Spiderman Oneshots

By SpideyW3bz

256 5 3

[REQUESTS OPEN] -Lots of Irondad <3 -Spiderman/Peter angst <3 -Other Avengers + May feature in some chapters ... More


☆Bullet Wound

164 3 0
By SpideyW3bz

-Detailed Gore
-Hiding wounds
-Peter pulls a bullet out of his arm with tweezers

-Peter is 15!

I post every 2 weeks!!


Peter was sat on the roof of a tall building, keeping his eye out for anything that could be going on, asking Karen for constant updates on the area.
He was bored, to say the least, but it felt wrong to want someone to get into trouble just to cure his boredom, so he didn't say anything about it. He just sat patiently, admiring the view of Queen's.

Karen's voice chimed in softly through his suit, waking him from his daze.

"Yeah? What's up, Karen?"
Peter responded as he leaned back, his hands layed behind him, keeping him sat up as he kicked his legs back and forth from over the edge of the roof.

"There's appears to be a bank robbery, 6 blocks down. 4 presences located, armed."

Peter jumped to his feet, a smile plastered on his face. A bank robbery! Finally his night was getting interesting!

"Alright, thanks Karen! I'll go check it out!"

He jumped off the roof he was previously sitting on, quickly making his way over to the bank Karen was talking about. He sat on the edge of a building, opposite the bank, observing the criminals through the full wall windows.
They didn't seem to be too dangerous, besides, theres nothing spiderman can't handle!

He proceeded to swing down to the floor before quietly opening the door to the bank, smiling as he greeted the criminals.

"Hey guys! Whatcha doing up so late on a school night?"

He looked towards the three men stood before him as they aimed their guns.

Peter grabbed one of the mens guns with a web, jerking his arm to the right causing the gun to hit the two others in the face as they attempted to shoot him.

He jumped up, climbing so he was attached to the ceiling of the room, firing another Web, hitting the middle theif in the chest, sticking him to the wall as he jumped down, shoving another one into the wall and grabbing the third theifs arm to point it at the ceiling to reposition the man's gun.

As he proceeded in giving his undivided attention to the men, he was shot in the side of the arm.
Peter gasped at the sudden pain before turning to see a woman with a firearm in her hands standing by a wall, seemingly having just entered the building.

Shit, Karen had mentioned four people. She must have seen him when he was swinging towards the bank. Whatever. No matter!

He proceeded to knock out the two men he was fighting when he was shot, shooting webs at them to attach them to the same wall as the first man. He then turned to the woman, stepping forward as he grabbed her gun with another web after barely dodging a second, or third bullet.

She landed a few punches, maybe the odd kick , but nothing he could shake off quick enough to have her attached to the wall with her buddies.
He smiled weakly and left the bank as he informed the authorities of the criminals whereabouts so they could get picked up.


Peter was slumped against a wall in an alley way a few blocks away from the incident. He had walked there, not really feeling like swinging with one arm as he groaned in pain and slight frustration, clasping his hand over the wound.

"Peter, you have endured quite a serious wound in your left arm, but due to the removal of the baby monitor protocol, I am not able to contact Mr Stark without your permission. Please grant access to the call."

Peter sucked in a sharp breathe, shaking his head lightly

"No, it's okay. There's no need to bother Mr. Stark, Karen. It's just a bullet- and it's not even that deep, I can sort this out myself."

Peter spoke with false confidence lacing his voice, Karen didn't protest and Peter made his way home, swinging through the town despite the injury. He winced every time he lifted the arm to shoot a Web, but it wouldn't matter, soon he would get himself all fixed up and he would be better in no time.

He quietly jumped through his window into his bedroom, May was working nights so she wasn't currently in the house.

He made his way to the bathroom as he pulled his arms out of his suit to see the damage.
Damn, the bullet was definitely still in there. He went through the bathroom cupboards, pulling out a cheap first aid kit whilst also retrieving a pair of tweezers.
He opened the small kit, pulling out a gauze as he looked in the mirror, biting the edge of his lip.

The faster he could get the bullet out, the faster it would be over.

