Loli × Genshin impact (yuri h...

De Vjbbjvhctcrcu

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You know the drill. A loli found herself in the world of Teyvat one day. The traveller is gonna be Lumine. Mai multe

Chapter 1: The loli arrives
Chapter 2: Getting An-Emo powers

Chapter 3: Amber-er-er

380 33 5
De Vjbbjvhctcrcu

I was walking alongside Lumine in a comfortable silence when all of a sudden, we heard a voice.

??: Hey you two, stop right there!

All of a sudden, a teenage brown-haired girl appeared right in front of us by jumping from a small cliff. She almost lost her balance but thankfully, she didn't fall. She was wearing a combination of red and white clothes with brown shorts.

Upon looking closely, I noticed that she was also wearing some kind of goggles on her neck.

??: May the anemo god protect you two strangers.

"..Uhh thanks?"

So there is also some kind of God in this world? Also, what does anemo mean? Is it the name of this god? Should I ask her?

Amber: I am Amber, outrider for the knight of favonius. You two don't look like citizens of Mondstadt, explain yourselves.

"Y-You are pretty hostile. Anyways, I am Mano."

I waited for a moment so that Lumine can introduce herself.....but she didn't. I looked towards her only to see her wearing a clueless expression on her face.

"Lumine, what's wrong?"

Now it was Amber who was now wearing a clueless expression. What's happening?

Lumine: M-Mano....Can you tell me what she is speaking?


Lumine: Like I said, I don't understand what you two were talking about.

"Lumine....I was conversing with her using the same language I always used. Even right now, the words that I am speaking at this very moment belongs to that same language."

Lumine: No, you were clearly speaking a different language from the one you usually used.

Amber: What language are you two using to converse with each other?

"Wait, you too Amber!"

Amber: What about me?

Oh my god, I think I am going to lose my mind. Are they playing a prank on me?

"Amber, you are telling me...that I was using a different language when I was talking with my friend here, Lumine."

Amber: Of course. I couldn't understand a single word.

"What if I tell you, that I have been using this same language this whole time?"

Amber: Then I would say that you are lying.

"That's the thing! I am not lying."

Lumine: seems like you are arguing with her. Can you tell me what's the matter?

I turn my head towards Lumine and was going to say something when a thought suddenly entered into my mind. I remain silent for a moment before saying.

"Hey Lumine, can you try talking with Amber for a moment?"

Lumine: But-


Lumine: ...Fine.

I look towards Amber and said the same thing.

"Amber, Lumine is going to say something to you. Listen carefully, ok?"

Amber: I don't know what you two are upto but...fine, I will play with your antics for now.

Lumine turned her head towards Amber as the latter stared back at her.

Lumine: ( ዘቿረረዐ, ጠሃ ክልጠቿ ጎነ ረሁጠጎክቿ ) Hello, my name is Lumine.

Amber: ...? ( ʅɿƙȝ ɿ ՏԹɿԺ, ɿ ՇԹՌ'Ե ՄՌԺȝՐՏԵԹՌԺ աɧԹԵ ՎԾՄ ԹՐȝ ՏԹՎɿՌԳ.). Like I said, I can't understand what you are saying.

Lumine: ( ዕዐ ሃዐሁ ጕክዐሠ ፕዘቿ ሠዘቿዪቿልጌዐሁፕነ ልጌዐሁፕ ጠሃ ጌዪዐፕዘቿዪ? ) Do you know the whereabouts about my brother?

Amber: ( ՌԾ ʍԹԵԵȝՐ աɧԹԵ ՎԾՄ ՏԹՎ ԵԾ ʍȝ, ɿԵ ԺԾȝՏՌ'Ե ՇɧԹՌԳȝ Եɧȝ ԲԹՇԵ ԵɧԹԵ ɿ ՇԹՌ'Ե ՄՌԺȝՐՏԵԹՌԺ ԹՌՎ ԾԲ ՎԾՄՐ աԾՐԺՏ. ) No matter what you say to me, it doesn't change the fact that I can't understand any of your words.

I see. I think I now know what exactly is happening.

"Alright Lumine, you can stop talking with her."

Lumine nods her head and immediately stops talking.

"Thanks for agreeing to my request Amber. I think I have an idea what is going on."

Amber: Really?


As it turns out, I really was speaking two different languages. I can somehow understand the alien language that Lumine usually uses and the language that the people belonging to this planet uses.

What a turn of events. But why am I the only who can understand this unknown language that Amber is using and not Lumine? Didn't we both touched the statue? Why am I the only one getting the special treatment?

Anyways, I told my answer to Lumine first and foremost so that we can discuss together whether to tell the whole truth to Amber or not.

As expected, Lumine was surprised upon hearing my answer but she quickly returned back to her calm expression.

