Keep Your Head Up

Por TheQuietHufflepuff

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Mae Donoghue was your average working girl. That was until Dean Winchester walked into her bar. Little she... Mais

01. Pilot
02. Wendigo
03. Dead in the Water
04. Phantom Traveler
05. Bloody Mary
06. Skin
07. Home
08. Asylum
09. Scarecrow
10. Faith
11. Nightmare
12. The Benders
13. Shadow
14. Hell House
15. Something Wicked
16. Dead Man's Blood
17. Salvation
18. Devil's Trap
19. In My Time of Dying
20. Everybody Loves a Clown
21. Bloodlust
22. Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
23. Simon Said
24. No Exit
25. The Usual Suspects
26. Crossroad Blues
27. Croatoan
28. Hunted
29. Nightshifter
30. Houses of the Holy
32. Born Under a Bad Sign
33. Tall Tales
34. Roadkill
35. Heart
36. Hollywood Babylon
Mid-March 2007
37. What Is and What Should Never Be
38. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part One)
39. All Hell Breaks Loose (Part Two)
40. The Magnificent Seven
41. The Kids Are Alright
42. Bad Day at Black Rock
43. Sin City
44. Bedtime Stories
45. Red Sky at Morning
46. Fresh Blood
47. A Very Supernatural Christmas
48. Malleus Maleficarum
49. Dream a Little Dream of Me
50. Mystery Spot
51. Jus in Bello
52. Ghostfacers
53. Long Distance Call
54. Time Is on My Side
55. No Rest for the Wicked
56. Lazarus Rising
57. Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
58. In the Beginning
59. Metamorphosis
61. Yellow Fever
62. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
63. Wishful Thinking
64. I Know What You Did Last Summer

60. Monster Movie

25 2 0
Por TheQuietHufflepuff

Dean fiddled with the radio and muttered, "The radio around here sucks."

Sam glanced at his brother. "Come on man."

"Jobs don't get much sweeter than this, you know? Dead vic with a gnawed-on neck, body drained of blood, and a witness who swears up and down that it was a vampire."

"Hell of a case, Dean," Mae said with a sigh. "I'm just glad Faith is with Bobby. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her."

"No, I-I agree," Sam said. "It's a hell of a case."

Dean looked between them. "A little more gusto, please. From you both."

"It's just... The world is coming to an end. Things are a little complicated, you know?"

"Yeah, well, we can't save the world, not today anyway. But what we can do is chop off some vamps' heads. Come on, man, it's like the good old days, an honest-to-goodness monster hunt. It's about time the Winchesters got back to tackling. A straightforward, black-and-white case. I miss Faith too, Mae."

The three made their way past a sign that read OKTOBERFEST 2008. Sam and Dean adjusted their suits after exiting the Impala and Mae adjusted her dress after exiting the Impala.

Mae let out a sigh. "How's it look?"

Dean met her eyes and smiled. "Looks good. Babe, I know you're not a fan, but we need a woman on the inside. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You'd better."

Mae kissed him before she walked inside and made her way to the bar. "I'm the new bartender."

Jamie looked at her. "Lori Grey, right?"

Mae nodded. "Yeah."

"Come on back, Lori. Lucy and I'll help you get started."

Outside, Dean said, "We still got to see the new "Raiders" movie."

"Saw it," Sam replied.

"Without me?" Dean asked incredulously.

"You were in Hell."

"That's no excuse." Something caught his eye. "Big pretzel!" Sam smiled and shook his head.

Dean accepted two pretzels from the vendor and said, "Thank you." He handed Sam a pretzel.

"Thank you," Sam replied before both took a bite of their pretzels.

"Gutentag," Jamie and Mae greeted.

""Gutentag" yourselves," Dean said with a full mouth.

Sam chewed and hummed, "Mmm." He noticed an old man in a sheriff uniform. "Looks like that's our man. Sheriff Dietrich."

"Are you the boys from the fed?" Sheriff Dietrich questioned.

"Agents Angus and Young." The two showed their badges. "We called ahead about your, uh, problem."

"Right. Um... I''ll tell you what, why don't we talk this out away from the crowd, huh?"


The door opened and a body was slid out and covered with a sheet.

Sheriff Dietrich drew back the sheet. "Marissa Wright, 26, just up from Lockhard for the 'fest. Terrible. Just terrible. It's the last thing this town needs at peak tourist season."

"Definitely the last thing Marissa Wright needed," Sam commented as the sheriff smiled tightly.

