The sober side of pain //McCa...

inkedlover tarafından

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Gabriella. Daha Fazla



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inkedlover tarafından

After pushing the door of the Arsenal gym, Azure let out a groan in frustration.

They were gonna gym with the men's team.

There were a whole lot of things Azure hated.

Mushrooms, scooters, rocky road ice cream, Nike Cortez. She used to hate Chelsea. She doesn't care about that anymore.


Some were okay. Most men were assholes. Jonas seemed alright. Her father was a good man.

That didn't stop Azure from feeling a pang of annoyance every time she had to share the gym with the men's team. It wasn't that she hated men per se, but rather the pervasive machismo and arrogance that seemed to permeate the air whenever they were around.

As she entered the gym, the sound of weights clanking and grunts of exertion filled the air, a stark reminder of the testosterone-fueled environment she was about to immerse herself in. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at the sight of the men scattered around the room, their muscles bulging and egos inflated as they strutted about like peacocks in a mating dance.

Azure was as muscled as some of them were. But she didn't feel the need to grunt every time she picked up a bar, didn't feel the need to prove her strength at every opportunity. She preferred to let her skills speak for themselves, to earn respect through hard work and dedication rather than empty bravado.

With a resigned sigh, Azure made her way towards the weights, steeling herself for the inevitable onslaught of unwanted attention and condescending remarks. She knew she had to keep her guard up, to stay focused on her training and not let the men get under her skin.

As she began her workout, Azure couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in pushing herself to her limits, in proving to herself and to the men around her that she was just as capable, if not more so, than they were. She ignored the sidelong glances and whispered comments, channeling her frustration into each rep, each set, until she was lost in the rhythm of her own movements.


Her name being shouted from across the room almost made Azure drop the bar she was bench pressing, surely breaking two or three of her ribs.

She groaned, putting the bar back on the rack and sitting up on the bench, only to see Katie approach her.

Azure's annoyance flared at the interruption, her muscles tensing as she braced herself for whatever Katie had to say.

"What do you want, Katie?" Azure snapped, her tone sharp with irritation as she shot her teammate a wary glare.

She tried to ignore the glares and glances she and Katie were receiving from the rest of her teammates. Male and female.

Katie raised an eyebrow at Azure's curt response, her expression a mixture of amusement and concern as she took in Azure's defensive posture. She knew better than to let Azure's prickly demeanor deter her, though, especially when she could sense the underlying tension simmering just beneath the surface.

"Can we talk?" Katie asked, and Azure frowned at her words.

"We already are aren't we?" Azure muttered, her annoyance evident in her tone as she crossed her arms over her chest, her guard still firmly in place.

Katie sighed, her frustration mirrored in the furrow of her brow as she took a step closer to Azure, her voice soft yet determined. "I meant like... in private. Yknow?"

With a heavy sigh, Azure relented, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her decision as she nodded in acquiescence. "Fine," she muttered, then allowed Katie to lead her away from the prying eyes of their teammates.

Katie and Azure walked back to the locker room, empty at this time of the day. Azure leaned against a random locker while Katie faced her, her arms crossed around her chest.

"What do you want?" Azure asked again, making sure her tone showed all her annoyance and desire to leave.

Katie hesitated for a moment, her gaze searching Azure's face for any sign of openness or receptiveness. She knew she was treading on thin ice, knew that Azure's trust was not easily earned nor freely given.

"You called me. Yesterday night." Katie said, her voice soft yet resolute as she met Azure's gaze head-on.

Azure blemished at the Irish woman's words. She had hoped Katie would have forgotten about that. Or ignored it altogether.

"No. I didn't." Azure replied, her voice barely above a whisper as she averted her gaze, unable to meet Katie's piercing stare. She knew she was lying, knew that Katie deserved better than her half-hearted attempts at avoidance.

Katie's expression softened, her eyes filled with a mixture of disappointment and concern as she reached out a tentative hand towards Azure's shoulder. "Azure, it's okay," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. "You don't have to pretend with me. I'm here for you, whether you want me to be or not."

Azure immediately flinched at Katie's touch. "Don't fucking touch me." She snapped, her voice sharp with a mixture of fear and anger as she recoiled from Katie's outstretched hand.

Katie's hand dropped back to her side, her expression one of hurt and resignation as she took a step back, giving Azure the space she so clearly desired.

"You don't have to push me away, Azure," Katie said, her voice barely above a whisper as she met Azure's gaze with unwavering determination. "I'm not going anywhere, no matter how hard you try to shut me out."

Azure's jaw clenched at Katie's words, her frustration boiling over as she struggled to keep her emotions in check. She didn't want Katie's pity, didn't want her sympathy or her understanding. She just wanted to be left alone, to deal with her demons in her own way and on her own terms.

"Leave me alone, Katie," Azure muttered, her voice tinged with resignation as she turned away from her teammate.

Out of instinct, or maybe out of complete craziness, Katie grabbed Azure's wrist to keep her from leaving. She realized her mistake too late, when Azure suddenly froze at the unexpected touch, her muscles tensing beneath Katie's grasp. For a moment, neither of them moved, the air between them thick with unspoken tension as they stood locked in a silent standoff.

Katie's heart pounded in her chest as she held Azure's wrist, her grip gentle yet firm as she refused to let Azure slip away. She could feel the tremors coursing through Azure's body, the fear and uncertainty radiating from her in palpable waves.

Azure turned around, her gaze switching from Katie's hand on her wrist to Katie's face. "Let go. Right now." Azure demanded, her voice low and dangerous as she met Katie's gaze with a steely glare.

