The Different Worlds

Від TacticalNarrator9000

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In the year 2026, our world will never be the same again. A mysterious portal was opened on the coast of Mani... Більше

New Discovery
First Contact
Pearl of the Orient
First Step
Poor State
The Coming Age
Not A Hiatus
I'm Back
Man's Ambitions
The Musangs

Forging Pacts

518 18 39
Від TacticalNarrator9000

Hello dear readers, this is TacticalNarrator here, I have returned nearly a year of absent updates on this story. Due to making four or five chapters into one, it was a terrible mistake, and is now under the bridge and I don't need to whine about it. Even though, the supposed size of this chapter makes up half more of this current story. It was decided by the majority that the chapter would be trimmed so that your mind would be relaxed with the high amount of dialogue.

I did improve my grammar and writing style to make you guys understand better on my story better. There are now contents and events that are different from the usual OG Summoning Japan plotline, in which is inspired by the many different stories I read in my alone time.

This chapter is a daring endeavor to write high-quality scenes and plotlines that the reader demands to put in the story.

"Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

-Thomas Jefferson

After the diplomatic meeting with the Lourian King on the state of affairs, the pursuit of a peaceful agreement has been for naught. The expansion desire and racial supremacy are the main driving forces for the Lourian to push for conflict against their neighborhood kingdoms. As the opportunity for peace has been rejected for their conquest of the continent.

The situation in the New World was more complicated than they really realized.

As the Earth ambassador returned and forwarded the Louria King's volitions, it would be more complicated for their current standing.

King Hark Louria has stated that the entire continent is for the people of Louria. And the other races that is not human, would  be exterminated or enslave to second class citizens.

The Philippine and United States  government have arranged an video meeting to decide the next move for the New World and for the nations they have established diplomatic relations.

They started to assess the issue by having a discussion with their advisors and ministers on their next cause of action. 

Manila, Philippine

March 9, 2026

Presidential Study, Malacañang Palace

President Emmanuel Sanchez and his close advisor were in the middle of a session on the current affairs of the New World.

"Alright." President Sanchez spoke firmly to his advisors. "Let's talk about our current situations in the New World, before this will become major issue ."

The Secretary of Defence stood up and responded. "From the latest reports that are given from Quatoyne and Quila accounts, if these reports are genuine and accurate. Then the growing military of Louria is a sign that a coming war is near to an flashpoint"

President Sanchez got worried about the intelligence report. "Could our new friends be capable of fending off an invasion from their homeland?"

The Secretary of Defence grabbed another piece of document and read out the contents.

"From the information given from our friends in the other world. The Principality military is under budget and is unable to fully armed its military forces for actual war. They don't have enough military power to effectively protect their entire country."

"As for Qualia, they are surrounded by the natural barrier of mountains and dunes that make the journey very costly to the invaders. They even have troops of these beastmen that rival an average person in combat. But the distance between the Quatoyne is distant that reinforcements are difficult to arrive on their lack of infrastructure and the sparse number of troops to aid them." The Secretary of Defence informed the military strength of their of the two partner nations.

The military report didn't alleviate the problematic situation. He must determine if his country should intervene in the affairs of the conflict as being the President of his country is still difficult even before the Ring appearance. And that his country is not very influential or powerful enough to operate such an operation on their own.

"What would happen if we aid the Principality through direct military forces or military assistance?" He asked if the Philippines should deploy their own troops to defend the Quatoynes.

"With our current military strength to dispatch military support by ourselves, we would be inadequate for our military to conduct actual overseas military operation, if without any foreign support from the US or international military aid."

This revealed a problem with his selection. He can send military aid by only the Philippines to the two countries, but the lacking in overseas bases and military strength to effectively on conducting a military operation effectively. Much less military assistance to aid both countries like in the Russo-Ukraine War. Which is  needed large sums of money aid, to continuing to support them.

Their is another optional choice.

He can request an International Task Force for a peacekeeping operation from the UN and use the US relations to help defend their sovereignty and the investments they procured.

But that means he has to open the Ring to the entire world. He can still implement  restrictions to nations that will have access to the Ring. Yet the control of the Ring will be loosening as the New World would be open to the entire world.

"What if we don't aid the two countries? What will happen if the Quatoyne Principality and the Kingdom of Quilia faced the conflict on their own." President Sanchez suggests the neutral route.

"There are outcomes that could occur, if they are lucky, the conflict wouldn't happen for a few years and the two countries industry and economys will be improved by the investments and trade. They would have industrial strength to formed a proper modern army to defend  themselves." The Secretary of Defence assumed the best possible outcome.

"But if the Kingdom of Lourian decided to commenced a invasion on this year or next year. The two countries will embroiled a blood war that both sides will suffered large civilian casualties. But with the growing size of the Lourian military that possibly surpass both countries military, they may overwhelm their military force. At best, they can forced to sign an armistice, if the both countries managed to pushed back the invading force. And at worst, they are both subjugated from the Lourians and the casualties would be devastating for the both factions." He then spoke out the possibility that might happened, but no one could have a perfect predictions.

"That sounds terrible even anywhere you see about it." President Sanchez thought of the public backlash on his image by staying away from a helpless country that could be saved.

It's like the Rwandan Genocide, having the power to stop a blood bath yet, having a political risk that would affect his political party.

"So this is how the European powers experienced when they appeased Hitler by conquering parts of Europe." He muttered out his current situation.

"What is the hypothetical number of casualties if war were to happen"

The advisors then talked each other and looked up at the data they collected on both countries.

"The precise calculation of the countries would be difficult to estimate from several unknown factors that present on the New World. But with the data we gathered from the New World countries, it's rough estimate that the casualties numbers would be ten thousand to couple of million civilian casualties."

"That's a optimistic high number death from a country that is somewhere on the mediaval era?"

"Mister President, the Lourians are on a genocidal crusade to exterminate the other races of the New World. The number of this races are half of the entire population in the Rodenuis Continent."

"So what is the population of those countries?"

"The Qua-toyne Principality have a 32 million citizen and half of them are non human with the Kingdom of Quilia have 6-7 million citizen and two-thirds are non human races."

"And there's a possibilty of refugee crisis. They might demand to emigrate to our World to escape the fighting. And it's a huge problem for our nation to to care a large amount of refugees to be relocated to our country. They may having a hard time on resettling them to our country from the lack of understanding of lifestyle that being considerable displacement of people that may deteriorate our national system."

This knowledge heavily aggravated the President, he can ordered to assist the Quatoynes and Quilian that could forced opened up the Ring to the international community. While denying them would cause a large amount of devastation and he would be called to history as the President that leave millions to terrible fate on the New World.

So he have no choice, but to accept the first choice then the latter.

"Alright, I decided to send military aid to the Quatoyne and Quilia if the conflict is to be escalated."

"But sir!" One of his advisor alerted him. "We need the approval from the Congress to carry out the order."

"So then, we need the approval on the Congress to sending military aid to the New World. Do it now!"

He ordered his subordinates to plan on how to send aid to the New World. An aide burst into the president.

"Mr.President! President Aiden is calling us via video conference and he want to discuss the situation on the New World." A agent called out the notice.

"There he is." President Sanchez straighten himself, knowing how the conversation would go. "Fine. Get the video feed and cameras on."

President Sanchez and his cabinet waited while it was done before the American President's face appeared on the big screen at the end of the table.

The video feed shows President Aiden on his own suit with his own advisors on the background.

"Hello there President Aiden, its nice to see you today." President Sanchez greeted the US president on the video call.

"Its nice to see there, Sanchez." He greeted back. "Let's talk on the concerning affairs on the New World."

"Alright, we have reached a decision to provide aid to the Quatoyne and Quilia to help them on their ongoing dispute."

"That's wonderful." President Aiden happily replied. "So is the US will part take of this endeavor?"

"So your party have agreed on sending aid to the New World?" President Sanchez asked a question.

"Mostly, while the weapons aid package from the Russo-Ukraine War has some troubles on retrieving back the high tech weapons from our hands. And my party are wary on being a barrier against war to the New World natives." He replied with  consideration on his mind.

"But that was the last party problem and the aid debt is recovering sufficiently." He optimistic answered. "So, are we sending a peacekeeping force? That so, it would be a hassle to lose that build-up progress from  this development."

"That's at least good news, and also maybe about that part" President  Sanchez reassuring told him. "Then what can we send them."

The US Secretary of Defence stepped  forward and replied. "For now we can currently possibly do, is to send aid from intelligence, logistics, and money for their  economy to their people in case of war."

