Dark Horse ((Onepiece crossov...

De XyliaYeshiori

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{pls don't read it yet until I fix my plot, I'm still not used to using the writing feature, so there's going... Mais

Chapter 1: How This Happened
Chapter 2: How This Happened (Pt 2)
Chapter 3: The Start Of the Big Day
Chapter 4: Suprise!
One Piece Character Ages

Chapter 3: After The Fall

74 6 0
De XyliaYeshiori

(you can ask for a scenario that you want to add in this book since I take requests.

But I hope you do keep in mind that I'm not forcing you to do it but I am simply suggesting if you do want to, you can.

And don't expect I'll immediately choose what you suggested so you won't be disappointed if I didn't choose your suggestion. I'll credit it to you if I ever did choose your suggestion.

That's all, thank you for listening to my little message and goodbye (ノ^∇^)

Enjoy reading (≧∇≦)/)



You were starting to regain your consciousness again after the fall, but you felt so weak. Some of your senses were numb but starting to adjust little by little.


'I can't see anything clearly because my eyes are so blurry and it's hard to open my eyes wider.' then you heard a loud cry.

'I can hear a baby crying? But where is it?' it took you a while to realize that, the baby who was crying was you.

'Wait, why am I crying?' you felt the tears from your eyes keep falling and you can't even control it.

'Where even am I?'

You tried to speak but nothing came out. You tried again and again but only more loud cry came out because of your frustration.



You weren't aware by the spectators that were watching you as you were crying loudly. Then you heard someone speak.

"Aww, she got my mothers hair color."??? cooed.

"but she got your looks, isn't that just wonderful! Wahahaha!!" ??? burst out laughing.


'Wait, I can hear a little bit. It sounds like a man and a woman are speaking Japanese. Luckily I can understand them a little but. Who are they?'


"Yeah, she does *sniff* *sniff*." a warm smile painted her lips.


'the woman started tearing up by the sounds of it.'


"huh?! Why are you crying?! Sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!" the man was panicking because he didn't know what to do.


"Don't need to be sorry, I'm just emotional right now." she laughed.

"But I'm a little worried that her eyesight will become a problem for her if she have severe albinism." She said.


"Don't be discouraged. The doctor said there's nothing to worry about because her eyes are ok. We just need to give the baby the medications the doctor prescribes for her eyes in case something happens. But other than that we shouldn't worry too much." He assured the woman.

"Anyways, what should we name her?" the man asked trying to change the subject.


"hmmm... Why don't we name her (___)?" the woman replied.

"From now on, Your name is Gol D. (___)" she said softly with a kind smile.


That's when you felt like you slowly stopped crying. 'Wait... Am I hearing this right?'


"look! She stopped crying! She must have liked the name!" the man said with enthusiasm.

"Gol D. (___)" the man emphasized.

"it does have a nice ring to it." he said happily while grinning ear to ear.


You tried opening your eyes to see who they are even if you already have an idea of who was talking.

You were struggling to open your eyes but you were determined to see where you are even if you are already feeling weak just by using your entire energy just to do it.


As you slowly opened your eyes. You were blind-sighted by the light in the room as you squinted your eyes trying to make your eyesight clearer. Then you saw that you were inside a crib. You were distracted by where you were that you forgot about the spectators watching.

You raised your hand close to your face and saw little hands. 'Wait... LITTLE HANDS!? WHY IS MY HANDS SO SMALL.'

'IS THIS EVEN MY HANDS?!' you tried to open and close your hands to see if it will move, and it did.


You put both your hands on your cheeks and your mouth was open from shock. 'did I turn into a baby!?'


Your shocked state was interrupted by a loud laughter and a soft one.

You were squinting your eyes to see the two individuals that were watching you from the beginning, and are currently laughing at your reactions.

You look at your left side and see;


Then look to your right side next and see;


Even if you already expected this. You were still quite shocked about this revelation of a situation that you were stuck with.





Within the past few weeks, you were still in the process of accepting the fact that your parents are Roger and Rouge.


After that a few months have passed and you're finally accepting your situation but it was hard to recall everything that happened in those days because most of the time you were sleeping and wasn't aware of things that were happening in your surroundings.


In the past few months they are taking care of you quite well. Even if your  uncontrollable crying continued sometimes without a stop that made them stay up all night happened often. Their kind smile never falter every time they look at you.





You're still awake in the middle of the night because of your negative thoughts and it's keeping you away from sleeping.

You toss and turn as you lay in your crib just wanting to sleep.

'I kinda feel guilty now. Even if I can't control it, I'm still the one making them stay all night.' guilt consuming your mind. That made you start tearing up again.