Peter couldn't use any kind of pain killing medication to help either. Due to his high metabolism, the amount of pills they had wouldn't do anything, so he decided against them.

He twisted a towel before holding it between his teeth. This was gonna hurt, that was for sure.

He stared into the mirror as he held the tweezers against the wound, mentally counting himself in as he dove the tweezers into his arm to find the bullet,

He clenched his teeth tightly around the towel in his mouth as he searched. After a few moments, he found the bullet.
It was a lot deeper than he had first thought.

The tweezers made their way, grabbing at the bullet as he began to urgently pull them out of his arm, in doing so, he dropped the bullet, whining loudly despite it being muffled by the towel as a tear escaped his eye.

He successfully grabbed the bullet once again, holding it tight as he pulled it out of his arm, muffled screams leaving his mouth.

Once he finally had the bullet and tweezers out of the wound, his eyes were bloodshot, and tears streamed down his face, staining his skin.
Peter opened his mouth, the towel dropping to the floor, teeth marks and spit covering it as he panted and placed both items on the bathroom sink, dropping his body to the floor with his back leaned against the wall.

He grabbed the gauze, wrapping it tightly around the bloody mess he had created before resting his head on his knees, hugging them as he tried to calm himself down.


May pulled her keys out of her pockets, putting all her shopping bags in one arm as she unlocked the apartment door, making her way inside and placing the bags on the kitchen counter

"Peter! I'm home! Are you hungry?"

She waited for a response, but there was nothing.
She walked over to his bedroom door, knocking.

"Peter? You in there?"

When she again, got no answer, she opened the door to see Peter sound asleep, sprawled out across his bed.
She walked over, placing her hand over his head and looking down at him.

'He must've been pretty tired after school. It's pretty rare for him to take naps. I'll just make dinner and wake him up when it's ready.'

She smiled to herself as she leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to Peters head before leaving the room after turning the light off and closing the door quietly.

She hummed to herself and took some of the food she had bought on the way home out of the bags, preparing their dinner.

When she had finally finished cooking, she plated the food and placed the two plates on the table along with their cutlery as she made her way back to her nephews room,
She knocked on the door, hearing shuffling coming from behind it, and moments later, a tired teenager opened the door looking back at her, speaking in a scratchy tone.

"Hey May, what's up.?"

He rubbed his eyes, yawning and leaning on his door frame.

"Morning bud, tired, huh? Well, dinners ready, if you're hungry."

She smiled at him, and Peter nodded, following her out of his room and into the kitchen as they both sat down, opposite each other, and began eating.

"So, have you got your internship with Mr. Stark, tomorrow?"

Peter looked up from his meal, seemingly processing the question before nodding.

"Uh, yeah, I think so, I don't see why not. I think Happy is getting me from school tomorrow and taking me to the tower."

Peter finished his food and stood up, taking May's empty plate and thanking her for the food before washing both of their dishes and drying them off, placing them where they blonged.

He returned to his room afterwards, telling May he was still tired and laid down in bed, trying to ignore the irritable stinging in his arm and certainlu trying to ignore the fact that the pain was getting worse.

He sighed, closing his eyes and finally letting the sweet relief of sleep wisk him away after a few hours of tossing and turning, resting peacefully after a long day.


Peter woke up to the sound of his annoying alarm that he could've sworn he had turned off a few days ago, but whatever.

He groaned and sat up, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes and wincing at the blaring pain in his arm.
He pulled the covers from his body and stood up, opening his bedroom door and walking to the bathroom.

He rolled his sleeve up and took the bloodstained gauze off of his arm. His healing factor didn't seem to be doing much, which was weird. But he was so sure it would heal later in the day. He Re-bandaged the wound with clean bandages, rolling his sleeve back down. He could feel the blood already seeping into the new bandage. He hated it.

He walked back into his room, changing into a plain white shirt, gray jacket and baggy light gray cargo pants, putting his shoes on, lacing them up before grabbing his bag, and stuffing his spidey suit into the bottom of it just in case.

He zipped his backpack up, throwing it over his shoulder and walking out the room, looking at the note on the fridge.