Dean turned the body's head and saw two dark puncture marks on her neck like a vampire bite, trying to ignore that the victim was around Mae's age. "What the hell?"

"Yeah, you got me -- I mean, this killer's some kind of grade-"A" wacko, right?" Sheriff Dietrich guessed. "I mean, some Satan-worshipping, Anne Rice-reading, gothic, psycho vampire wannabe."

"Sheriff, in your report, you mentioned a witness."

"Yeah, I wished I didn't." He huffed. "But our witness insisted. That's Ed Brewer. Not exactly what you'd call reliable."


Sam and Dean walked up to the bar.

Jamie glanced at Mae as the former handed two beer glasses to Lucy. "They're yours, Lori."

Mae let out a light sigh and walked up to the boys, offering a faux smile. "I remember you."

"And I remember you..." Dean looked at her name tag, ""Lori."" He smiled and winked at her. "I never forget a pretty... everything."

Mae raised a brow. "Be professional, Agent."

"We're looking for Ed Brewer," Sam told her.

"What do you want with Ed?"

"Well, we are, uh... federal agents," Dean answered as he and Sam showed their badges. "Mr. Brewer was witness to a serious crime."

Jamie walked up next to her new bartender and asked disbelievingly, "You're a fed? Wow, you don't come on like a fed."

Jamie and Mae frowned. "Seriously?"

Dean grinned and leaned forward on the bar towards them, slightly closer to Mae. "I'm a maverick, ma'am's. A rebel with a badge. One thing I don't play by - The rules."

Sam offered an irritated smile. "Okay, maverick." He looked at Jamie and Mae. "So, where can we find Mr. Brewer." Jamie pointed towards Ed.

The boys walked towards him.

Ed Brewer uncapped his beer stein and drank before saying, "I old the cops everything I saw. No one believes me." He pointed at them. "Why should you be any different?"

"Believe me, Mr. Brewer, we're different," Dean said.

"I spoke God's honest truth. And now, I'm the town joke."

"Marissa Wright's murder is no joke to us," Sam told him. "And we want to hear anything. No matter how strange it may seem."

"We have a lot of experience with strange," Dean added.

Ed uncapped his beer stein and drank. "It was just after midnight. I just left here, and like I do every night," he walked his fingers along the table, "I cut through the park on the way home. At first, I thought it was a couple kissing." His voice softened. "But she was... struggling too much. And this man, he was -- Well, he was biting her neck."

"Can you describe her assailant?" Sam asked.

"Oh, he was a vampire."

"Okay, right," Dean noted. "And by that, you mean-"

"You know, a vampire."



Dean continued prodding. "So, he looked like-"

"He looked like a vampire, you know, with the fangs and the slicked-back hair." He demonstrated with his hair. "And the fancy cape - And the little medallion thingy on the ribbon."

"You mean like Dracula?"

Ed grinned. "Exactly. Like a dracula. Right down to the accent."

"The ac-" Sam began.


"What did he say?"

"You know, something like," he spoke in a Hungarian accent with an arm raised over his face as if he had a cape on. ""Stay away, mortal! The night is mine!"" Ed spoke in a nervous tone. "You do believe me, don't you?"


"They must be here following up on that murdered woman," Jamie guessed.

"Crazy Ed and vampire story," Lucy commented.

"He might be weird, but he's not crazy."

"Look, you're just saying that 'cause the guy has a crush on you and he tips in $20s. Voice off stage Lucy." She blotted her lips on a napkin and left it on the bar as she left.

Dean walked up to the bar and smiled at Mae. "So, you got a beer back there for me?"

Mae continued the improvised flirting, which she found easy considering she was flirting with her husband. "I don't know, Agent Young. You off duty?"

"And then some."

Sam came up and picked up the napkin with Lucy's lipstick print on it. They leaned against the bar, facing the room.

"So, what do you think?" Dean asked. "Goth, psychic vampire wannabe, right?"

"Definitely not our kind of case."

"Agreed. But who cares?" They walked towards a table. "Room's paid for, and it's Oktoberfest. Come on, brother. Beer and bar wenches." The two sat.

"Pretty sure women today don't react well to the whole "wench" thing, Dean."

He glanced at Mae. "Hey, bar wench, where's that beer?"

Jamie raised her eyes at Mae who frowned. "Oh, come on. I don't want to answer to that."

"It's part of the job," Jamie told her.

Mae rolled her eyes and said in a falsely sweet, but threatening one, "Coming up, good sir."

"Dude, Oktoberfest," Dean said gleefully.