"The first step is an new defence pact, but that would take time and effort for both of our Congress to established."

"That is now on the list." President Sanchez wrote down the demands. "What's next?"

"We need to establish a FOB on both of those countries to fully utilize our military capability in the News World." The US Defence Secretary requested.

"So we need to negotiate the Principality to establish temporary military installations within their territories." President Sanchez reacted on the suggestion.


"And there's a need of the increase of US troops on both of the Philippines and the New World." President Aiden requested. "So I asked for the full operations of the Subic Bay."

This surprised the Filipinos officials present on the meeting on the American President's demand.

"Ok, I get the increase of US troops on your oversea bases within the Philippines and the New World." President Sanchez replied. "But what's the purpose on the full access of Subic Bay?"

Subic Bay was a major ship-repair, supply, and rest and recreation facility of the Spanish Navy and subsequently, the United States Navy located in Zambales, Philippines. The naval base was the largest overseas military installation of the United States Armed Forces on the Asia-Pacific Region. But was closed by 1992 from the disagreements of both countries that make the naval base to be returned to the Philippine goverment and the departure of the US force that is garrison there.

Due to the rising tension between the Philippine and Chinese government from a territorial dispute over the Spratly Islands. The naval base was partial return to service as a U.S. military facility through the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement. As both partys have finally agreed for the joint partnership of the naval base.

Yet, the base garrison is undermanned and the facilities are poorly maintained, with the infrastructure hhasn'tbeen renovated for the last 64 years since the departure of US forces.

"The Ring is nearly close on the port ,the logistics and distance of the naval base that is present near the Ring is the perfect location for a logistic station for the massive allocation of materials and personnel to the New World." He formally explained. "And you know the Chinese are also raising their naval forces and amphibious capabilities on the South China Sea."

"The Chinese are that desperate for the Ring?" The Philippine President raised his brow on the statement. 

"The Ring is a door that is connected to another world, which that could have  a potential on rich natural resources and a gold mine of hidden discoveries waiting to be discovered to be used for the benefit their own personal nations." He elaborated on the reason. "This wealth will tip off the rule-based order to the last century and it's all from the Ring."

There was a minute of silence from both head of state as the Philippine president thought of the words of the US president.

"Will the Chinese going to escalate this matter to a conflict?"

A small silence went from both leaders as the US president thought on the prospects of that possibilities.

"It's more likely they will pressure you in the UN assembly through sanctions". He speculated the possible option. "But, from the lesson on the Russo-Ukraine War, we can't be assuming that the Chinese would stay on playing nice."

President Sanchez thought over the US proposal. The full operational of the Subic Bay for military operations and being as a logistic hub on the supplying the foreign aid to the New World. There will public concerns on the increased of US troops on his country and the residents will be complaining near to the base from the undergoing of military operations being conducted nonstop on disturbing their  lifestyle.

But advantages is that the increased of US presence will make the PRC think again of might doing something daring. And lessen the burden on the public trading ports for the transport of aid packages and troops to the New World.

"Then I have no choice, the Senate will be pissed off from the full operational of the Subic Bay." President Sanchez agreed to the proposal. "But we need the public support to make this worked. The public doesn't know the Lourian hegemony to the New World."

"Then let them know the entire thing." President Aiden suggested an bold action . "Reveal the entire informations about the New World. Let them know of the rising conflict of the Louria regime that wants to dominate the entire continent and eradicate the other races. Have them portray as a possible threat that may pose a danger to your Capital and country."

The Philippine side began murmuring to each other about such an action.

"You know that's over the top you are trying to sell there." President Sanchez commented on US president proposal. "Then again, if the public support want to sided our causes. And maybe the entire world have agreed with our work. Then the other countries that would  disapproved the action have to back down to our 'good' intentions."

"We are really doing this for good intentions mutually." President Aiden chuckled slightly from his own statement. "I agreed too, if our allies want to join or wanted to join, then it's going to be more difficult for China or Russia to pressure our operations in the New World."

"Alright, let's released the information public on the internet and schedule a press release on the current state of affairs."

"Sure, I will informed the American people of how might makes right." President Abueva boasted of his declaration.

President Sanchez can rolled his eyes from his counterpart after they dismissed the video call.

Capital City of QuaToynee

Government Conference Area (Lotus Garden)

March 10, 2026/1639

A meeting has been scheduled by both parties as they want to discuss the next steps of their diplomacy.

"Alright Ambassadors, what are your nation's plans after meeting up with the Lourian royalty." Prime Minister Kanata asked from both ambassadors.

The Principality government officials looked at the two ambassadors as they have a serious expression on the meeting.

"We have met with the Lourian king and had a discussion about their own point of view between your nation and theirs. We've made our verdict." Ambassador Abueva spoken out as the entire room hold their breath to the decision.

"Our nations decided to move away from the Kingdom of Louria, due to their aggressive nature and motives. It's better to maintain talks for peace and stability on the region without having direct interactions with their country."

"So, what does that mean to your nation?" Foreign Minister Rinsui inquired on the Philippine ambassador.

"We prefer to maintain the current status of stability and external affairs of both factions to avoid a bloody conflict," Abueva replied to the Foreign Minister.

"So you want to be a mediator in this circumstances."

"If possible."

A short silence occurred on the room as the Foreign Minister muttered out in a concerning voice.

"I told you they wouldn't be interested to our external affairs. They want to have trade and investment in our nation. As they wouldn't have the will to send military assistance or aid incase the Lourians decided to declare war to the nation." Rinsui whispered toward the Prime Minister.

"Ahem!" Prime Minister Kanata glared at the Foreign Minister to calm down on his ranting. Rinsui decided to sidelined a bit from the conference. Prime Minister Kanata then taking a lead on the conversation.

"What will your nations plans to prevent on such a conflict to escalate? Will you stay and help when war have been declared?" Prime Minister Kanata raised a question. He was unsure that the Earth goverments will defend them.

"Our leaders declared on our people to support on Qua-toyne and Quila." Ambassador Abueva opened up. "We have a recordings of them making a public speech on early day."

Greenfield revealed his laptop and he went to the recorded video of the public announcement of their nations leaders. There was subtitles on the Common Language inorder for the natives to understand the leaders speeches .

The first video was President Sanchez on the podium with the Philippine flag on his right and the Office of the President of the Philippines blue flag on his left as their is also the logo on his background.

"My dear citizen, it's time to tell you the truth on the Ring or the world on the other side of it." President Sanchez said in a calm and stern voice. "About a month and a half after the first exploration on the another world. We have our first alien contact with the native on the New World, we encounter people and civilization that is almost come from fairy tale begin to come to our reality."

"We have met the government of the Quatoyne Principality and the Kingdom of Quilia who are very cooperative and soon later, we begin to trade to each other from goods to culture." He portrayed the events in the interaction between our world and the other world.

"But we discovered a terrifying truth when we dive much further on the New World." He replied in a somber tone. "That's when we discovered another country that is called the Kingdom of Louria."

"At first, they are like us, but they have a imperialism goal to dominate the continent of Rodenuis as our allies came from, through aggression and military action they want to conquer them and exterminate the other races from their own beliefs."

He then held his breath as the entire nation waited to hear what was to come.

'Even our country is safe from it's aggressive expansion of their imperialism goals for now." He replied in reassuring tone. "But there still a threat of national security if the Lourian are finished with the other countries."

"And the countries that they will be conquered have their rights and freedom be stripped away and the other races will be purged from the elves, dwarves, and the demihumans. Their ideals are racial discrimination that the war will exterminated many innocent people because of their different races and their goals of aggressively conquering everyone that stand on their way."

"We send our best people to offered them peace by economics deals and developments to better the lifestyle of their people like the countries we have friendly relations with. But they declined, for we have different nature as they want harsh methods and imperialism goals that would lead to conflict to our

"I implore your support to defend this countrys from the fate that happened many from our world." He announced. "In the coming days, with the help of the US and our allies, I hope the conflict will be deescalate frotgrough the use of a international peacekeeping force from the UN, to avoid bloodshed from both sides."

"We must show that the Kingdom of Louria that their act of agression will not be unpunished."

While the Philippine President is subtle  and grimace of going to war. The US President speech is more direct and sentiment being expressed on his speech.

"My fellow Americans!" President Aiden greeted the crowd of people on the stage. "I'm here to made public an announcement that is related to one of our allies on the Pacific."

"The news of inter-dimensional portals being discovered in the Philippines is one of the biggest discoveries in human history. They contacted aliens or other humans and races that are in a fantasy world like from Lord of the Rings or Tolkien."