'Hey Peter! Had to leave for work, I have a very packed schedule today, there's food in the fridge if you want something before school and I know your going to your internship tonight but there's leftovers in the microwave if your hungry when you get home, I won't be back until early hours of the morning, sorry

-May x'

Peter sighed as he read the note, throwing it in the trash and deciding he wasn't hungry. Seeing a bleeding fleshy wound tends to throw some people off their appetite, believe it or not.

He walked out the door and hopped on the bus once it arrived, getting his phone out of his pocket and scrolling mindlessly until he arrived at his stop.

He stepped off the bus, adjusted his backpack strap and walked into the building, smiling as he saw Ned approach him.

"Hey man! What's up?"

Ned initiated their handshake before responding,

"I'm good ! You're doing your internship with stark today, aren't you?"

Peter nodded before getting shoved into the locker beside him, groaning as his bandaged arm hit the metal.

"Really? When are you gonna drop the whole Tony Stark lie, Parker?"

Flash laughed in his face, and Ned walked over to Peter.

"We all know you don't have an internship with Tony Stark, and we know you're not friends with Spiderman. It's just getting embarrassing!"

Peter didn't respond. He didn't even make eye contact with Flash before he felt another weak shove on his arm and heard Flashes footsteps dimming down the hall.

Peter stood up straight, holding his arm, and Ned began asking if he was okay.
After reasurring Ned, MJ walked over to the two boys.

"Damn, what happened to you?"

She questioned, crossing her arms

"Just Flash, nothing to worry about. Besides, class is starting, so we should get going."

Peter smiled and let go of his arm despite the throbbing pain. Surely the wound hadn't re-opened? His enhanced healing was supposed to take care of it.

He shook it off and walked to class with Ned and MJ.


His spideysenses had been giving him a headache all day, screaming at him, telling him something was wrong. But he ignored them,
From school, start to finish, he ignored them.
From his time with Stark in the lab, he ignored them,
From when he would go patrolling of a night whilst May was at work or sleeping, he ignored them.

He had gone through at least 15 bandages by the end of the week. He was so confused why it wasn't healing. It should've healed by now. Every time he would go on Patrol, Karen would give him warnings about the injury on his arm, but he always dismissed her, telling her his enhanced healing would fix it in no time, there was no reason to bother Mr. Stark about something as insignificant as a patched bullet wound.

Peter was fine.

But, despite Peter being fine, the wound gave him a constant ache and nausea that made his head all fuzzy. He hadn't eaten a proper meal for a few days, and with his fast metabolism, it left him starving without him even realising it.

He couldn't even sleep anymore. He had dark bags under his eyes, and the area around the wound had gotten way worse. It was red and splotchy, and not to mention terribly swollen. It had ugly sanies coming from it, and just looking at it made Peter gag and choke out a sob.


Pepper had walked into Tonys lab as he was making upgrades on his suit and plans for Peters. She put her hands on his shoulders, and he smiled, turning around and planting a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Hey Pep, are you okay?"

Pepper nodded in response before looking over Tonys shoulder at what he was working on, seeing the papers full of plans for Peters spidey suit on the desk, suddenly remembering why she was there.

"Hey, Tony, do you know if Peter is okay?"


"What? Why?"

Tony turned to look at Pepper, taken aback by the question.

"Well, last time he was here, he seemed a little off.. and he didn't even show up last time? Also, Fri informed me he hasn't been on Patrol for a few days. I'm just worried about him, is all."

Tony thought about it for a moment. It was weird for the kid to miss a lab day. He never missed a lab day. One time he had walked into the tower looking like he hadn't slept in weeks, he passed out on the desk half way through the session and stayed the room reserved for him, just in case he ever wanted to stay over.

"Yeah. It is pretty weird. I'll keep an eye on him, yeah? Karen hasn't given me any vital reports, so it's probably nothing. He might just be ill,"

"Yeah, maybe.."

Pepper didn't seem so sure, but she trusted Tonys judgement. She trusted he knew what he was doing.

She gave him a last kiss on the back of his head before she turned on her heels and walked out.


The next week or so was hell for Peter. He had only gone on patrol once or twice, and he hadn't been to the tower at all.

