knocks appreciative on my shoulder.

"Handled this so well, you don't have to live in this shitty apartment anymore."

I smirk."Thank you George."

Victoria. 9-9-2014.

"Victoria! Hurry on now!"

"Shut up Finn!" I yell, rolling my eyes.

"I'm gonna come in if you don't hurry," he threatens me.

"Don't do that, shorty," I say irritated.

"Too late!" He calls out and he laughs. I pull the shower curtain aside.

"You're really here," I sigh.

And then there was me thinking the bathroom door was locked. "What do you want?"

"I wanna shower, now," he says, crossing his arms.

"I'm done in five minutes," I assure him.

"I want to shower now!" He yells, pulling the whóle shower curtain aside. Shocked, I pull a towel from the rack and turn it around me.

"Stupid kid," I say and I step out of the shower. Harshly, I push him out of the bathroom.

"Why did God gave me two little brothers?" I sigh.

"Because I'm cool," Finn says.

"And so am I!" Jack says, who suddenly stands on the hallway.

I give Finn an angry glance again and lock the door.

I hear them fighting about who is going to shower first.

And they are fifteen? They act like six year olds.

"Vic! School starts in half an hour. Come out of the shower!" My mom yells from downstairs.
Half an hour? Holy moly, I gotta hurry.

I shut off the shower and brush my teeth, before I leave the bathroom.

Jack rushes into the bathroom. Finn looks at him in anger. Jack winks and turns on the shower.

I walk into my room and pick a happy, summer dress out of my closet. Underneath that I wear a shark necklace and black shoes.
I get dressed as fast as I can and put on some make up.

Now I'm going to get some breakfast.

"Did you understand the history test?" Chloë asks.

"No way. It was really difficult. I hope I have a good grade."

"Me too."

"What should we do tonight?" I ask then. Chloë looks doubtful.

"There's a party at Anna's."


"Shall we go?" Chloë asks with a pleading look.

"Okay then," I mumble.

"Yes!""On one condition.You curl my hair." Chloë smiles.


And there I am, in Anna's garden. With a bored glance on my face I look around.

Half of the people here is drunk. I hate people.

"Wanna dance?" A guy looks at me with a smirk on his face.

I smile back. "That depends on you." He lifts one eyebrow.

"Would you really wanna dance with me?" I chortle.

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't ask you to," he says confused. I'm so awkward.

"Okay, let's dance." I sigh. He should see my dance moves. They're awful. He grabs my hand and pulls me through the dancing and kissing people.
Moments later we're inside.

"What's your name?" he asks.


"That name sounds lovely. I am Matt." He reaches his hand out. I shake it friendly.

"I'm not really good at dancing," I admit. He takes a relieved breath.

"Great, I'm not really good at dancing either." I begin to shine.

"Should we go sit down somewhere?" He points to the couch, which is empty.

"I'd love to." I walk behind him, towards the couch.

"So, Victoria. How old are you?"


"I'm eighteen. What school are you on?" He is very social, I notice.

"I'm going to Grace Antonio High, and you?"

"Huh? Me too! I never saw you there!" He laughs.

"That's weird! I'm going to get us some drinks. At least, if you want to. So, you want a drink?" Matt shakes his head.

"No, thanks."

I give him a big smile before I walk away. That was so uncomfortable.

I'm not even going to get 'drinks'. I just wanted to get away from the awkward conversation. And, I have to pee.

"Cozy out here," I say sarcastic when I walk into the bathroom upstairs. There's no one. Logic, everyone goes to the toilet downstairs. Anna probably doesn't mind me going to toilet here.

I look at my reflection in the mirror. Gross, I'm all sweaty.

Suddenly someone opens the door. Matt? What's Matt doing here? He thought I was getting some drinks, right?

"That's what I thought already," he smirks.


"That you weren't going to get 'some drinks'." He still smirks, and he's starting to frighten me.
He takes a step forward. Hesitatingly I take a step backwards.

"You aren't going to my school, isn't it?" I mumble. He nods.

"Well spotted."

"You're older than eighteen?"


"Jesus christ."