Many of the audience laughed at the mild joke of the American President.

"When our ambassadors met the people from the other world after the Philippine government completed their introduction. We formed deals and agreements that benefit both sides. I'm proud to say that we have formed a bond to our world and the New World."

"But that bond is being threatened by evil kingdom that have goals to expand and subjugated the peaceful countrys that are good relations to us."

The atmosphere of the speech that was feel like accomplishment turned to concerns to the comment.

"The Qua-toyne Principality and the Kingdom of Quila are being threatened by the growing imperialistic Kingdom of Louria."

"When we offered them the symbol of peace through trade and welfare. They preferred violence and prejudice against other races that are deemed as different from humans. They are literally the embodiment of a bastarised version of the Nazi with fantasy elements being intertwined."

This taken a shocked to the audience of an evil country with genocidal tendencies on the New World. While some are skeptical  from the president's words.

"The Philippines is asking us if we are up to the task of protecting one's sovereignty against a nation that is backward and uncivilized from its own. I'm asking for your support and the rest of our allies to defend a nation from a evil regime."

Many allies from the United State felt a coming headache, when President Aiden suggested the deployment of allied coalition to the New World.

"With your support, the New World will experience the lifestyle of our modern age. And the chance to make the land at peace."

After the video, the Principality officials are surprised from the video that display obligation of defending thier nation and people.

"As long as your nation isn't the first one to strike. Then we will safeguard your country from any invasion." Abueva answered sternly.

This is gives relief to most of supporing side as they are happy for more help from a strong country.

Some of the nobles are suspicious of the Earth government actions. About months of initial contact as they are trading wealthy goods and devices in cheap price. The unnerving sense from the nobles felt a hidden ulterior motive. As they are deploying military in their country and occupying part of their land. Some have the same thought on their mind from the motive of their actions.

What are they doing?

Then Foreign Minister Rinsui dared to ask that question.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Huh?" The two ambassadors quietly uttered.

"Foreign Minister! What are you saying?" Prime Minister Kanata called out as one of his ministers questioned.

"Sorry Prime Minister." Rinsui apologised. "But I found it very hard to believe to why they are doing this. I doubt them being this kind and benevolent."

After the Foreign Minister ranted his mistrust to the Earth government. Ambassador Abueva took a big breath and calmly answered the question.

"I know this past month of diplomacy and interaction of both countries throught trade and cultural exchange. But there several reasons that we determine to defend your nation from the Lourians." He explained in composure.

"On the contrary, we have a huge stake in your situation." The Philippine ambassador replied. "If the Lourians take over your nation, we have a hostile nation near on our Capital doorstep that is led by genocidal imperialist military leader."

He then further elaborated "Your nation and people are good people. We have good trade and interactions that we enjoyed in the past months. And that is worth defending."

Then Ambassador Greenfield added. "Even though the United States is considered a superpower in our world. We maintained peace and order to defend one's freedom and rights that were given to them upon birth."

The Earth ambassador statement was shocking to Quatoynes as their commitment to defend a nation from war.

"Thank you for your words ambassadors" Kanata stated in a delighted manner. "It's a pleasure to have such allies that help us in times of need."

The Quatoyne government officials are touched by the ambassador's words as they feel respect and compassion even though there are other motives.

"The Philippines and United States are showing support and aid through their trade and development that improve  the nation more then a decade worth of progress. Then I have no choice, but to approve the establishment of a foreign base in our lands." Prime Minister Kanata asserted the approval of the proposed overseas bases in their country. "Who is in favor of saying aye."




Foreign Minister Rinsui harbors some doubts about the situation. But as many of the council are being swayed by the ambassadors words and seen this as futile endeavor. He has no choice but to give in.

"I'm still skeptical from all of this, but the growing threat of invasion. Then I must say aye." Foreign Minister Rinsui gave the decision as the Lourian are more dangerous.

One by one, all of the council agreed on the establishment of a foreign overseas base in their land. The Philippine and US ambassadors are delighted with the results of the council approval.

"That's excellent." Ambassador Abueva spoke out. "We have a request for you."

"What is it?" Prime Minister Kanata asked the question

"We are requesting you and the king of Quilia for a trip to the Philippines and meet our leaders to discuss a mutual defense treaty. We also asked you to make a speech to represent your nation and  our people

This surprised the Prime Minister as he reacted. "That's a wonderful invitation, I heard many great things from my diplomats as they traveled your country. The King of Quilia would also be delighted to explore your country."

"Then we will prepare a boat for your travel to our World." Ambassador Greenfield retorted as he prepared the leaders of the New World to meet their leaders.

The Philippine and American governments decided to reveal major information regarding the New World and what they had shown to the public.

The public has mixed reviews of the news that was released by their government. Many people are outraged by a nearby genocidal regime hellbent on conquering the continent and exterminating the other races for their own beliefs. Some are sympathetic to the Quatoynes and Quilians but are undecided about sending military forces to de-escalate the rising tension. While others are concerned about the military build-up for the possible annexation of the New World and using the conflict for a justification.

The right winged groups from both Earth governments want to send boots on the ground for defense on the kingdoms and the security of their recent foreign investment. And the left winged groups want alternatives to avoid bloodshed on either countrys by peaceful solution through the use of economic deals and appeasement.

The internet is exploding of memes and shitpost about the mobilization of military forces on the New World. They called the military affair as Manifest Destiny 2.0 Electric Bungaloo or the west version of the Russian Special Military Operation to the New World and gave a excuse to annex the land and people, eyes away from the international community.

Some in the weeb community is sending memes and shitpost as they reacted from the release information as the possibility of war. They will fight fantasy elements and using modern military against them is identical to a anime called Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There. It's a famous anime show about a fantasy vs modern anime that depicts fantasy roman soldiers appearing on Tokyo, Japan to conquered the land. But the Japanese military retaliation pushed back and have a counter offensive against the so called evil Empire. But the today, its roles is reversed and the one invading the other world is the modern military.

But soon, this controversy will be settled as the leaders from the New World will be arriving to the Philippines and have a diplomatic delegation to revealed their situation and requests support to the entire world.

Trade City of Maihark, Qua-Toyne Principality,

March 11, 2026

Port Area of Maihark

The Quatoynes and Quila have their own representatives are waiting patiently for the arriving cruise ships from the Philippines. The leaders of both countries are present to visit the so called Ring and the world called Earth.

Prime Minister Kanata, the representative of the Qua-toyne Principality is currently waiting on the docks as his subordinates and bodyguards are with him.

He is not alone, a slighty elderly man wearing a ornate purple robe with a golden crown on his head. The man arms and legs have fur surrounding his body. He have distinct ears and nose from a cat that is placed on the man head.

The man is King Jamukha Vyn Quila, the ruler of Kingdom of Quila. He was intrigued by the sudden invitation by the Filipinos and the Americans evoys. At first, he was skeptical when they firstly arrived to his kingdom and requesting resource extraction on useless minerals being plagued on his kingdom. But inexchanged was improvement of his kingdom economy and infrastructure that never seen this rate of progress on the kingdom lifetime.

Both natives leader were informed of the purpose of the invitation. They were to meet the Filipinos and Americans leaders and showed mutual relations to each other between the two worlds.

"I'm very excited on what the Philippines looks like." King Jamukha thrilled to witness a country that's was friendly and helpful to his kingdom.

"To my understanding from the reports of my representatives that travelled once in the Philippines, they are enjoyed on the things that appeared on the country." Prime Minister Kanata expressed the bits of information that was given to the council from their delegates.

"Ships made of metal that's is the size of islands, massive glass and steel towers that  could touch the sky, and herds of horseless metal carriage that covered the road that moves in very high speed." Kanata  informed the many absurd reports that given from delegates.

"The report sounds like far fetched to be reliable to be taken account." King Jamukha declared openly to him.

"At first, I thought it was exaggerated from the many things that they written on the report. But when I asked directly about the report, they asked in high regards that the report is very accurate on the small detail." Kanata explained truthfully on his discussion.

As they are waiting on the port. A Quatoyne nobleman looked at the sea with a surprised look as he warns his compatriots. "Hey! Look at those."

Prime Minister Kanata and King Jamukha looked at the direction of the nobleman pointing towards at. They are shown disbelief from the thing they are witnessing.

A massive white metal ship came at the  horizon as it slowly moves at the port. They were surprised from the massive vessel coming through the waves with no sails while being a large object moving on a rapid pace.

On the distance, two black suit men walked toward the New World leaders. The   nation leaders changed their attention at the two approahing men coming towards them. But Prime Minister Kanata suddenly recognised them quickly.