The pain in his arm had spread through his whole body. He was in agony. It wasn't healing, but he couldn't tell anyone now. He was too far in.
He hadn't been eating properly, and he looked like just skin and bones plastered on a thin frame.

MJ and Ned were constantly throwing concerned glances at the pale boy in front of them. They had noticed he hadn't been himself recently. They were concerned. He had just dismissed their sympathetic comments, saying he had a fever, but they weren't buying it. And Peter knew it.

He couldn't focus, he hadnt been paying attention in his lessons recently, and he's flunked a science test, very unlike him.

Peter, MJ, and Ned were all sat around a table for their lunch break, Ned eating his food and MJ drawing in her sketchbook as Peter just had his head rested against the table.

"Hey Peter, are you okay, bud? You've been acting pretty weird. Are you sure you don't wanna head home?"

Ned asked Peter, concern lacing his voice.

"Huh? Yeah. I just.."

Peters head went fuzzy. He felt dizzy, on the verge of passing out, and his chest got very tight. His breath was getting stuck in his throat, and he stood up, shaking with his head bowed.

"P- et 'r?"

His ears were ringing, and he lifted his head. His eyes were red and clouded, and he lifted his hand slightly to excuse himself.

"I'll be right back.-" 

He took one step away from the table and collapsed onto the floor. Ned and MJ stood up, running over to him and crouching down beside him.

"What do we do?!"

Ned yelled, panicking as he grabbed Peter firmly by the shoulders, trying to shake him awake.

"Okay, okay! We're fine, this is fine! Don't panic."

She stuttered her words out, holding a hand to her head as she was trying to think of what to do.

"May's in work, but he's close with Tony, right? Who's the guy that picks him up from school to go to the tower?!"

Ned looked up at MJ, catching onto where she was heading.


"Yes, him, Peter has to have his number, surely."

MJ went into Peters bag, retrieved his phone and unlocked it, scrolling through his contacts before finding a number labelled 'happy!!:)'
MJ clicked the contact, calling it, and a grumpy voice answered the phone.

"Peter? You're supposed to be in school, why are you calling me, I'm busy -"

Happy was instantly cut off by MJ's panicked words.

"Hey! This isn't Peter. This is MJ and Ned, Peters friends from school! He passed out. He's been acting really weird recently, and I think somethings wrong. His aunt is at work so we thought it would be a good idea to call you."

She could've sworn she heard Happy swear under his breath.

"Right, okay. I'm on my way - make sure he's ready to leave as soon as I get there."

MJ ended the call after reassuring Happy that Peter would be at the school exit, and she put Peters phone back into his bag, handing it to Ned.

They both stood up, and as MJ began to lift Peter off the floor, he groaned, slowly waking back up, checking his surroundings.

"Wh't happened.."

Peter slurred his words as his arm was put over MJ's shoulder, and he was lifted to his feet

"You passed out, Peter.  We used your phone and called Happy. He's gonna take you to the tower."

Peter didn't have the strength to argue. He just laid weakly against MJ as they all walked to the exit of the building.

Happy was waiting waiting by the door. He had already gotten Peter signed out of school and explained the situation. He took Peter off of MJs hands and took Peters school bag from Ned.

He thanked them both and took Peter to his car, carefully helping him into the backseat as he sat in the drivers seat, Peters bag in the passengers.

He started driving and got his phone out, deciding on calling Tony sooner rather than later so he could get the medbay ready for when they arrived.

"Happy? What's up?."

"Tony, I need you to get Bruce or cho to get the medbay ready. I'm on my way with the kid. He passed out in school, says he's sick, but his friends seemed pretty sure something bigger was going on."

Tony swore under his breath before telling Happy that everything would be ready by them they arrived, Tony ended the call and Happy looked in his rear view mirror to see Peter drifting in and out of consciousness.

"C'mon Peter. Stay awake until Bruce can make sure you're alright, okay?"

Peter just replied with a pained whine, closing his eyes tightly and clutching his arms around his stomach, his whole body was throbbing in pain.

By the end of the car ride, Peter was passed out in the back of the vehicle and Tony was quickly making his way over and swinging the car door open, his face paling slightly as he saw H̶i̶s̶   the kids state.