Unawares he pushes me against the wall and tries to kiss me. I try to push him off of me.
"Matt, don't-"

"Victoria, yes. My name isn't Matt by the way, it's George," he whispers in my ear.

"Pervert, let go of me," I hiss.


"You're scaring me."

"Why should I care?"

He rips my t-shirt off. I shake my head in despair. "Leave me fucking alone!"

"Yell at me like that once again and I'll fuck you right now." I swallow and wipe the tears that are running down my face away.

"Don't do this, please," I whisper.
I take a deep breath. I can't let this happen.

"Help!" I yell as loud as I can. He looks at me furiously and presses his hand against my mouth.

"You are really horny. But OK, if you want to do it now." I shake my head with wild moves back and forth.

His smelly hand shuts my mouth. I can not do anything. The only thing I can do is letting myself get raped.

I can't do anything to save myself, I'm totally stuck between the wall and his body. George, who is much bigger than me, bends down to take off my pants.

With his mouth.

With his strong arms he presses me against the wall. He is in a strange position. One hand on my mouth, the other hand against the wall.

This is just a dream. This isn't happening.

The elbow of the hand he has pressed against my mouth leans on the wall. The other arm holds me tightly and is also leaning on the wall.

"You're so hot," he says. My pants slide down to my ankles. I shudder because of the coldness coming towards me.

I try to scream. The only sound you hear is a groan.

He gets up and smiles at me. I try to push him off of me, nothing works.

I squeeze my eyes shut. This can't be happening.

Think of something fun, Victoria. Then you'll probably wake up.
Think of that moment you went shopping with Kaylee. She ran into that cute guy and stumbled over him.
That was hilarious, remember? You never laughed that hard.

Or that one time that you and your friend Damon went to the cinema. You guys threw popcorn at the people in front of you.
An old lady was furious. She called you "a bunch of scandals" and "the youth of today."

I smile weakly thinking about those moments.

"George?" a woman-voice suddenly sounds.

"What are you doing?" She yells.
Crying, I fall aside and I put on my jeans and shoes. Quickly I put on my t-shirt and run out of the toilet.

"Stupid slut! I'll get you!" George yells after me. I look back once and run further, down the stairs.
When I'm in the hallway I hear George's footsteps. I quicken my pace.

People look at me like I'm crazy. I ignore them and run into the garden. It's quieter here.

Chloë yells something at me, but I can not understand what she says. I jump over the garden fence.

I want to run into the street when someone grabs my wrist.
"No, George. Please don't," I say and I keep crying.

"Sssht," George whispers. I look up. It's not even him! It's a complete different person.

"You're save. Trust me," the guy says softly.

"Give me one reason to trust you," I say.

"Okay, then don't trust me," he says irritated.

He grabs my hand and starts to run. I hear George screaming my name. He's almost faster than us.
The stranger pulling me with him has a hoodie and sunglasses on, like he doesn't want anyone to recognize him.

"Faster!" I scream. My heart is pounding in my throat.

"Take off your heels!" the guy yells back.

Hopping I pull it from my feet and discard them - without even thinking -backwards.

"Almost in the face," the stranger says. I nod wheezy, not even knowing where the hell we're going to.

In a short period the guy stops running. He lifts me on his back and runs around the corner.

"Sorry, you were too slow," he mumbles.

"I'm not slow," I snap.

"Fine then."

He takes a key from his pocket and I hear the beep of a car. He pushes me in the passanger's seat of a black Range Rover and sits down quickly.

He starts the car and drives away.

"I will find you, you slut!" George screams as we pass by.

I can't place everything that just happened in my head and stay quiet. When we're four blocks further the guy starts talking.

"I'm Harry," he mumbles.

"My adress is-"

Harry gives me a sad face. "I can't bring you home yet."


"I can't bring you home. George will kill you." He takes his sunglasses off.

"What are you going to do with me then?" I ask confused.

"I'm sorry, but you gotta go with me." He directs his face to the road again.

"What? No! I'm not going with you?" I call out. What is he thinking?

He looks at me, angry.

"You can choose. Die, or come with me."

"I-I-I-" I stutter. Die? I'm save at home.

"I guess you're going with me. Which I thought already."
"No, no I am not coming with you," I say steadfastly. I stare at my fingers.