"Ambassadors!" Prime Minister Kanata greeted at the Earth representatives. "It's wonderful to meet you again to be visiting your world."

"Greetings Prime Minister" Both of the ambassador greeted to the Quatoyne leader as they shake together there hands.

Abueva looked at the elderly beastmen wearing royal attire as he though to be the   King of Quila.

"Are you his majesty, King Jamukha Vyn Quila?" Abueva asked in a polite manner.

"Why yes." King Jamukha confirmed. "You must be a representative from the Philippines, I presumed?"

"Of course." Abueva then bow his head slighty for a show of respect. "My name is Maynard Abueva, I'm the representative from the Republic of the Philippines, I'm  here to better our understanding and diplomatic relations to the New World."

"I see" As King Jamukha nodded his head from the introduction. As a another representative approached him to introduce himself.

"Hello there, King Jamukha" Greenfield introduces himself. "I'm Thomas Greenfield, representative from the United States of America."

"That's a little complicated name for a country." King Jamukha reacted at the very foreign name of the USA.

"United States or US is much easier to pronounce, if you are having difficulties from the name." Greenfield suggested.

Abueva went in the front of the New World leaders to annouced himself. "Leaders of the New World! We are now embarking to the Philippines. Please follow us on the speed boat to entered our cruise ship.

Abueva then pointed at the sea of a small vessel that is speeding on the waves. The leader are surprised at the speed of the vessel.

The small speed boat then docked at the port as they throw a rope to moor the boat in place.

"Please carefully step right up on the boat."  Abueva requested to the leaders on entering the speed boat.

The New Worlders natives are slighty nervous on the small boat as they one by one stepped inside the vessel.

"Alright let's go!" Greenfield declared out as the speed boat then moves rapidly to the cruise ship.

The people from Earth are causally idle on the boat as they reacting to the Quatoyne and Quilian passengers.

Prime Minister Kanata is wearing seatbelts  on his seats as his little frightened on the ride.

Almost the everyone from the New World  are mildly terrified on the ride.

Well almost everyone.

"Ahaha! This is a very exciting vessel, you  men have possesses." King Jamukha loudly expressed in excitement in the ride.

King Jamukha is leaning at the railings as it moves on the waves. He felt enjoyment from the speed and the wind blowing on his face.

"My King, can you please sit on your seat. It's very dangerous for you to be on a risky position." His aide pleaded as their king is doing reckless on the ride.

"Please sir, you might go overboard and it's gonna be a problem if that happens." Greenfield appealed to the Quila King for his safety.

The King heard the warnings and sat back to his seat. And make pouted face and replied. "You gentlemen are missing the exhilaration."

The delegates and the ambassadors gave a sighed of relief from calming down of the Quila King antics.

As they entered the cruise ship, the delegates are amazed from the ship design and size that was install on the floatimg vessel.

"This vessel is truly amazing!" Prime Minister Kanata commented on the ship design.

"I would say this compared to a royal palace, but floating on water." King Jamukha added at the reply

"Would you like to explore on the ship?" Abueva asked at the leaders for approval.

The New World leaders nodded with their aides accompany them as they explore the ship.

After they explore the cruise liner for few hours. They were amazed from the the ship size, design, speed, commodities that outshines anything they have on their nation. They enjoyed the exotic meals,  cooled drinks, and the ship complement that makes the surroundings to be cooled down. One of the ship's staff helped them transfer their luggage, directing them to toward the deck.

They went to the ship main deck as they sat on the placed seats and tables. They then spoked out their opinions on the trip.

"I'm very excited to visit your world." Prime Minister Kanata replied. He then looked at Abueva and asked. "Whats it's  like in your country?"

Ambassador Abueva tried to think of how to describe his country to New World leaders. "My country is located in South East Asia that is center in one of the largest trading centers in this world. It's a tropical climate that have the population of 114 million citizens in the country."

"Sounds like a rich country that have many countries trading with yours." Prime Minister Kanata compliment.

"At least it's supposedly to." Abueva thought on his mind from the compliment.

The New World leader listened on  interested to the Philippine ambassador information.

"So how is Ambassador Greenfield country looked like?" King Jamukha asked.

Greenfield then stepped in and them started to describe his country in great detail. Greenfield put his own hand to his chin and spoke out.

"My country the United States of America is located on North America, the country is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean  and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Our population is 335 million citizens on the mainland. But the country is made up of states that are like small countries that made up the country as there are fifty."

"That's alot of small kingdoms that formed into your country". King Jamukha expressed. "But how did you make them joined, is by forces or diplomacy?"

"Well my country was once a colony that broken off from its previous homeland and they expand rapidly from the continent with new state that established from it's same ideals." Greenfield informed them the formation of the United States of America. But he have to leave out some dark marks to not discomfort the guest.

They took in consideration the information that was given to them

"So in terms of power, who among is the most powerful from the two."

Abueva stayed silent till Greenfield spoked out in a stern tone.

"That would be the United States, it's  considered the world superpower in our world. With its strong economy and vast military power that rival the other powers on the world."

The New World leader astonished from the statement. The Philippine allies is the world superpower of this other world. It's like talking to a Milishials diplomat on this world equivalent.

"So why you two nations are allies?" King Jamukha asked in question.

Ambassador Abueva then replied back. "The Philippines is the United States' oldest ally in the Indo-Pacific. Since 1951, the U.S.-Philippines alliance has advanced peace, prosperity, and security for the United States, the Philippines, and the broader Indo-Pacific region.

"The Philippines used to be an US colony after the previous coloniser, the Spanish Empire, as they purchase us after an war between them."

"At first, it was rough and their was some rebellion that want to succeeded away the  subjugation. A short war occurred happened that failed miserably, but the American decided to have our independence in the near future."

"It takes a couple years and an World War after being subjected from another power and liberated again to the Americans."

"And now we are become an independent  nation and an US ally that mutually cooperate each other own benefits."

"Is that all you want to hear?" Ambassador Abueva raised a question to the two leaders for any more question.

"That's an intriguing history on your country, that would be all." Kanata replied back as King Jamukha nodded.

As they spoke of their conversation, the ship speakers roared out to informed the passengers.

"This is your captain speaking, we are now nearly reaching on the Ring and will arrived in Manila about a couple of minutes."

Looking outside the cruise ship, they saw a massive Ring like object on the top of the ocean.

Being an mysterious object on the middle of the sea, it's have a unnatural appearance, even this world.

"What is that?" Kanata asked in unfathom from the massive object his witnessing.

"That sir, is the portal that connected our world to yours. We called it the Ring " Ambassador Abueva replied back.

The Ring is a enormous object, upon closer examined, it estimate to be a couple of miles from its radius. It looked almost two dimensional from a dfferent point of view.

"Do you know who created this?" King Jamukha raised a question to the creator on this unnatural object.

"No, our reseachers have no idea on the creator or the methods on how it was created." Ambassador Abueva answered in unsure tone.

The leader were taken ashocked from the ambassador comment. They didn't created this object despite their otherworldly creations. This makes the leader in confusion on who is the one created this gateway to this world and the other one.

They are about to entered the Ring, taller than their own tallest building, a gateway to another world, a world filled with flying men and great machines, metal carriages that run without the use of magic.

Prime Minister Kanata proceeded day to day, encountering each mystery in turn and trying his best to smile and jape and make sense of it.

But now, he truly was going to cross to the doorway of another world.

Philippines, Manila

March 11, 2026

Manila Bay

They soon entered the  Ring and a moment adjustment as they entered. Abueva pointed ahead of them. "Ah, there's the city."

The New Worlders then saw a massive city that is beyond their comprehension. Massive steel towers that reaches the heavens, abundances of bright lights that barely shine in the setting sun. As they then realize that they are truly in a different world.

The New World leaders and their aides are amazed from the majestic city. It was something that outclass their greatest city to shame.

"By the Gods!" King Jamukha exclaimed from the breathtaking sight of a city that is out of their world.

"Are those... towers?" Prime Minister Kanata asked slowly. The New Worders were craning for a look.

"Yes, we call them skyscrapers." Abueva answered.

"Sky-scrapers?" King Jamukha replied.

"Yes, buildings at least eight hundred feet tall."

"How many are there?"

"In Manila? About two hundred fifteen, I think?"

"Two hundred fifteen?" King Jamukha continued to stare.

They witness big metal ships carrying metal boxes that is passing through. The big metal ship they saw is tens time the size on a ship they are aboard. And both of them are considered much larger then the ships in their own respective navy.

And that's was barely scratching the surface of this entire different world.