He picked Peter up in his arms, rushing him into the towers medbay where Bruce was waiting for them.

"Tony, there you are. Put Peter on the bed. Cho should be here soon."

Tony nodded, placing the unconscious teenager on the bed and sitting in a chair beside it with his hand resting on Peters head.

Bruce had noticed a dark red stain bleeding through Peters shirt. He lifted the sleeve gently, looking down at the sloppily bandaged wound. The bandage was a mess and there was what looked like rashes down Peters arm.

"Tony, do you know if Peter has been injured on patrol recently?."

Tony turned to Bruce before leaning against the medbay wall, thinking back to Karen's previous reports.

"I don't think so? The kid hasn't even been out spidermanning recently, nevermind getting reports from Karen, I'll go check through her footage of his patrols in the lab, see if I can find anything."

Bruce nodded in approval as Tony left the room.
He removed the poorly applied gauze and applied a disinfectant as Cho entered walked in.

Bruce talked Cho through the basics of the situation and she requested a vitals scan from Friday who provided it generously.

Tony walked back into the room, seemingly shaken as Cho was applying an IV to Peters right hand and carefully placed an oxygen mask over his face due to his heart beating in an irregular state because of his shock.

"I checked all the footage. He was shot on patrol a few weeks ago, Karen seems to think it was pretty bad and by her observations he removed the bullet and wrapped it himself.
She's been requesting to contact me since it happened but couldn't without Peters permission. Seems to me, me and the kid have very different opinions on 'serious injury'."

Cho listened intently as she put medication into Peters IV.

"Tony, would you mind waiting outside until we're finished with Peter? He should be okay. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

She smiled, and Tony believed her. He trusted the kid was in good hands and knew starting an argument wouldn't help anyone.

Tony complied, leaving the room without another word and sitting on a chair right outside the medbay.

Natasha walked over to see Tony. She had heard about what had happened and wacked him over the head, lecturing him , saying he should take better care of the injured teenager.

Tony didn't get annoyed at her for that. If anything, he was surprised getting hit over the head was all she did. Peter and Nat had a sweet brother and sister relationship. He knew she cared about him a lot, and he also knew he would've acted in the same, or worse ways. He loved him like a son, but he would never admit that, not to Nat, not to Bruce and especially not to Peter himself.

Natasha had left after about 30 minutes of waiting, claiming she had to go and get Clint since his car broke down, he was planning on coming down to the tower today anyway so it didn't really make too much of a difference.

After being alone for a little while, Bruce walked out of the medbay, allowing Tony to come back in, which he did without question.

It hurt to see Peter in such a state, but he was happy to know the kid was recovering and Tony sat down in the chair next to Peters bed as Cho explained that they didn't know when he would wake up, but it was simply the High dosage of medication and his own exhaustion keeping him asleep.

Tony smiled in relief as Bruce and Cho left the room, and Peters phone began vibrating like crazy.

Tony got out of the chair, making his way over to the kids phone and unlocking it to check who was blowing it up, (plus, for some weird reason Peter didn't have a password on his phone.)

He had at least 100 texts from a group chat with Mj, Ned and Peter himself in, so he clicked on the group and replied to the worried teenagers' texts.

'Hey, this is Tony. Don't worry, Peter will be fine, but he won't be in for the rest of the week. He's recovering.'

He didn't give any more detail than that, and he knew Peter would be against the idea of not going to school, but there was no way Tony would let him go back this week after this. And if his teachers had an issue with it, he'd simply buy the school. Being a billionaire had its benefits.

He looked back at the phone to see a concerned aunt now texting the unconscious teen. He had forgotten she hadn't been told he would be here, so he texted her to reassure he that he was fine and to explain the situation.

May had thanked him great fully before shyly requesting if Peter could stay at the tower for the night. Something about being on night shift and not wanting him to be home alone in his condition.

Ofcourse, Tony accepted the request, happy to have the kid sleepover. In all honesty, he enjoyed Peters company. It was nice to have someone almost as smart as you (despite the age gap and the kids concerning obsession with Star Wars) with good humour and a loveable personality around the tower.