Mae placed a beer in front of Dean, shooting him a dirty look. "There you go." She turned to Sam. "What can I get you?"

"Oh, he doesn't drink. He's a Christian scientist. Doesn't even take aspirin. He's a real drag on stakeouts." He smiled at Mae.

"Oh, you think you're hilarious."

"I'm a lot more than that. And I know you know that. I'd love to get a chance to show you the rest. What time you get off?"

"Haha. Like I said, "hilarious."" She walked off.

"Man, it is time to right some wrongs."

"Come again?" Sam questioned.

"Look at me. I came back from the furnace without any of my old scars, right?" He began listing off on his fingers. "You know, bullet wounds, knife cuts." He held up his spread hand and wiggled his fingers. "None of the off-angled fingers from all the breaks. I mean, my hide is as smooth as a baby's bottom, which leads me to conclude, sadly... That my virginity is intact."

Sam's tone sounded incredulous. "What?"

"I have been re-hymenated." He drank his beer.

"Re -- Please. Dean, maybe angels can pull you out of Hell, but no one could do that."

"Brother, I have been re-hymenated. And the Dude will not abide."

"All right, dude." Sam looked amused. "Well, you go do whatever you got to do. And I'm gonna go back to the room and get some sleep." He left the room.

Dean made his way to the bar. "So? How about tonight?"

Mae wiped glasses as she said, "Busy. Lucy's doing a girls' night out and I promised her and Jamie I'd go." Dean glanced at Jamie and Lucy. "Besides, no self-respecting bar wench lets herself get picked up by a customer on the first try."

"Well, I'm not a customer. I'm a federal agent. And you're my wife, remember?"

"Hilarious. You're as much a federal agent as I am a bar wench. Oh, and I'm gonna kill you dead for making me wear this costume."

"And leave our daughter fatherless?" He sighed. "I don't think you'll have to much longer. This case isn't weird enough for us."

"Good. I'll start packing my stuff."


Sam and Dean sat across from Anne-Marie at an outside table.

Anne-Marie sucked on a straw in a large cup. The brothers exchanged a look as Anne-Marie said, "And the it just -- It just tore Rick into little pieces."

"Ma'am, we understand how hard this is, but can you describe the creature?" Dean questioned.

Anne-Marie sucked on her straw. "Oh. It was a werewolf."

"A werewolf?" Sam repeated. "You're sure?"

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face and the black nose and the claws and the torn-up pants and shirt, like from the old movies."

"Um, well..."

"Okay, so..." Dean began. "Thank you for your time."

They left. Anne-Marie sucked on the straw, watching them.


Sam looked at a label then opened a storage drawer.

Dean frowned. "First a dracula and now a full-on movie-time wolf man? What the hell is going on in this town?"

Sam unzipped a body bag. "Ohh. Whew."


"All right. Whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe." He poked around the corpse and lifted a piece up with a pencil. "Look at those bite marks." He pointed at the corpse. "Right down to the bone... And deeper."

"Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb. Could be a werewolf."

"Yeah, except, look. The heart's still there in one piece. They never leave the heart behind. You know you're gonna have to tell Mae, right?"

Dean's tone sounded annoyed. "Thus I reiterate - What the hell is going on? Yeah, I know."

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me," the sheriff replied. "I just got a rush job back from the lab on those fibers we found on the body." He pulled out a bag from the envelope. "Canine. Wolf hairs."

Dean pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm getting a headache."


Sam and Dean sat at a table.

"I don't know, man," Dean said. "Looks like we've stumbled onto a midnight showing of "Dracula Meets Wolf Man." Is that it?" He drank.

"I don't know," Sam replied. "I mean, wolf man seems real enough. It makes dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess."

Dean chewed his food. "Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair. That's just a myth."


"So, what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?"

Mae brought beer and walked up to them. "I heard there is a case, which means I have to stay in this dumb costume. Heard about a guy named Rick Deacon."

Dean glanced at her. "Yeah, this case just got weird enough. Sorry, honey, but it looks like you're playing bar wench for a little while longer."

"Beers are on the house. And I get off at midnight."

"Oh, it's not another, uh, girls' night out?"

"Doesn't have to be."

"Okay, then. I'll see you tonight."

"All right." She left.

"Hey, you think this dracula could turn into a bat? That would be cool."


The police moved around. The sheriff was talking to his men. Sam and Dean investigated the sarcophagus.

"This sarcophagus isn't ancient," Sam commented, holding up a tag. "It's from a prop house in Philly."