Manila, Philippine

March 11, 2026

Port Area, Manila, Metro Manila

The cruise ship begin to docked at the port as it gently parked to its designated area. The crewmen and the dockworkers steadily anchored the ship and placed the boarding station to disembark the passengers.

As the diplomatic envoys from each nations exited the ship. They see clearly on the city sceneries up close.

The city stretched on forever.

Rows of white warehouses, steel lightning towers, smaller structures that might have been houses, grey apartment blocks, multi-colored marketplaces, neatly manicured gardens, spires of what could have been septs or temples, chimneys, storage tanks, cranes, parking lots, piles of shipping containers hundreds of feet high.

Ships larger than their best ships would have ever thought possible, of grey and white and red, ploughed its approaches or were docked beside similarly oversized piers.

As they were escorted to their next ride. The New Worlders noticed masses of men and vehicles, more than last time. The line of figures in black garments was black, accompanied by more green men. Others were present, of less uniform dress. They were carrying odd objects of metal and glass, looking like miniature black crossbow without the bow.

"We are going to travel on our head goverment building for talks not far from here," Abueva explained, "We already have the transportation waiting."

The Philippine ambassador pointed to a convoy of strange, horseless black carriages. One was particularly long while the others were shorter and boxier.

The two New World leaders entered the long black metal horseless carriage of the other worlders. Both of the leaders were amazed at the luxurious interior within the limosuine. The climate inside is different cooler then outside of the carriage. They thought to be some sort of magical device that can changed the  climate of the room. As the New World leaders entered the carriage, the two ambassadors followed suit in the limosuine.

The rest of the Quatoynes and Quilian bodyguards and servants were led to  SUV's, much to their unease. Being separated from their charge and being told to board strange magical carriages that they didn't understand made them uncomfortable.

The convoy had to be at least ten vehicles long. At the front were a line of smaller carriages. They had rather pretty flashing red and blue lights on their tops and emitted a piercing siren as they moved. The other vehicles that are near to them are stubby and look imitating then the rest of the horseless carriage they witness.

Eventually the vehicle's engine purred to life and they slowly cruising out on the port and into city.

Manila, Philippine

March 11, 2026

EDSA Road, Metro Manila

The convoy went to the main road of the capital. There are many kinds of vehicles  traveling on the road to travel across the city. The New Worlders looked outside of the windows to see many of this country citizens are riding many of this horseless metal carriage as an usual commodity.

"Ambassador?" King Jamukha spoke up. "Are those horseless metal carriage is a commodity in this world?"

"Yes they are, those cars can bought by a financial stable civilian, if they can afford the car and earned a driver license to drive one." Ambassador Abueva replied back.

"So anyone can drive a car?" King Jamukha questioned. "How does it operate?"

Ambassador Abeuva tried his best to explain on how a mechanical automobile work. But, Greenfield manage to speak out first to describe how an automobile works.

"Well it's more complex to explain it, but it moves by the use of an engine." Greenfield have to simplify his explanation toward to people that haven't discovered mechanical sciences.

"An engine?"

"The engine is like the heart of the car. It's a massive block of metal that uses combustional fuel that explodes intenally in the engine that transfered that energy to the drive shaft of the car that propelled the car to moved."

Their was some silence between the New Worlders leaders as they thought over the American ambassador explanations on automobiles.

"So this engine is run on this combustional fuel that makes this car moves though a series of explosion inside the engine?" Prime Minister Kanta summarize on the quick explanation.

"You say that is close on my explanation."

"So all of this is not run by magic?" King Jamukha responded on the car power source.


"And they are run by this combustive fuel?"

"Yes, they are from fossil fuels and 'crude oil'."

As Ambassador Greenfield uttered the oil.
King Jamukha then recognised that word from the discussion of his advisors as they reporting of the other worlders request. As they  asking for the flammable water or 'crude oil' as the Filipinos called it. To exchange for the infrastructure development and technological advancement for his kingdom.

"Hold on! You said crude oil." King Jamukha called out. "As in the ones like the flammable water on my lands."

"Ye...s?" Ambassador Abueva slightly answered back on the apparent question that he know that the King of Quila might angered him.

King Jamukha can only grumble on the exchange deal. He is clearly upset on the  trade, like he could gain more dealings on the current exchange.

All eyes remained fixated on the busy road ahead, as the lanes had been covered up by car after car. Muffled horns were heard outside as impatient drivers honked, thinking that the lines would somehow move faster with more noise.

"This would take a while." Ambassador Abueva thought on the road.

As Greenfield make a small smirk toward Abueva as returned him with a nudge on the elbow.

Manila, Philippine

March 11, 2026

Malacañang Palace

As the convoy entered the Malacañang Palace premises. The New World leaders looked at the wide massive building that could have a unique architectural design that differed from most of the buildings in the city.

It's almost the nearest thing that nearly similar to their architectural structures. Its walls were colored white with a distinct colored maroon roof that showed some distinctive different impression from a standard building in the city.

"It looks like we have arrived at our destination." Ambassador Abueva announced their arrival. "Welcome to  Malacañang Palace!"

The New World leaders looked at the building once again. They then realized that they arrived at an actual palace. Even though it is much different from a usual palace, it has some similarities to an ordinary palace.

"So Ambassadors Abueva." King Jamukha asked. "Is this where we're going to meet your leaders?"

"Yes." Ambassador Abueva affirmed. "This building is where our head of state resides as he performs his duties."

The car drove past the majestic gates, continued uphill to the entrance, and stopped in front of the doors.

As they descended from the limousine, the New World leaders saw two men at the end of the carpet, one of them was dressed in white clothing top while the other was wearing a black suit with a red tie. Both stood proudly with their security force right beside them.

"Welcome to Manila," The white clothes man greeted as they walked on the carpet, "I am President Emmanuel Sanchez of the Philippines."

The black suit man added. "I am President Ronald Aiden of the United States of America."

The New World leader compared both of the two Earth leaders. They noticed a stark contrast as the American President was significantly taller than the Filipino President. President Sanchez seems more younger than President Aiden in appearance. The Philippine President has slanted eyes and tanned brown skin. While the American facial structure looked more rigid and had a whiter skin than his companion.

They both in turn shake their hands as a form of greetings to each representative nation.

Prime Minister Kanata sensed an aura of generosity and sincerity toward the Philippine President. While he senses pride and determination from the American.

"I'm Prime Minister Kanata of the Quatoyne Principality." Kanata introduced himself.

"And I'm King Jamukha Vyn Quila of the Kingdom of Quila." He added and sincerely greeted the Earth leaders. "It's a pleasure to meet you, milords."

"The pleasure is mine."

"This is a wonderful city you have there Mr.Sanchez." Prime Minister Kanata expressed his enjoyment of the tour of the city.

"Thank you." President Sanchez replied. "It was built by the countless hard work by my people and many nations over the century."

"Your countries can be liked this after signing the new agreement that will bolster your economy and your security." He added with compassion to the Quatoyne Prime Minister.

"Really!" Prime Minister Kanata said in excitement. "It's very generous for you to do such of thing."

"But not that too generous." King Jamukha answered in a sour tone. "As I know there are limits to your kindness. Even knowing the real value of the black we-, I mean those fossil fuels you extracting in my nation."

It took a moment of realization to understood the Quila King comment.
The Earth leader understands what the Quila King is talking about. But the message is directly to the Philippine President.

"King Jamukha." President Sanchez responded in a calm voice. "The deals are more favorable to your side of your faction. If you want, we can adjust the deal to your favor."

King Jamukha made a relieving face and looked back at the Philippine President. "Never mind, your country service seems beneficial and our relations are more valuable than being stingy and worsening our relations on how far we built."

The Philippine President managed to dodge a bullet from that conversation.

"I think we should continue our conversation in the dining room." President Aiden suggested as he wanted to eat before their arrival.

A sound of rumbling on the belly of King Jamukha as he heard the mention of food.

"I agree, I can't wait to eat" King Jamukha is now eager to taste Earth's dishes to compare them to their own.

They then are escorted to the Malacañang Palace, where they will continue their discussion while having a meal.

Manila, Philippine

March 11, 2026

State Dining Room, Malacañang Palace

The feast was special, in many different ways. The Filipinos and Americans went all out when it came to food, wine, and commodities. The best chefs had brought familiar courses such as beef and pork but also a roasted pig called 'lechon'. The alcohol that they had brought helped the dinner more pleasant. As the Earth leaders talked about the kinds of foods from their respective countries. The Quatoynes bring a special present for the dinner.

