Left With More Than a Memory


233 17 3

Loneliness drives emotion like nothing else. And Minerva McGonagall is more aware than most. After acting on... Еще

The Emptiness of Lonley
Wrap Her Head Around It
Out of the Bag
The Welcome Unexpected
No More Avoiding It
Clearing the Air
Two Sides to Every Story
Away From it All
What Was it All For?
Worlds Apart

A Way Not Thought Possible

13 1 0

Thank you for coming back for chapter 2! Just a heads up that Minerva's siblings will be mentioned in the coming chapters and because of her age change they will now be older than her. I really hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you did the last one.

A Way Not Thought Possible

Albus had been buried on the 5th of July, 1997, a beautiful summer evening as the sun sank behind the lake. The White Tomb, as it came to be known, was attended only by close friends and colleagues, Harry Potter, HermioneGranger, and Ron Weasley among them and Severus Snape notably absent, after a public memorial ceremony that afternoon. As Filius moved the stone across and Minerva saw Albus's face for the last time, the memories she had sat with for almost a week now played like a film in her mind. She assisted with the charms to protect the tomb against the elements and any attempt to open it again before paying her final respects and leaving him to rest on the peaceful island.

Slowly but surely the new term rolled around. It was different, of course, as Hogwarts was now at the beck and call of the Death Eaters. Charity Burbage had not been seen for weeks and despite the notice of her resignation in The Prophet, everybody knew she was never to be heard from again. Minerva only hoped that it had been quick. The Muggle studies class continued now in name only under Alecto Carrow. For she did not teach on the ways and history of muggles, but preached their inferiority. All mention of any Muggele achievements of any kind that played a part in the teaching of the curriculum were swiftly removed and some cover story of pure-blood excellence replaced them. All the faculty could do was watch and do as they were told. Snape had proven a stern Headmaster, but not a cruel one. And he made it blindingly clear to all posted Death Eaters that violence of any kind toward his faculty or students would not be tolerated under any circumstances. In the second last week of August, Minerva went to see Poppy Pomfrey for her routine annual physical. She always did it before the school year to have it out of the way in time for classes.

"Anything, in particular, you're worried about?" The mediwitch asked, clipboard in hand.

"No, I feel fine. Just a bit tired lately, but I put the down to the final prep cycle"

"We're getting old, Min" her friend joked.

"Indeed we are" she chuckled.

"Right, you know the drill" Poppy continued, handing her the usual little blue pill. These were a marvellous diagnostic invention and a saviour in routine medicine. Swallowed by the patient, they detected any abnormalities and also provided updates on many minor pre-existing conditions. They then transmitted their findings to the patient's enchanted file and wrote up a report within 5 minutes before dissolving harmlessly into the body. Magic truly was an incredible thing. Minerva swallowed the pill as she had done for the last 20 years and then sat back waiting for it to complete its work. While they waited the two women talked of the upcoming year and then Minerva's niece, Louise McGonagall. Louise was the second child and only daughter of Minerva's older brother, Malcolm and his wife, Orla. She was 16 years old with red hair and pale skin that she had inherited from her Irish mother. But from her father, she had inherited the signature "McGonagall Green" eyes. Minerva was her godmother and had known her very well as a child. And since she had come to school the two had developed an incredibly close bond that was cherished on both sides.

Assuring herself that no one was about, Minerva whispered to her friend: "She still wants to be an auror, but of course, the crackdown means there's nowhere to apply".

The "crackdown" as they called it was the mass hunting of Aurors by Lord Voldemort in an attempt to weaken his opposition. Consequently, the auror training programs had been disbanded and their educators ruthlessly hunted as well. So any Hogwarts student who had planned to pursue the career after graduation was now forced to reevaluate. The living teachers that had thus far escaped had begun to set up underground training programs which were extremely difficult to locate and get into. You were considered for enrollment by high recommendation and then accepted via invite only. Any rejected students had their memories wiped.

"I have a feeling that she should not lose hope just yet" Poppy quietly replied. "Now, that's about 5 minutes. Give me just a moment".

The woman got up and walked over to the file she had waiting and opened it up for the report. The magic was just finishing up as she started reading. Scanning it everything seemed normal, but then she noticed a new section she had never seen before populating at the bottom of the chart. Puzzled, she waited for it to finish. And as she began reading her eyes widened in complete disbelief. There, in plain black letters read:

Fetus: 7 weeks
Abnormalities: None detected
Risk: N/A

Connected Maternal Abnormality: Iron levels low
Risk: Minimal, treatment recommended immediately

Poppy just stood there, staring, trying to wrap her head around it. What? When? How? WHO?! She was her best friend, surely she would have mentioned a relationship to her? They told each other everything and this was now definitely no small matter. But she had heard nothing? Swimming through all of these thoughts she then came back to reality and realised that now she was going to have to ask Minerva. "How the hell do I do this?!" she screamed internally, walking back over to the bed. Her heart pounded as she reached her friend.

"Well?" Minerva said jovially, looking at her friend as she came to sit beside her. "Nothing unusual?"

Poppy just sat for a moment, contemplating her next move.

"Minerva, you haven't been seeing anyone, have you?" she finally asked.

"Rather random Pop, but no I have not. Why do you as-"

"And you've been regular, nothing abnormal lately?"

Minerva sat with the question for a moment. "Where on Earth has this come from?" she queried, now noticing the strange look on the other woman's face. "But since you ask I am late, but that's not unusual as of late Poppy, I'm 44 years old. It was only a matter of t-" she froze. Her eyes grew wide as her mind and heart began to race. "She was not suggesting?-She couldn't be suggesting? There was no way-". Minerva's heart sank. "But there was a way".

She turned slowly to face her friend to find her eyes already on her.

"Oh God," Minerva whispered, tears finding their way to her eyes.

"Oh God indeed" replied Poppy.

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