"Well..." Dean began. "It goes well with the bucket of dry ice," he held up a bucket, "he was keeping in it."

"Is he making his own special effects?"

"Yeah, a mummy with a good sense of showmanship."

"This is stupid."

Dean glanced at his watch. "Oh, damn it. Mae. I'm late. You're good here with the mummy and the..." he waved his hands, "crazy-"




Mae stood outside, looking at her watch. "Where are you, Dean?"

Dracula, in a Hungarian accent, greeted, "Good evening." He swirled his cape over his shoulder.

Mae quickly frisked herself for a knife, muttering to herself when she didn't find one.

Dracula stepped closer to her. "I have watched you since you first arrived. My passion knows no bounds?! You are the reincarnation of my beloved, and I must have you." She punched Dracula and ran off. "Mary, son of a..." Dracula ran after her.

"Mae!" Dean called as she crashed into him and Dracula appeared. "Son of a bitch."

"You should not use such language in the presence of my bride."

"Okay." He punched Dracula and they fought. "Mae, run!"

"You have no choice in the matter, Mr. Harker. Mina is mine." He tried to bite Dean.

Dean ripped off Dracula's ear and fled. Dean pursued. Dracula leapt over a gate and escaped on a moped.



"Hey," Sam greeted. "You guys all right?"

"Yeah, I think so," Dean replied. "And Mae and I think we know what's going on." He set the folded towel on the table.


"Part of it at least."

Sam opened the towel where Dracula's ear was. "Uh, the ear part?"

"Ripped it off of Dracula's head."

"Touch it," Mae ordered as Sam did so. "Feel familiar?"

"Oh, man."

"The skin of a shapeshifter, just like St. Louis and just like Milwaukee," Dean confirmed. "Of course this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh..." He pulled out the medallion from his jacket. "I pulled this off during the fight." He handed it to Sam. "Look at the label on the ribbon."

Sam looked at the ribbon. "It's a costume rental."

"All three monsters - The Dracula, wolf man, and the mummy - All the same critter, which means we need to catch this freak before he "creature from the black lagoon's" somebody."

"So, you guys are like Mulder and Scully or something, and the X-Files are real?" Jamie asked.

Dean spoke facetiously. "No, the X-Files is a TV show. This is real."


Dean drank from a liquor glass.

Mae frowned. "Okay, so, the stagecraft, the costuming-"

"It's like he's trying to reenact his favorite monster-movie moments, right down to the bloody murders," Sam finished.

Dean frowned. "Who the hell is Mina?"


"Yeah," Mae confirmed. "That's what he called me. And he called Dean Mr. Harker."

"Jonathan Harker?" Sam asked. "They're characters from the movies and the novels-"

Mae cut him off. "Mina is Dracula's intended bride. Harker, the fiancé. That's funny, considering I'm married to "Harker"."

Sam looked at her. "Seems like he's fixing on you, like he sees you as his bride."

"That's great. I'm a taken woman."

"But to fixate on you, my guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you."

Dean looked to the blonde bartender. "Jamie, has anybody strange come to town, somebody that has taken a specific notice of Mae?"

"I don't know, Dean. It's Oktoberfest. She and I are bartenders. There's lots of people. I... Wait a second. There is Ed," Jamie told them.

""Ed Brewer" Ed?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me and has developed one on Lori. Or, uh, Mae. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy-"

"Where does Ed live?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's a projectionist there."

Sam turned to his brother. "Take care of Mina?"

"Yep," Dean confirmed before Sam left.

Jamie paced in front of the booth Dean and Mae were sitting at before she said, "So, monsters are real."

"Some of them, yeah," Dean replied. "Yeah, except this one's turning into the great monsters of screen land, which is a new one for me and her."

"You're not really FBI, are you?"

"Not so much."

"So, this is what you do? You and your partners just tramp across the country on your own dime until you find some horrible nightmare to fight?"

Mae pulled at her skirt. "Well, it's more appealing than this outfit."

"Some people paint," Dean said.

"Wow," Jamie commented.

"What?" Dean and Mae questioned.

"That must suck. "I mean, you're both giving up your life for this terrible... I don't know, responsibility. And judging from the way you're looking at Mae... That's love. I'm gonna give you two some time." She walked away.

Dean nodded before saying, "Last few years, I started thinking that way, and, uh, it started sort of weighing on me. Of course that was before..." He shifted uncomfortably. "A little while ago, I had this - It's called a near-death experience. Very near."

Mae frowned. "You died, Dean."