"So, what do you think? Should we tell her the truth?"

I was speaking loud and clear right in front of Amber since she wasn't going to understand what I was speaking to Lumine anyways.

I can see that Amber was getting impatient minute by minute so we need to arrive to a conclusion soon.

Lumine: I think...we should talk about our situation to her.

"Are you sure?"

Lumine: Yeah but we should omit some details for our own sake.

"Ooh! That's a cool idea. Fine, leave this matter to me."

I quickly turn my head towards Amber who was wearing an annoyed expression on her face. Can't blame her since we kept her waiting for quite some time.

I cleared my throat before speaking to her.

"I am sorry for keeping you waiting."

Amber: ..It's fine. Now can you tell me what were you discussing with her.

"O-Of course. So, it turns out, I was really speaking 2 different languages!"

Amber: I told you so but more importantly, how come you were unaware of the fact that you can converse in two languages without even realising it?

"I....don't know. Turns out, stuff like this happens. Maybe I am a genius and I can understand any language."

Amber: I am not sure about that.

"It's upto you whether you want to believe it or not."

Amber: Alright fine, I will think about this later. Now, what were you two discussion with each other?

"Oh..about that. We were contemplating whether to talk about this matter to you or not."

Amber: What's wrong? Are you guys in some kind of trouble?

"Here's the thing, she has been separated from her brother during a long journey. She has been travelling in order to find his whereabouts and I am tagging along in order to help her."

Amber's expression softened a little.

Amber: Separated from your family huh...I see, in that case, I will help you two in order to put up posters around the city.

"Would you? Really? Thanks!"

Amber: No problem. In any case, you two should have spoken about this matter sooner to me. I wouldn't hesitate away in order to help those in need.

"Yeah but we were not sure about your character and intentions. That stranger danger thing, you know."

Amber: Hmm..I guess you are right. Anyways, let me quickly finish my work. Then, I will personally escort you two in the city.

And just like that, boom. Problem solved. I am surprised that she is trusting us this easily. Talk about a gullible character. Well, it's not like we were lying either.

Amber: Follow me you two.

Amber said before she started walking. I grabbed Lumine's hand once again and signalled her to follow behind her footsteps.

While we were walking, I quickly told Lumine everything about what I discussed with her. Once I was done, she nodded back and give me a headpat.

"By the way Amber, what work are you doing exactly?"

Amber: Can you see that group of monsters in the distance. They have been getting close to the city recently. My task is to clean up their camp.

As she said, I can definitely see a goblin like monster in a distance with two elongated ears. They were also wearing some kind of mask.

"They seem kinda dangerous. Are you sure you can defeat them by all by yourself."

Amber: Of course. Besides, it's not the first time I am doing this kind of work. There is no need to worry.

Despite she said this, I signalled Lumine to help her in the battle against them.

Soon, Amber was attacking those monsters one by one with her arrows, their tip being infused with fire.

I guess it's a given that people from this world have magical powers if even I was able to obtain it. It looks like she got fire powers. Pretty cool.

I have to say her aim is extraordinarly good. She must have practicing with her bow and arrow for quite a long time.

But her arrows weren't enough to defeat all of them. On the contrary, those monsters spotted her location and were coming towards her with their wooden club and shields.

Lumine quickly gots up and blast half of them away with her wind powers whereas Amber quickly takes out the other half with her archery skills.

While I was enjoying this show, one of them monsters quietly sneaked behind me. I didn't even realise that monster was going to attack me until it gives out a 'Yaah' sound.

The moment I turn around, the wodden club that the monster was holding was right in front of my face mere cm's away. Even though I can use the wind powers, I knew it was too late.

Just as the wooden club was going to hit my head, it was like time slowed down all of a sudden. What is this cliche. Am I going to have flasbacks now before I succumbed to my inevitable death? Just as I was having these thoughts, an idea came into my mind.

Before that wooden club could even hit a single strand of my hair, it instantly evaporated. I couldn't believe it. That monster couldn't believe it.


When I laid my eyes on that monster, it was not it's turn to get instantly evaporated. What the hell? Isn't this ability of mine a bit too dangerous and overpowered?

Amber: Phew! Good work Lumine. You surprised me a bit with your moves.

Lumine couldn't understand what she was saying so just decided to nod her head and go with the flow.

Amber: Hmm...what's up Mano? Why are you sitting on the ground like that?

"'s nothing."

I think they didn't saw what I just did. In that case, I will keep this fact hidden from them until I experiment a bit more.

Lumine walks upto me and give me a hand while looking at me with a worried expression.

Lumine: Did something happen?

I shake my head as I reassured her that everything was ok.

Lumine: Mano, can you ask her if these monsters are always this close to the city?