"My country has decided to bring its finest wine for this special occasion." Kanata declared as he gestured to his aide to bring the gift.

The aide carried a wine bottle with golden designs that was inscribed on the glass bottle. The sound of wine being poured into glasses filled the room. He poured the wine into the nation leaders' glasses as the fermented grape wine filled their glasses.

"This is the finest wine that is made from the fruits of the most fertile lands of the Principality. That was prepared by the master winemakers that have practiced the art of winemaking for their entire life. Our wines are considered to be famous to many of the civilizations that take a sip of its exotic taste that was stored for a hundred years from our protected storage wineries." Kanata stated the reputation  of their wine business and it's quality.

"I see, if your assumption is true, then maybe this will exceed it on another world." President Aiden replied almost eagerly. He was already looking forward to sample some of Principality wine.

"I would agreed on their wines." King Jamukha added. " They are served in special events and many nobles paid for a large sum of them in their possessions. You would be seduced by it's rich taste as it's the best wine you will drink upon " 

The Earth leaders grabbed their wine glass as they smell the aromatic smell of the Quatoyne high quality wine on their noses. The smell of the wine is denser fruity, florals and earthy notes that have is more rare to expensive wines from the 19th century's.

"Well here's goes nothing." President Aiden then a sip of wine from his glass. A moment later, the rest of the other nation leader's followed suit as they drank on their own wine glass.

As they each of them sip the wine. It takes a moment as the taste kicks in on their taste buds. The taste of the wine is rich of tart and sour attributes which balance against bittersweet on the wine.

"This taste is very satisfying and I feel the bittersweet and tannin on my tongue."  President Sanchez commented on the Quatoyne wine.

"I could agree on that description." President Aiden added on the comment. "I taste many expensive wine in my travels. But this one is the most delicious wine I ever tasted in my life."

"See I told you it will be the best wine you ever drink upon." King Jamukha stated as he drink more of the wine.

As the nation leaders are having their dinner.

Even the ambassadors had begun to loosen up' and began discussing openly about possible trade deals. Dessert was a luxurious affair with fine pastries and cakes sweetened with flavors unknown to the New Worlders. They then discussed their own stories as they learned more each other.

"And that's how I hunt a Chimera, with my bow, and my trusty sword in my youth." King Jamukha divulged his life story to the nation leaders.

"That sounds like a dangerous task you have done in your young age, your Majesty," President Sanchez applauded King Jamukha. The leaders were sitting inside a luxurious dining room with various paintings. It has expensive ceramic plates, silverware, and rich cuisine on the table. The servants of each respective leader are on their behalf awaiting for assistance of their leaders. The leaders are having a conversation while having a meal.

The meals served was exquisite dishes from meat, fishes, and fruits that are served by the best chef in the Philippines.

"Yes, that sounds impressive" President Aiden added monotonically. "But is a Chimera a beast that has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail?"

"Why yes." King Jamukha asserted the creature's description. "It's double the size of a normal lion and could take on a party of soldiers in direct battles."

President Aiden drank his wine as he listened more to the story. He became more interested in the Quila King tales.

"So why did you want to hunt such a beast?" President Abueva asked for the King's action. "Aren't you supposed to be next in line on the throne? Will that endagered your royal bloodline."

King Jamukha then gulped a large amount of red wine and was satisfied with the taste. And then replied to the Philippine President's question.

"Of course, it's my lineage to claim the throne." King Jamukha answered back. "But there is a traditional practice that all inheritors to the crown must hunt a ferocious beast in my lands and bring the head back to the palace where I succeed my crown."

"So how did the hunt go with the Chimera?" Prime Minister joined the conversation. "Was it difficult?"

"Yes, the beast was formidable." King Jamukha responded. "My close aides were on standby if the beast overwhelmed me and must come to my rescue from the battle."

He then recalled his adventures to the Earth leaders as the Kanata looked intrigued on the story.

"The Chimera was sleeping in a cave on a mountain. It was reported by a nearby village as the creature killed one of their livestock."

He then drinks more of the wine as still reminisces about his hunt for the Chimera.

"I was young and skilled by being trained by the royal knights." He commented on his past self in the story. "Even though I don't have magic skills. I compensated for my sword skills and archery."

King Jamukha then stretched out his arms that shows stance of imagining to aiming an bow.

"I decided to use my bow and shoot directly on the beast's head. As the arrow hit the beast's eyes, it roared in pain and woke up from its slumber."

He let go the imaginary bow string as he describe his action.

"The beast noticed me and began to charge at me for an attack."

He then imagine to reload another bow and arrow as he describe his action on the story.

"I let out a second arrow to his other eye as it became blind after losing both of its eyes."He let go an second imaginary arrow on the story. "I'd then sidestep away from the beast charge attack and use my sword to strike for the kill."

He grabbed a fork with a piece of meat still jabbed on the cooked meat.

"The Chimera serpent tail keeps on waggling on its back to protect the creature behind. I take a slash on the tail as it comes out on the beast."

He slashed the fork as he shows his sword skills on being describe on his story.

The nation's leader becomes agitated by the story. King Jamukha is in a life-and-death moment, but seeing fine is reassured that he managed to survived the confrontation.

"Then the beast instinctively pounced at its behind as the Chimera used their heightened senses to detect me even without its eyes."

He then let go his fork showing that he dropped his weapon.

"I was injured and fell on the ground as the Chimera pounced at me again. It tried to take a bite at me as I grabbed its jaws away from me."

"Using the remaining of my strength, I punched the Chimera's face to push it back and grabbed my sword on the ground."

He grabbed his fork as he signifying that retrieve his sword on the story.

"The Chimera regained its balance and pounced one more time before I stabbed the creature in the eye socket. As immediately killing the beast as its lifeless body tumbles on the floor."

He then punctured a large steak as he keeping on slicing the meat to pieces.

"I'd then called my servants as we butchered its head from the body. And carried it to the royal palace and then asserted my success as I being appointed King of Quila after accomplished my challenge."

He then picked up a huge chunk of steak and shove it in his mouth. That shows as he satisfy on the vanquished the Chimera and appointed King after the hunt.

As they finished their dinner, they now begin to talk about politics on their own countries.

"Now, lets go down to business." President Sanchez declared out as they start to discuss the important part of their meeting. "Let's discussed about building of our nations relations and the concerns of Louria."

"Finally." President Aiden said with excitement. "This is where the fun starts."

It's now the part of whatever if this otherworlders will help their country or leave them behind the moment Louria decided to invade their lands.

Both of the New World leaders are nervous about if they could managed to land a defence pact to either nations of the other world. If they are unable to formed a pact, they have to faced Lourian threat on their  own.

"Let's break down the main reason on why we are here." President Sanchez disclosed to the New World leaders. "It's about the current relations with our countries and the rising aggression between Kingdom of Louria and your countries have against odds." 

The main conclusion on how they can solve their own dilemma by this other worlders.  As the Philippines President spoken out those words.

"Is that we can't make a defence treaty agreement at the moment." President Sanchez spoke out in a serious tone.

Prime Minister Kanata face turned pale white as he heard those words. King Jamukha make a defeated face as he heard the statement. The aides of the New World look at it each other with concerning looks as to what happened next.

"Let's me explained our reason why we still can't make a defence pact at moment of time." President Sanchez explained to the New World leaders.

"Our people are still unsure on what's agreed upon." President Sanchez spoken. "Many are advocating a peacekeeping force to be send in your borders to ensure peace is enforced from the Louria aggression. But there's are a sizeable opposition that want to stay away from the conflict due to might escalate the very conflict that may bring my country into the fray."

"Unlikely they could overpower a good chunk of your territory, if we station troops there." President Aiden uttered out in a unconvincing tone with  scrutinized look.

Sanchez glared at Aiden with a scrowl face. The US president make a apologetic gesture as Sanchez sighed and went back to the discussion.

"In short, the Senate is still hesitant to make a formal defence pact with any nation at to this time."

"And the United States won't deployed US troops without the permission of the Philippine government."

"So what now?"

"We go to Plan B."

"Plan B?"

"Me and President Sanchez has formulated a plan that can in theory can send a peacekeeping force and probably legitimately formed a mutual defence organization that could ensured your security and sovereignty of your nation in a faster pace."

Both of the New World leaders looked at each other in confusion. Still it's sound like some hope that they can get a alliance around.

"So what's the plan?"

"The plan is this."President Sanchez rolled out a two kinds of documents contain an articles of a different kind of treaty.

The New World leaders attempted to read the first paper, but unable to translate the paragraph because it's in English. While the other paper has the language of Common in their own world.