Noticing yourself about to cry again.
'No no no no no.' shaking your head vigorously.

'(___)! Pull yourself together!' you sat up.

'you need to start controlling your emotions or else you'll burden them again.' having a determined look as you clench your fist together.

'that's right, I need to get rid of the negative thoughts and try to actually make their lives easier not make their lives worse'

'but, what should I do to at least repay what they have done for me?' you are now in a thinking position.

'also, I'm a baby and I can't do much other than to look cute just to make them happy.'

'Hmm..... I guess I have to experiment a little bit.' you concluded.






A few days have passed and you're crying less often now, you would also smile back every time they do the same to you.


Your lower teeth grew first and it adds more to your cuteness because of your chubby cheeks. It also looks so squishable.


"Aww! Look how cute my daughter is! Aren't you a cutie." Roger cooed while taking many pictures of you.

then he suddenly carried you and raised you in the air, "I'm going to show you off if I ever see one of my acquaintances!Wahahaha!!"


after that he set you down on the floor mat. You were immediately distracted by the toys that were clustered on the floor then crawled faster towards your favorite stuffed toy.


Your mother is currently sleeping like a log because she stayed up all night taking care of you last night, that's why it's your father's turn to take care of you right now.


"(___)! (___)! Look at Dad!" shouting playfully trying to get your attention.

And when you finally look at him. You saw him making funny faces.


It always makes you laugh heartily. Your laugh was contagious to them and it always makes their heart swell with happiness.


'well it's obvious my now father likes my laughter so much, that every time he hears me laugh he always clutches his chest and would look like he'll get weak on his knees the longer he hears your laugh.' you noted that in your mind as one of the ways to make your current parents happy.

'I guess that works.' you shrugged.



Then you heard the doorbell rang, and your father seems to notice this too.


Roger straightens up trying to compose himself as he shows his iconic grin, "it seems they've arrived at the door now." your father's grin got wider.

He leaned closer to you as he pinch your cheeks softly while talking to you in a baby voice. "why don't you wait here for a bit while your Dad greets the guest."


When your father left, the room got surrounded with silence. but a few moments later you can already hear the ruckus outside. A few loud laughter echoed through the house, as you hear them get closer and closer to your room until you see them entering the room. Their conversation was confusing to you because you still can't understand Japanese that well completely but you do know how to say a few words.


You were staring at them with curiosity that you didn't realize you were staring at them too long.

When they finally look at your way they saw your little figure hugging your favorite stuffed toy while looking at them with curious eyes, your mouth was open a little, your lower teeth showing and they saw a little bit of drool coming out your mouth.

(I tried finding a base, but this is the only photo that was close to the description ૮ ºﻌºა .)


The two guests were immediately hit by your cuteness as they clutch their chest as they fall forward earlier.


"Wahahaha!!! See! I told you so. My daughter is the cutest baby ever!" Roger boasted.


Roger walked towards you then carried you under your arms and introduced you to the two guests.

"(___), meet your two uncles:




"Rayleigh and Gaban meet my baby daughter (___)!" then change your position and put you over his arms as he kept grinning happily.




'I guess they're my uncles now. This is so exciting!' your eyes sparkle with excitement from all the things you thought of doing with them.

And they were more than willing to do anything just to make you happy.


All of you played: Dress up.

The Roles

- you were the princess.

-your dad is the king.

-Rayleigh is the knight.

-and Gaban was the dinosaur.



All of you had a blast. As your playtime came to an end, it was already noon and they needed to go home.


"oh, would you look at that." Rayleigh looked at the windows and saw that it was already noon.


"it's already noon? I didn't realize it was already this late." your father sets you down from his back.


"Yup, I guess it's time for us to go." Gaban said while taking off the dinosaur onesie.


"Wait, can you look after my princess for a bit. I need to make her milk since she already finished the last one earlier." he stands up and quickly goes to the kitchen to make your food.


Once Gaban took off the onesie, he fixed his clothes up. "I'll get the car ready." he informed Rayleigh before leaving the room. Now it's only you and Rayleigh left in the room.


"up, up." you blurted out as you raised your hands to Rayleigh asking him to pick you up.

He picked you up and put you in his arms.
"Are you hungry?". You hug Rayleigh and bury your face on his chest. Rayleigh was confused by the sudden action but then realized it when he felt his shirt starting to get wet.

"*hic...* *hic...* *sniff..*"


Roger's ears perked up when he felt his parents'instinct kicking in.


Rayleigh on the other hand started panicking as he caress your head to try and calm you down. "Oh no! Shh, shh, what's the matter? Why are you crying?" and he got even more panicked when he heard someone running fast. He clearly knew who it was and he also knows that if he doesn't explain what happened he's dead.