"Okay, if you wanna die then that's what you're going to do," Harry says and he begins to gain speed.

"What the hell are you thinking?" I yell and I keep myself save by pulling my hands in front of my face.

He drives straightway to a huge tree. "Stop!" I cry when we are a few meters away from the tree, "I did not say I wanted to die! I'll go with you!"

Harry decelerates as fast as he can and with his hand he holds my body so I won't fall straight through the window.

"That took long, don't you think?" he asks irritated.

"You almost killed yourself and then you say it took long?"

"I wasn't going to do it, I knew you would stop me. You really need to come with me, Victoria. George will absolutely kill you if you don't."

"But I don't want to," I whisper.

"Now you have to listen closely, I just saved your god damn life. So stop complaining and go with me." Harry gives me an angry face and starts the car again.



We don't say a word the whole ride. I stare out the window and try to put everything that happened the past hour in a row, which is not really easy to do.
I'm glad that George didn't deflowered me. My head is a mess, I can't have that on my mind too.

"Why are you so quiet?" Harry asks. I look up.

"Why do you think?"



"You're save with me." He looks at me with a small smile.

"I don't know if I can trust you."

"We will see," Harry says with a wink, "you have to stay with me for a week, maybe longer. I don't know when George stops searching."

"And what if he'll keeps searching for years? What if he keeps searching forever?"

"What if he doesn't? And by the way, over 'forever', he's probably dead."

"That's true. You know George well?" I ask.

"I work for him."

"Wait, you work for him?" I ask confused. "Why are you protecting me then?"

"Because I want to."

"You don't even know me."

"But I want to, oh, there we are. Welcome to my amazing apartment," Harry says and he parks the car at the sideway of the road.
"There is no sign of a house," I notice with a nervous laugh.

"The car has to stay here. Otherwise George will know it was me. I borrowed this one," Harry smiles.

"You stole it?"

"Yeah. What we're you thinking then?"

"I.... I don't know. How far is your house?"

"About five streets." He gets out of the car and opens my door too.

We walk silently side by side through the streets. I'm freezing. I'm shaking and chattering teeth. It's early fall, so this is quite strange.

"Are you cold?" Harry asks.


"Sadly for you then." I sigh and pull a hand through my hair.

"You're so friendly," I say sarcastic.

"I know right." He says and he burst out in laughing.

Harry POV.

"I'm curious about your life," Victoria suddenly says.

"How so?" I ask.

"What kind of job do you have?" she asks, ignoring my question.

"It doesn't have a name, I guess," I mumble.

"Hmm. Tell me about it."

"No. It's non of your business," I shout. She seems equally perplexed by my answer and opens her mouth to shut it right after.

"I work in a pub," she begins. "I'm a waitress. There are quite nice people, you should come by sometime," she says with a smile.

"It's not that you're going to work there soon. And go to a bar? That's not something of my kind. Maybe your kind though," I say.

"Oh. How old are you?"


"Are you going to school?"

"No, and I don't study either," I tell her.

"OK, but what are you doing on a day then?"

"I said I worked for George," I snap.

"What kind of job is he doing then?"

"How should I name it?" A murderer.

"Describe it for me," Victoria says and she fakes a smile.

"You'll find out," I mumble.

"You're mysterious."

"I thought girls loved that?" I say.

"Some girls. I do not," she says and she shrugs. We almost pass by my apartment.

"We're home," I say and I push her in the right direction.

"O- Al right."

An hour later.

"Thanks for letting me call my mom," Victoria says with a smile.

"It was a small thing. Wait here," I say and I put her on the couch. I leg to my bedroom and grab a dared dress out of the closet.

You probably think, Harry, you're a transvestite? No, I'm not. This dress is from a girl I slept with. Sometimes I keep their clothes. Don't know why.
Kind of creepy actually.
I grab two matching pumps - of the same girl - and walk into the living room again.

"Put that on," I command.


"We're going to a party."

hi guys! the following chapters are going to be A LOT smaller, theyll be about 1500 words.
make sure you follow me on here and on my twitter; santaklaushaz.
thanks for reading!

- tess

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