"We devised a economic agreement that fully utilized open market in the international community and opened whole developments programs that can bolster your economy and infrastructure even more that the current advancement."

"I'm sorry, but how can this solved our problem?"

"Well, read the articles that is listed in the paper."

The New World leaders read at the paper agreement that has the list of articles that was input by the Earth leaders.

The title of the document is called
"The Accordance of ECTA", its was printed in bold letters and the word ECTA is unfamiliar to the New World leaders.

"So what is ECTA?" Kanata asked to the Earth leaders.

President Sanchez stepped forward and clarified the term.

"The Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement or in abreviation ECTA is economic treaty agreement for both of worlds to be more connected of our economy and the improvements of our two world relations."

Kanata make a dumb look at the Presidents, while King Jamukha is still processing the statement.

"So how will this help us on the Lourians?"

"Well, read the articles on the bottom and the rest of the papers"

As the New World leaders continued reading the documents. They saw the listed of articles and read the entire paragraph section.

The Parties of this Treaty

Reinforcing their nations relation with principles of the Charter of the United Nations and their desire to live in prosperity with all peoples and all governments, and desiring to strengthen the fabric of peace in both worlds. And increased the connection between the  New World and Earth.

Its goal is to create a stable, prosperous and highly competitive corporations/ mercantiles on the economic region in which there is a free flow of goods, services, investment and a free flow of capital, equitable economic development and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities in the nations parties.

Supporting the cooperation between both worlds to make a open market for the international community of both worlds. And introducing new cultural, socially, and discoveries to bolster the relations of both  worlds.

Have agreed as follows in this articles:

Article 1: This agreement can be fully implemented if both parties have agreed the following articles that was listed in this agreement. Further changes in the articles could be ratified, if the both parties have agreed the changes.

Article 2: The Ring that connects both world are to be considered a international waters in a 1.5 mile radius on each side of the Ring. But each parties have the right to enforced their own side of the Ring for security purposes.

Article 3: Both parties are to be exempted from tariffs or exchange taxation in each designated Exclusive Trade Zones (ETZ) from their imports or exports trade of the country. Doesn't extend to third-party countries that are not included on the articles.

Article 4: If the Nation States must give permission to any third-party country or nation from the agreement to allowed them on crossing the Ring. It's to avoid any disagreements that may make a liability from the third-party country.

Article 5: If a Nation State is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other nation state shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power.

Article 6: The Nation State shall provide remedies sufficient to ensure effective legal protection in the fields covered by legal law.

Article 7: The Nation State may decide to withdraw from the agreement in voluntary and unilateral withdrawal of a country with its own constitutional requirements.

As they finshed reading the entire document, the New World leaders is still dumbfounded on the idea.

Creating a economic alliance to bolster their economy?

The Lourians have a unknown number of huge amount of infantry, cavalry, ships and wyverns that will increased in the further months.

While they could improved their military strength by increasing their military budget. But without enough time to train their armies and the build their armaments, the Lourian will deployed their armies before they can have the chance to properly grow their own military.

"I still can't see any answers for the immediate action of Louria aggression." Kanata scratched his head on the content of the document.

"I'd too can't see the point on even making this kind of alliance instead a military one." King Jamukha was more dumbfounded on the paper.

The New World leaders don't understand the Earth leaders idea. It seems to be dissatisfied with the response from the Philippines and the United States of America's way of thinking.

Are they being serious to their problem?

Prime Minister Kanata has doubts about the Earth's governments. They have amazing creations that might surpass the Mirishials, maybe even the Ancient Sorcerous Empire. But they seem passive-aggressive to the Kingdom of Louria, and not looks to be committed to the defense of their country.

Jamukha stayed silent as he felt a disappointed look as he felt terrible about the talks.

"Okay," Sanchez spoke out in the silence. "I know you have some doubts about our commitments. But believe us that our bureaucrats and policy make it harder for us to make a formal defense pact. But this agreement still has some alternative solutions that could help your country like a military alliance."

The New World leaders took a moment and listened clearly to his words.

"What are these alternative solutions?"

"Well, our nation is still unable to form a formal defense agreement due to internal complications to the Senate." President Sanchez informed them. "That's why we added some security measures on Article 5 that could send some military aid or luckily military assistance to your countries in the times of war."

They then looked back at the list of articles, and they read closely at Article 5 on its contents.

Article 5: If a nation-state is the victim of armed aggression on its territory, the other nation-state shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power.

"What does this mean?" Jamukha asked the two Presidents about this particular article.

"This means that either party that is currently under threat by internal or external conflict may endangered by a certain conflict like 'Lourian.'" President Aiden stressed the Lourian word as he continued to elaborate to the New World leaders. "They could, in theory, send charity or military assistance to push out the threat."

He then switched the main topic to a different issue.

"How is the maritime security on the seas from your respective nations?" Aiden asked in a monotone voice.

It was a change of subject both of the leaders from the New World were confused to hear.

"What are you implying?"

"We heard many banditry on your seas.
So we are proposing that we could help your military to better your coastal security and help your men strengthen their experience with our security forces."

"Let's say this could bypass most restrictions in our Senate from sending our military advisors," Sanchez replied in an advising manner. "And not escalate this conflict to a full-blown war."

The New World leaders then understood his reason for that information. They thought of the idea and relented to inform their situation.

"My nation's maritime trade is sometimes stricken by pirates and smugglers as they enter the shores of my country. Most of the attacks by these buccaneers are from the route to the Third Civilization.

Then King Jamukha came next to his maritime security on circumstances.

"And I'd too have a similar problem with the Principality, they sometimes attacked our food imports near our coast." King Jamukha informed them in a stern tone.

"I see." President Sanchez articulated the information. "I think it's possible to aid your security forces with our own. It would be mutually beneficial for our military forces to understand each other and learn more about your world."

"We only requested an area for our base of operations and the cooperation of both of our military services." The US  president asked in a charismatic voice.

It took a moment as the New World leaders looked at each other and whispered under their breath.

"What do you think?" Kanata asked Jamukha

"Sounds like some more useless policies and this seems like it's going nowhere." He answered back in a rigid tone.

"Like we have no other choice," Kanata has spoken out in distress. "We don't have many solutions that could alleviate the Lourian hegemony."

"So what do you think about this deal?"

"If we agreed on this deal, then our economy would bolster more and could probably access more on their technology." Kanata expressed his thoughts on the agreement. "Even if it's a small chance that they will come with reinforcements, it's still some hope that we still have left."

"And they say that their military forces will work together with our military. If they can secure the pirate-infested seas, we can alleviate some of our navies to redirect to our defenses on the Louria borders." He added to the benefits they could gain from the deal.

The King of Qulia thought on the Prime Minister of Quatoyne's reasoning. It takes a moment for the King to decide.

"Fine." Jamukha sighed as he gave in to the idea. "Well, we gain nothing if we even reject the agreement."

They looked at the Earth leaders and nodded to each other as they finally reached their decision.

"We both agreed to accept these terms of the agreement."

"Good!" President Sanchez spoke out in satisfaction as he hands and rubbing them together. "Let's start announcing the signing to the public."

"Let me tell you, it's a deal you would never reject." President Aiden chuckled as he told the New World leaders.

Kanata was still determined that this alliance would help them secure his country sovereignty and make his country prosper to high levels.

Jamukha wasn't sure if this alliance would prevent the total domination of the Lourians. Even their supposed 'partners' are not doing this for their good intentions. He can only give fate that he didn't sell his country to the devil.

The leaders from the New World and Earth are walking around the palace that leads into a room. As the doors opened, a magnificent brown table was in the middle of a regal-looking room. It was recognized the representatives of the media and began to wave with the two Presidents. They looked eager with their cameras pointed at the table.

"Today who is presenting this  remarkable day will be President Emmanuel Sanchez."
The House Speaker announced the arrival of the Philippine President to the audience.

Sanchez walked toward the stage he wave his hands to the crowd and sat the table.

"And with him is the President of the United States of America is President Ronald Aiden" He added as the US President followed suit as he waved both of his hands on the audience.

"And now today with our new guest from the New World and leaders of the country that is from the other side of the Ring."

"Here's come our guest!"

The New World leaders come out on the background and entered the main stage. They don't know what to do in this event except only following the actions of the two President's by waving their hands and walk toward the middle of the stage.

"Could you please introduce yourself to the camera." The House Speaker asked to the New World for their intrductions.  "The entire world is watching."

The media team then set their eyes on the New World leaders. There was murmuring emanating from their mouth as they expression of shock and surprises from their faces when they witnessed the appearance of the New World leaders.