"WHO MADE MY PRINCESS CRY!?" your dad entered the room with an intimidating aura coming out of him.

"You better explain what happened in 30 seconds. Or I'm going to lose it."


"I didn't do anything, I swear! She just wanted me to pick her up and she suddenly hugged me then she started crying." Rayleigh explained while panicking.


Your father slowly calmed down and kept silent for a moment before he spoke.

"*sigh* She probably doesn't want you to go." he saw the way you were clinging to his best friend for dear life as if you didn't want to let go.

It was evident in your father's face that he was clearly jealous of his best friend because her daughter likes his best friend more than him.






You were still clinging to Rayleigh when it was time for them to go.


"princess, you need to let go of your uncle they need to go." your dad was trying to pry you off from Rayleigh.

"hng! Hngmp! WAAAAAHHH!" but your grip on Rayleigh's shirt only tightened then you started to cry loudly.


They tried loosening your grip on his shirt but it only ended with them questioning their strength. That's why they resorted to bribing you, which worked really well.


"Don't cry, we can still see each other sometimes." Rayleigh puts a hand on your head and caresses it a little to reassure you.

"You can even visit us if you want to. I have a daughter that you can play with. Oh! And my son too, he's only a year older than you." he smiled softly at you.


'New friends!' your eyes sparkled with excitement.


"Oh we can visit your house alright, but I'm not gonna let my daughter play with your son. No boys are allowed to come near my princess." your father got overprotective by his last statement his grin never faltered yet it felt different because it sent shivers to your back. He was okay with you playing with other kids but the thought of boys getting close to you made him change his mind.

'he's overprotective mode is clearly triggered by the looks of it.' looking at your father's expression.

You hug your father to calm him down and it works like a charm every time.


Rayleigh and Gaban could only laugh at this interaction between you and your father, they knew that you know your father well and how to calm him down.

"Hahahaha! Anyways, it was nice meeting you." Rayleigh said wiping the tears from the corner of his eyes because of laughing.

"We had fun playing with you." Gaban grinned then ruffled your hair.


And they waved goodbye before leaving, you waved back till you could no longer see their car. You really were sad to see them leave even if you know they can come back whenever they want to, but you can't help but to miss them already because you really liked your new uncles to be honest.





After that both of you went back inside the house and went to the kitchen to feed you. You were put in your baby chair as your father feeds you then he brought up something that was bothering him for a while.


"Do you really like your uncles that much?" your father asked.


"mhhmm" you nodded as you hummed in confirmation.


He didn't know what to feel about your answer, he's happy that you liked them but at the same time he was sad thinking you like them more than him.


"Do you like me more than them?" your father asked with teary puppy eyes.




His heart got shattered from your response by the look on his face but you quickly followed up your answer with.


"Cuz, (___) luv dad, not like!" you said crossing your arms then you raise your hands towards your father and smile brightly at him.

(note: it's purposely broken Japanese because you still can't pronounce it right.)


It took him a while to process your words before he fell over his chair with a nose bleed. You continued to eat knowing he's alright, just letting your father recover from whatever happened to him.


He continued to stay on the floor before your mother came in the kitchen seeing his husband's state.


"Honey, what happened to you!" your mother asked worriedly.


He sat up after he snapped out of it.


"oh, hello honey! Did you get a good rest?" your father grinned forgetting he had a nose bleed.


"yes, I had a good rest." she smiled softly before changing her expression to worry again.


"Don't change the subject! What happened to your nose!?"

"Huh?" he said wiping his nose to check what happened.

"EH!? Why is my nose bleeding?!" he exclaimed then he remembered what happened.


"Wahahaha! I remember now."

"Our daughter was just being sweet that's all!" he grinned happily. Your mother made a long sigh.


"Then go wash your nose, and you know where to find the first aid." she waves him off while chuckling, already used to his husband's antics.


"I'll take care of (___) in the meantime." she said.


"alright alright." he replied then went to the bathroom to take care of his nose.


After all that fiasco. They tucked you into bed.


"Goodnight and sweet dreams (___)." your mother said softly and kissed your forehead as she smiled fondly at you and your father grinning happily while they tuck you in.


"Goodnight as well and sleep well princess. We love you." your father caresses your head as you slowly doze off then finally sleeping.


They were awed at the sight of you dozing off, then walked their way out after they were sure you were sleeping.


When they walked their way out, your father turned off the lights and slowly closed the door as it creaks a little before hearing it clicks.


(Thank you for reading and

See you in the next chapter (。•̀ᴗ-)✧)

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