Katie hesitated for a moment, torn between respecting Azure's boundaries and her own instinct to offer comfort and support. But as she looked into Azure's eyes, she saw the pain and vulnerability lurking beneath the surface, the silent plea for someone to break through the walls she had erected around her heart.

With a resigned sigh, Katie released her grip on Azure's wrist, her hand falling back to her side as she took a step back, giving Azure the space she so clearly desired. She knew she had overstepped her bounds, had pushed Azure too far in her eagerness to help.

"I'm sorry, Azure," Katie said, her voice tinged with regret as she met Azure's gaze with a mixture of apology and understanding. "I didn't mean to... I just wanted to-"

"Do that again and you're dead, McCabe." Azure snapped, her voice sharp with warning as she cut Katie off mid-sentence, her eyes flashing with anger.

Katie recoiled at Azure's sharp words, her heart sinking with the weight of Azure's rejection. She knew she had crossed a line, had pushed Azure too far in her attempt to offer support and comfort. But she couldn't bring herself to regret her actions, not when she could see the pain and vulnerability etched into Azure's features.

"I'm not scared of you, Aze." Katie replied, her voice steady despite the hurt evident in her eyes.

At the sound of her old nickname being used, azure immediately saw red, grabbing Katie by her collar and pushing her against the nearest locker, her right hand in a fist, a few inches away from Katie's face. "The fuck did you jsut call me?" Azure growled, her voice low and dangerous as she loomed over Katie, her anger boiling over in a wave of fury and frustration. No one was allowed to call her that. No one but Gabriella.

Katie's eyes widened in shock as Azure's anger flared, her heart pounding in her chest as she found herself pinned against the locker by her teammate's sudden aggression. She could feel the heat radiating from Azure's body, the tension in the air thick with unspoken threats and unbridled fury.

For a moment, Katie was paralyzed, her mind racing as she struggled to comprehend the sudden shift in Azure's demeanor. She had never seen Azure like this before, had never witnessed the depths of her rage and despair laid bare in such a raw and unfiltered manner.

But as she looked into Azure's eyes, Katie saw not just anger, but pain. Deep, visceral pain that threatened to consume Azure from the inside out, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake. And in that moment, Katie understood. She understood the depth of Azure's suffering, the magnitude of her loss, the weight of her grief.

"I'm sorry," Katie whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she met Azure's gaze with a mixture of remorse and empathy. "I didn't mean to-"

But before Katie could finish her sentence, Azure released her grip on Katie's collar, and fled the locker room.

The tension in the locker room lingered in the air long after Azure had stormed out, leaving Katie alone with her thoughts and a heavy heart. She sank to the ground, her back against the cool metal of the locker, as she replayed the events of the past few minutes in her mind.

She knew she had pushed Azure too far, had crossed a line that should never have been breached. But in her eagerness to help, to offer support and comfort, Katie had let her emotions get the best of her, had overstepped her bounds in her attempt to break through Azure's defenses.

With a heavy sigh, Katie ran a hand through her hair, her mind buzzing with a million thoughts and regrets. She had wanted to help Azure, to be there for her in her time of need, but instead, she had only succeeded in pushing her further away.

Suddenly, the locker room door flew open again, and Katie's eyes shot up, only to see Azure standing up in front of her again.

Her breath was ragged, and her hands were shaking. Her gaze, bored on Katie, seemed lost. Unfocused.

Without a word, Katie rose to her feet, her movements slow and deliberate as she approached Azure with caution, her eyes never leaving Azure's trembling form. She could feel the weight of Azure's gaze upon her, a silent plea for understanding and acceptance that resonated deep within Katie's soul.

As she drew closer, Katie hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. She knew she had hurt Azure, had wounded her with her careless words and thoughtless actions. But she also knew that she couldn't just stand by and do nothing while Azure suffered in silence.

With a tentative hand, Katie reached out towards Azure, her touch light and tentative as she brushed a stray lock of hair away from Azure's face. She could feel the tension in Azure's muscles beneath her fingertips, the tremors of emotion vibrating through her body like a live wire.

"Hey," Katie whispered, her voice barely above a whisper as she met Azure's gaze with unwavering compassion. "It's okay. I'm here."

Azure flinched at Katie's touch, her body recoiling instinctively from the warmth of Katie's hand against her skin.

Katie withdrew her hand immediately, her heart sinking at Azure's reaction. She had hoped to offer comfort, to bridge the gap between them with a simple gesture of compassion, but instead, she had only succeeded in further alienating Azure.

"I'm sorry," Katie murmured, her voice filled with genuine regret as she took a step back, giving Azure the space she so clearly desired. "I won't do-"

Katie couldn't finish her sentence, as Azure suddenly threw herself into Katie's arms, her resistance crumbling in the face of overwhelming emotion. Katie's eyes widened in surprise as she wrapped her arms around Azure, pulling her close in a gentle embrace.

Azure gripped Katie's shirt with a force that made her knuckles white, while her head remained buried against the smaller girl's shoulder, tears streaming down freely on her cheeks, her ragged breath dripping with an agonizing pain Katie could feel in every trembling exhale.

Katie didn't say anything, didn't try to offer empty platitudes or meaningless reassurances. She simply held Azure close, her arms a lifeline in the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf them both. She could feel the weight of Azure's grief pressing down on her, a burden she was more than willing to bear if it meant easing Azure's suffering, even if only for a moment.

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