"Baby, let me finish. Please. And, uh... when I came to... Things were different. My life's been different. I realize that I help people. Not just help them, though. I save them, as you know. I guess it's -- It's awesome. It's kind of like gift... Like a mission. Kind of like a... mission from God."

"So are you some kind of monk now, right? Celibate?" Mae teased.

"Man, I hope not." He brought his lips close to hers and she began closing the space between them, soon bringing their lips together.

The lights came on and Lucy said, "Oh, my God. Lori. Guys, I'm-I'm sorry. I thought you guys were going out."

Mae offered a tight smile. "Lucy, it's -- It's okay. Uh, listen -- You came at an... okay time."

"You know what? I just -- I came to borrow a bottle." She held a bottle. "I kind of got something going back at my... Anyway, uh, you guys look really busy. So I'm just gonna get out of your hair."

"It's been a crazy night. Stay for a drink."

"Yeah," Dean agreed. "Stay for a drink."

Dean and Mae smiled.


Phantom of the Opera was showing. Organ music swelled as Sam walked in. Sam checked the clip in his gun then walked towards the shadow of a man playing an organ. Ed switched the music to something happy.

"Whoa!" Ed cried, seeing Sam who pushed him against the organ and held him at gunpoint. "You, FBI man - What did I-"

"Shut up, okay, you know what you did," Sam said.


"I know what you are."

"I'm not anything. I just like to play the casio."

"Had time to grow the ear back, huh?" He grabbed Ed's ear and pulled.

"What?! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"It's supposed to come off."

"No, it's not!"


"Oh, that sounds awful," Lucy said. "Lori, honey, are you okay?"

Mae nodded. "I'm fine. He didn't even touch me. Dean just blew in and fought him off."

"Well, I didn't actually fly, but I'm sure it seemed that way at the time," Dean stated as Lucy blotted her lipstick.

Mae's voice sounded sleepy. "It was really, really something. Saved me."

"Mae?" Dean called worriedly.

"So, Dean, are you like a black belt or what?" Lucy asked. Dean looked at his glass and it swam before his eyes. "Well, I guess they train you to fight at the academy or whatever."

Dean leaned across to punch Lucy. He pushed Mae out of the booth, hoping he wouldn't hurt her. They both staggered.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Mae questioned before passing out and falling back into the booth.

"It's you, isn't it?" Dean realized.

Lucy pushed her jaw back into place and Dean kicked her again.

"Oh, damn it!" Dean cried. "What did you put in the drinks?!" He smashed a bottle on the edge of the table. "That's all right. I'll skin you myself." He passed out.

"And... scene," Lucy said.


Dean, wearing an Oktoberfest costume, was tied to an upright table. "Oh, come on." He looked at a portrait of a woman's face.

"She is beautiful, no?" Dracula asked. "Bride number three," he crossed to the woman's portrait, "from the first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved." He caressed her face. "Which is why I chose her shape, her form to move among the mortals unnoticed, to listen to the cricket songs of the living. That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century."

"I can't get over what a pumpkin-pie-eyed crazy son of a bitch you really are. You're not Dracula. You get that, right? Or even if you think you are Dracula, what the hell's up with the mummy?!"

Dracula punched Dean in the face. "I am all monsters!"

"Life ain't a movie, you sorry sack of-"

Dracula punched Dean's face again.

"Aah," Dean protested.

Dracula began pacing. "Life is small. Meager messy the movies are grand, simple, elegant. I have chosen," he fringed out his cape, "elegance."

"You think "elegance" is really the word for what you did to Marissa or Rick Deacon or any of the others?!"

"But of course. It is a monster movie, after all."

"You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie?"

"Ah. But this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he's... electrocuted." Dracula crossed to a large lever. "And tonight, Jonathan Harker," he gripped the lever, "you will be my hero." The doorbell rang. "Wait, wait, wait, wait." He chuckled nervously. "Please, excuse me."

Dracula walked through a modern-looking hallway. "Good evening."

"Uh... Pizza delivery," the delivery boy said.

"Ah, you've brought a repast. Excellent. Continue to be of such service and your life will be spared."

"Uh-huh." He pulled the pizza from an insulated bag and held it out. "That'll be $15.50."

"Tell me... yeah? there garlic on this pizza?"

"I don't know. Did you order garlic?"


"Then no." He spoke impatiently. "Look, mister, I got four other deliveries to make. You want to just pay me the money so I can go?"

"Of course, yes, but I have a coupon."