I quickly grabbed Amber's attention by calling her name and relay Lumine's question to her.

Amber: It's because of the dragon- 'Stormterror' that these hilichurls are seen in this area a lot recently. Because of these two factors, the local market has also been affected a lot as well.

Hilichurls huh, so that's what these monsters are called. Even the dragon has a name. Must be the same one that we both see earlier. I should remain quiet about this for now.

"So are you the only one who is tasked with this work? What about the other knights?"

Amber: Well, our situation is a bit complicated at the time. Moreover, because the stormterror has been around for a while, the storms frequently hit the city causing injuries to both, civilians and the knights.

"I see, so most of them must have been tasked with the protection of the city and its people. In that case, you must have been pretty busy if you are tasked to complete this mission all alone."

Amber: Hehe...I am not that much impressive as compared to Jean. In any case, clearing out these camps help a lot to make this area safer.

"That's true. Jean? Is she the boss of her's"

Amber: Let's go you two. A responsible knight must complete its duty to the very end.

And thus, we continued on to our journey to the city. Of course, I relayed every bit of information I obtain from Amber to Lumine. I can see myself getting pretty tired with this thing in the future. I must help her to learn this language as soon as possible.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally arrived at our destination. I can see the entrance to the city which was connected by a bridge.

While we were crossing the bridge, I saw a boy feeding the pigeons.

(Oops, sorry. It's the wrong Timmie)

(AHHH! sorry once again.)

(This is the real one)

"Uhh...Amber, didn't you said earlier that stormterror was seen a lot in this area recently? Is it really safe for a boy this age to be all alone?

Amber: That boy name is Timmie. As for your question, I think it's alright since he is just right at the entrance of the city. Also, I think I should warn you but he is pretty sensitive about his pigeons. Be sure not to disturb him when he is feeding his pigeons.

Damn, I guess to him, feeding his pigeons is way more important than some dragon and his own safety. Meh, in any case, I think Amber is right. Besides, if anything happens, those two knights standing at the guard that I can see from this distance, can come to rescue.

We quickly made our way inside the city where I am greeted by the sight of mediaeval type of houses along with people busy with their work....although some of them can be seen a little agitated.

Amber: Travelers under the protection of knights of favonius- Welcome to Mondstadt.

"So this city is called Mondstadt a.k.a the moon city."

Amber: Moon city huh? That's the first time I have ever heard someone calling Mondstadt by this name.

"First time? Then what it's usually called?"

Amber: Glad you asked. Mondstadt is often referred to as city of freedom and songs. Mondstadt also falls under the protection of anemo god, although no one seen that deity for a long time.

"I see. Thanks for telling me."

So this an-emo god walked on this planet in the past. Oh! Poor Lumine, she is once again looking clueless. I should really find an opportunity to teach her this language as soon as possible.

Amber: You may have already noticed by the expression of the people that they have been put out of place by stormterror recently. But there is no need to worry, with Jean on our side, everything will turn out fine.

"That's the second time you mention that name. Is this 'Jean' some kind of your boss?"

Amber: could say that. Jean is the acting grandmaster of the knights of favonius. She is really awesome.

An 'acting' grand master huh? I wonder what happened to the real grandmaster.

Amber: In any case, before we head to the headquarters, I have a present for both of you.

"Present! But why? Is it some kind of special occassion?"

Amber: It's a reward for helping me to clear out that hilichurl camp.

"Oh..but I didn't do anything. Should I even be eligible for this reward."

Amber: It's fine.

".....I-In that case, thanks."

Amber: Meet me at the city's ahh...high ground!


Saying this, Amber quickly run off leaving me and Lumine finally alone. I once again told Lumine everything, from Jean to presents.

Lumine: I have to confess that it's pretty frustrating not understanding what you two were saying to each other.

"Yeah I can imagine that but don't fret about it too much. I can teach you once we find some free time. Until then, I will act as your translator."

Lumine: Then I am counting on you, Mrs. Translator.

"Ughh...I don't like this title. Please refer to me as you always do."

Lumine: Hehe...I am joking.

"Sigh...Anyways, what's the plan now? Should we head towards Amber's location or should we explore this city a little bit?"

Lumine: Hmm...what do you think Mano we should do?

"I am fine with either choice."

Lumine: In that case, let's go and meet up with Amber.

"Alright then. I wonder what present she is going to give us."

Lumine: Maybe something related to food since we haven't eaten for quite a while.

"I completely forgot about that! So many things happened today that the thought about lunch completly slipped out of mind."

Lumine: How about we treat ourselves to some food after our buisness with Amber.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Lumine: Then what are we waiting for, let's go quickly.

Mano quickly grabbed Lumine's hand as they both quickly headed to the city's ahh....high ground!

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