'Are they from the New World?'

'The man on the right has ears that is  elongated.'

'Is he a elf?'

'Whose the man beside him?'

'He almost looked like a werewolf.'

As they whispered to each other about the New World leaders sudden appearance. The New World leaders are being blinded from the many flashes from the crowd of reporters.

"What is this flashes of light?" Kanata asked while he is shielding his eyes.

"Are they casting magic?"

The Philippine President intervene and explain to them about the camera flashes.

"Don't worry about them." Sanchez calmly replied. "They ares news reporters that are capturing images to channel them throughout the world."

They only nodded at the man, even though they could understand partially from information. They could deduce that it's a otherworldly device that channel images to the populace.

"I am Prime Minister Kanata, the representative of the Qua-Toyne Principality in Rodenuis." He calmly introduced himself to the reporters.

Then Jamukha stepped forward to the stage and introduced himself. "And I'm Jamukha Vyn Quila, the sole ruler of the Kingdom of Quila."

"Now you can asked questions to our honored guest." The House Speaker now permit to the news outlets about questions to the New World leaders.

One by one, many of the news reporters beginto asked questions to the leaders.

"Excuse me, I'm from News Channel 24/7 Oras." The first reporter introduce herself. "Can tell us the reason on why such a economic alliance been established?"

Kanata thought on the question. They were given brief answers from the Earth officials about written responses for the media platforms to answer them in a quick explanation. But Jamukha preferred to stay low and observed on the background They are instructed to not asked about the Lourians aggression till asked upon, they are still unsure about joining a conflict that no-one will support it.

"Well, our countries want more trade and technological exchange from both your country. They want to opened up more trade to the international market in near future."

Then a next reporter asked another question. "I'm from ABS-CBN News Network. Could I asked a sensitive question about yourself?"

This twitched up his Elven ears as he heard an unusual question. Also the Quila King ear perked up from the question and listened closely to the question. They nodded to the request.

"I'm sorry to say this but those ears and your companion have distinctive features that don't have in average human in this world." The news reporters mentioned to the Elven ears and the animal features that are visible to the New World leaders.

Before Kanata answered the question. King Jamukha intervene in the conversation as he became more interested in the subject.

"So you want to asked what races we are?" Jamukha asked to the reporter about his question.

The reporter nodded and Quila King then explained the many raceson the New World.

"You see, there are many races in our world." Jamukha explained to the news reporters the different kinds of races in the New World.

"There are human like you." He implied out the crowd of journalists about being human. "And there are the other races that are humanoid but different in many ways."

"There are races like the Elves, they have long pointy ears that can live a long lifespan and adapted to nature magic, like Mr. Kanata over there." He pointed to his companion as he can only waved back to the audience.

"And there are the Dwarves that have short stubby bodys and have incredible strength. Then there are Demi-humans like  that have human and animal features in their body with ability of their animal counterparts, while the Beastmen like me has more animal characteristic then a human."

"There are more races like the Demon Races." He continued. "Like goblins, ogres, and orcs, but are considered have savage behavior and hostile to trespasser that entered their territory."

Suddenly the audience became enraptured on the relevation. The King basically divulge information about fantasy races that only existed on popular culture media are now real in the New World.

"Everyone, please remain calm and silence  down!" The House Speaker tried to calmed down the audience from the exposure of fantasy race in reality.

"What's going on with this people?" Kanata asked from the crowd strange behavior.

"It's looks like that they haven't met a different races other their own." Jamukha answered in appeal tone.

"Okay" The House Speaker decided to the change the subject. "Let's move on the last question before the signing will start."

The last reporter have a complicated question that it's difficult to answer. "I'm from CNN Philippines, I have a question your diplomatic standing between the relations with your neigborhood country that is called the Kingdom of Louria."

"Would it hampered your relations between the Philippines and United States from this alliance?" He continued on his question.

The New World leaders thought from the question from the reporter. They knew that the agreement served as to grow their economy and industry from the deal and a counter from the Lourian aggression by upstarting their economy by being  more prosperous than them.

But thats all in paper and wonder if they would aid them on this conflict or retreated back on the other side of the Ring.

"The answer would be no, your goverment has made a promise that they stand with us whatever disaster were to happen." Kanata replied in a stern tone.

"That's a interesting answer you have there, Prime Minister." The reporter commented.

"However, there is a poll from the majority of the people stated that the Philippines and the United States should be the mediator of the current standing to alleviate the situation through diplomatic instead of escalation the conflict by military force. Even with the information released by the goverment, it doesn't tell the people on why the Lourians are very aggressive with your people?"

"Can you tell me on why this current conflict between your nations and Kingdom of Louria have odds with each other." He added from the previous question.

"Well, it's a historical reason with their relations with the other races as they have issues on the past and want to avenged on our races."

"And your nations don't have any relations between the situation on thier homeland." The reporter questioned again.

"Well no, we decided to stay neutral from the conflict and helped the fleeing refugees from the persecutions of the Lourians. They are furious from the mass emigration of their non-human population to our borders that make the start of our current standing."

The reporter thought on answer and decided that's all he needed. "I think that would I need to heard about."

As question from journalist is over. They  finally went to the signing agreement process of the event.

The four leaders were steadily sat down at the table. All four of them had been assigned a different table end as New World leaders one side of the table, while the Earth leaders sat on the opposite side.

The four leaders had chosen this arrangement to clarify how things were meant to be. Qua-toyne and Quila was equal to be from America and Philippines  in all things, a respected partner, not a puppet state to the Western interests.

On the middle of the table was the paper for the signing on the Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement or (ECTA).

It written on both of the Common and English language so both parties can understand the terms they are agreeing.

The paper shows the intention of the signatories to increase cooperation and the relationship between their nations. It didn't spell out anything specific and it wasn't legally binding, of course- that would require conventions by the legislatures of both countries. But it showed commitment in a way better than words.

Even thought it was not the kind of alliance that Kanata have landed. Nonetheless, it does have the possibility that they will received military aid put of this deal. Even King Jamukha came to terms with the alliance even their are some problems on the desicion.

The Qua-toyne and Quila might not have gotten an defence alliance out of these talks, but, as far as they knew, it gotten the possibility of one. which was better than nothing and gave much needed hope. Prime Minister Kanata was the first to sign the paper. King Jamukha was second, as Philippines would be the most important party in connecting their worlds, and lastly as the United States was Philippines  closest and greatest ally. The cameras flashed rapidly throughout all four signings.

"As the signing of the Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement or (ECTA) , our nations engage themselves to cooperate and further diplomatic relationships in the hopes of bringing peace and prosperity to our people," President Sanchez declared proudly before the crowd of audience with the news reporters capturing every detail of the scene.

As they all take turns on signing the piece of paper. They grabbed a cup of wine and raised their cup for a toast.

"For onces, cheers for long properity and peace." President Sanchez called out to the rest of the leaders.




All of them cheered on the achievement and drank on the cup of wine with delight.

"This day will be remembered in history as one of the greatest moment of Humanity," the POTUS waved his hands dramatically, "Nothing we've done so far can compare to this and nothing will ever be as world changing as this moment! Humanity will never be the same after this!"

"We will be looking forward to strengthening our relation bonds between our two worlds to the benefits of our respective lands. I am blessed and honored to be standing as an equal with such great nations and leaders. Such an agreement will only lead to peace and prosperity." President Sanchez declared out with contentment on the affair.

Author Note's

Here's the reaction for the head of state of the Third Civilization perspective to our modern world. There are political mistrust on the strange behavior from Earth nations, due to the cultural differences where the strong dictates the weaker nations. We are modest in negotiations  except if your Donald Trump, but their is a line that shouldn't be cross, and they slightly learn about of our world geopolitics.

The original lightnovel lets out that the Higher Civilization discovered that Japan have more greater nations like US, China, and Russia compared to an Demon like country. And imagine that an portal is connected to our world knowing they existed and probably invaded their world.

This displays on the issues from Gate and Summoning Japan political situations where real politics come to play. The Philippines are undecided from joining the conflict with their internal and foreign issues being takes place. And the greed of politicians and self-interest of the country is being portrayed to represent somewhat IRL politics.

I'm not an military or politcal expert, I just know basic knowledge and details that happen to like them entertaining. With being an military geek and anime modern vs fantasy kink.

Also, the polls have shown that " C. More Plot Inclined "is the winner for the newest replacement for my story cover. I did make an remastered version for better technique and more detailed designs.

Well that's all folk, wait for the next chapter!

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