Flickering Shadows

De Book5121

946 78 24

Inara Graham lives in the Sun kingdom, where light never fades to dark, and shadows never dare flicker in the... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 14

42 3 1
De Book5121


I was staring at the sun.

Not the real sun, of course, but a configuration of it. Carved into the concrete stairs leading up to my palace, my home, was a sun, its edges imitating radiant rays of brightness.

"When did this happen?" I all but growl at Thomas.

He audibly gulps, taking a subtle step back, trying to hide his fear, and I'm reminded of Inara's words last night.

You aren't as horrible as you let the world believe.

I don't think you're a monster, Aziel.

I shut the words out.

"One of the guards found it this morning, your highness," Thomas says, his voice shaking slightly.

My jaw works, fury bubbling beneath my skin.

"I want every guard that was on rotation last night to be in my office in five minutes," I say coolly, turning to walk back inside. "And get someone to cover up that abomination."

I can't believe we were pulled away from breakfast because of some stupid drawing, my wolf grumbles, yawning loudly.

I internally roll my eyes. That stupid drawing could be a declaration of war.

He chuckles. With those drawing skills? I think someone is just trying to tell you that your palace needs more bling.

I twist my lips to keep from smiling. Most people know I'm a shifter, but I still don't want to risk looking like a sociopath, smiling like an idiot to nothing but thin air.

Inara is right where I left her when I walk back into the dining room. I made sure to pick a time for her to come here when nobody would be in here eating, but that window is almost closed.

I lean down when I reach her, kissing her neck before whispering, "You are a dream, I swear."

Her back jerks up, but I notice it's not as rigid as when she first arrived here. Maybe this stiffness is from something other than fear....

I've made progress, I know. Her walls are crumbling as I show her that I have cracks too, that I wouldn't dare try to knock her down when I know firsthand how hard it is to get back up.

I crouch down in front of her, holding my favourite pair of blue eyes as I say, "I have a meeting that just came up. I'm so sorry, but I need to attend this one. You are absolutely welcome to accompany me, but I have a feeling you'd rather not listen to old men argue for an hour."

Her eyes dawn panic before she quickly blinks it away and nods. "I'm ok on my own. You don't have to worry about me."

There it is. Her worry.

"You are not a burden," I murmur, my gaze holding the sincerity I so deeply want her to believe. "Not in the slightest. I would love your company, but if you would like to stay down here, then that's fine too."

Her gaze does the search that it always does, eyes flicking wildly between mine before she says, "I'll stay down here?"

I smile. "That's right, love. You make the decisions here, not me." I kiss her forehead as I stand. "I will rush the meeting, but unfortunately these things tend to take longer than I ever anticipate. Stay with Zara, and if you need me she can tell you which room I'm in. I'll see you later, ok?"

She nods hesitantly, and I briefly consider dropping my title just so I can spend every second by her side.

I'm not opposed to that option, my wolf says, voice hopeful.

It's not an option. Nice try though.

"I can't believe he actually entrusted me to stay with you," Zara says as I walk out. "I have essentially become one of his elite."

She definitely doesn't know I can still hear her, and the thought almost makes me smile.

Shifting isn't widely known in my kingdom. Having only been passed around the royalty table, not any of my subjects have similar abilities. I don't know what separated the lines back then, but I do know that my brother and I are the only two left in my family that have wolf blood in our veins. My mother, having been human when she married my father, doesn't share our attributes.

If only I knew where my brother was...

I know that Levi will come back with more results than I've ever had, but waiting here when I know my brother is almost inches away... it's agonizing.

The door to my office appears like a chopping block, waiting for the next piece of my sanity to slice into shards.

I breathe deeply before opening the door.

My office is full of burly-bodied men standing ramrod straight and looking more scared than when enemies tried to tear down our gates.

They think their lives are ending in this room, so it's kind of warranted, my wolf points out.

I suppose that's true.

"Which one of you was the first to see the sun symbol?" I ask, looking each of them in the eyes one by one.