Tony was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Peter gasping for breath, attempting to rip off the oxygen mask and IV. The billionaire instantly threw Peters phone on the end of the bed carelessly, rushing over to his side and holding his wrists in a gentle yet firm grip to prevent him from damaging the equipment or hurting himself further.

Peter had finally calmed down after a minute or so, his tiredness (despite his amount of rest) and the high dosage of medication finally catching up with him as he laid his head on Tonys shoulder.

"Hi m'str s'trk.."

Peter slurred his words as he spoke, which only made Tony breathe out a laugh before wrapping his arms around Peter in a protective hug.

"Hey underoos, how are you feeling? Any better?"

Peter nodded weakly,
"J's tired.. "

He replied in a voice so soft.
Tony gave him a gentle look before brushing his hand through the boys brown curls and carefully laying him back down on the bed.

"You get some more sleep, kiddo. Might as well sleep those meds off, you'll feel so much better once you do.

Also, you're staying at the tower tonight, May's on night shifts, and we don't want you to be home alone, so how does a starwars movie binge sound?"

Peter cracked a genuine smile at the suggestion.
"Yea'.. s'unds good.."

Peter eyes fluttered closed as the relief of sweet sleep overtook him, Tony pulled the covers over the tired boy and quietly requested Friday to turn the lights off, to which she replied with dimming the lights greatly.

Tony got off the bed and walked out the room, closing the door carefully, as to not wake the sleepy spidey.


When Peter finally woke up again, he was feeling so much better.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes when he noticed the oxygen mask and IVS had been removed.

He got out of the bed, stretching and clumsily walking out of the room and down the hall, hearing faint laughing and yelling coming from the lounge.

He opened the door, making as little noise as possible before closing it behind him and making his way over to the sofa where Natasha, Clint and Steve were all sat, sprawled out playing mario kart .

He smiled as he watched them play before Tony turned away from his conversation with Bruce, finally noticing Peter had decided to join them.

"Rise n' shine underoos, you feeling better?"

Peter jumped slightly, not expected to be spoken to so suddenly before beaming back at his 'mentor'.

Natasha (who was beating both Clint and Steve by a mile in the game) had turned to look at Peter, along with the other two men who had paused the game before Peter had replied.

"Yep! I'm feeling great, thank you Mr. Stark, and thank you too Dr. Banner!"

Natasha had gotten off of the sofa, jumping over the back of it before ruffling Peters hair.

"You had us all worried sick, spiderkid! Don't go doing that again, okay?"

She smiled as Peter laughed and pushed her hands away before fixing his hair.

"Alright, I won't, I promise Ms Ramandoff!"

Natasha looked sarcastically offended as she placed her hand on her chest.

"Ms? I'm not that old, kid ! Plus, I'm sure we're way past formalities at this point."

She smirked, and Tony rolled his eyes,

"Yeah, Goodluck getting him to call you anything but that, I've been trying to get him to call me Tony for months."

Natasha mocked him with her hand before pulling Peter over to the sofa, squashing him between her and Clint as the 'adults' began finishing off their mario Kart game.

After they had finally finished, Natasha coming out victorious, Tony suggested they go get some training done before he asks Friday to close off the floor with the Avengers training rooms for the night, which the happily complied to.

Tony moved over to the sofa with Peter and hugged him. It was just them two in the room since Bruce had left a while back.

"You scared the hell out of me today, kid.  You need to tell me if you get injured on patrol, okay? Promise me."

Peter smiled and leaned into Tonys hug, nodding into his shoulder.

"Alright, I'll tell you next time."

Tony let go of Peter, ruffling his curls.

"How about we don't let there be a next time? That sound good?"

Peter rolled his eyes, fixing his hair with a grin plastered on his face.

"Yeah, sounds good."

They finished off their night, watching the star wars movies. Natasha Clint and Steve had rejoined them halfway through the Empire strikes back.
Peter had fallen asleep at some point in the movie night, happily in the comfort of his found family.



Let me know if I've made any mistakes !!


If you have any requests for chapters
Please put them here ---->

My ao3 account is : SpideyWebz :]


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