Sam walked around and spoke on his phone. "Dean, hey, listen, uh, Ed is not our guy. Um, I'm guessing you've booked another room with Lana, so just give me a call, okay?" He noticed a bottle on the floor and the napkin with the lipstick print. "Lucy."

Jamie appeared and sighed. "Thank God you're here. Lucy, she -- she took Dean and Lori; I mean Mae."


Mae was lying on the bed.

"You wake," Dracula told her, gesturing to a white satin dress hanging by the bed. "The gown -- It suits your beauty. Please, put it on."

"Where am I?" Mae demanded. "What have you done with Dean?"

"Harker is resting elsewhere. Please, put the gown on and you may dine. We are having pizza."

"What? What is wrong with you? You made up Lucy, right? Pretended to befriend me soon after I began working at the bar."

"I needed to know if you were the one."

"You could have tried talking! But instead you choose this?"

"Put on the gown."

"I don't want to play your stupid game, okay? I just -- I just want to get back to my husband and brother-in-law."

"Put on the gown!"

Sam picked the lock to Dracula's front door and held his gun out at the ready.

Mae smoothed the dress down her hips, a glare on her face.

Dracula's voice resumed normalcy. "I-I scared you. You were the only one I don't want to scare." He turned so he could see her. "I used to love the movies."

Mae shook her head. "They aren't real. You can't make them real."

""Real" is being born this way. Different. "Real" is having your dad call you "monster" -- It's the first time you hear the word --" He turned away from her. "And he tries to beat you to death with a shovel. Everywhere I ran, everywhere I tried to hide, people found men, dragged me, called me "freak," called me "monster." Then I found them." He faced her again. "The great monsters. In their movies, they were strong. They were feared. They were beautiful. And now I am like them. Commanding," he spoke in a Hungarian accent, "terrifying."


His voice resumed normalcy. "Was lonely. Now I -- I have you."

Mae frowned and pursed her lips. "Ever think that maybe you're lonely because you kill people?"

"Or I kill people because I'm lonely." He heard something being knocked over. "Did you hear that?"

"What? Dean? Dean! Sam!"

Dracula hit her, knocking her out.


"Oh, thank God," Dean said as Sam entered. "Just in the nick of time. That guy was about to Frankenstein me."

Sam untied Dean. "Hey there, Hansel."

Dean pointed a finger at Sam. "Shut up!" He gestured for Sam to kick down the door. "We need to save my girl."

Sam put his foot through the door. "Let's go."


Sam opened the door and crossed to Mae lying on the bed.

"Aah!" Dracula cried, taking on a Hungarian accent. "You will never be Van Helsing!" He threw Sam through the wall.

Dean attacked Dracula and they fought.

"And you, Harker, now you die," Dracula said.

Dean glared at him. "How 'bout now you shut the hell up?"

Dean was thrown to the ground. Dracula raised his arms, about to go in for the kill. A gun was shot.

"Silver?" Dracula asked, turning to see Mae holding the gun. "It was beauty that killed the beast." He staggered. "No, Mina, do not weep." He fell into a chair. "Perhaps this is how the movie should end."


Mae glanced at Dean and smiled. "Thanks."

"For what? Saving your life?" Dean teased.


"Anytime, babe."

Jamie walked up and smiled. "Thank you, G-man. You have been a great service to your country. Mae, it was great working with you."

Dean nodded. "Oh, yes. I'm very, very patriotic."

Sam and Mae stood behind Dean. Dean looked over his shoulder at him and Sam and Mae smiled lightly.

Dean turned back to Jamie. "Bye."

"Bye," Jamie replied. "Bye, Mae."

Mae waved. "Bye, Jamie."

The three hunters began walking away and Jamie called out after them. "You guys," they paused and turned to her, "saved my life, you know? So, thanks." She left.

"I like her," Sam commented.

Dean smiled. "I like her too, but I've got a pretty amazing girl. Feels good to be back on the job, doesn't it?"

Sam nodded. "Yeah, it does."

"The hero keeps the girl, monster gets the all in all, happy ending -- With a happy ending, no less."

Sam chuckled. "Real classy, Dean."

"Hey, all I'm saying is the shifter man had a point, you know? It would be nice if life was movie simple. Although, if I was turning life into a movie, I wouldn't do this "Abbott and Costello and their friend meet the monster" crap."

"Yeah. No, I know what you'd pick."

Dean chuckled. "No, you don't."

"Yeah, I do."

"No. You don't. You don't!"

""Porky's II.""


"You heard me."

"Lucky guess."

Mae laughed. "God, you boys never fail to make me laugh."

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