There's a total of eight soldiers in this room, and one in the middle steps forward, hands clasped behind his back and head bent low.

"It was me, your highness."

"I would like to know exactly what you saw and whoever was near the palace when you saw it," I demand.


As it turns out, the only information we have is exactly what I caught myself outside. There's a random sun symbol carved into the stairs of my palace, and nobody knows who put it there. Unless I have the energy and time to interrogate every one of my subjects, I'm left with nothing.

It's a clear act of either defiance or war, and the only enemy I have on the other side is the Sun king, because apparently having one less maid made an impeccable difference.

Unless she was more than just a maid to him, my wolf snarls, his fangs flashing in my head.

Fury grips my mind in a hold so tight I think my skull might shatter, and I have to make a serious effort to tamp it down. I swear I would blow that kingdom to bits if it meant the consequences wouldn't outweigh the reward.

I was probably gone for a little over two hours, and when I go back to the kitchen I find it empty and silent. The girls have left, as I knew they would, but something about it feels off.

I would expect Zara to leave a note or something telling me where they went, but there's nothing.

A scream cuts through the air just then, and I start running before my thoughts even start to process the action.

The chill air bites at my skin, but I don't pay any attention to it as my eyes latch onto the scene in front of me.

A man with what looks like a black potato sack over his head is tugging on Zara's arm. He's trying to pull her into the alley, out of sight, but I'm beside him before he can take another step.

I grab the scruff of his neck, yanking him away from Zara and tossing him to the floor.

"Who are you?" I demand, ripping the sack off his head.

His wide hazel eyes stare back at me, but I notice that it's not fear in his gaze, just surprise.

His hair is the colour of black granite, and his build is all twigs and no muscle. I've never seen this man in my life.

A gun is cocked from behind me, and I know without looking that my guards have arrived. Too late.

The man stays silent, so I grip his arm to pull him up and hand him to the closest guard.

"Put him in an interrogation cell," I command. "Stick Henry on him and try to get as much information as you can."

They nod, turning to cart him off, and I whip around to Zara.

"Where is she?" I all but growl.

Her frame shakes, arms coming around to hold her middle as she squeezes her eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry," she whispers. "I tried to fight them off but they were too strong."

"Who?" I ask, voice raised as I take a step toward her.

She flinches, letting out a small sob. "I don't know," she whimpers, shaking her head. "They all had masks on."

I gentle my voice slightly, reminding myself that she was a victim, not a participant. "I need to know where they took her. Just tell me which way."

She wipes her tears, raising a shaking hand to point down the alley that splits the castle from the start of the village beyond.

I take off, my feet carrying me inside the dark alley, down a twisting turn until I spot a darkened shape against the wall.


I don't even remember taking the last steps, but suddenly I'm kneeling beside her, my hands roaming everywhere, searching for injuries.

Her eyes are closed, body propped lazily against the wall like whoever put her here didn't care if she was comfortable.

I tap her face gently. "Inara, wake up."

Not even a stir, and worry pinches my gut.

"Come on, love. It's time to wake up."


I stroke her cheeks with my thumbs. "Open those beautiful eyes for me, Inara."

A quiet groan leaves her lips, and I sigh in relief.

"The world is spinning," she whimpers, cracking her eyes open, but then her head tilts, eyes locking with mine as she smiles. "I love your eyes."

Her words are slurred, and I know immediately that something is wrong.

"Inara," I start slowly. "Can you tell me what happened to you?"

Her head flops to the other side, eyes blinking slowly as she stares at me. Silent.

The slow blinks continue until her eyes don't open again, and I gently rub her arm.

"No, no, no. Keep your eyes open for me, love."

Her brows dip. "Something doesn't feel right."

I rip my suit coat off, wrapping it around her shoulders before swooping her into my arms.

"I know, baby," I murmur. "It'll pass. I just need you to keep your eyes open, ok?"

She nods sleepily.

She was drugged, that much is certain, and I intend to rip the throat out of whoever dared put their hands on her.

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